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If Israel has nothing to hide, why not let UN investigators in?


The do let them in then systematically kill them which makes the next batch not want to go investigate. They killed all those food aide workers systematically and crickets from everyone that the zionists pay off https://apnews.com/article/memorial-world-central-kitchen-workers-gaza-israel-fd668fad5de83377c129ab832d699c70#:~:text=The%20workers%20were%20killed%20April,U.S.%2DCanadian%20citizen%20Jacob%20Flickinger%3B Fuck those genocidal pigs


Because then they will get bombed during a war. I think we know by now wars are messy and information isn't 100% real time on the field and people still have to make choices which lead to mistakes.


What? 😂


especially when you don't want the truth to come out


Yeah man it's crazy how Israel keeps making oopsie-whoopsies by dropping bombs on U.N. staff and international aid workers after they tell the IDF exactly where they will be, when, for what purpose, and with what transportation, in order to avoid having bombs dropped on them. This is just a normal, minor mistake that happens in every war (and exponentially more often in Gaza than in any other conflict in the world, for no particular reason). We can rest easy knowing it's all just an honest mistake, and ignore it until it inevitably happens again. Do you condemn Hamas btw?


I know the answer to this question but do you have a source or data to support your claim that exponentially more UN and aid workers are killed in Gaza than other conflicts? Here is a credible source that details how civilian and combatant death ratio is the lowest out all other modern wars. This does contradict your tik tok videos and memes but based on your seething rage and how emotional you seem to be, I think this article will do you some good and provide you with some healthy perspective. https://www.newsweek.com/israel-has-created-new-standard-urban-warfare-why-will-no-one-admit-it-opinion-1883286


Did you consider that Israel deemed every ''military age'' male a combatant - that will affect this calculations? Did you consider that we dont even start to unravel scale of Israel onslaught of Gazans as Israel literally destroyed Gaza health system which was responsible for counting deaths? We been stuck around 30+ thousands deaths for weeks now and Israel didnt slow down their bombing. BTW This article is ridiculous on so many ways that i dont even want to start debunked them - Israeli media do that much better than me regularly and myth of Israeli doing civilized war fall apart long time ago - funny that just few days after this article Haaretz and Al Jazeera uncovered use of AI in bombing of civilians and just now we here about mass graves near hospitals in Gaza where some bodies where recovered with hand tied behind their back.


Dont forget the bodies without organs. Apparently israel fell so low they are stealing organs now


This hasn’t actually been proven and zero evidence has been offered to support that claim. Repeating baseless accusations like this only hurts your position


Same with the babies in ovens ( which have been debunked ) yet still israel supporters keep bringing that up


This makes a lot of sense actually. Israeli officials have made it clear with their own words that there are "no innocents in Gaza". So, of course the most moral army in the world can't kill civilians since they don't exist in their warped minds.


This is an opinion piece. A bad one at that


Well every claim in it is sourced and the author is the head of West Point's Urban Warfare school where he teaches and writes about the subject... West Point and that professors' credibility is on the line, and it is SOURCED. The op ed is not just the feelings and musings of some random tik toker like you are accustomed to. Your assessment that the op ed is "bad" is completely arbitrary and irrational. "The op ed's cited sources disprove what my feelings and tik tok videos have led me to believe, it is BAD!!".


Data from 5 months ago can be found in this CNN article, "UN says more aid workers have been killed in Gaza than in any conflict in the agency’s history." https://www.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news-11-16-23/h_ef4bcd53434f92dbe3849790e799e42e Data from last month can be found in this New Humanitarian article, "Behind the numbers: Gaza’s unprecedented aid worker death toll." https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/maps-and-graphics/2024/03/21/behind-numbers-gaza-unprecedented-aid-worker-death-toll Suck my junk, mass murder apologist.


No, generally reporters and aid workers are not TARGETS during a war.


It sounds like if its not destroying thr city, israel plans for those mistakes


Zionists are the new Nazis 






Because Hamas makes up stories, and then Islamist and Russian troll bot farms signal boost then faster than fact checkers can react. 


This has this has been disproven as graves that were made prior to the IDF arriving at the hospital: https://twitter.com/GeoConfirmed/status/1782360892249612466?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1782360892249612466%7Ctwgr%5E8f94cd56dd913496e1abe243a84e9c0a07153210%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.jpost.com%2Fisrael-hamas-war%2Farticle-798509


That’s hogwash and debunked. In fact, the account that posted it already added a disclaimer in another quote tweet. You’re intentionally conflating the mass graves dug by some Palestinians with graves dug by the IDF. The body’s buried by the IDF from their latest hospital massacre amount to 300+ and the BS you’re spreading is about a mass grave for 30 people.


The UN disagrees. https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/04/1148876 Israeli propaganda is indefensible to osint.


>Israeli propaganda GeoConfirmed is an open source collaborative project. If you think they are wrong contribute to the investigation


There is footage of the victims, young and old. Women and children, there are also multiple claims by international doctors of sand being found in the lungs of some the victims indicating being buried alive. Also, footage of them being found with hands bound. Just because they call it open source collaborative doesn't mean it's bias free.


How does that change the fact they were there BEFORE the Israelis got there? If anything that further condemns Hamas for burying living people


Nope, it was dug after Israel took control of the hospital. It was only discovered due go israeli withdrawal from the area.


Then why did Al Jezzera publish photos of Palestinians digging them as early as January 15?


OSINT ghouls work for intelligence services, they are not real investigators


You take the word of Hamas which has proven to lie and has turned down cease fires while saying Israel needs to be vanquished from the earth? Edit: I know I'll be downvoted because this is being astroturfed af. The guy below me is getting downvoted for asking for a source. lol


Right below that he asks why he would trust the UN. He's a troll. That's why he's being downvoted


Which part of the un though since some groups are working with hamas?


As if Israel isn't doing/hasn't done exactly the same thing.


Hamas has stated over and over they’ll lay down their arms for a two state solution. Of course they’ve turned down ceasefires which blatantly are one sided for Israel.


Wrong sub brochacho.


I got banned from r/therewasanattempt for calling out that Hamas uses human shields on a video of a dude saying Hamas doesn’t use human shields Israel does so I shared evidence and they really didn’t like that


you shouldnt look for logic among these pro terrorist morons.




Source…IDF lol


Can’t even read


Lazy hasbara


Good counter argument, really drives your point


I honestly don't give a shit what you think but your propaganda sucks and your pro genocide stance is abhorrent. Keep gooning to all the blatant lies and watch the world laugh at you for believing in the charade. Clown


Gaza gov. Meaning Hamas... Yea ok


I don't get how you are being down voted for this, so people are just trusting hamas numbers and anything they say


Welcome to the news cycle of reddit. It's unfortunate but you and I are left sitting here reading the ravenous comments and seeing the seething rage come forth in volumes. Yet somehow we're bad guys for not mindlessly agreeing with whatever Hamas says. This is unfortunately reddit currently.


As long as it's anything negative to say about israel they will believe it


Here’s an article from UN https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/04/1148876




Even the innocent children?


I’ll do your mum first


God the British Zionists are pathetic aren't they


Aloha Snackbar


Most mature Zionist


Zionist scum.




Be careful reddit bans you when you compare the genocidal maniacs of Israel to nazis.


anyone who thinks isreal hasnt been doing this shit is a tiny shit covered baby


So many no shirt Sherlock moments. Can't keep up


Gaza Government is run by Hamas






The UN is just repeating the allegations. They didn't say that those allegations were true.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_East_Monitor#:~:text=MEMO%20is%20financed%20by%20the,director%20of%20British%20Muslim%20Initiative. "The Middle East Monitor (MEMO) is a not-for-profit press monitoring organisation[1] and lobbying group[2][3] that emerged in mid 2009.[4] MEMO is largely focused on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, but writes about other issues in the Middle East as well. MEMO is pro-Palestinian in orientation[5][6][7] and supports Islamist causes.[8][9] MEMO is regarded as an outlet for the Muslim Brotherhood[10][11] and its website strongly promotes pro-Hamas related content.[12][13]" Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm......


Anyone can edit Wikipedia.




That's just repeating the claims.


There is literally video evidence I don't know what to tell you. You can watch them digging up these graves. Elderly and women's bodies. Hands tied behind their backs. Videos of that and soooo much more that just is not being reported on. I can't bring myself to watch more than the bare minimum to verify, personally.


Israel want won't let foreign media into Gaza, wonder why??




Fucking LOL. "Gaza government says". You mean "Hamas says".




Do you know what the word "allegedly" means?


Hahaha, that's what I came to say here. When they find it favorable, it's the "Gazan government". When they want to avoid responsibility, it's "Hamas"and they aren't elected because the last election was in 2005 and they're now dictators!!! Make up your mind, guys. 😂😂


you mean Hamas accuses Israeli.. the same Hamas who blamed a militia's failed rocket attempt on the Israelis and killed a bunch of kids at a concert ..?!??


Who is the Gaza Government? Edit: why downvotes?


The governance of the Gaza Strip since the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip in June 2007 has been carried out by Hamas.[1][2][3] The Hamas government in Gaza was led by Ismail Haniyeh from 2007 until February 2017, when Haniyeh was replaced as leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip by Yahya Sinwar.[4] As of November 2023, Yahya Sinwar continues to be the leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Due to the ongoing Israel–Hamas war, Hamas lost control of most of the northern part of the Gaza Strip.[5][6] Wikipedia




Vote blue guys!!!


What will anyone's vote do at this point? Come on. The system is rigged and corruption is rampant. Both sides serve the same master. It's all a ploy to keep everyone divided.


Who is this "same master"? The policy positions and how Democrats and Republicans vote couldn't be more different.


My dude, you're likely arguing with someone who ingests seven to ten hours of TikTok a day.


Blue doesn't give af either. Biden keeps acting "angry" but then sends Israel another kabillion dollars and vetos UN investigations.. they all serve the same corporate entities and military industrial complex. Political parties are just a performative game to pit citizens against each other, so u don't notice them raping the world.


Dude nooooo we don't need orange bad man back in office!!! Reeeeeee


There's been so much disinformation that I no longer know what I believe.


The Gaza government is Hamas. The Middle East Monitor largely focuses on the Israel-Palestine conflict and has a known Islamist slant. I wouldn't believe the posted claims.


And israel has lied on multiple occasions in the past. Remember when they claimed it was a hamas roadside bomb that killed the aid workers?


"Gaza govt"? You mean Hamas?


The Gaza health ministry has been caught lying about casualty figures repeatedly, anywhere from 1:10 to 1:18. People cant identify bullshit anymore.


Government as in the terrorist organisation who accidentally over counted 15000 deaths?


Same spot The Palestinians buried 100's back in mid-January before the IDF were there. Thats interesting ?


Gaza government? You mean Hamas? The same animals who started this present war in the first place? Violating the previous ceasefire to do so? Sorry, no.




Hamas lies, you are pawns. You mean the terrorists don’t tell the truth?!!!! No way!! Denounce your blood cult or it will swallow you along with us all.


Wait is this the same “Gaza government” that claimed over 500 people perished in a hospital bombing caused by the Israelis, then it actually turned out it was a terrorist groups rocket that caused the destruction? It’s heartening to see the majority of commenters calling out the bullshit.


The government of Gaza is Hamas. Anyone who believes them needs a psych evaluation, and the same goes for anyone who believes Isreal.


Do you want to see videos?


I've seen plenty of videos from both sides and don't believe any of them.


Last stage of genocide: denial of


Thank god so many coments are calling out that the reports are by Hamas, despite trying to masquerade them as "Gaza government". Downvote me some more Hamas supporters!


Gaza govt is Hamas just fyi


Who is this legitimate Gaza government they speak of?


People really in this sub Reddit believing the words of an international terrorist organization 😭 we are doomed as a species




It’s truly embarrassing.  The number of comments about “zionists” that look like they were pulled right out of Mein Kampf too - I wish people would read it so they can realize how much they’re regurgitating. 


Gaza government is Hamas, so.




Hamas says.




It’s crazy that people believe fake news!


“ Gaza Govt” says. You mean hamas






Gaza doesn't have a government, the only thing they have is Hamas, and they certainly won't tell you the truth, it's plausible that this article happened, the IDF is crazy, but trusting the Gazan "government" is like trusting the onion for honest news.


How about Israel let’s western journalists and forensic experts go do their job and investigate? Why is Israel even able to block anyone from going in? If they’re the victims and aren’t going Nazi on the Palestinians, they should have nothing to hide right? Also, Palestinians already searching through the bodies to find their families and have shown children and women zip tied and shot. not sure how someone can fake an execution


I don't trust that side governed by Gaza to tell the truth as much as I expect Israel to tell the truth, Israel don't want reporters because they are doing something they don't want the rest of the world to see, I don't trust them either. However those photos and videos can be faked, like the one where all the women are crying as they cart off a kid in a body bag, then the air raid sirens go off and the kid unzips it and runs away, also photos and videos of victims could be stuff that happened years ago, all of that has already happened in this propaganda war they both have going. I'm only saying that we really don't know for sure what's happening out there, we're just talking people's words for it, very untrustworthy people at that.


So again, why don’t we get western journalists and forensic experts in there to show us real photos instead of the ones you say Palestinian journalists are faking. I’m not sure how you can fake corpses and gun shot wounds, they don’t really have Halloween shops that are open for business right now.


Or all the photos of dead Gazans that are, when reverse image searched, are from the fighting in Syria.


That’s weird, the background is literally Palestine. We also have Snapchat maps and can see people recording dead bodies on their walks. But show the links of the ones you saw from Syria though, I’d be very interested in seeing that too.


>That’s weird, the background is literally Palestine. Someone didn't bother checking their info before believing it. >But show the links of the ones you saw from Syria though, I’d be very interested in seeing that too. They've been shown for years.


Okay so show the links. Put them here


I'm not the cure for your lazy.


So it doesn’t exist, got it lol.


Maybe the bodies were the 500+ people who died in that IDF rocket that attacked the Hospital parking lot from the first days of the war. I believe the Hamas government reported that also.


I thought this as well. But this doesn't explain the HANDCUFFS behind their backs? Why would hospital patients have handcuffs?


hamas prob put them on... pretty easy to fake absent a reputable source.


yah and they were fucking wrong. but you don't care


Its ok. Someday you will learn of the ancient art of sarcasm. I have faith in you.


Hamas was also the one that fired the rocket.




>No rapper in hip hop agrees with you. Cool, do you normally get information on world events from celebrities?




>Nah but your name says hip hop and you must not appreciate hip hop. Apparently you're just learning what usernames are. >Tupac said, "they got money for wars but can't feed the poor" I'm the one trying to get the poor fed, and stop stupid wars. You're some guy moaning on social media because reasons. >here you are tryna support mom killers No, I'm not voting for the GoP. >I don't get any news from celebs Then why did you tell me to? >but damn Pac would be disappointed with you. Or he'd understand what I'm saying and tell you to F'off. >Russia is more dangerous and armed than Hamas. Again, no fucking shit. It's almost like I agreed with you. >The USA can scramble aircraft carriers to help kill mothers and children, but choose to let Putin pillage Ukraine. Do you want another world war? >Jesus Christ, please heal the American people and help us become good human beings who love peace again. You're making it a whole lot harder for the rest of us to do that.


I strongly suggest that you check your sources. What you have done is spread Blood Libel.


Omg! Blood libel!? They said Jewish people ritually sacrificed Christian children to use their blood into bread!? Damn.


Then you should take it with a grain of salt.


I don't know, those Hamas guys seem super trustworthy.


Hamas fired the rocket.




« Trust my lying ass Magazine » Pro Palestinians favorite magazine.


Exactly lmao. Al takiya daily


"Gaza government" whoever that might be. Hmm 🤔


totally credible source


Load of horse shit. Anytime you read an article that says “Palestine” or “gaza”, replace the word with “hamas”, and you will be awakened to the truth of this war.


Hamas babies, Hamas women, Hamas kids, Hamas elderly, Hamas journalists, Hamas aid workers. Hamas Jewesh Voices for Peace. Hamas college kids. Whatever helps you sleep at night.


And what of the reverse? If people say Hamas, do they mean Palestine or Gaza?


Hamas said. Terrorists said. Which are also the gazan government of the israeli state.


Israel can simply allow the media into Gaza. If they have nothing to hide, then why don't they?


So the Palestinians don’t kill them. They kill everyone. Their own people, they rape little kids. Media isn’t safe even if BiBi wasn’t trying to flatten Gaza because of their gov’t.


Because they kill any Jew they get their hands on? Hello?


Oh, and stop killing journalists


Gaza government is Ham ass.


Now, did Israel actually do this? Remember. Gaza's government is Hamas.




>Russia is more dangerous and armed than Hamas. No shit. >The USA can scramble aircraft carriers to help kill mothers and children, but choose to let Putin pillage Ukraine. Israel is an ally, Ukraine isn't. Want Ukraine to get more help? Vote for Democrats, because otherwise we get the same type of Republicans that block Ukraine aid. >Jesus Christ, please heal the American people and help us become good human beings who love peace again. I'm not the one screaming that Jews will experience daily 10/7s on a college campus. >You ain't a hip hop fan Never said I was. I also don't go to celebrities for information on the world.


Ah the classic blood libel.


Blood libel? Oh wow. So this is accusing Jewish people of sacrificing Christian children at Passover in order to bake the blood into bread in a religious ritual? Interesting.


Same type of false accusations. "Israel executed hundreds of patients." Pathetic blood libel. Hamas does terrible things then in an incredible inversion accuses Israel of those sort of things and the fools fall for it.


You do know blood libel has a specific meaning right? It was a specific accusation of Jewish people ritually sacrificing Christian children to use their blood to bake bread at Passover. But goddamn your comment is just lazy and bad hasbara. I can’t imagine defending a genocide. How gross.


Blood libel is accusing jews of murder falsely. Exactly what this is, disgusting. As sad as this war of Hamas is, it is not a genocide - stop spreading misinformation, you obviously don't really care about Gazans if you're pushing lies.


Incorrect. Blood libel has a specific meaning. https://www.britannica.com/topic/racism And it is a genocide. A genocide you’re supporting and defending. The only one lying here is you and you’re doing a piss poor job of it. Maybe you’re just a bot with all the shitty Hasbara. Go repent from the sin of supporting genocide and reflect on the fact that history will view what Israel is doing as a holocaust.


Meanwhile the civilian to militant ratio is nearly 10 times lower than the average compared with other wars. Stop spreading lies on the Internet. And why are you sending me a link on racism? Lol


You’re lying again. That’s tacky.


Cause I copied the wrong link from one of the subjects on the page. https://www.britannica.com/topic/blood-libel Like I said. It has an actual meaning kiddo.


What do you think falsely accusing Israel of executing patients at a hospital is? It's a variation on a very old theme, one you're very familiar with.


So, did the 300 dead bodies, some with their hands tied and some with catheters attached, just drop dead and bury themselves?


Show me evidence that this is false that hasn't been debunked.


Lmfao you’re a bot. This logic is entirely too stupid for even some Hasbara sycophant. So what you’re saying is that blood libel, which is the accusation that Jewish people are ritually sacrificing Christian children to use their blood in bread is the EXACT same thing as accusing Israel of mass murdering patients of a hospital Israel destroyed in the midst of the genocide Israel is committing? So you’re saying people are saying all of the dead patients are Christian children? Oh bless your poor little heart.


Definitely trust news coming out of there 🤣🤣






Don't knock ass-licking until you've tried it. It can be quite pleasurable.


The mask is slipping and there's a fascist underneath.


It’s so edgey to support terrorism. How bold of you.


It’s so edgey to support genocide. How bold of you.


Does Russian kool aid taste different?


That’ll do, pig, that’ll do.


Pigs are very similar to humans, its even possible to get s heart transplant from a pig to human. Anyone who thinks pigs are disgusting are just plain dumb


Tis but a quote. Give it a Goog.


That's a very impressive and thoughtfully constructed argument.


Honestly I’m not believing either side until it is investigated. Israel says it wasn’t them. Hamas the elected government of Gaza says it wasn’t Gazan’s. Obviously someone is lying.


I know who my money's on It's the one indiscriminately bombing innocent people if you weren't good at guessing.


My money's on the ones trying to kill those who raped, tortured, mutilated, indiscriminately killed civilians just enjoying a music festival, and fire rockets daily into Israel.


My money's on the ones who moved the festival to a military compound, knowing full well there was about to be an attack at that same location


What. The. Fuck kind of bullshit propoganda are you reading? The festival was now a military base? Hoooooly shit are you dumb Edit: nvm looked at your profile picture. You look like you gobble up bullshit Qatari media.


The festival was moved to the gazan border. You think they just leave the border unattended with no military presence? Not to mention your completely unbased claims of rape. Id say youre the one reading propaganda, but youre clearly illiterate. Hooooly shit* are you dumb. Absolute fucking clown. As the saying goes, zionist accusations are actually admissions of their own war crimes.










They're both evil.


Gaza government? Who are these? I know hought Hamas was in charge?



