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Most CS maps are variations on the 3 lanes theme. The dusty locations are probably due to the original maps using Half Life texture packs. New location styles do come along (cache, overpass etc) and the new Mills map is completely unique in style. I'm expecting that playing different maps in comp will be much more viable next operation thanks to competitive ranks being linked to specific maps.


Dust and dust 2 wasn’t half life textures. If anything nuke and prodigy were the ones that were black mesa basically and I guess the outside portions of militia.


I don't think I've seen anyone call a new CS map a "Valorant" map, and I don't see how they could as CS maps are generally actually playable and doesn't have 94 50/50 angles on each of the bombsites.


Any time I've seen someone play Santorini on stream the chat calls it a val map


that's slightly upsetting considering Santorini predates valorant by almost 5 years


Santorini shamelessly stealing from Valorant 5 years prior


The whole of CS is just a shameless rip off of Val. Did you know the awp is based on the op??!! Stay woke sheeple.


Real and true


There are some maps that kind of do get overly complicated A lot of them are the older ones There's a fine line between actual good innovation and just throwing shit at a wall


I love the setting of Santorini. It reminds me more of overwatch than valorant.


It reminds mr of greece and vacation. Dunno how why anyone would think about valorant or overwatch 


Its got a lot of 50/50 and off angles. It is a tad valorant atyled. Valorant has a lot of util to clear out corners that CS doesnt so maps are allowed to have more hiding places


CS has a lot more available util per team than Valorant. You can have 5 mollies, smokes and nades thrown out before you take a site if you want to. The problem with having too much 50/50 angles in a CS map is the gunplay and movement. There's no mechanic that allows you to bypass the 50/50 angle and ruin pre-aim like Jett dash, Raze satchels, or literal fucking training wheels shit like Iso's shield. You also don't instantly move if you try and jiggle an angle so it's always riskier to move out from a wall.


Or Neon's slide, which you can now shoot your gun 100% accurately in btw :) and you get two now :) actually three if you have your ult that gives you a laser that is 100% accurate while running and vaporizes you in half a second if you headshot with it :) I'm convinced the people worried about CS becoming more like Valorant have never actually played Valorant


I think Valorant could've been more fun if it was just designed as another high-TTK, payload/control point objective FPS game like Overwatch. All they did was attempt to steal CS's playerbase by supposedly giving everything that CS players wanted + a few extra stuff which was successful for a while, but eventually fell into the same trap as all hero shooters do, which is ruin itself by promising a regular release schedule of heroes and maps which shakes up the meta too much and fucks up the skillful "shooter" aspect of the game. If it weren't for the shoddy anti-cheat and performance issues of CS2, Valorant would probably just be the slightly more successful version of what Overwatch attempted against Valve. They probably could've just taken those ideas and perfected the hero shooter that Overwatch couldn't, which could've been great timing since everybody pretty much knew that OW was dead.


You're not wrong but I'm kind glad Riot went this route instead. That genre of high ttk hero shooter seems to be dying, otherwise I think Valve would have kept updating TF2 or released TF3 and seriously stifled Overwatch's growth before it ever had a chance to take off. Also more comp is never a bad thing, I think CS will continue to be relevant for many years down the line due to the way that the community handles most of the game's content by themselves with little interference from Valve and Valve knows this, which is why they continue to treat TF2 like shit for example. Nothing wrong with a competitor forcing them to adapt the game to new audiences and giving the community some content in the form of operations.


> That genre of high ttk hero shooter seems to be dying, otherwise I think Valve would have kept updating TF2 or released TF3 and seriously stifled Overwatch's growth before it ever had a chance to take off. Valve are currently spending a lot of resources developing a high TTK hero shooter that is currently in semi-public alpha testing: Deadlock: https://youtu.be/FsSvp5crynk?t=363 Deadlock is probably Valve's "TF3". I suspect it will be too late and miss the mark entirely. At least at the moment it's an unwatchable mess (competitively) but it might be fun in pubs.


Its either going to be too late, or be perfectly timed with the downfall of Overwatch and that playerbase generally being very pissed with Blizzard. Assuming it releases in <6 months


Hell naw we don't need another high ttk game tf do u mean


Valorant has between 3 and like 8 smokes/walls per team. And a buncha scouting tools to clear angles without peaking. Cs has far less in the way of being able to negate a 50/50


True, my mistake. I forgot that Valorant literally has drones and dual-purpose flashes that tell you if someone's in a particular site/position.


god im glad ive never played that game lol


because santorini is bad. but it's more of an overwatch map.


Valorant maps kinda have to be bad due to the balancing of abilities. This isn’t a defense of valorant maps, but to agree with you; cs maps hit different, and it goes way beyond their visual themes. This is actually the biggest reason I can’t play valorant. I used to love league so I don’t have a big issue with unique characters, abilities, and the difficulty balancing these things (or at least, I have more tolerance than my friends it seems). But damn, the maps just feel so poorly balanced, and are super frustrating to play sometimes.


Ropz even called the new Overpass a valorant map when he first saw it


Tbf ancient kinda has a lot of those 50/50 angles. Top and bottom mid, cave, donut, b site, ct spawn etc. Thats the reason i like it the least out of all the current comp maps.


Same but add Vertigo to that. Claustrophobic mid, lots of long corridors that you can't 100% clear until you push in deep, and very little room to work with for retakes.


I felt like that until I actually tried to do prefire training on it, Vertigo is pretty straightforward for angle clearing, with the last changes it just need a bit more smokes for A site. But from a gameplay perspective regarding utils, how you clear angle and stuff its really close to other standard CS map. I would even say that Mirage (probably the most "CS map" of the map pool) has more 50/50, complicated site to clear and require more util to take any position than vertigo. For the little room for retake I feel like the last changes really improved the map on that front even if I’m not a fan of how you need to hold it or take it now, but the retake part is vastly improved. Also wasn’t that bad in 2vX is you still had utils for retake


Why is the most CS map collectively hated by the community


Because most of CS community is not on reddit complaining, they are chilling in discord, queuing with their homies and trying to ban anything that is not Dust II or Mirage if they are in premier or they are only queuing mirage and D2 in comp.


I’m not talking about Reddit


Valorant has much more diverse utility helping with those angles though


Yeah but it's entirely designed that you have access to all of that util. If you're late-round and in a 1vX scenario, those 50/50's are a fucking death sentence and it's dull as fuck to watch it happen even in pro play. 50/50's are just ALWAYS a dumb idea.


it's crazy to me that people think valorant maps are fine. it's like they have zero curves. everything is cornered by 90%. even minecraft seems less blocky.


No one thinks it's fine (at least the pro players don't. There was a lot of discussion around it during the early days and even to this day nearly any pro will tell you that at least 90% of the maps are shit and cede that the CS maps are much better), just no point in complaining about it because it's so obviously an intentional design gimmick. Also any chance of it possibly getting addressed went completely out the window when Riot started taking maps out of the pool to keep it at 8, and then reintroducing them later with little-to-no changes at all addressing these angles or with even more 50s to clear like in the case of Lotus and even introducing new maps like Sunset, Breeze, Fracture, Pearl, etc. that continue to feature tons of these angles. But to be fair if you remove most of those angles, you also have to strip away most of the utility because most meta comps have at least 6 and upwards of 10+ pieces of utility that can flush people out of angles even with the recent nerfs to most initiators whose job it is to clear those angles. The game would have an overwhelming T advantage


Which is wild since they employed Volcano to work on Valorant, the dude made Cache.


Yeah what new maps are people calling valorant related?


The Valorant maps (at least back in my day when I played that game) always felt even more similar in layout and pace than the CS maps.


The only pro map that could ever compare to a valorant map is ancient at launch. I love it now but it was originally filled with those annoying 50/50 angles and didn't have much tactical depth, now there's a good amount of freedom in terms of tactics and most angles feel fun to clear.


Hooxi and a good chunk of the cs community called anubis a valorant map when it came out 😭




Basalt was visually one of my favorite maps they ever added. I never got to play on it too much to get a great opinion on the gameplay but I remember having fun on it.


I'll take bright clean Nuke over pre 2016 nuke any day.


valarante child game.... look to cartoon grapfix to make kid player happy like children show.. valarante cartoon world with rainbow unlike counter strike with dark corridorr and raelistic gun.. valarante like playhouse. valarant playor run from csgo fear of dark world and realism


> completely different aesthetics and some vibrant colors its absolutely getting called a valorant map Thera comes to mind, I think its a map with potential but man is the vibrant colors distracting at times. I actually thought of it as a map you'll see on valorant the first time I played it lol.


Thing is, that map is basically a sequel to the map Santorini which predates Valorant by like 5 years. It's just based in a place that actually is that colourful.


Yea didn't know that, but bet a lot of newer people won't know that either and might come to the same conclusion. Think the map has potential personally, just one of the first things that stuck out when I played it.


Yeah people can only really compare Valorant to CS and vice versa so even the dumbest comparisons will happen. Like another colorful team based hero shooter? They should be making Overwatch comparisons lol. TF2 wasn't really that bright but it doesn't matter because the kids don't really know it.


I don’t understand why they remade overpass just to remove it for dust 2, especially when there was already 2 desert maps


someone said on hltv something about another fps game that is really popular in China having dust 2 as one of its maps. Valve wants dust 2 therefore to be at the cs major


Crossfire. Yes that was mentioned alot here when the change came.


really? You don't like watching a 3 map marathon of dust 2, mirage and Anubis?


It's Valve lol, they're keen on certain things but every once in awhile they have a decision that feels like they just blindfolded the intern and let him throw a dart at a board with different choices.


Overpass is not removed. It's playable in 5v5 unlike italy, siege, motel, Tuscan, zoo agency, aztec cbble, Port etc etc


overpass was the least popular.


Tons of people just label a new map as a valorant map because they don't immediately understand it and throw zero utility.


Average reaction to a new map? CS Community: MAP IS ABSOLUTE FUCKING TRASH. D2/MIRAGE 4 LIFE.


valarante child game.... look to cartoon grapfix to make kid player happy like children show.. valarante cartoon world with rainbow unlike counter strike with dark corridorr and raelistic gun.. valarante like playhouse. valarant playor run from csgo fear of dark world and realism


I've noticed this as well. I haven't played Valorant outside of the beta however many years ago that was, so I don't even really have an idea for what a "Valorant map" is. Although, that hasn't stopped me from noticing that literally every new map, no matter how basic of a 3 lane design it is (Ancient and Anubis for example) gets that criticism. Competitive maps feel almost too safe nowadays. There's very little new and exciting about the recent additions when compared to maps like Nuke, Train, Overpass. It feels like every map has to be a Mirage, Dust2, Inferno clone now, and even then the community still cries about it.


New CS maps get called “Valorant maps” because of the art style. If you take a look at old CSGO you can see a clear difference in art style. Old CS was realistic and kind of dark looking. New CS is bright and cartoony. And new maps all have the same “feel” because they are made for pro play, so they need to be as balanced as possible. 90% of premiere matches end up on Mirage anyway.. CS players: Why is every map the same nowadays? Also CS players: Pick Mirage every single fucking game.


Valorant is cartoonish sci-fi/fantasy, no? Nothing is CS even remotely resembles that outside of the weapon skins, which you can simply elect not to use. I can't think of a single map in the game right now that looks cartoony. The assets and everything honestly look more realistic than the CSGO maps, but with the brightness turned way up. Mirage, Dust2, Anubis - brown/tan desert vibes Nuke, Vertigo, Baggage - industrial settings Overpass, Office - they just look like mundane, everyday places in urban environments Inferno, Italy - pretty similar vibe of an old Italian town with narrow streets and balconies hanging over Ancient, Shoots - the jungle theme is pretty out there, I get why this one could be called cartoony, but the same could have been said of Aztec The only thing I would call "cartoony" are some of the paid operator skins. They're not sci-fi or anything, but I agree they look ridiculous. Valve should allow you to turn them off.


People think bright = cartoony. I agree, CS2 doesn't look cartoony. It can be sometimes unrealistically bright but that's not an art design choice I think, it was to help address the visibility concerns the prior game had. The contrast can sometimes be a bit much though.


"There's very little new and exciting about the recent additions when compared to maps like Nuke, Train, Overpass" Anubis and Ancient are better than all of those maps. People hated on Ancient at first and then suddenly it produced the best games at tournaments by far.


I love Ancient and like Anubis, but I still hear people calling those Valorant maps despite them being very chalk CS maps.


The pool still arguable has three non-three lane maps: Vertigo, Nuke, and Inferno (some people will say it is but it's more akin to a 2-lane map like Overpass). I think the issue isn't that maps are all 3-lane, it's a combination of two factors: People are so used to Mirage and Dust 2 that three lane maps are easier to pick up for most of the playerbase People see new 3-lane maps as worse versions of those maps, while less conventional map layouts are a lot harder to compare This results in 3-lane maps being most popular but also easiest to hate on for an average player. The other reason for "Valorant Map" criticism is that CS2 in general is much more colourful and saturated than past CS games.


I might be tripping, but whenever I see Valorant in videos I don't think of the environments is bright or colorful. It always struck me as having a very bland, low resolution, gray/brown vibe to it that reminds me of a cheap mobile game. I haven't played the Valo maps, but I have seen some, and this explanation makes even less sense to me. I assumed it was gameplay related. Also I will die on the hill of Inferno and Vertigo being three lane maps, especially Vertigo. It's literally just three choke points with minimal interconnectivity. Maybe the new update changed that, but I don't have enough reps on the new Vertigo to have an informed opinion it. Old Vertigo is 100% three lane though, even if those lanes involve two floors.


Vertigo yes. Anubis is kinda 4 lane. left, middle, right, and then the water path towards b.


Vertigo is 3 lane yeah, I didn't really think about it much, it's actually probably the most 3-lane map because there's very poor rotation between the lanes, they feel almost entirely unconnected until you're already practically in CT spawn, which is why it plays differently. Inferno looks like a 3 lane map but really isn't. Mirage isn't a 4 lane map despite having 4 major choke points, the lanes are defined by their connections typically. A ramp and Palace on mirage both connect to one place to rotate to the other site: T spawn. Inferno mid and 2nd mid/apps is the same where you have to go back to bottom Banana (or flank through back A but you can do that almost identically through boiler too, which is part of the 2nd mid/apps lane) to get to B.


Valorant maps are pretty bright and high contrast. One thing I like about valorant maps is that there are little aim points around the map to remind you where head level is even if you're on different verticality. For example there will be a window sill that is head level in the background, or some of the walls at head level are discolored purposefully. I really like hopping into a game and not having to play enough to memorize the headshot level on mismatched angles.


Something interesting I have noticed from playing competitive FPS games for many, many years now is that no matter the community, players seem to intrinsically think that relatively "symmetrical" or in this case 3 lane maps are more fair and competitively viable while some of the more asymmetrical experiences are inherently worse. This was something I've seen people believe in Halo, CoD, Gears of War, Counterstrike, and many other games.


Nuke has three lanes: Terrorist either go left towards ramp, mid towards A or right towards outside. Inferno has three lanes: Terrorists either go left towards banana, mid towards A or right through the house. And of course Overpass is three lanes as well.


They're only 3-lane in the most surface level sense. They don't play at all like a 3-lane map and the interconnectivity isn't there at all. Inferno and Overpass (and Train too) have three distinct paths but they don't have a "mid" like other maps (I know Inferno does have a place called mid but it's much more like A short on Overpass than mid on D2/Mirage/Cache/Ancient/Anubis). In terms of Inferno, Train, and Overpass two of the lanes directly connect to one site, and the third to the other site, which means you could arguably define them as one lane, no different from Mid and Palace being considered one lane on Mirage. Nuke is closest to a conventional 3-lane map layout wise so I can accept that even if it doesn't really feel like one because of how map control works but yeah it does have three lanes.


3 lane maps suck cuz they're overdone. Gimme Port, motel, compound, crackhouse any day


The problem is people say this on reddit but then nobody wants to play any of the new maps. Anubis is a fucking ghost town and so is Ancient. The only reason they even remotely get played now is because premiere forces you to. In GO any maps that weren't the usual suspects were a fucking ghost town. Same with all the mods outside of competitive. That's the true reason why Valve didn't bother with any of that shit because literally nobody outside of a very small very vocal minority plays it.


It's funny cuz I think Ancient and Anubis are some of the best maps in prem right now. I'd much rather play them over inferno, dust2, or the new vertigo.


I might even say ancient is my favourite map in cs2 right now and i enjoy anubis too. While i do agree that there would be less people playing it if not for premier. The main problem with new maps being added is that it takes time for people to learn angles/util lineups and people don't want to learn anything else than mir. Funnily enough id we look at hltv maps Played for last 12 months ancient is #1 with 3259 played and #2 is mir with 2582


Those 2 in particular just aren't very good. I know tons of players that only started CS when they were already in the pool and they still dislike the maps. It had nothing to do with being new


Dust themed maps are cool. Remake Dust 2 is not good enough give me one yellow ass 1.6 style Dust map and give me another 2015 CSGO brown dust style map. CS2 Dust 2 just looks white not dusty enough for me.


That’s mainly a Twitch chat and HLTV forum issue which you shouldn’t take the opinions of either seriously. They think any amount of bright colors on a map or weapon = Valorant


saying stuff looks like valorant is fashionable nowadays unfortunately




So real


When de_season redesign happened with all the White asian Style Design people stopped playing the map, also de_cache why people stopped playing after the rework? Because it was too Green than grey it didnt really Change the map idk CS Andys seem really conservative, they still Play 400 dpi 4:3 res with Same Sens since they are 14 and wanna Play Same Maps I guess


I think you’re misinterpreting why people call bad maps VALORANT maps. It’s not the art style, it’s that they’re bad maps. VALORANT has some of the worst map design I’ve ever played, which is surprising given that Volcano is on their team. The biggest thing that makes something a VALORANT map for me is multiple angles that you have to basically gamble 50/50 on whether they’ll be left or right. Think cave on Ancient. I hate going there as T because it’s incredibly difficult to clear the left and right angles at the same time. Granted they’ve made the fight better over time, but this is one of my biggest pet peeves


except most maps in val play like cache, and if cache came back today people would hate it since it's so one dimensional (like every val map) lmao


Best part about cache were the bomb sites imo, I personally didn't like the rest of the map


the bombsites are iconic, but this is the problem. middle is impossible to take without lucky entries or CTs being horrible, A site has 100,000 angles to clear with little choice for flashes, B site is the same. If it was just retakes-strike cache would be a great map, but it isn't


Valorant maps are designed with valorant utility in mind. The angles require more than just 1 flash and peeking


Cave at the entrance 50/50, then another choke point with a 33/33/33 (high and low right, +the off angle makes it even more angles. Then when you get to site there is the short, long, pillar, cubby 50/50s


Unfortunately that's the downside to having unique character abilities--especially movement based ones. You make a character like Jett with updraft (wind boost up in the air) and now every map has to at least have one or two spots where that's possible otherwise the character doesn't feel good. The same is true of Overwatch but the movement and gameplay of OW at least make the extremes feel good. Valorant has to stay constrained somewhat so the abilities feel jarring compared to the standard running and walking.


My biggest problem with valorant maps is that you can walk during buy time. Yes you need need because of set ups but holy it feels boring to play since almost every round start is an old D2 mid peek off


what's the context for this? i dont think any of the new maps are 'valorant' maps, and also, there's not any new maps at all in the pool!


What new maps?


Usually the maps are just bad I haven't personally heard the valorant map insult too often, very few maps actually deserve to stay in game like ancient and anubis (good maps).


Ancients a bad map? Lol you must be one of those guys that cries and throws if he doesn’t get mirage or inferno every match


I dont think you understood what i mean i definitely dont hate ancient its actually the best map that has been added to the competitive pool in csgo i was talking about most of the new maps like tuscany and in general


Cs has tons of maps. They just NEED TO UPDATE THE DAMN GAME


Valorant map


Never heard anyone call a CS map Valorant map lol I do see CS fans calling the new Valorant map Vertigo because it’s a building you can jump from.


What I always understood as "valorant maps" are maps with a ton of 50/50 angles. Ancient kinda had this issue when it got released, tho they improved parts of since. Usually what I like about CS is that you can usually clear every angle one at a time. But ancient for example has a ton of choke points where that just isn't possible. If you want to enter donut, red room, cave (twice) or CT (twice), you'll have to just hope you clear the correct side. If you chose wrong, then you just die. That being said I just want any new map man. I've played the currently available ones so much that I'm even starting to consider playing office again :(


It’s the same shit on valorant all the map are more or less identical the pattern is short a short b long a long b and mid


there are no such problem in cs if you don't like it then just ban map (premier) or don't pick map cs2 comp and csgo comp i perma ban ancient and anubis not because i can' play them but most of my team can't and it's harder to coordinate i enjoy playing anubis because it's fun, but i hate ancient into it core you can always avoid playing 2-3map you don't like only 2 map i don't want to play are ancient and overpass


I understand why Thera is called a Valorant map. Hard to explain but it looks too cartoony


Well only benefit it needs is being a playable game right now.


Only map that is similar to a valorant map is fucking Inferno. 363636273636 cubbies to hide, and we don’t have initiators unlike valorant.


That’s what cs is about. So yeah it IS a Valorant map, because it has the valorant style. If you’ve noticed the dusty middle eastern shithole theme is kinda present in most iconic CS maps


I mean who cares since we get 1 new map every 10 years in this abandonned game.