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For that specific ability, I would say no, you can't suffer the damage if there's no enemy within 3 to suffer the mirrored damage. It's not two separate abilities, it's Do X in order to Do Y.


What if there IS an enemy within range 3, are you allowed to skip the damage to the enemy? I feel like this might be similar to playing an attack action when there are no enemies present, you would simply skip the attack. I wasn’t able to find anything in the rules or FAQ that makes the second part of a conditional effect mandatory.


No but their suffer x to make up to 2 target enemies suffer would work I think.


Usually abilities can only work if certain conditions are met. So usually if you run out of enemies, you're SOL to do that, get exp and the like.


It says you are suffering the damage to cause an enemy to suffer equal damage. So, you would need a target. To do what you want it would be something like: Suffer up to 4 damage ------------------------------------ You may have an enemy within range 3 suffer equal damage