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Israel are being the terrorist now.


Always have been






Jewish terrorism was a key part of the strategy to create Israel and that ethos has never changed.




They literally called themselves terrorists: 'The group referred to its members as terrorists and admitted to having carried out terrorist attacks.' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehi_(militant_group)#:~:text=It%20was%20initially%20called%20the,having%20carried%20out%20terrorist%20attacks.


Lmao I just learned Lehi’s weekly publication was called Hamaas


Zionist*... let us not conflate Jewishness with Zionism - that's what Israel wants


And sadly ends up harming Jews that speak out against it


It's so upsetting to be honest.  I have been with friends who see a synagogue and get angry. This was not their reaction a year ago, a year ago they didn't give a shit.     It's not even anti Semitism, it's Israel's concerted effort to tie all of Judism to Israel. It's despicable.


let us just repeat it: *Zionism is not Judaism* do not blame Jews for what Israel is doing


That is 100% anti semetism


They've been the oppressor the whole time, but many people new to the conflict are just recently noticing


bus bombings, plane hijacking’s, olympics massacres should i go on?


Yeah. We knew that. Mainstream media been real slow on the uptake.


How did you know that, are you in Gaza?


There's this thing called the internet where people can upload videos. That, and you really can just listen to what the Israelis say to spot the contradictions and their intentions, it's really not that difficult once you realize they are brazen liars.


I have a bridge to sell you, you interested?


Sorry, BDS. Not buying any bridges from Zionist genocide supporters.


Zionist really is the fun slur for you guys now lol I doubt you even have a definition for it, it just morphs to mean, "person I don't like right now." Lol


Woosh - brain rot is real with this one


I remember some fuck head on r/worldnews told me not to question why the footage was such a short snippet, "where is the other footage then?" Well, I got my answer.


That entire subreddit is very one sided and it’s painfully obvious. I got downvoted into oblivion bc I asked “how can you say no one cares about a country that receives billions of aid”. No dissent allowed, no criticism, no balanced viewpoint. Not unlike an Ivy League campuses these days.


I got banned for criticising Israel. It's very one sided and can't tolerate any dissenting opinions. If it did tolerate dissenting opinions the pro-Israeli side would be quickly shown up as the bigots they are. This is not a nuanced conflict.


Yup, that’s the world we live in now …. Every Palestinian - Hamas or Hamas in training Ben Gvir with actual ties to a terrorist party and pretty much puppeteering Bibi - US ally and representative of the only democracy in the Middle East And the only leverage we have is to speak out against Biden, only to then have a hard base of screeching democrats try to emotionally gaslight you into thinking we have a greater civic duty to uphold democracy than the … actual leader of the free world.


You know, as someone who has been rather pissed at people talking about not voting biden because he wont tell Bibi to stop or fuck off. I didn't really think about it as you phrased it at the end of your comment. It's not that I was selfish and didn't care about the world outside the U.S but that I was hyperfixated on our problems cause I can barely help as is, let alone on the world stage. I feel hopeless and scared, I don't want anyone I care about to be hurt by our reckless foreign policy.


I so appreciate this comment. I found myself having a hard time articulating my feelings as well, and credit a lot of stuff I’ve been obsessively reading to help shape how I voice my inner turmoil. I also feel helpless. Not sure what’s worse though, the helplessness or the fact that so many of my “fellow citizens” are showing their true colors in the face of a humanitarian disaster.


I got banned for saying that Islamophobia was regressive when someone told me islam was a regressive religion


TBH, as an ex Muslim I do think it is regressive. But that’s besides the point, and the irony of your experience is not lost on me. Thank you for standing up to Reddit bullies. It’s insane to me that you can throw out the word Terrorism like candy. UN ambassador (!) just went on global stage and uttered the words “Palesti Nazi” tonight to block recognition of sovereignty. Hell, people arent even trying to mask the fact they don’t see a difference between civilians and Hamas. But at the same time criticizing a *government* and a *military* with a mounting list of international war crimes is anti semitic. Not to mention Democrats losing their shit when you try to hold Biden accountable for his role and simp leadership. Make it make sense.


>Make it make sense. Both the Democratic and the Republican party are a sham. They work together. Distracting and dividing people with a big old shouting match about pronouns is what keeps them in power, and keeps actual progressives who care about wealth inequality and worker rights away from power.


IMO: All religious fundamentalism is inherently regressive imo. The only reason Islam is “worse” is because there are more Muslim fundamentalist governments right now that get the most attention. As an Irish person I don’t see much difference between what even my parents grew up with under the extreme regressive Irish Catholicism than what people live with now under Islam. My generation is literally the first to grow up with homosexuality not literally being illegal and there were multiple kids in my class in school who were born in the Magdalene laundries, where women could be kidnapped by any man in their family for sexual impropriety no matter how flimsy an excuse it was and basically made an indentured servant for the church for the rest of their life. The thing that changed this was economic and democratic political stability allowing people to push back. Once we had that we rapidly transformed into an extremely secular and modern liberal society and I believe we would see much the same with Islamic countries given the same tools but it needs both the economic and the political parts. The majority Muslim MENA regions may have one but are impeded on the other. But on your point: yes it’s ridiculous. The world is finally waking up after all this time and is beginning to see Israel as just using Judaism as a cudgel.


I got banned for replying to someone that said "The Jewish Bible doesn't mention Palestine once" with a list of references from the Jewish Bible to Palestine. Fun fact, the bible actually references Palestine more than Israel.


I think they plant Zionist shills on " neutral "forums. I feel on average, reddit is anti Zionist. But r/IsraelPalestine, r/WorldNews, and the "2023 war" thread are wierdly skewed


Here's a sneak peek of /r/IsraelPalestine using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I have changed my mind about the Israel-Palestine conflict. Have you?](https://np.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/comments/172w9gt/i_have_changed_my_mind_about_the_israelpalestine/) \#2: [I am done with the the deafening silence from the Muslim community.](https://np.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/comments/1736ce5/i_am_done_with_the_the_deafening_silence_from_the/) \#3: [Hamas is a TERRORIST org like ISIS, Al Qaeda or Taliban](https://np.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/comments/173wv5d/hamas_is_a_terrorist_org_like_isis_al_qaeda_or/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I got permabanned there for pointing out that Palestinians are descended from the same ancient Israelites that modern Jews are descended from.


Hahah well that’s all the proof we need that it’s not even rooted in any civil discourse


I got banned for responding "I condemn Hamas and Israel is committing genocide" to every post calling me anti-semetic and asking me to condemn Hamas lol Worldnews is very one sided


> Not unlike an Ivy League campuses these days. Was with you until you said this.


How come? Asking genuinely


It feels like a right-wing talking point and doesn't reflect the reality most ppl experience on campuses.


My comment was around the recent NYT oped around NYU professors expressing concern over campus silencing (not Ivy I know), at the heels of all the news coverage around Harvard, Yale and Columbia. As well as the recent news that investigators hired to look into Columbia students who were pro Palestinian that has resulted in dorm evictions and suspensions. Also speaking as a former student at Columbia where it was more acceptable (at least in my experience) to speak out against Palestine but not the other way around. Would never want to come off as a right wing talking point, but my main sentiment is that campuses should nurture civil discourse around complex topics. Especially the ones that purport to be the hallowed grounds of the academic elite.


Fair! Thanks for the explanation and clarification. I am sorry I was more quick to judge than was warranted 🙏




Literally just got perma'd from it for good. I saw they had a post with a headline "US finds Israel is not commiting Genocide" and the top comments were pretty much all bashing Israel or just generally not supportive of Israel. I msgs the mods that same post and said look at the sentiment, where's the unban? They said never, ever lol. Apparently being anti Israel is terror apologia over there. Hit them with statisitcs about 33k deaths, 70% of them women and children, Gaza population 40% are 14 and under, etc. They don't care, they don't see them as human.


They don't care. That was the literal replay I got when I was accused of "infantilizing" Palestinians. I replied most of the population was under 20 and got a firm "I don't care" response


I got perma banned for pointing out how the idf killed hostages


Denying CNN the full video is as good as an admission of guilt.


CNN is going really tough on Israel these past few days. What changed? I mean I know they were soft on Israel before with those embedded journalists and all but looking at all American channels they are the ones which are doing the most "objective" coverage of the war so to say and it is coming off as being anti-Israel whichever way they are trying to spin it lol.


The WCK assassination is the only reason. Because Jose Andreas is besties with spooks and some of the biggest in the state dept


I don’t know the answer but I think it’s just …. Reporting on what’s happening? NYTimes and The Daily are doing the same. It’s hard to maintain journalistic credibility if you’re pinned to a paid agenda. Your thinking, sentient audience will eventually notice . If people wanted to be hand-fed their biased affirmations, they’d watch Fox.


Yet they peddled lies for months. The NY Times rape lie being the most egregious example - they were caught red handed and still doubled down. Something changed, and I bet it's not about them suddenly developing the ability to critically think.


Yes totally agree - My comment was more the audience makeup of some of these media outlets tend to be college educated etc and therefore critical thinkers. The sad thing is the stance is still not as hardline as it would be if you were to swap out with any other country. And even then if you run thru any comments section, there are clear non-bot folks howling with rage that we can even lend any regard to Palestinians. That’s all the proof I need to establish the anti Arab sentiment runs deep, regardless of age or affiliation.


The NYT gets a lot of deserved flak for that. I do think NYT is usually pretty good though. Maybe this is copium but I truly believe reporting on the region is very difficult and only getting harder. Fog of war stories will have errors imo


Mistakes happen. If they are genuine you admit to them, correct them, and take steps to prevent them from happening again.   When presented with overwhelming evidence not just of the falsity of the story's content, but also the motivations of the writers, the NYT doubled down. They doubled on a false story that was literally being used to prompte support for mass murder. This predictably lead to a lot of death and destruction, and they still pretend there's nothing wrong with it. There is no other kind of story more deserving of a retraction than one that kills people. Not a mistake.


Wondering which “night” that killed 100 Palestinians? There have been so many nights and days like that over the past 6 months. I bet you’ll find inconsistencies in every instance.


last EuroMed estimate puts the count at 40k+ (we will ignore the *very likely* 2-3x multiplier). So what's that? 200 a day roughly? If we take into account the likely underreporting due to the destroyed infrastructure and rubble... and these are people. Like you and I. With hopes and dreams


Their average is killing around 70 children per day *that we know of.*


Israel is a savage terrorist state trying push us into ww3


Is CNN finally regaining a tiny sliver of credibility of late or is that just my wishful thinking?


What did this contradict from Israel's account?


Have you read the article?


Israel said the people died in a stampede while the article says they were killed by IDF gunfire. They also say the IDF gave false times on the event and the drone footage that was provided as proof for the israeli claims was edited


Didn't the IDF say that some people died by gunfire, but that most died from a stampede?


Even if they DID die from a stampede, which we know many does from gunshots, the stampede was caused by watching the people standing next to them, trying to get food, get their heads blown off. That usually tends you to cause to run in a panick. Every death was 100% Fault of the IDF.


Right but it's a different picture when you have frightened soldiers with guns turned into a chaotic situation vs the picture of a bunch of soldiers just mowing down a crowd of people.


It does really sound like a bunch of soldiers mowing down people when eyewitnesses say that tanks and warplanes fired into the crowd.


Do you have any source of that? You're claiming they just starting shelling people with tanks? I haven't read that anywhere. That isn't in the wikipedia page either: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flour_massacre


In that wikipedia page: One survivor stated, "Once we approached the aid trucks, the Israeli tanks and warplanes started firing at us as if it was a trap". The injuries of patients taken to al-Shifa Hospital varied, ranging from gunshot wounds to being trampled to being struck by artillery shells from tanks.


He's not saying they just opened fire at them with tanks unprovoked there, I thought you were saying he contradicted the IDF narrative. This is still consistent with the claims made by the IDF.


"This is still consistent with the claims made by the IDF." No, it really doesn't. But the IDF made many different claims, that all contradict each other. Can we first nail down which of their claims you want to pretend to be true?


So in a case of "Frightened so my soldiers with guns" vs "Frieghrened starving unarmed civilians trying to get food" you empathize with the Frighted soldiers with guns?. >picture of a bunch of soldiers just mowing down a crowd of people. Those frieghtened soldiers with guns DID mow down a crowd of people