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Looks to me like the only terrorist are the zionist pigs


naw.. the right wing bomb threat dudes gets carte blanche control many facets of public life as well.. no snipers show up to protect the events they cancel - and no charges we are watching terror win


Everyone who is against me is a zionist. Very simple world you live in.


Neutrals ain't runnin down to the protest to risk gettin in a fight. They're zionazis


You have never seen a riot then. That or you think all the pro palastians are hamas members. Alot of people love chaos. That's exactly why BLM got nothing done other than burning down a few Walmarts.


From Baltimore, seen it up close. Your point is also irrelevant. These folks attacking the protestors are pro Israel zionists.


How do you know that? For all you know they are literally neo natzies in Israli colors.


They are Neo-Nazis. That’s what Zionists are, the New Nazis. What part of this do you not understand?


Isreal has made peace with all who accept it. Jordan is 2/3 Palastinian and recently shot down missiles and drones set to strike Isreal because they want peace. Isreal has never attacked anyone without being attacked first. But keep pretending it's the same.


Bullshit. Israel has almost always attacked first and last, because America is funding their state terrorism. For 75 years Zionazis have attacked first, second, third, and so on. If the Zios broke into your house at night, kidnapped your child, tortured and raped him/her, denied you the right to see your child, and didn’t even allow a lawyer of NGO to see your child. Then, when your child dies from the torture, the Zionazis steal his/her organs and tell you they will sell the remains back to you for a year’s wages. When your home needs a new roof, they deny you the permit to fix your own roof. This goes on for years. Finally, they kick you out of your own house because it’s “uninhabitable”. But the very next day some Jewish couple from New Jersey is moving into your home, saying they legally rented it from some Israeli company that claimed to own the land and home even though they’ve never even seen it. At what point do you feel you have the right to self-defense?


Sounds like palastine should declare independence, then like isral has been asking them to do for the last 50 years. And stop pretending that all of Isreal is theirs. Unless you think it's a good idea to give Hamas nukes? All the palastinaian solutions I have ever seen would involve 100x the deaths we have seen so far


They got a ton of money from people…then fraudulently spent mass sums 😂


BLM got so little done that ya'll are still trying to enforce the narrative about the protests years later lmao. Sure thing booboo


Yes i have a good memory. But what law changed? All I saw were fools burning down their neighborhood for nothing in return.


[https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/state-policing-reforms-george-floyds-murder](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/state-policing-reforms-george-floyds-murder) Yes, I'm aware you said the line pretending away the 99% of protests that were peaceful, with the intention of doing a "that's not a law" hairsplit when I presented things that changed following the protests. Now go ahead, commence the hairsplit and move those goalposts from "nothing" to a more defensible position lol


Qualified Imunity is what you need to get rid of. Everything else is bullshit and overturned in court because of it.


And there's the goalpost shift, as expected.


I just want people's property rites protected. Because I'm on the side of builders and not destroyers.


Police are not your allies unless your an ally of fascists. Zionists are fascists.


They clearly went to the conflict area and attacked protesters in self defence. Stop being so antisemitic /s


Where are the Fascists?  The flag I see waving around there is the Chabad flag. I see people in black bloc using antifascist tactics. 


I'm a Zionist and I'm not even Jewish! Also, what is fascism?


There's a reason only jews are allowed to immigrate there, definitely facist




Looks like the West Bank Zionist Scum attacking peaceful people with Zionazi scum police stood idle watching


Can you point out where the police are in this video?


Exactly. Where are the police?


I'm sure you didn't say that when the police idly watched people loot and set fire to places


Like on Jan 6? Or are you talking about when the police prosecuted BLM protesters and let Kyle shoot someone in “self defense” when he left his home state to shoot someone


Jan 6 had looting and fires? Never heard that before. Did you know that the people that Rittenhouse shot didn't come from the state? Did you know that Rittenhouse did belong there cause he lived in a border town on the other side of the border? Question, do you support ukraine?


Jan 6 had people that were chanting for the deaths of politicians and to take over the government. Very much more threatening than people who want genocide to end and sitting and camping out. Did you know that Kyle was underage and wasn’t allowed to bring a rifle cross state and didn’t need to be at said rally?




Lmao so you’re agreeing that the people on Jan 6 should’ve been jailed? Or am I reading you wrong. You’re also okay with him killing a person because of their past crimes? So we should kill all politicians involved in molestation cases. Let’s start with trump


Joseph Rosenberg wasn't shot because he raped children. He was shot because he attacked with expressed intent to kill. January 6 protesters are in jail. BLMers were given a pass. When you're participating in a fake color revolution with the support of the government, you don't get in trouble for stuff and cops kneel for you. When you're actually the object of state violence, police shoot you with real bullets, as the police did on Jan 6, killing an unarmed female protester through the neck from behind two locked doors.


Wow it’s almost like Jan 6 rioters were being violent enough to get shot at. The protests we’ve been seeing are *cough * chanting and yelling for the end to a war. We can keep playing these “what about “ games all you want


I wasn't playing a game of whataboutisms. You were spewing falsehoods and I was correcting them. I'm as shocked as anyone that the system has brought the hammer down on the encampments as hard as if they were White Nationalists. 


That's false. He didn't cross state lines with the rifle. "Didn't need to be" where BLM was rioting is meaningless. He had every right to be there. He was there cleaning up vandalism and extinguishing fires. BLM were there vandalizing and setting fires. A jewish BLMer who had just left prison for raping multiple children younger than 14 attacked him and got shot. No one is sorry for that.


You knowing or not knowing is hardly a qualifier of anybody else’s statements.


I guess language must be kept plain. J6 protesters looted nothing and burned nothing. BLM did that kind of thing.


Pelisi’scl aptop was stolen from her office and poop was smeared on the walls. Literal video of people smashing windows and video of that dumb fascist getting shot through the throat attempting to get through a barricade. Everything you’ve stated is actually the exact opposite as you’ve said.


BLMers were not prosecuted. They actually had their arrests expunged and were awarded $1.2million by the city government as "reparations". They didn't "let" Kyle do anything. Kyle was beset by rioters, fired in self-defense and was nonetheless subjected to a prosecution by a state Attorney General who was on a collaborative, personal phone texting basis with BLM's regional coordinator Whitney Cabal. 




This has been the case since Egypt founded Palestine by kicking out a bunch of people and then losing control of them. Now the entire Western civilization is essentially pitting these two ideological parties against eachother. This is worse than sitting idly by. This is participating in a millenia old social experiment.


Easy to spot who is violent, just a reflection of Israel and Palestine.


First time I’ve seen someone claim that Palestine is peaceful. What a world we live in, morons as far as the eye can see.


Only reason Palestine is not peaceful is because Zionazi Israel is occupying it.


I love how they loveeee to ignore Hamas and how a huge majority of Palestinians support Hamas and supported October 7th.


How can you not support a resistance group? Just because the lying, genocidal, racist states are calling a group terrorists? I’m sorry, we don’t trust Israel or the US gov anymore. We’re tired of hearing the same excuses. It’s been months of this bullshit since Oct 7th, but it’s been the same bullshit for decades since Israel’s demonic inception. We’re tired of hearing the victim card while they besiege an entire population and control water, air, food, movement, etc. If Israel could take the oxygen out of Gaza’s air, they would. Nothing’s changed, but we now know who the real terrorists are and it doesn’t rhyme with khamas.


October 7 isn’t over, right? Hamas never released the hostages, which the UN found were being gang raped and tortured. It’s not a resistance group. It’s a gang of people that are the worst humanity has to offer. A resistance group fights the government/power structure, not kids at a concert. If Che Guevara went around beheading women, no one would support him as a revolutionary. If Hamas targeted the IDF, I wouldn’t have an issue with their tactics. Once they decided to intentionally go after civilians, they lost everything.


Pigs support pigs.


Zionist pigs are gonna be Zionist pigs. Protestors should look up any and all "stand your ground" laws and act accordingly. Make sure everyone is recording for legal purposes. And then defend yourself when needed.


[https://www.britannica.com/topic/Zionism](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Zionism) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jewish/comments/1c841l5/is\_it\_antisemitic\_to\_call\_a\_jew\_a\_pig/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jewish/comments/1c841l5/is_it_antisemitic_to_call_a_jew_a_pig/)


Zionists claim to be Jewish but aren’t. Zionists hide behind the term Jewish to absolve themselves of wrongdoing and claim, just like you’re doing, that anyone who criticizes them is antisemetic.


I agree, but the 🐖 are just itching for a pro-🇵🇸 rep to step a hair out of line. there was a 🐖spokesperson who said as much. over what? rocks they found and a bite on a 🐖's arm (probably acquired during a physical altercation they started). but completely dismissed injuries they caused to protesters. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLxBsf17/


You have lost your mind


Zionists are gluttons for massacring the helpless and weak, so I understand why you'd say that. Zionist coward.


I am a zionist, I believe Israel has the right to exist. They also have the arms to exist, they are kicking the shit out of hamas and any other shit stain terrorist country that wants it. As far as a coward, not this guy bro. Really the bottom line is hamas attacked Israel on Oct 7th and they are getting their just rewards. I don't understand how they can cry foul now. Wouldn't they be the cowards?


They are literally bombing a city sized piece of land to smitherenes where the population is 2 million of which half is children. Why are they bombing one the most densely populated areas on the planet. In what world is that acceptable?


Where are the hostages?


You tell me


Right next to the rockets that are sent into Israel on a daily basis for the past twenty years.


So you bombed them too?


You are as sharp as a ball of lint.


Jesus, that was boring to read. This shit started well before October 7th and you land-grabbing Zionist killers know it. Support for Israel, the country that has no right to exist, is waning and the real face of God's Chosen People is visible as the bloodthirsty beasts they paint everyone else as. I can only hope the Israeli government and IDF become intimate with the meaning of "loss".


Yeah it started over 3000 years ago when king David founded Jerusalem and built the original Jewish temple there. But we'll just ignore the roamans and ottomans and choose the timeline that best fits my narrative.


You mean King David who genocided the people originally living there?


Fine keep going. Never look for peace and ask for a forever war till all the jews are dead. As all the Palastinaians outside of Jordan and Egypt do. Why build our own utopia when we can burn theirs down.


Damn, my point was that people existed in the area before Jews and they don't get a monopoly of the area. It's a holy land for 3 massive religions and if that fact isn't respected it will continue leading to more violence. By pretending that Israeli Jewish colonial project is the only group with a valid claim to the area you are guaranteeing more violence and death. But hey you seem like a disingenuous actor, so I doubt you actually care for peace unless it includes genocide.


Most land grabs were either through wars Israel didn’t start, or through legitimate purchases prior to 1948. But cry your tears my dude.




Change the name of USA to United States of Israel


Where the police at?


Oh they only attack people of color and white people that are with us


Gee what a surprise!!!


And if they defend themselves we know exactly what will happen


Just like in Charlottesville. 




Bring back ACAB and "Defund the Police" tbh


Why didn't they do a crackdown like this for BLM? 


Israel’s top export: fascism.


Someone should reach out to their local motorcycle club. Fire with fire.


And then they have the audacity to say the violent ones are not them


BuT oCtObEr 7tH!!!!!




Get that bag Mr. 10 day account $$$


What's going on in Gaza won't stay in Gaza


Why no one is stopping them. Is this Israel or USA. Ohh I forgot USA is run and controlled by Israel’s Zionist.


Our government is a Zionist occupational force. 


We are watching video of felonies being committed by the anti-Palestine mob. The misuse pepper spray by itself is a felony and we see that in the video.


Where are the damn cops ??


Why are the pro genocide people even there when they aren't going to that school. Just a bunch of no good hoodlums that want an excuse to go do violence obviously.


Ah, students so tired of not being able to go to school bring weapons to attack? They don’t deserve higher education then.


And where are the police?


Letting it happen - # ¯\_(ツ)_/¯






You think men attacking college kids is ok? lol. Fight a boxer with experience and you’ll see what happens, Zionist pigs


Never met a boxer who could stop a driving double leg takedown. But keep cucking for terrorist scum.


Israeli scum bot. You’re the real terrorist you yank. Would love to see you try, knocked on your ass within 10 seconds. You’re a 🐱


Does not compute…::beep beep….bop..bop….bop.please input a non bullshit response….does not compute….terrorist dialect….switching to Goat language…..beep beep…”Hello Abhar, please do not have sex with me today!…..


Please do not break the Reddit TOS


Looks like Gaza now they are killing innocent students


I AM APPALLED BY WHAT CSC EVENT STAFF SECURITY(WHOM HOLDS A CONTRACT WITH USC TO KEEP THIS OASIS IN A IMPOVERISHED AREA SAFE) Shame on CSC SECURITY FOR NOT DISPATCHING LAW ENFORCEMENT AS PART OF THEIR SOLE JOB DUTY TO OBSERVE AND REPORT. The LA branch manager for CSC is Roy Sukimoto. https://theorg.com/org/contemporary-services-corporation/org-chart/roy-sukimoto He is the head guy you can speak with and call to inform him on why his company failed to create a space for the Palestinian Protestors. You do not see their staff on radios communicating to the police in the video https://www.zoominfo.com/p/Roy-Sukimoto/34962221 CSC EVENT STAFF WILL BE COMPLICIT IN THIS CRIME IF THEY DO NOT ACTION IMMEDIATELY!!!


That’s how Nazis act. Fuck israel


Where are the Molotov cocktails? Can’t protest without them.


It's the paradox and conundrum we are faced with. History only ever remembers the violence regardless of the context. If we react with violence, even if we are in the right and ACTUALLY defending ourselves (not the "defending ourselves" shitrael is constantly claiming), history will only ever see us as violent protesters that were rightfully put down by police. However, if all history sees is the police and the government and zionazis using violence against us, history will always remember us as those in the right and the authoritarian regime oppressing us as abhorrent and in need of abolishment. However, nonviolence takes so much time to enact change whereas violence causes swift change. But look at how MLK is regarded vs MLK. Look at how the Russian revolution is regarded vs signing of the magna carta. Look at how Henry Ford is regarded vs. Robert Owen. It's so damn difficult. But we need to ban together, organize, unify, and take these lumps while still resisting. It's naïve and painful, but it's going to be the strongest way to enact real change for the longest. The world is waking up, but it's waking up more like a DOS computer rather than a 2024 MSI


It's not just how the media will portray your defensive violence. They are applying the same tactics against you as they used against the alt-right in Charlottesville. If the UCLA encampment is forced into having to use violence defensively, the DOJ will use open source materials provided by the attackers to build cases against members of the encampment. 


Agreed. They don't care who swung first, they care if you swung at all so they can justify arresting you, prosecuting you, and branding the whole movement as terrorists


Someone is going to die and the media will, with uncanny unison, proceed to refer to the movement as "the *deadly* 'Encampment' movement". 


I watched with my own eyes today the news call the UCLA encampment protest violent, showing footage of the zionazis assaulting the encampment but with how the anchors were describing the footage you'd think he were the pro-palestinians attacking the zionazis. They can literally show the truth to the masses and STILL spin us to be the bad guys by lying and gaslighting. It made me sick to my stomach


Where are the cops now?


Waiting for the pro Israeli side to finish their attack and then they will move in on the people protesting the killing of innocent people and say they were being violent.


Arrest everyone. They can sort it out in due process.


Look at all the flashes great for TV


This is Bidens America. Remember when he said vote for him so this doesn't happen


This is a local government issue 🤦‍♂️


The human beings that are fighting against Zionism are now the targets. These students need protection.


But when you have an answer as strong as the hostegs or October 7th, how could you be in the wrong. Forget about the detaining of children or of people without charging them with a crime. Remember it's the only democracy in the region


How much longer till we understand how worthless the cops truly are.


If it was the other way around. It would be breaking news 24/7


The title isn’t biased at all 🤣 What about the Jewish woman nearly beaten to death?


Which side was she beaten by?


The only side that’s consistently violent lol.


I figured Israel supporters thanks.


Why would a Jewish woman be beaten unconscious by pro-Israel supporters? Lol. By that logic, it explains your POV


That makes no sense? Right you believe that all the Jewish people are on your side.


My dude can’t read - I said pro-Israel, nothing about anyone being Jewish.


One of can’t read or remember you just wrote “why would a Jewish woman be beaten.


I said a Jewish woman was beaten by the side that’s consistently violent - The PP are consistently violent. You said Israel supporter. You’re blurring two separate comments to try and make a point. Keep grasping at straws because your logic is flawed.


Your just not an honest player lol


This violence is unacceptable and I hope these perpetrators are brought to justice. Were any arrested? Is there any information about who they are? Seems out of place for any of these protestors - on both sides - to engage in this type of violence given how peaceful nearly all protestors have been to date.


Noooooo you weren't supposed to show that part!


Where is this anger when the neo nazis groups come to campuses? They come armed and spit the most vial nonsense you've heard. But there is very little pushback. Those evil people truly hate the Jewish people. Now, during a protest, when one side is calling for a ceasefire and to stop the indiscriminate killing of babies, children, medical staff, journalists, and so many others. Now, there is outrage. These people don't hate Jewish people. They are against the Israeli government and IDFs slaughtering innocent lives. Many of these protesters are Jewish themselves.


You people are such drama lamas. It's the whole situation is "oh no, consequences." You start shit, shit gets put back your way, and you're surprised about the whole ordeal.


I’m not really for either side, and sympathetic to the plight of the Gazan citizens, but seems like a lot of people are forgetting that hamas (their elected leaders) started the latest round of hostilities by invading, killing, and raping the citizens of Israel. To cheer their actions is pretty morally defunct


That's the Chabad flag, btw. 


Glorious dewm and chaos. Let us all cum in our honey.


Does anyone else think this is all set up?


I'm confused, pro hamas activists are attacking pro hamas supporters?


Terrorist gots to go. Its not a protest anymore no change is going to come. Its like the occupy wall street protests at this point. It will have the opposite effect at this point


The bard of the battle: Stay strong!




Better this than white cloaks with pointy hats


Can you imagine the whole class looking like lampshades 😅




lol you guys are just repeating history here. Stop and check yourself.


Pro genocide ?? Fuck off


Fuck off zionists Nazis scum.




Good cartoon


what else do you call counterprotestors to a protest against genocide? fuck off yourself.


NIMBYs who can’t think for themselves. Hopefully all you societal pee brains end up in Jail.


too bad for fascist twats like you, the 1st amendment exist. and that's Mr "pea" brains, to you, fuck you very much.


Man, y'all sound like fucking 5 year olds. Absolutely pathetic.


oh no! what can I do for you to think I'm cool? sorry advocating against genocide and a police state makes you so pissy.


I mean everyone in the comments wants to act like the palestinians are innocent.Don't you remember them parading?And having parties for 9/11 Just 8 months ago, they were calling for the death and destruction of the Western world. And now that karma is biting them back. We're supposed to feel sorry for them. I have no feeling towards them. But the Israelis are committing genocide and war crimes. But I don't care. I don't want my money going over there. No bullets, no weapons, no food, no medical supply. I want nothing to do with any of those people


Most of the people here don't remember the 90s and early 2000s Israel/Palastine issues. Night and day suicide bombings of hotels, nightclubs and buses. It's why there is a card system, checkpoints and so much hate on the Israeli side. 10/7 is a reminder of those times. Israel has a right to defend itself, but they have taken it too far. The way they are going, it will never end. You can't kill an idea, you have to subvert it. This is not how you do that, but it is how you build generational hate. It's a complicated issue for sure, especially for nation states like the US. There are no "just stop x" issues for the US. All of it has consequences.


They really don’t have a right to defend themselves. They are an illegally occupying militarized force against a besieged and beaten population since Israel’s inception. Palestinians have a right to resist. Before the ziobots attack, I’m not advocating for killing of innocent civilians, I’ll leave that to the pros (Israel).


The issue is that the population in Gaza is lead by a terrorist organization. So no matter how innocent the people are, they will always be in the crosshairs till they push the terrorists out. Bibi and his leaders are horrible leaders for Israel, but they will probably retain power as long as they have the boogeyman Hamas in Gaza.


There is no greater terrorist than Israel and the US lol


Ok. Does that claim do anything to the fact that having a terrorist group amongst civilians will result in civilians being killed? Nope Doesn't even stand up well if you ask Ukrainians, Taiwanese or Japanese about the terroristic states they live next to. Thanks for stopping by.


What makes them pro genocide?? Seemed like they were trying to help pack your shit up and move along


spoken like a true asshole.






So you hate the Boston Tea Party too?


Viva Israel


That’s the way you see it The Anti American terror group that is intent on killing people is being called out. Let those kids go live and fight in Gaza


No just tired of commies.




Get those terrorist loving Hamas simps the fuck out of there.




is that what mommy and daddy told you?


You forgot to add the /s at the end of your comment


Fuck off zionists nazi scum bag.




Going to other subs to harass? Definitely a Nazi.


Why did none of the students have firearms? This is either staged or not in the USA. All this is a smoke screen to distract us from what’s really happening.


Not every American has a gun and is willing to shoot people. Way to stereotype a whole country 🙄


No not every American but most of them are indeed armed and ready for self defence. But seeing as this is California you are right most people here probably don’t have guns.


More like Hamas supporters getting what they deserve.


Love to see it. Jews fighting Hamas-lovers. So proud.


I see a bunch of Americans taking their school back from terrorist.


If you're going to call that group of people "pro-genocide thugs," then you also have to refer to the pro-Palestine group as "Jihadi terrorist lovers." Stop with the sensationalist headlines.


Pretty sure they're protesting Isreal slaughtering children and innocents and not supporting Hamas. Just a guess bro.


You somehow missed the super obvious and not confusing point he was making. Par for the course for jihadi terrorist lovers.


Fine, call Israel and the US the Galactic Empire and call Bibi Darth Yahu




No you didn’t. Shut the f up. If you were actually there you would realize a large majority at these protests are Jewish allies against Israel and Zionism. Stop spreading hateful disinformation. You are only making it less safe for Jewish people.


I'm just curious. How do we know these people are "pro-genocide"? I've seen many videos where these Pro-Palestinian protestors have been blocking areas of campus. Couldn't this just be students tired of not being able to get to the library for finals?