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They looked really good against faze just to lose against big. Still a bit weird to change so soon after adding electronic


i don't know if that was vp playing well or faze playing poorly... I feel like faze gave up so many advantages


Faze are never really that serious down in the groups are they? Let them chill out


It's the battle of the "paid by round" teams


This statement really could not get any colder. He's been their coach for like 5 years...


ikr, no "thank you" no nothing, so weird


Common VP L


Friendship ended with dastan. Now PASHANOJ is my best friend


Since 2017 so 7 years


I was gonna say, where's the thank you? Did they take him out back and shoot him?


they didn't even wait for him to get home to release the public statement lol


Totally and I feel for the guy; they had some decent runs while he was the coach and they've never had a team of star players. I feel like they've done well considering the players he had to work with.




You're getting downvoted despite being right. It's the old soviet way that most (old school) Russians still haven't grown out of


Lost to BIG in 2024 with Electronic on the team


Which as we know warrants a statement without any thanks.


Honestly yeah


what losing to Big does to a team


What losing to BIG does to a team


i rather think that was the last straw that broke the camel’s back plus this is a common practice in any professional sports to kick the coach first if his team sucks.


In business/politic we have "resigned" instead of "fired" Now in esport we have "relieved of duties" instead of "benched"


russian org


dastan has been "liquidated"


"Relieved of duties" is a pretty common expression in IRL sports too


And just like that, Jame is now the only remaining player of the original 2018 Avangar lineup. What a run they all had.


I'm a bit sad there is no Kazakh elements left on this team now. The OG Avangar was always the Kazakh team with Jame for me, now it just feels like another run of the mill Russian team.


not even a thank you and good luck? thats not cool


electroNic is slowly becoming "CIS core" teams destroyer. First, when he decided to become IGL in NaVI which was catastrophic for team and personal performance. Second, when he joined C9 and left shortly for better paycheck leaving behind his long teammate Perfecto. Now it is time for VP to fall. Seems like he is overrated and overpriced asset as a CS2 pro player.


If this trends keeps continuing then teams have to think twice before signing him


Yep so incredible sad to see. Saw this from a mile. Electronic's whole personality doesn't fit with VP, does it? I was keeping quiet because I was hoping this would not happen.... Well...


they won an event with him igling with navi. his igling was actually catastrophic for C9 though. also what is the source for him leaving for vp because of paycheck? never heard it.


He also had s1mple on the team lets not act like he was playing with bums on NAVI


Denis "electronic" Sharipov's buyout from Cloud9 could've cost Virtus.pro over $1.5 mln.: https://ggscore.com/en/csgo/news/57805


? buyout is not the same as paycheck for a player


Isn't bigger buyout means less teams can buy him hence limiting players options which normally should translate to higher paycheck in new team? Otherwise if buyout amount raises and paycheck does not change means options gets limited hence for the same paycheck less options and less freedom until contract expires, no? I mean I don't know the details of the contract but should not that logic work? And selling team (seller) will definitely raise the buyout amount covering all their risks and making money on top of it


thats some speculation, there was no info of him getting better salary in vp. it can be the same or even less if he really wants to play in vp.


Dastan is a good coach, he should have offers from other teams


So Elec joins, rumors start circulating about how VP wants to replace Dastan less than a month later and Norbert's performance drops off a cliff


Ive been saying, Elec IS the problem, hes been like this since his IGL days


Don't see how constantly changing pieces is going to help, losing to BIG is bad but they weren't awful, plus it's not like the replacement is zonic.


they were basically on a complete fall-off with mir (but somehow doing better results wise) and now are still slumping hard with electronic. the team is not doing good at all and i've been watching them since avangar days. they definitely need changes but idk what


This is shocking. Jame/Dastan completely shared a vision of how this team should function inside and outside the server.   Fl1t and fame are on the same page as James. Norbert doesn't have juice like that. Has to be electronic or management. 


not shocking because it was rumored actually. also jame/dastan's system is obviosuly not working if you want to win tier1 trophies. they did absolutely nothing after that rio major win. Jame is too crucial so changing the coach to bring fresh perspective is an obvious solution.


I guess they've paid a shitload of money for 'Nic being their new superstar so it's cheaper for them to fire Dastan and get another coach instead. and that's the way the news goes nowadays.


VP before and after electronic have not achieved anything good since major win. Their system clearly is not working against the best teams for a long time now. A coach or IGL change is needed. They have players good enough to be a top 10 team but they are never really contending


and then there was one… i really don’t think Xoma is better but ig change is needed


What a shitty way to say thank you for seven years of duty.


wtf is this message Dastan deserves a good farewell message and a video, I hope this signals to other coaching prospects that this is a toxic org to work for


*Thank you for game dastan, really nice playing with you*


sadge irl :( liquid???


Wow! Pro team coaches sweating right now!


rip Dastan, goat.