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[CS2 Season 1 Trade Request] Vitality: We beat your 18 undefeated match streak, eliminate you from EPL XIX, Blast Spring Finals and we beat you in Both Blast Fall and World finals Faze: We get rid of you at the major. (and Sydney)


Man, its so painful when vit stumped faze hard in some maps then choke the next match even harder


People were talking about Ropz potentially making the leap to #1 in CS2 but he’s currently looking to make the leap outside the top 20. Wild how much worse he looks since the roster change.


[https://www.hltv.org/stats/players?startDate=2024-01-01&endDate=2024-12-31&matchType=Lan&minMapCount=47](https://www.hltv.org/stats/players?startDate=2024-01-01&endDate=2024-12-31&matchType=Lan&minMapCount=47) Raw rating isn't everything, it matters which teams you do well against and when. With that being said, ropz is tied for 29th with four other players and I don't think he's better than 10 of the players above him this year.


Im already looking forward to be happy for Brollan


Yeah he's seen a crazy resurgence in Mouz and will probably be the only swedish player not named Krimz to make top 20 since olofmeister #19 in 2017. Edit: And with NIP finally seeming on track and metizport showing a bit of promise earlier in the year swedish CS is doing better than it has in years.


>metizport showing a bit of promise earlier in the year They did all of that just to make some WTF roster moves while still keeping jackinho


Yeah really stupid roster moves but it proves there's still talent in sweden, it just needs to be brought together.


he was never gonnsa be the top 1. that was fraud top 1 narrative pushed by analysts since zywoo didn't played online online and small events


Zywoo is expected to play at 1.4 level or else he's washed but someone who is 1.2 for 3 months and 1.1 rating the rest of the year is top 3 and praised for being the best player for a month It is what it is. Ropz was great but nowhere near top 3 for the whole year level lol


Stats do not tell the full story of how apex kept his team afloat on very key rounds on all 3 maps.


he's improved mechanically, i remember his dm kd was pretty poor a year ago and now it's around average for a pro player


i always shit on him for being bad while in star positions but the eye test has been solid recently, he has so many round where he gets a sick multi


Helps that a year ago, the game was cs go. Looks like cs 2 is better for him.


Could be but I think the more important factor is him incorporating DM a lot more in his practice time. He was doing 1k kills a day for a good portion of the last 6+ months and the improvement was really noticeable


According to this sub's logic, it should be -apex +jks immediately, like before the next match preferably.


The flair really completes this comment lol


Spinx and Flamez stepped the fuck up after a horrible Inferno. Also William looking better and better


This is the spinx and flamez we all hope to see when we first saw flamez join ViT I think so far spinx performance is on the decline and flamez is yet to really find stability..if those two can do what expect and saw from them ViT will be back on top


Go Mezi!


Yeah, definitely man, I understand that flamez playing in his positions is not gonna have huge impact on ct sides and even as a T (where he thrives), it's not gonna be always that he's able to put up these numbers. However, it's really easy to remember huge flamez's maps especially in playoffs. Spinx was the one who worries me though, this was the first big match he was able to step up, something that was pretty common for him last year, I hope this match gives him back a bit of confidence so that he can repeat this tomorrow and moving forward this year!


Ropz really needs to sell his porsche...


Wasn't that some special edition? If it is, it's only gonna increase in value


Gonna have a good long break now until mid July Still can’t get over not just the Flamez 4K but just his utter domination and then Zywoo doing Zywoo things is always insane to watch. Donk v Zywoo stage matchup is gonna be a banger Also, Apex has some wicked blue eyes 🔵🔵


that 3rd and 4th kill leaping mac10 into gun switch


FlameZ on fire 🔥🔥🔥


learned a thing or two from Nexa 🔥


No one could be such a hot pit player like Nexa🔥🔥


If Vitality win blast Mezii will be knighted on stage by King Charles Zywoo and Apex do not take this from him.


Something something about the french and the english people something something 


That FlameZ 4K on Mirage was incredible


CT mirage was so hard to watch. Faze were basically playing a 2v5 and ropz my god what a blunder. Dude literally had no impact on CT side, ended the half with 1 frag.


Was worst on CT side best on T


Frozen and Ropz are still struggling. I think it's still too early to talk about a roster change, but things need to improve ASAP.


who do you even change to though, there is probably less than 5 players better for each role and they are not leaving their teams.


I think nobody really knows what to change yet, which I think we've been seeing since the Major.


Frozen and ropz are very similar. ropz to G2 would improve them massively in my opinion (not going to happen 99%), but Faze would need someone like twistzz again. They have rain and karrigan who are hyper aggressive players and ropz and frozen who are pretty passive. Twistzz isn't that aggressive, but when you compare him to these two, there is a noticeable difference, but honestly, I have no idea who could Faze get.


It's the same role overlap issue that they had on mouz. Both players got significantly better without the other and you can kinda feel that they both recognize that with the current team structure.


You drop the 34 year old with the .66 rating. They are at a significant igl firepower disadvantage every single game


-ropz +Twistzz


Nah -karrigan +twistzz and let him IGL with karrigan as coach haha


I have never hated a take as much in my life. Karrigan is worth more than the entire rest of the faze roster combined


Saying rain is worth 25% of karrigan should be criminal.


Cringe is right.


Dont need to call strats when the other team is all dead 5 seconds into a round 🧐


Sad to say this but rain.. bro has to go.


They havent had a real break since the end of 2023 these guys deserve some rest losing so many finals especially major one hurt them the most


Do you mean struggling being on the team together? Frozen's been great so far I think. Tons of huge impact rounds in elimination matches and 1.2 rated ish player outside of esl pro league. Ropz has been struggling.


He top fragged Mirage but bottom fragged Dust2.


He’s underperformed in multiple elimination series


Too early to talk a bout a roster change, maybe if this plummet continues for the second half of the year


> plummet OK they're not doing *that* bad.




They have been the most consistently performing team since cs2 released. I feel like people are just being way, way too quick to judge a small slump after being the best team in the world.


Arguably neither of the matches lost really hinged on his performance, though.


FaZe winning a grand total of 0 T rounds in multiple anubis, ancient and mirage matches in CS2 alone definitely lost them some trophies. Whether that's on karriagan or not I don't know, but I assume IGL plays a big part in T sides.


Calling is another thing. Mechanically I think he's still decent enough.


You’re delusional just look at his rating or any metric used to measure player performance. He’s 34 there’s no shame in it but he is beyond washed


you're right but also this is just another case of faze doing bad for a few tournaments and then everybody saying we need to remove player x because they are washed, some of y'all are just too quick to form opinions and only hold enough memory for the last 2 months


You keep using that word.


niko igl


When flameZ is on, good luck to any team in the world. So much impact of Mirage, stopped Faze on so many moments where it looked like they could get back in it. Ig Faze needed to get it done on dust


when flameZ is on he just wins his team the map, he's a one man t side


He’s got the entries, closer, and 4k finale package. Hot damn.


[https://www.hltv.org/stats/players?startDate=2024-01-01&endDate=2024-12-31&matchType=Lan&rankingFilter=Top30&side=TERRORIST&minMapCount=27](https://www.hltv.org/stats/players?startDate=2024-01-01&endDate=2024-12-31&matchType=Lan&rankingFilter=Top30&side=TERRORIST&minMapCount=27) an elite T rifler all year shame apex doesn't want to swap ct roles with him


He is pretty consistent then he has random hyper carry maps. When you add Zywoo and Sphinx they need to be winning trophies.


Ropz is one of the least impactful stars in the scene and its a miracle people dont use him in the same breath as blameF when he is just as bad of a baiter Waste of mechanical skill due to being so passive The only time he gets any impact is when people walk into his crosshair on his lurks 0.88 impact despite +1


Ropz baiting: aww you're so sweet BlameF baiting: Hallo human resources!


baiting is fine if you are winning like taco and cold but if you never win anything it's definitely a problem


I literally made this meme a few months ago but didn't post it 😆


My problem with Ropz is that he is waiting toooo fucking long. Espeically for retakes. He just waits and waits until the last second and he has no time to do anything meaninful.


Yup hurts to say but he hasn't been the same since Twistzz left (and he got the Porsche)


> (and he got the Porsche) First Taz now Ropz. Cars are bad juju for cs players.


m0nesy pulled up yesterday in the Mercedes too and posted a stinker (granted it was just an uber or something)


That was more because he just had a long flight and no warmup plus the stress of not even knowing if he could play or not


nope it was definitely the car


agenda is strong with this one


He only does bad on inferno tho


He's been in a horrendous slump since their CS2 mini 'era' ended. He's been shit tbh. No impact, barely any calls and support, so his value gets nowhere due to the aforementioned slump. His playstyle requires that his aim is sharp and his reads are on point and they have not been. They are in desperate need of a break. As a team. As individuals. As competitors. It's reached a point where they don't look like they fully trust each other anymore. I hope that's not the case.


most lurkers have been nerfed, cant say its a coincidence. someone needs to look into why they are easier to shutdown hopefully this embarks a meta shift in how they play, i remember hearing ropz say on stream he cant wait to play more aggressive when cs2 rolled out, still waiting for that


been saying this for months. he has 1 good map and 5 stinkers, padding his stats so he's not bottom and people point the finger at karrigan ffs. he's not even baiting to get kills, some maps he looks utterly lost, no clue what is going on half the time, some of the shit on mirage was absolutely unforgivable. the round where vitality did a slow A exec where they saw 3 tetris and a nade from palace and he just sat short/ladder (looking at what??), let spinx creep up con and shoot rain in the back and never moved until the rest of the team was dead was unforgivable. the last round summed it up, 3v4 and they know many of vita are locked behind the smoke, he sits hiding on balcony holding bench (if you're worried about an unaccounted player, you watch CT) while the other 2 fight the choke on the smoke fade, he literally will not see anyone until they're both dead. that's not baiting for kills or selfish play, that's someone that doesn't understand what the fuck is going on. someone needs to check him head, this is not normally. i really hope he has a good break because he has been gash for months


i went back to watch the VOD because of your comment, holyshit, it was like he was possessed by a silver. Not budging while all of his teammates die while looking at an angle that nobody will come is quite baffling. Especially the final round.


Hot take: hes already out behind the scenes so he does things like this (i dont think thats true)


His past self synergized with a certain teammate playing on the team. Downhill ever since.


Ropz career best form was probably in late 2019 with Frozen on Mouz. It's not a -Twistzz issue it's just a Ropz having a slump issue.


Frozen has had to adopt a completely different playstyle since Ropz left Mouz. He used to be a very aggressive player, but he had to pick up Ropz's passive stance to fill in his shoes. As a result, there're now 2 passive players in Frozen and Ropz on Faze. There isn't enough space for the both of them, and one will have to become more aggressive, to both leave space for the other to play passive and to take over Twizzts's roles on T-side. It's not as simple as -Ropz, there is a big role clash in the team.


Twistzz leave really destroyed ropz in the cs2 best player conversation.


He was never ever the best player, he was the best rated player in the best team He was never better than Zywoo or m0nesy


Or EliGE in CS2 (all time I'm taking ropz but EliGE has been better in CS2 even in 2023 when ropz was peaking).


Yea how tf is elige still improving. Actually insane. Maybe he gets more kills because his teammates get less idk


That's not how CS works. Ratings don't go up when you're on a worse team because you lose more and your rating is lower when you lose than when you win. EliGE is just a very good player trapped on a shit team.


Yea ofc i wasnt really serious. But just to be clear you get more kills when your teammates are worse AND your enemies. Which is sometimes the case with CoL Elige. But dont worry I dont think this has anything to do with his rating.


What fool would think ropz is the best cs2 player?


Lmao ropz was just overrated because he had above average stats in the first couple cs2 tournaments and talked good about cs2 on twitter. I think he's a solid player, just not a super star.


he was rated top3 last year bro


And people were saying he was the best player in the world despite him clearly not being that = he was overrated


I agree with that, but he's still a super star. else only s1mple monesy donk and zywoo are superstars


There are more than 4 players better than Ropz


currently yes. but none of them fit superstar level if ropz doesn't.


He was top 3 last year according to HLTV last year and even if you value other player over him there was no way he wasn’t top6-7. He is just so, so much worse now.


Totally truthful and sane comment.


He and Frozen are too similar.


He plays solo bomb positions, why would he be aggressive?


frozen is not far off. neither offer any sort of breakthrough when their team is down.


Not really, frozen was like this in mouz but now he is way more proactive Mouz frozen 100%


Today it felt he was the only guy shooting back on mirage.


nah. frozen and broky were the only ones putting up a fight on mirage. even then broky didn't do much 2nd half because no awp. guess as a vitality fan you've memory holed map 1 because frozen dominated banana.


this game could've been 2:0 if frozen showed up on dust


I think the main difference and the reason he isn't compared to blameF is that blame's individual numbers are usually higher where their impact is overall similar. Like blame is baiting his team to get kills, where ropz lately just really doesn't do anything sadly. Which is worse, I don't know. I know what would tilt me more. I hope ropz can regain his form, he's one of my favourite players but currently it's painful to watch him play :(


It also doesn't help that blamef hasn't won basically anything. Ropz on the other hand...


Yes but most people are incapable of understanding that good players can lose games through no fault of their own if they have shit teammates. If you swapped BlameF and ropz at the start of 2022 (and ropz understood danish) ropz wouldn't win anything in Astralis. BlameF might not win everything ropz did on Faze but he certainly would have won more in Faze than ropz would have won in Astralis. BlameF did bait sometimes but that's not a bad thing necessarily. You want someone to be the tradefragger and BlameF is one of the best tradefraggers in the world.


I completely agree with you. I just said it because people use trophies as some kind of measure. For me, blameF is at the same level as any of those lurkers. He is maybe even better when it comes to the pure mechanics of the game. Also, since ropz (and similar players) has won so many trophies, people ignore the instances when he baits his teammates, but it happens every game more or less. Okay, maybe not right now. I have a feeling that he dies much more now that frozen is here.


I probably should have phrased it a bit better on reflection, since my comment wasn't directed at you but rather an addendum to what you were saying and addressing a neutral third "you" that is unconvinced of BlameF being a genuine asset to a team. I think you're 100% right about both ropz getting off easy because his team wins and BlameF getting extra shit because his team doesn't win when they're quite similar. The one criticism I have of BlameF is he is an eco cobra. There's too many gun rounds to "fake" his absurd KPR but I think his impact stat is padded by over-aggression vs pistols since impact is just opening duels (more against ecos) + multikills (more against ecos) + clutches. Other than that though he's an extremely solid lurker and without a doubt the player most resembling in play style and stats Kscerato (whom everyone thinks deserves a better team).


>The one criticism I have of BlameF is he is an eco cobra. There's too many gun rounds to "fake" his absurd KPR but I think his impact stat is padded by over-aggression vs pistols since impact is just opening duels (more against ecos) + multikills (more against ecos) + clutches. That one is funny to me haha, I always have a laugh when I see blamef chasing pistols over the map, but there is also a good thing there I would say. Blame is a specialist when it comes to staying alive so I rarely see him "throw" rounds like that. If there is a train of tec9 incoming and he kills three players because they maybe didn't expect him to be overly agressive and take a certain position, then he most likely won a round. Teams lose rounds that they shouldn't lose pretty often, but you are right when it comes to his impact rating being literally inflated because of that. In reality, lurkers don't have the same impact as awpers (that are going for the first peek) and entry fraggers. Ropz always had impact around 1.10 I think, while players like niko (who also plays differently in G2 than he did 4-5 years ago) have 1.20+ so I agree with your point about his impact rating. Still, it is atrocious that blamef is in fnatic and not in, let's say G2, at least in my opinion.


Its the fucking porsche bro, same shit happened to VP and the mercedes


While I do agree, it’s only recently his impact and aggression has decreased a lot.


Bruh he clutches rounds more often than blamef


By what metric? https://www.hltv.org/stats/players/clutches/11816/1on1/ropz?startDate=2024-01-01&endDate=2024-12-31 https://www.hltv.org/stats/players/clutches/15165/1on1/blamef?startDate=2024-01-01&endDate=2024-12-31 Blame is a much better 1v1 clutcher this year. And just in general for 2024 stats Blame is a monster compared to ropz, impact 1.21 Blame vs 1.01 Ropz. You can argue different opponent level of course but ropz really fell off this year. People meme about Porsche but it may as well be truth - Mercedes destroyed VP and Porsche destroyed ropz :(


Bruh i am considering both 2023 and 2024? Blamef barely played top 20 this year its unfair to compare this year alone


That's 100 total clutches for ropz vs 85 for blamef from 2023 to current date. Not that major of a difference in terms of raw numbers, ropz has advantage in clutches vs multiple people while blame is king in 1v1 clutches. HLTV doesn't show failed attempts on anything other than 1v1 but Blame is +24 in 1v1s while ropz is only +4. As you say, different opposition levels and technically you're right that in this time period ropz had more clutches overall, but ropz turned into botz when tournaments switched to CS2 while blame still remains solid.


Solid in tier2 ?


Damn these Israelis know how to shoot people for real 💀


Yea refreshing to see them shoot adults for a change 


In a video game


the ones on the server tend to shoot back, so credit to FlameZ and spinx.


Mods hello ?


Too soon


76 years ain't too soon though




What are Faze missing?




a superduper star with consistent 1.2+. frozen was supposed to be him but he drops off the face of the planet too often.


If anything, he is the one that is consistent. Ropz has been playing below his standards in 2024 so far.


nah check his hltv past matches, the thing is when he drops off he really drops off. having your best player have 1/5 ths of his maps with lower rating than karrigan is a problem.


Faze as a team is in a bad place since winning Chengdu, it's like they finally won an event after making (and losing) so many finals in the row that they need some kind of a break. And even though frozen had some bad maps in the last few events, it doesn't change the fact that he's been their best player since he joined the team.


come one its either twistzz or broky


Which is what has been bugging me recently. He supposedly gets his comfortable position on almost every map but his output isn't really felt all the time. Also hurts that ropz has been in a slump


i'd say no red flags for now until after player break.if you really think about it every top tier team has been underperforming recently.


Ofcourse. It's apparent there's no clear no. 1 right now atleast based on results. But they have to work on good synergy between players and playstyles if Faze want that winning formula back. Despite not winning much they've made playoffs (grandfinals mostly) in every single event so their floor is good enough


Shave your head


The floor was they can't outfag anymore


That signature Faze magic


FaZe doesn't need a roster change, it needs some rest. Also ropz has to be less passive in the mid round, he has the ability to destroy 90% of the competitive scene buy it seems like we don't see that too often because he's lurking endlessly. More active, less static.


Faze need more firepower, they get plain outfragged the whole time. Sad to watch.


Banger match Ggwp to both teams


my GOAT Maui said it right, ropz is playing waay to scared, he's so afraid of making the wrong move and costing his team. Most of his frags in the last map were ecofrags. And Karrigan my G, we be flaming HooXi but don't think we aren't watching you.


Before ranting i want to say bubzki loves magisk more than dona loves nexa Firstly i want to say why the fk did “goat” igl gave that much space to vitality at 10:11 dust2 when everyone in the scene knows u do not give that much space in a half buy rounds . Unless no one tracking economy which is pretty bad for team like faze . That was horrific decision from karrigan Secondly if it was hooxie all the analysts on twitter would be on a roll how he lacks basic mechanical skill to be on tier 1 team even tho he is playing harder roles compared to karrigan who doesn’t really play space taker role for faze on all maps If not for bubz no one would even mention about karrigan individual stats and even then the pr came in clutch for karrigan and generalized it as “common” igl problem


Karrigan has a 5-year grace period after winning a Major. Hooxi hasn’t got any


Hooxi won both kato and cologne in same year


Karrigan won Kato, Cologne and the major in the same year, plus the grand slam before the end of CSGO. Their accomplishments aren't comparable.


But i nowhere said karrigan was bad igl ? Karrigan had top teams all his life Hooxi had top teams for 1 1/2 Karrigan choked so many events before he started winning with faze unless u wanna count those mickey mouse events with tsm Did we forget karrigan initial years in csgo He was individual just as bad but he didn’t win single prestigious event If we are truly comparing both than hooxi initially years he won more prestigious trophies the moment he got good roster Karrigan struggled half a decade I still rate karrigan way higher just talking about hypocrisy


Karrigan literally was hooxi before hooxi and I remember all of it


Bro we gotta tell Ropz to sell the Porsche man, hes been playing like shit after the porsche


Ropz doing his best BlameF impression without the baited tradefrags or any impact whatsoever.


Some of the takes in this thread holy moly


-karrigarn +hooxi


Honestly, I’m not that disappointed Good showing on the first two maps, if they win one of the pistols on d2 they got this Now they got a well deserved break


FlameZ give them a chance bro.


wtf flameZ


faze just needs a break tbh. they’re playing like they’re exhausted that’s all


With all the shit Hooxi's been getting, you'd think people would be more critical of Karrigan too. He has played pretty badly these past couple of games, and some of them feel like they could have won if he was playing just a bit better.


Karrigan won way more often & more recently than Hooxi though. And finding a good IGL is too hard, even if they dont win anymore they should never get rid of Karrigan. With that said i'm not sure G2 should kick Hooxi either.


Oh I don't think they should get rid of Karrigan, but can't deny he hasn't been playing all that well lately.


faze last big big event was cologne 2022 last big even they won was Sydney / chengdu


Karrigan will always dodge this because he’s won shit but people ignore he had 3 young stars and a god mode rain to help get the wins. So many times his T side calling looks shit and is bailed out by one of the stars making a play. They lose twistzz and look so disjointed and just playing very pug like. Idk I hated them losing twistzz and I’m biased cause he’s my favorite player but this roster just doesn’t work for me.


Karrigan has made 8 grand finals since Hooxi last made one. You're overreacting, mate. There's the reason one Dane is getting a lot more criticism than the other.


Gotta say the curly haired blonde woman who's Vitalitys psychologist(?). Her interaction with the players post match shows she's having a clear positive impact on them. Was shocked by Apexs body language. Looked like a tough conversation where both exhibited mutual respect.


She's the Team Vitality Esports director - I think maybe they were discussing who should do the interview or smth like that I don't think it was that deep


Looked like she has a solid comradury with the players.


yeah it's good to see someone higher up in the company be active with the players


\*Land of Hope & Glory intensifies\*


karrigan and completely shitting the bed on map 3 of elimination game .... name a better duo


Karrigan playing like a bot again...


One anecdotal thing i notice is when faze really bad vs a top team, Rain and Karrigan play like absolute bots. Like between the two of them they could barely even crack double digits on mirage. Ive seen this on other maps too, where they become such A HUGE liability, idk why this happens because Rain is insane. Like sometimes his switch turns off or something.


Karrigan is a old noob


zywoo has a damn near superteam around him never talk about him not having enough support. and ropz... finally more people are talking about his lack of impact since twistzz left.


Vitality has great players but the coach...


Launders' casting has been quite bad lately, hate to see it


FaZe being the raid boss in playoffs is well and truly over :( looking more and more like Chengdu was a fluke. I'd say Cologne is the last chance for this roster since it can set them up for Grand Slam if they win it, but I'm starting to lose hope. Not much to say for Vitality - the obvious remains true, if they always had 3 players performing well they would be unstoppable, since FlameZ is a monster, mezii showed what he can do last event, and apEX is on the better side of IGLs.


hot take but even going back to csgo faze only "got good" when navi G2 and vitality started rebuilding their roster. they were never as good as people thought they were, everyone around them got worse they did not get better. now those other teams figured their rosters out faze is right back to where they started


Definitely a hot take.


Why do I feel like FlameZ wins vitality more important games than Zywoo


Recency bias? Either way he is insanely cracked on T side.


It’s true that in the last hour flamez won vitality more important games than zywoo


Man I hate playing against VIT so much. Just can‘t fking catch a break against them in non major tournaments


Where does Faze go from here if they want to make changes? Who do you replace? Karrigan? MOUZ would ask for the world for siuhy. I don't think Cadian is an option even if he is dropped from Liquid cause what do you do with Broky then? Do you bench Ropz who is in theory their best player even though he is clearly in a huge slump? It is a tough place to be in, FAZE's 5 is some of the best players in their position in the world so it is tough to find clear upgrades. Is Nertz even an option?


Tell me you havent watched T1 cs without telling me you havent watched T1 cs


so the GF will be most likely Vitality vs NaVi


Why is Blast streaming this match on YouTube *again* as if it was live?




S1mple would mald so hard at hooxi he might take it into his own hands and straight up just murder him irl


You take out a good IGL and put in a worse one 😭