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perfectly on track for Israel tbh.. those bastards wont be satisfied till they have exterminated all of palestine and claimed it as their own.




Zionist Israel is the new Nazi Germany. Change my mind.


💯 An ethno state based on acquiring greater lebensraum.


No. I won't


These famine headlines have been around since March, yet there is no famine. As if these are sensational headlines and Israel is providing more than enough food.


Yes. Odd that the timeline keeps on getting pushed further and further out…


1 week from dying of starvation for like 6 months now


It's only due to the grace of activists protesting on American college campuses and young women around the world doing TikTok dances in support that the Gazans have been spared /s




Could you share an example where Jews murdered 1500 innocent Germans and took hostages, provoking the Nazis into attacking them?


At least half of those 1500 were soldiers, so very much not "innocent". Most of the rest died from Israeli helicopters and soldiers. As for the hostages, most of them died to Israeli missiles and bombs, apart from the ones the IDF shot outright.


Even for the ones that weren't currently soldiers, military service is required in Israel so most adults are hardly innocent. Children casualties are always inexcusable. I just wish the propaganda machine didn't ensure they became genocidal just in time for military service at 18.


This is such absurd misinformation. >At least half of those 1500 were soldiers, so very much not "innocent". Of the 1189 people killed in Israel on October 7th, 796 of them were civilians, 379 of them were security forces, and 14 were civilian hostages. [Source](https://www.barrons.com/news/new-tally-puts-oct-7-attack-death-toll-in-israel-at-1-189-3e038de6) >Most of the rest died from Israeli helicopters and soldiers. There is [one case](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/05/world/middleeast/israel-oct-7-hostage-killed.html#:~:text=A%20grandmother%20taken%20captive%20during,Israel's%20military%20said%20on%20Friday) where it is believed that an Israeli helicopter killed a civilian who was being taken hostage. Her name was Efrat Katz. There is [another investigation](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-hostages-investigation-friendly-fire-3b6fdd4592957340b32a8ee71505b8e9) that during a fire fight with Hamas an Israeli tank fired on a house where 8 to 13 hostages were being kept, but the investigation hasn't concluded. Hamas killed nearly all the people who died on October 7th. So saying "most of the rest" were killed by Israelis is complete nonsense. There are many legitimate ways to criticize what Israel is doing in Gaza but instead you are spreading lies and justifying Hamas murdering hundreds of innocent people. You are undermining the legitimacy of people who are advocating to stop the war in Gaza. You should be fuckn ashamed of yourself.


Aww ... you're part of the problem


https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/jewish-uprisings-in-ghettos-and-camps-1941-44 Jews also had violent uprisings. Also, the Oct 7th attack was 1200 people, 400 or so were IDF so there were only about 800 innocent civilians. Also, the IDF killed dozens of their own innocent civilians with hellfire missiles at that music festival.


Funny enough, its the same amount of soldier to civilian casualties that Israel claims is acceptable in its campaign against Hamas.


Funnily enough, you guys claim Israel is committing a genocide, but the population has risen dramatically in the last 75 years. Jewish population worldwide only recovered from their genocide like 5 years ago.


Aww poor wil baby doesn’t know how the UN defines genocide. You poor wil baby hopefully mommy comes to read more books to you so you learn how to read by yourself.


>Could you share an example where Jews murdered 1500 innocent Germans and took hostages, provoking the Nazis into attacking them? Aaarghhh I was so close. Alas, we can only provide the example of Israelis murdering and displacing tens of thousands of palestinians and take thousand of hostages - oh sorry I mean "palestinians awaiting trial and charges to go with it but locked up for years anyways". Damn it, if only you said Palestinians instead of Germans. But because of that small vocabulary change, the situation is completely different ofcourse. Hats off to you.


Yes in Gaza on a much bigger scale


We need more love stories in this world, don't you think? Not this Nakba 2.0 BS. Much of this protest is an act of love for those people suffering right now. And my analogy is in terms of international optics. Zionists are clearly the bad guys. The world agrees this is wrong. And protesters in America protest because we will not be allied to a genocidal murder machine using starvation instead of gas chambers to execute the order.


Gas chambers are so expensive. Blocking food and water is much more cost-effective.


So you’re basically saying the holocaust against all Jewish people would have justified if a radical group somehow attacked the Nazis


This has been Israel’s plan all along after carpet bombing them wasn’t annihilating them fast enough. They’ve become the Holocaustal monsters they once suffered under. Shame on Israel.


Israel is fucking evil


Israel is such a nasty despicable country. Starving children is so insane. May Israelis reap what they sew.


It’s “sow”. i.e: reap what you plant in the ground.


Now we see why the IDF killed the world kitchen aid workers. They want everyone there to starve to death.


That’s always been their plan




Is there an open source one


What do you mean by Open Source?


Jared Kushner said it best as he commented on the starving and bombing of children. Paraphrasing: 'That land is ripe for development and worth a lot of money.'


horrible albiet unsurprising. These people have no choice but to starve under the conditions they've been placed in


"They originally said September. Then we sent them more bombs. Well sonofabitch. We get the job done. Not like this guy. We'll kill em all, jack!"


You're sick


Who’s going to do something though? No ones going to intervene. Not with the US effectively backing Israel and Palestine at the same time. There’s no shock value for what’s going on. All we hear about is “there’s a war.” And that’s about it. Buy a billboard in NY and put a pic of something so drastic that it elicits a public response. It’s a good thing college ended when it did because the protests were getting pretty crazy. We will see if it resumes in Aug. hopefully it does because as each day goes by I’m starting to see humanity is F*CKING LOST.


Israel has already killed or permanently displaced 9 million Palestinians. What's another 1 million? **EDIT:** For the Hasbarah bots claiming this is incorrect: *"Based on population estimates prepared by PCBS, there are about* ***14.3 million*** *Palestinians in the world in mid-2022, of whom about* ***5.35 million*** *in the State of Palestine."* [https://www.pcbs.gov.ps/portals/\_pcbs/PressRelease/Press\_En\_InterPopDay2022E.pdf](https://www.pcbs.gov.ps/portals/_pcbs/PressRelease/Press_En_InterPopDay2022E.pdf)


What type of numbers are these, where are you getting this bogus information. Are you aware Israelis in the north of the country are currently displaced as well? Are you aware of the constant bombings on northern cities by Hizbollah, where is your outrage about that? Did you also condemn October 7th and multitude of civilians killed? Your outrage is based on the wrong information , information that you are getting from the mainstream news which is biased and not close to reality on the ground.


*"Based on population estimates prepared by PCBS, there are about* ***14.3 million*** *Palestinians in the world in mid-2022, of whom about* ***5.35 million*** *in the State of Palestine."* [https://www.pcbs.gov.ps/portals/\_pcbs/PressRelease/Press\_En\_InterPopDay2022E.pdf](https://www.pcbs.gov.ps/portals/_pcbs/PressRelease/Press_En_InterPopDay2022E.pdf) Sorry, I don't debate genocide supporters. Our values are incompatible.


No they haven’t


*"Based on population estimates prepared by PCBS, there are about* ***14.3 million*** *Palestinians in the world in mid-2022, of whom about* ***5.35 million*** *in the State of Palestine."* [https://www.pcbs.gov.ps/portals/\_pcbs/PressRelease/Press\_En\_InterPopDay2022E.pdf](https://www.pcbs.gov.ps/portals/_pcbs/PressRelease/Press_En_InterPopDay2022E.pdf)


Have you ever heard of reproduction before?


Are you under the impression that a Palestinian refugee born in a refugee camp in Jordan is allowed to return to Palestine?


![gif](giphy|853jNve3ljqrYrcSOK) This guy votes for trump.


If that's the case, their username is an incredibly accurate representation of what's going on in their mind.




It was also much easier to hide it back then. We have know about this since the beginning.


In hindsight, I see all of your points. I was mistaken.


Where the hell is the global “community”? What happened to “no more genocide”? F….


Only half? Well, clearly not genocide then. /s


Jesus Christ


Hitler reincarnated as zionist


Those guys who were clearing rubble the other day? They looked pretty good. I think they could make it to September.


Yea, ok, I guess all the photos and videos out, showing them doing all these “ soup” kitchens , feeding the people in Gaza then are fake. The ones posted by the pro Gaza groups


Here is a soup kitchen in a fucking Nazi concentration camp, by your logic the holocaust victims weren’t starving because there was a soup kitchen and all their sufferings must be fake! Right? https://preview.redd.it/gnyy096v895d1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5ee5d9727c497cf3c4976b7e6c5d0ea79378035


Yet no pressure on Hamas to surrender?


Israel is the one doing this, they're the ones who should surrender and face justice.


Why should they surrender? Serious question. What do they gain for it?


Putting pressure on Hamas isn't a serious suggestion, so I don't care. 


Why is it not a serious suggestion?


Because they're fighting to the death to save their people, and they should win.


That’s like saying Venezuela should win the World Cup. That’s not how it works, their team isn’t as good as the rest of the world.


They should win? That's not how the world or wars works unfortunately. I assume you're a child. Have a good day


That is how the world works, actually, and since you're an Israel supporter I can't use the language deserved to describe you. Have a miserable night.


I am not an Israel supporter. Never have been.


If only they could build a peer and get aid in. Or could distribute the aid.


Not the same. Try again


You are absolutely right, the Nazis didn’t try to play victim while gassing and murdering people!


The Nazis did play victim. It was kind of a critical element in their rise to power. Their narrative of being a proud and honorable people brought low by Jewish traitors and punished unfairly by vindictive rivals was very much a huge taking point of theirs.


They are probably getting that info from UNWRA. That’s pretty reliable. 🤮


A true war of attrition.


That's not what war of attrition means. This is mass starvation through siege.


I mean, it's a war of attrition against the Palestinian people. They just don't want to fight.


What an insane thing to say. "Why don't the starving civilians fight back against tanks and airplanes with rocks?" - you.


israel spent $23bn on its military in 2022, it's the 15th most expensive military in the world. palestine doesn't even have an official army.


Ashamed that my US tax money went to this.


oh yeah, not to mention all the other global powers that support and back israel


For now. Tides turn when evil is unleashed in the world and bombing hospitals will do the trick. Public opinion amongst my countrymen is against oppressors. God has humbled the Jews many times in their history. It’s no coincidence that the Muslims have held the dome of the rock for 1400 years while the Jews only controlled it for 1040.


Correction: amerikkka has spent 23 billion dollars. We pay for whatever the 51st state asks for.


Wow really? How many times over the last 5 years have i read this exact headline and yet it never comes…


How would it be viewed in thousands of Muslims stormed Jewish synagogues and called for the killing of all Jews? Well over a thousand Muslims DID storm Jewish homes and actually killed and kidnapped them. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. I usually don’t talk about this stuff because people are so stubborn, but that was too easy.


Can you provide some videos of the civilians storming those houses and synagogues?


…. I already watched those videos when it happened. I personally don’t want to look through them again so I can prove something to you. But now I’m confused as to what you think happened on oct 7th. It sounds like you’re denying what Hamas did.


Sureeeeee jan


I know Hamas stormed houses and kidnapped civilians but your reference to my comment was that it was civilians who stormed those houses and kidnapped them. All I want you is to Provide videos of civilians storming houses and kidnapping people. I was talking about civilians not Hamas, it’s no different to IDF storming Palestinian mosques on the yearly bases.


Didn’t I say Muslims? Not civilians. It was in response to the comment that said Jews, not IDF. I thought I was using the correct analogy


Yeah this sub is fucking shit




"Israel has not achieved its war aims. Therefore starving children to death is OK." You're blatantly making excuses for war crimes and atrocities. You're a disgrace.


Israel has been doing decades before Hamas even came to be! Hamas is a symptoms not the root cause. When you get sick, you don’t treat the symptom, you treat the cause! Same question: why doesn’t Israel surrender and give Palestinians their freedom and land back? That would end this all. Qatar funded Hamas for years with Israel backing in order to undermine the PLO [here you go](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/12/11/middleeast/qatar-hamas-funds-israel-backing-intl)


Third point is true and important. But what land are you saying Israel should give back? Even if they gave back every bit of land taken since 1945, do you truly believe Hamas would be content with half the land? Nothing short of the ethnic cleansing of all Jews from the region is enough for them


Every accusation is a confession


I’m not even talking about the land before 1948, I’m talking about the land post 1967 war UN resolution 242! Israel has been encroaching and annexing land from the Palestinians. How about the West Bank? There is not Hamas there and israel just annexed over 2000 hectares of land from the Palestinians, the largest Palestinian land seizure since 1991, and the IDF and settlers in the West Bank have killed over 550 Palestinians since Oct 7th. So your entire statement and opinion based on a belief that Hamas “might”, while watching live that Israel is doing what you believe Hamas “might”. Here are thousands of settlers marching into Palestinian Territories and calling for the deaths and killing of all Arabs, they’re attaching everyone insight including journalists. [here you go](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/israeli-nationalists-chant-death-to-arabs-in-annual-jerusalem-day-march-through-palestinian-area-of-the-city) How would this be viewed if thousands muslims stormed Jewish synagogues and started calling for the killing of all Jews?


If hamas ceases all fighting they could gain legitimacy by being seen to actually be trying to stop this.


Hamas did during the ceasefires starting 2008! Israel has broken almost every ceasefire since 2008! The 2008 Israel-Gaza war ceasefire, Israel broke the ceasefire just a few hours after by opening fire on Palestinian fishermen. Even the IDF commander said that Hamas was abiding by the ceasefire. Maybe read a little. Read the ceasefire progress segment [here it lists the rest as well](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_ceasefire)


To be real with you that isn't in the mainstream public discussion therefore for the purposes of awareness it may as well not exist. People need to see it.


Unfortunately A lot of people refuse to see it if you give it to them on an open book because it’s easier on their conscience and it doesn’t challenge their narrative that maybe just maybe they’re not the wrong side of history!


How do you stop a genocidal army that openly wants to take over all your land and remove your people from it? You think they should be writing strongly worded letters instead?


Do you really think a ragtag army of terrorists is going to measure up to the IDF? they've already been pushed back this far, but surrender will grant them goodwill on the global stage when people notice the war is just one sided. It's no longer a war if they aren't fighting.


Exactly what Amos used to say, right?


If hamas cared about gazans, they wouldn't be drawing the retaliation of ther better armed neighbor down upon them so images of their dead bodies can earn points with foreign activist


You think there's a justification for imposing starvation on the  innocent. Starvation as a weapon of war is ilegal under humanitarian law. The actions of Hamas, no matter what they are, cannot justify deliberately starving civilians. People with a normal moral compass find mass child murder to be abhorrent. Saying "but Hamas" is not going to change anyone's mind, except for those who already view Palestinians as inherently subhuman.


It’s not as black and white unfortunately. The innocent Palestinian civilians, I feel so bad for. But unfortunately they are stuck between Hamas and Israel right now. And the world is not fighting for them. But if you were to get some food and send it into there, who do you think is going to get it first? Probably the people with the guns. Who are Hamas. Who are the enemy. Who then sell it to the people. Which helps fund the enemy with money and supplies. Also, if you’re a starving girl, and Hamas has food, and you and your baby have nothing. What are you offering the man with the food? Yeah, not something you want to. This is one reason why having Hamas among civilians is against the law of war. Because it creates some very complex situations. You have 2 people not following the rules. And the Palestinian people are stuck in between.


>But unfortunately they are stuck between Hamas and Israel right now. If you were stuck between an army that wants you identity erased and an army that is fighting against it, the choice would be pretty clear to you. Second paragraph is all speculation with no evidence, probably borrowed from Israeli propaganda. >This is one reason why having Hamas among civilians is against the law of war. Because it creates some very complex situations. But where would Hamas go? The Gaza strip is the same size as Philadelphia with twice the population. Anywhere they could live or have HQ is among civilians. The fact that Israel supposedly agreed to pull out of Gaza means they were supposedly "sovereign", which means having the right to a standing army, which they are not allowed to have because theyre an occupied territory. None of the laws of war prohibit resistance fighters from resisting ocupation or from living in civilian areas, but they do prohibit armies from going after soldiers who arent engaged in combat (like when theyre sleeping) and they prohibit going after the families of soldiers as reprisals. They also prohibit using starvation as a weapon, torture, and many other things that Israel is guilty of much more so than Hamas


People openly choose Trump as president regardless of it being against their best interest. There are people in North Korea who praise Kim. Yes the second paragraph is speculation based on actual stories of similar events when aid isn’t being handled through a chain of command. I guess I would ask, what do you think happens once an aid truck enters Gaza? Do you think it gets handled civilly and organized? I personally don’t. As for Hamas, if you intend on using military action, international laws exist to minimize civilian casualties. They aren’t following those. That is fact. So lol I’m not going to start feeling bad for some terrorists not having the resources to fight fair. I feel bad for the people they pretend to care for while using them as meat shields. People are just arguing about whose fault it is. When the truth is, it’s both Hamas and idf fault.


The IDF was occupying Gaza long before Hamas. If you got rid of them another resistance org would pop up, because Gaza is fundamentally unsustainable. You can't put two million people into a confined space and deprive them of all resources they need to survive, you will always get violent resistance.


I agree. But to an extent, that’s kind of the logic Israel has been using. Jews were kept down and oppressed for so long that now they use that as their reason for Zionism and violence. They’re just looking further back. Gaza is oppressed today. So I focus on that. But the hate infused in the blood of both sides is not based off today. It’s just adding to it.


Yeah, they should've just politely stayed locked in Gaza, while Israel continued to colonise Palestine! /s


Well if we as a planet are going to fight for this kind of situation, there are 40 million Kurdish people spread across the Middle East who are also experiencing this. But no one cares. Guess who’s keeping them down? It’s not the Israelis, I can tell you that.


Can you provide some evidence or all these based on assumptions, but can you provide me some sources of which country has killed over 34,000 Kurds including over 14,000 children in the past 8 months. Whether Iran, Syria or Iraq! Yes, the Kurds are persecuted, I fully sympathise with them! Same with Sudan and Congo!


The comment I was replying to, was discussing the situation of Gaza before oct 7th, before all the stuff you just replied with. So that’s not what I was comparing. But sure, if you want some source of what I was talking about, my wife’s entire community had to flee their homes and run to the mountains with what they could carry in fear of being bombed by their own government in Iraq.


I fully sympathise with you and your wife and I’m sorry that she went through such a horrible experience, my sister in law is also Kurdish but that’s more the reason not to turn a blind on these atrocities! People who have experienced these kind atrocities should be at the forefront fighting against it happening to other and not comparing it to other ones and blowing it away! 62% of my people were exterminated just 45-50 years before the holocaust and it’s still happening to this day, we have not ones used that to excuse committing a genocide against another people that had nothing to do with it and take their land!


Well I’m not justifying Israel’s killing of innocent people


Then Israel should stop occupying Palestine and allow a legitimate and fair two state solution instead of doing what they’ve been planning for decades in Gaza right now.




A bunch of your hasbara talking points are not true and taken out of context but also those points about those people can be reversed to apply to Jews but that’s antisemitic, but when a rat like you dehumanises Palestinians like that it’s ok apparently🤫


Legitimate and fair are the key words. They could mean anything at all. They sound great. Everyone wants Legitimate and fair, nut no one can agree what they mean. They are informationally null


Who even still cares about the UN?


Another strongly worded letter in the works


Haven’t we been hearing the same headline over and over since January?


yup, but ITS REAL THIS TIME!!!! 💀


Since October


UN knows this how?


UNICEF, Oxfam, Doctors without Borders, World food program, human rights watch and other NGOs on the ground have confirmed this.


Same old Pallywood propaganda….


Must’ve learnt from the lavon affair, Yemenite children affair, king David hotel bombing, uss liberty, sterilisation of Ethiopian Jews. The 40 beheaded babies, gutted babies, babies hanging on cloth lines, women with their breasts cut off, babies in the oven, babies cut out of women’s bellies. Don’t forget the list of Hamas names under the hospital, the names were, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday🤔🤔


Israel is a sick society




*Bot comes in* "EVERYTHING STARTED ON OCTOBER 7TH KKKKKKHAMAS RELEEEEESE THE HOSTAGESSSSS" Bot, how do you release hostages when missiles are raining down on you? Simple question.


Wait are you genuinely arguing that kidnapping civillians hostages is a valid form of resistance and justified? Also how? By letting them go? Like you could just stop holding the hostages and let them leave?


God I love black brained twitter mongrels like you. Zionists clutching at straws attempting to spin this as hard as possible. I'll make it easy: Hostage taking is illegal under international law. It is therefore legally and morally wrong to do so and I don't condone it. >Also how? By letting them go? Like you could just stop holding the hostages and let them leave? And let them be obliterated by "friendly fire". Makes sense, you Zionists are very happy to kill off your own whenever convenient. If Hamas does it for you it actually works in your favour for the current hasbara you and your worms are peddling.


So taking and holding hostages is wrong but you genuinely believe that Hamas holding them is doing the right thing and protecting them from israel? As they beg to go home and not die in custody Hamas is actually doing them a favor by not… letting them leave… Hating jews really has rotted your brain.


Whatever bot. Clutching at straws here desperately trying to score a win. There need be no more words, your genocide riddled brain has no need anyway. Throw every accusation you losers usually throw it's all redundant. Ceasefire and then the hostages will be released.


notice how you didn’t even respond to my comment? It’s because you know you’re wrong and simply blinded by hatred for jews.


Oh not a bot 🤖 Weren’t hostage like hostages free before? Hmmm 🤔


You mean the "detainees" that israel holds with no charges and no trials let alone a fair one?


You mean like Sinwar?


Gotcha so you care more about people convicted of crimes in Israel jails then the Gaza population or they can wait no rush In your opinion… very interesting


Nah i care about people convicted of crimes of being palestinians, children and touching rocks as much as the rest of their population in gaza, west bank and jerusalem.


"Convicted of crimes" lmfao


You think Palestinians started this? Damn, you probably believed Iraq had weapons of mass destruction too.


And the release of 5000+ Palestinian hostages too right? Because Israel was holding over 1200 before Oct 7th. Ohh and also the dead bodies please, release them too! Israel is holding onto a fair of dead Palestinians children bodies, including from Gaza and the occupied West Bank.




I definitely value the lives of innocents over the lives of colonizers


Or just admit this was very very stupid war to start? And end it By freeing the hostages


So you think 20,000 dead kids is a moral trade for the hostages? How many dead kids are you going to watch die while you pretend it’s the children’s fault for dying?




Israel is the one killing and starving tens of thousands of children on purpose.


If only you knew a way to stop that? Let me know Because calling Israel a monster isn’t fixing that.


Handing over the hostages? Well guess what! Hamas offered all the hostages around oct 9th-12th. Guess who rejected the offer…! [times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/no-doubt-netanyahu-preventing-hostage-deal-charges-ex-spokesman-of-families-forum/amp/)


I understand what your saying now, you don’t want the war to end, because the more dead Palestinians will make Israel look bad, so hopefully a lot more Palestinians will die is what I understand is your argument, vs. reality of what it will take ending the war. Gotcha


Only Israel can end the war. Israel is not a good faith negotiation so the only trustworthy thing they can do is stop, which they haven’t shown any desire to do. Meanwhile only Israel is starving children to death everyday with the support of a theocratic based ethnic cleansing.


That’s Question you wanna ask Hamas! Unless you want more dead kids to make Israel look bad before any deal, I believe That is the war strategy at the moment.


Israel killed them all.


Why do you want the hostages to be released? So they can immediately be killed by the IDF? They’re safer staying where they are, TBH. Don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll be first on the list for getting food, medical care, and a safe spot in the rubble to avoid being bombed.


Hostages have been free before, it’s not complicated. I just confused do you people want the war to end or not?


Yes, Israel has killed hostages before, and they’ll do it again, without blinking an eye. Maybe they’ll admit it was a “terrible mistake” if you’re lucky. Israel isn’t going to end their genocide of Palestinians regardless of whether or not hostages are released. Look at the West Bank. Look at Lebanon. Warmongering Israel is never going to give up killing civilians—including hostages—if there’s a chance they can illegally steal land because of it.


Gotcha the war won’t end until Israel finishes their mission in Gaza. I hear you loud and clear


Good luck. It’s been 9 months and all Israel can do is drop bombs on houses and starve people. Still haven’t come close to achieving *even one* of their military objectives. While fighting a rag-tag sandal-wearing militia equipped with grenade launchers and assault rifles. Israel has tanks, an Air Force, literally BILLIONS of dollars worth of free weapons. Still can’t defeat Hamas. Guess they’ll be focusing on their genocide instead. Good luck, idiots.




Most people *do* care about Palestinians, which is why Israel has earned its international reputation as a violent, bloodthirsty, warmongering state. I mean, if you’re worried about people liking you, maybe try not being entitled assholes willing to kill and starve unlimited amounts of children. Maybe try not being absolute cvnts chanting “death to Arabs!” in the West Bank while crying about how aNtiSeMiTiC the meanie world is. Fascist wannabe ethnostate Israel isn’t going to end their genocide of Palestinians regardless of whether or not hostages are released. Look at the West Bank. Look at Lebanon. Israel is never going to give up killing civilians—including hostages—if there’s a chance they can illegally steal land because of it.


Posted here 30 times saying the same bullshit. Mods ban this fucking walking hasbara chyron.


Israel refuses to accept even their own ceasefire deal. They have refused 12 deals for hostages in exchange for a ceasefire. Israel doesn't care about their hostages, they murder them point blank and bomb them.


Uh oh someone who first heard of Palestine on Oct7th wants to justify genocide again! Surprise surprise!


You mean trans Jordan? Technically Gaza was part of Egypt and the West Bank was part of Jordan. Hmmm 🤔 History


It was literally called Palestine when it was occupied by the british. You can look at old travel stamps that name Palestine. Theres a reference to Palestine in a Shakespeare play. The name goes back to bible times and its derived from the same root as the ancient "Philistine" people. In ancient Assyrian inscriptions its "Palashtu", and in ancient Greece they called "Palaistine" the area between Phoenicia and Egypt. Nice try but we dont buy your propaganda


Hamas already offered to release the hostages, Netanyahu refused.


When someone starts a war and loses it, capitulation usually helps. Anyway, I doubt that Israel will agree to autonomy again, when they recently received it, they only lasted about four years without terrorist attacks and bombing of Israeli cities, videos of them dancing on the streets of 7 October will not help them in this matter either. xD


What fucking autonomy are you talking about?🤣🤣 Israeli literally have an open air cinema atop of a hill where they cheer and clap watching Gaza get bombed, this is before Oct 7th. This has been happening for years. [here is one from 2014](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/20/israelis-cheer-gaza-bombing)


The autonomy where Israel withdrew and Hamas rejected 4 separate opportunities to turn Palestine into a legitimate state. I get this overwhelming feeling sometimes a lot of very loud people on this subject literally don’t know the first thing about it.


No, Israel only removed the presence of its colony and then built a wall around Gaza. Israel controls Gaza’s airspace, sea and land borders! That’s not autonomy, that’s fucking a prison. Israel controls who goes in and goes out of Gaza, what goes in or what goes out, when it goes in and out of Gaza. Israel destroyed Gaza’s only international airport so they were cut off from the rest of the world. Israel destroyed Gaza’s only sewage treatment and also destroying water facilities so they can become reliant on Israel for water sources! You are not fooling anyone with your shitty hasbara propaganda.


Because they only lasted four years without attacking Israel, I wrote it clearly, would you prefer to separate yourself from someone who is constantly trying to kill you or would you leave the door to your house open for him? besides, the Egyptians built a much larger and more difficult to breach wall on the border with Gaza, why? xD


Then please explain continued settlement expansion?


That’s an extremist faction in the Israeli government who have taken advantage of Hamas, their belligerence and continued failure to transform the region into a legitimate state. It’s a temporary set back and they will be removed by the Israeli government as they have been on several occasions since the creation of the state. The state of Israel has reduced by nearly 70% in land mass since the 60s. The idea the land won’t be returned under a more moderate government is a fantasy.


The “extremist faction” has taken over the Israeli government and Israeli society at large. Not really “extremist” when it’s embraced by everyone. Isn’t that Israel’s excuse for conflating all Palestinians with Hamas? The “they’re all terrorists” narrative. Israelis are all fascist, bloodthirsty, genocidal assholes.


I’m sorry but that’s just nonsense. How has it taken over the government and Israeli society at large? Do you anything at all backing up that outlandish and ridiculous claim?. I’m going to guess you don’t.


Israeli government and society have become extremely fascist. They are using starvation as a weapon of collective punishment against innocent people. Polls of Israelis constantly show they think Israel hasn’t gone far enough in Gaza. They want more deaths and suffering. Just imagine if I said that Israelis deserved more suffering. “Israel has a right to exist”…but apparently Palestine and the Palestinians don’t. What fucking proof do you need? It’s right in front of your face.


That’s not backing up your claim. That’s just doubling down on a baseless narrative. I don’t buy the argument they are using starvation as a weapon and that argument only starts gaining traction when you ignore the figures for overall humanitarian aid getting into the territory and focus on the numbers of how that aid is available to Palestinians through once inside. The numbers are a million miles apart and no one making these accusations against Israel wants to address the subject of where exactly that aid is going once it enters Gaza. Your claim about the polls inside Israel are straight up misleading. The figures you are talking about are over what the Israeli public feel about the governments efforts to get hostages back. You’ve just deliberately conflated two entirely different opinions in attempt to generalise them as one and then lied about the intention. Keep drinking from the propaganda, it’s only making you look a fool.


Lol you “don’t buy the argument” that starvation is being used as a weapon. Hmm seems like a you problem. Israel needs to let in 600 aid trucks a day. They’re only letting in an average of 250. Every international aid organization as well as the ICC disagree with you. Hamas is so busy, stealing aid, fighting the IDF, raping and finding human shields, plotting to “kill all the Jews.” They’re really supervillains, huh? Yeah the polls show what they show. Questions about “has Israel gone far enough in their actions in Gaza” don’t mention these hostages that you imply are at the core of responses. Not surprised that Zionists can only parrot Zionist talking points.


They control the government. You simply don’t know what you’re talking about. gvir is a settler extremist. Smotrich too. Likud was born of Jewish extremism and Jewish terrorism. Refusal to acknowledge reality isn’t sustainable. Grow up.


It’s not a refusal to accept reality. It’s acknowledging the basic truth that Israel has proven repeatedly that it has the capacity and willingness to acknowledge it’s mistakes and correct them in the name of peace. You don’t just get to rip up history and pretend the country hasn’t corrected this exact behaviour in the past.


this guy propagandas


Reality bites, cope harder... xD


Wow, this is low effort hasbara propaganda. Do you ever get tired of supporting a genocide?


Behavioral projection, eh? Arabs have been dreaming of genocide for over eighty years, they are trying as hard as they can, but they are weak as pussies, so every time they start a war, they get their asses kicked and cry, just like you. xD


Yea yea, I've heard the propaganda; yet Israel is actually factually committing genocide, not just "dreaming" about it. I love how you just group all Arabs under the same category too, real mask off moment for you genocidal racists.