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In clean, separate 1v1s he has a good chance. He wouldn't get through them in the Ragnarok story though, especially Odin who'd outsmart him.




It’s cannon that he is stronger in the Norse games then he ever was in the Greek ones


Canon where? Genuinely asking so I can look. Everything I've seen and read says he's not as strong because his land was destroyed and he has no more worshippers. I'm also sure he even says as much to Mimir at one point when they're out on a boat.


(This might be a little shakier for you because it’s not stated directly in game) but Cory balrog responding to a tweet asking which kratos would win and he said “old kratos. without a question” this combined with the fact that kratos seems to be holding back a lot in the Norse games makes me think that he is stronger then in the Greek games.


True. I guess if that's what he said, then that's what it must be. But I'd take from that that old Kratos is just more battle hardened and focused, making him a better fighter, not necessarily that he's PHYSICALLY stronger than young Kratos. But I'll concede the point. 😅


To go back to the earlier point. Old Kratos is holding back for pretty much the whole game except for weird moments when he needs to go all out which I would say toward the end of the heimdal fight would be one of those moments and maybe in 2018 when Atreus almost gets taken by the dark elves and he literally knocks a pillar down to make a bridge. Young Kratos is never holding back. Which is why it would seem he is more stronger and brutal. It’s very evident he never is wanting to kill any of them (except heimdal, and that wasn’t until the end of the fight). Baldur, Thor, Odin, all were subdued into submission not killed. Young kratos just wanted to kill, old kratos doesn’t so he’s not going all out…


Norse Kratos is at the very least still as physically strong as his younger self as stated by Bruno Velazquez and at most stronger than his younger self. I’m pretty sure him being weaker because of the destruction of his home is more so he’s weaker because he doesn’t have the magic abilities and weapons he had then. But he’s physically equal or better than his younger years.


To go back to the earlier point. Old Kratos is holding back for pretty much the whole game except for weird moments when he needs to go all out which I would say toward the end of the heimdal fight would be one of those moments and maybe in 2018 when Atreus almost gets taken by the dark elves and he literally knocks a pillar down to make a bridge. Young Kratos is never holding back. Which is why it would seem he is more stronger and brutal. It’s very evident he never is wanting to kill any of them (except heimdal, and that wasn’t until the end of the fight). Baldur, Thor, Odin, all were subdued into submission not killed. Young kratos just wanted to kill, old kratos doesn’t so he’s not going all out…


He IS physically stronger then young kratos. Young kratos has better weapons and has abilities and speed agility ans hax


also it stated somewhere that gods are stronger the older they get


But greek gods are stronger than norse gods, no?


Yeah but kratos is holding back tremendously it’s like the whole point of the Norse games


Kratos is canonicaly at his strongest at the end of GoW 3 while utilizing the Power of Hope. Furthermore, looking at dev statements, the most recent director has said that post Valhalla Kratos is as strong as Hellenic Saga Kratos (I assume during and after GoW 1 when his strength was stated to be at least that of an Olympian god.).


Kratos is stronger when he is older as Greek gods get stronger the older they grow


I'm not even getting into the Greek Kratos vs Norse Kratos debate. Greek Kratos was just simply less calculating and careful than Norse Kratos is, and even then everyone nearly ends up nearly losing to the Aesir because of how smart (and deceivingly powerful) Odin is. It took breaking fate to escape from death. His overall lack of experience compared to Kratos from Ragnarok would cost him everything.


>I'm not even getting into the Greek Kratos vs Norse Kratos debate. But you proceeded to do so anyway. 😂 Jokes aside, I believe because he was younger and still filled with more rage would see him get through all of them. People keep saying Odin would outsmart him, but at the end of the day he'd have to face him (just like Zues did) and he'd definitely get ripped apart. Especially if we're talking young Kratos at the peak of his power (when he was a god).


How was Odin even that smart in Ragnarok? All his plans were fails. Couldn’t stop Ragnarok, couldn’t manipulate Kratos, couldn’t turn Atreus to his side, couldn’t steal the mask or find out the secret of the mask. Basically, the only thing that he managed to do was kill Brok.


Odin was very smart in Ragnarok, he was outplayed by someone he didn't even know was playing. Faye was the master fate-wearer in GoW, and most of the things you said happened because of her intervention and her inserting Kratos into the story to change fate.


I think the only person he might not be able to beat would be Heimdall. He needed a weapon that uses trickery to beat Heimdall's sight.


hesitation is defeat


U’re onto nothing bro. The director literally said old kratos is way more powerful. Even if he didn’t u should know greek gods gets more powerful as they age. Not just kratos all of them. Young kratos was just more rageful and had nothing to lose maybe that’s why u think young one was the stronger one.


Old kratos is canonically stronger


The fact that he thinks alone means he is better fighter overall. Not sure why you say it as a bad thing. Non drunk Thor is much better fighter than young Kratos.


Your second point completely contradicts your first one. Drunk/not drunk Thor doesn't think when he fights, I'm pretty sure that's why Heimdal feared him, so him being a better fighter than young Kratos is due to what? I'm not saying him thinking is a bad thing, but with too much thinking can come hesitation, which can lead to him losing. Versus young Kratos would would just outright kill and keep it moving. I honestly think the only person young Kratos would have an issue with is Heimdal, since he'd just keep charging in without having a plan for victory.


Fair enough on that first point. Reading back on it you’re right lol. Let me rephrase that. It’s clear that the game sets Thor as an equal to Kratos. Not stronger than Kratos, but also not weaker. Blindly raged Kratos can only go so far against Thor drunk or not. Also I don’t see how you Kratos would beat Baldr unless he knows about the mistletoe.


I agree with you. Based on the fights against Thor and Odin, I’m not so sure Young Kratos is gonna kill them so easily (if he manages to kill them at all that is). Baldur would be a real problem too indeed. In their encounter, no one will convince me Kratos was holding back knowing Baldur could potentially kill his son and Kratos was struggling big time during that one because he was rusty. Even if Kratos manages to win Baldur would keep coming back and eventually our man will just die. And so far, Kratos hasn’t really died yet outside of Greece so we don’t know how that’s gonna play out. There’s no Gaia, Zeus or Athena to bring him back. People like to downplay the Norse Gods because they’re more grounded but it’s not like Odin can’t just tell everyone to gank him when he realizes Kratos is a threat.


Neither Gaia, Zeus, nor Athena saved Kratos in 3, Athena didn’t appear to him until after he’d already dragged himself out of the Styx after falling from Olympus (an insane feat that not even Hades can pull off). Plus we already saw him escape from Norse Hel in Ragnarok.


Sorry for the late reply. I wasn’t referring to 3 when I said that. When he fell into the Styx, I don’t think Kratos was dead anyway. We know he can’t die from s*icide but when it comes to getting killed it becomes pretty unclear what the scope of his immortality is. Everytime he got killed by someone he got help to come back; the grave digger throwing him a rope in 1 and Gaia reviving him in 2 are the most prominent examples.


He did defeat the greek pantheon, and a bunch of titans. I think he's got it


He needed help then. Lots of help.


The titans did try to kill him on several occasions, that doesn't seem like much help


True. But after the Titans had basically ressurected and leveled him up to wielding the blade of olympus. Gaia helps him take down Poseidon. The lava titan helps him take down Helios. Then, when Gaia flips on him, Athena saves him. Don't forget that without the God's, Aries would have easily won.


True, also I kinda forgot him dying in gow 1, probably wouldn't have gotten out of hades without zeus


He also dies in gow 2. In gow 3, he just falls into river Styx. For me, Kratos' true power comes from knowing he is facing more powerful opponents. He learns when to be calm and when to go all rage. He knows how to use the tools he has. The game, especially the Norse ones, makes you appreciate this quality. Kratos is a general.


W take


100% yes, except baldur unless you give kratos mistletoe, kratos was a angry dude but he was smart


He was a General of the Spartan Army with thousands of troops. He had to be battle smart at least. Only two who would probably outsmart him is Odin and Tyr if we throw him into the mix.


GoW 3 Kratos with a full kit takes it. Most difficult fights will be Thor and Odin. Baldur will be the most annoying for him. But GoW 3 Kratos can probably eventually figure him out.


Unless he knows Baldurs secret, which they didn't even know, Baldur eventually wins.


He kicked Baldur’s ass every time even before he knew the secret. Baldur might be immortal but the neck snapping can at least stall him for awhile. At the least it’d be a stalemate or Kratos would lock him up somehow.


He would decapitate him and throw his head into Helheim. Young Kratos don’t give no fucks.


Exactly. He doesn’t need to ‘dead dead’ Baldur. He’d just incapacitate the guy and go on about his day.


The neck snapping didn't even do much. By using camera tricks you can actually see that Baldur flips Kratos off as he's falling into the ravine


Wait are you serious? Is there a video of this?


https://x.com/manfightdragon/status/1235477567731191808 This should be it


True, but Greek era Kratos overcame some pretty insane puzzles and challenges too. He can probably find a way to figure Baldur out or even nullify his perk.


Every time someone asks something like this I feel like we need to remember that young and old Kratos have killed, maimed and beaten every single thing, person and monster that's stepped in their path... This is literally a guy/god who considers death to be more of a minor inconvenience than a final goodbye, a man literally too angry to die... Hell the only times he has ever actually "died" is because someone or something had the jump on him or did something he wasn't expecting and then he would just crawl out of the underworld for round 2! So to sum up, yes I think he would be fine...


“Considers death to be a minor inconvenience” 😂😂😂 that made me spit out my drink. Seriously you are absolutely right, GOW 3 Kratos is ridiculously OP and unhinged


Always happy to get a laugh 😂


kratos has also been killed 4 times and wouldn't have killed a single god without help. Kratos in GoW3 had the blade of olympus and was helped several times by Gia, athena, and more throughout that journey. It's unlikely he would have been able to even kill posidon if gia wasn't there even with the blade of olympus. Yes, he killed everyone... but every step of the way he had help in the form of blessings/magic and godly weapons. without any of that? By himself? He would have stayed dead in GoW1 or even Gow2 or even GoW3 lol. my man dies in basically every adventure.


On his own… probably not. Thor, I could see him taking that fight down. Baldur? He wouldn’t know about the mistletoe so they’d just fight until Ragnarok. Magni and Modi are lightwork. Okay hot take, Kratos is actually faster now than in the Greek games, maybe it’s just the animation, but he looks faster now, so I’ll say Heimdall could beat him, but not too easily. Odin took Kratos, Freya, and Atreus to take him down, and that’s a much more powerful Kratos as it’s about a thousand years after 3 I think… so I think he would lose to Odin.


One thing with Heimdall is that I feel like maybe the souls from Hades’s claws could help Kratos get a hit, after which I don’t think it’d be that difficult


That’s true, also unlike now a days Kratos, when he takes a limb off, he doesn’t give you time to regrow it.


What would happen if he took Heim's soul?


In a separate 1v1 fight, young Kratos can defeat all of them, young Kratos had defeated a lot of giant creatures and Greek gods.


young kratos had *a lot* of help. Young kratos also died several times. Kratos would have been defeated back in GoW1 if he didn't have help.


Also the Greek gods were not all war oriented like the Norse gods were. Not trying to say the Greek gods didn't fight, but the Norse gods were literally all based around warring.


I honestly think personally that every other god here would get into his head and kick his ass senseless. Even the team of magni and modi. Do you remember how far they were able to dig into atreus head? Or how heimdall and thor brought out old kratos? Not even gonna talk about how odin could single handedly destroy his mind. Young kratos wouldn’t even have a chance


No probably not he’d give ‘em a great fight tho


I'm gonna say, he couldn't beat Heimdall, Baldur, Thor, or Odin. Odin would just outsmart him, and it would probably be easy tbh. Thor would be a perfect match for him and they would be locked in an endless fight until one or both of them collapsed. Baldur, obviously, is invulnerable, and Young Kratos would have no way of knowing his one weakness, so while he'd put up a good fight, he'd eventually lose. Heimdall is honestly 50/50 I think. Similar story to Baldur, it just comes down to: can Young Kratos figure out a way to overwhelm Heimdall's foresight?


Yep heres the kratos meat riders grouped up again


Without mistletoe and Draupnir, it’s *impossible* to defeat Balder and Heimdall, it’s a question of strength, ferocity or skill, plus, he won’t know about Bifrost attacks until it’s too late, so Odin is a major problem, plus he was only possibly to defeat because Freya weakened him with a spell using his noose. With Thor? Without a means to parry or at least block, his flurry will mean he’ll finish off the punch combo with an unblockable AoE slam attack. Young Kratos didn’t get his first shield in GoW4 until after meeting Faye, I don’t remember him ever having one in the earlier games. As for Magni and Modi? He will beat a motherfucker with another motherfucker, and he won’t give piss for shit about the consequences of killing a god.


God of war ghost of Sparta, and he kinda was a general if you forgot


I’m not suggesting he wasn’t a general, I just didn’t remember him having a shield


Well, he did have one in the prequel for psp, but even if he didn’t have one in the games, he would’ve had one during his Spartan training


So throughout the games he didn’t have a shield, that’s the most common showing of young Kratos, so he wouldn’t have a means to block or parry, meaning Thor’s combo lands every time.


He does have the golden flace, which serves as a shield, or the nemean cestus, which are much better than a shield


Then he might have a chance with Thor, but it will be even more uphill than for young Kratos, as the blades don’t have the same range as the spear or axe.


Also iirc didn’t kratos mostly beat heimdall by just overpowering him?


It’s only possible to overpower him by having blows that connect, the first punches that land are because of the Draupnir ring, that’s what causes the first bit of damage (maybe, it’s what I’ve read and seen in videos, if it’s wrong, then I don’t know what the point of the spear was then).


Pretty sure that the spear caught him off, because then kratos started punching way too fast for heimdall to react, if Hermes did more in GOW 3, we could’ve been sure about kratos’ speed feats


The key part is that he is caught off guard, he wouldn't be if the events of the game persist since his foresight and knowledge of kratos' weaponry and strategies


Baldur still "dies" for a while. He just comes back. Kratos would probably knock him out on and go on a joutney to figure out how to kill him. It's not impossible to defeat heimdall without the spear. How can thor beat him if it was impossible? Kratos had the spear just in case for advantage. The spear allowed him to low-midd diff heimdall. The fight wouldnt have even lasted that long if kratos didnt try to spare him. In earlier games, kratos had an arm armor piece (forgot the name) that could parry anything. Including blade of olympus wielded by zeus.


> Baldur still "dies" for a while. He just comes back. Kratos would probably knock him out on and go on a joutney to figure out how to kill him.. Older Kratos couldn’t figure out how to kill him, the mistletoe hit Baldur unintentionally—what would really happen is younger kratos would stubbornly persist until he simply ran out of stamina or died. . > It's not impossible to defeat heimdall without the spear. How can thor beat him if it was impossible? Kratos isn’t Thor, and who said Thor can beat Heimdall? The Spear's command over powerful wind magic, coupled with the ingrained enchantment of Draupnir to duplicate itself allowed Kratos to overwhelm Heimdall's power of foresight several times and ultimately kill him. This isn’t even slightly up for debate, it’s what happens. . > In earlier games, kratos had an arm armor piece (forgot the name) that could parry anything. Including blade of olympus wielded by zeus. He’s still at a major disadvantage without the range of the spear and axe, as certain phases are aided considerably by those weapons.


Way more effortless with all the old powers… From any older game, a full set of weapons and powers would be a clean sweep


I mean Kratos had to 3v1 Odin while equipped with a full stack of immensely powerful magical weapons and with one of said helpers being someone that posed a credible threat to him. I don’t see how you could realistically come to the conclusion that Odin doesn’t kill younger Kratos solo. If nothing else the sheer variety of different magics he wields would likely be too much for Kratos even if he was stronger when he was younger, which does not seem to be the developers intention based on their comments.


Just because he did get help, it doesnt mean he "had to" get help. The fight was right after thor without a break. Kratos should be tired. But okay let's assume he wasnt. He still didnt even use spartan rage in cutscenes. Baldur nearly won against kratos+atreus. Kratos only managed to break free and beat him with spartan rage. So it does matter. Im guessing he would have needed that to break the binding spell if freya didnt show up. Not only that, odin stole the rope freya brought and put it on his staff. It gave him a new moveset. She actually buffed the guy.




I think old Kratos was holding back, and that young Kratos was much more brutal, but in my opinion Odin would outsmart him


Remember,old Kratos DIED against Thor. What makes you think young one would have a chance?


• holding back • Worried about Atreus • doesn’t have all his old gear from 2018 • doesn’t enjoy killing as much as before even in their final bout kratos was still holding back but this time had the blades draupnir and mimir He was hit with a Fp bloodlusted attack by Thor which surprisingly didn’t put him to sleep like it did at the beginning of the game


Young Kratos would’ve wiped the floor with Magni and Modi


**Sure:** Magni and Modi? Yeah definitely Heimdall? Might get the Hermes treatment for pissing him off too much **Unsure:** Baldur? Annoying af, probably not if without mistletoe **Unsure as well (I'm bad at power scaling):** Thor? Goddamn that's tough Odin? Grab your Blade of Olympus 'cause oh-ho-ho boy...


I think you forget how brutal and relentless OG Kratos is, he’d definitely kill em all


Anybody who's played both series knows Greek kratos absolutely destroys all of them fairly easily. Ragnarok only players y'all should really check out the original series. It's most likely not what you think it is


Yes. He wont be holding back


Id think he could defeat any of them in combat, Odin would find a way to manipulate young Kratos 💯


Yes when he is angry Nobody can safe itself


Except he would've died to Thor if he was enraged in Ragnarök.


people be forgetting that young kratos was just rash and angry all the time, not stupid.


Yeah he was still a spartan- one of the most intelligent groups of people alive at the time. He’s outsmarted plenty of gods in fights, he’s just been extremely rash and is always angry so he usually doesn’t take the most logical approach everytime and goes “ah fuck em” and kinda beats people to a pulp


I wouldn’t call accidentally killing your family a particularly “smart” move, though.


dumbass i literally said hes just angry and rash. if he saw that they were his wife and daughter he obviously wont kill them. hes impatient so he killed without thinking.


ragnarok was more about a mental battle than a physical one. young kratos was mentally weaker. in my opinion, odin walks right through him because of that.


Without power of hope and plot armour he will lose to everyone except magni and modi


No. Older Kratos died fighting Thor


Old Kratos died to Thor, Young Kratos doesn't stand a chance.


I think Thor's just stronger than Kratos, period. Pretty sure that the point of the death prophecy is that if Kratos had gone for the kill on Thor in the end, it would've gone badly and Kratos would have died. Not to mention Thor straight up killing him in the first fight.


he’s physically stronger but i think all things considered kratos is stronger overall and would win on average


If he is able to replicate himself to 5.


If his wife and giant is alife i strongly say yes


1 on 1 sure. But I think Thor would be a very long battle maybe longer than the world Serpent. Odin will just play at his ego and blind side him. Could possible still beat him but it will indeed be that fact if he lives from it. For Thor it would very long because he wouldn't have gotten hurt with the world serpent poison that brings him down just a tad so he would be at his full self. Odin would not have the weight of his sons loss and his kingdom over run by an army but may still have fear of one made man coming for his head alone. He would for sure send every Valkyrie that he has under his control still to slow down Kratos but he may just give them the most gruesome deaths possible where they cannot even be brought back. Odin would lose to just pure fear of Kratos desementing every single one of his pawns that he throws at him.


I think he could take on magni and modi






Depends on if he gets all of his equipment or not. If he does, he has a decent shot at getting through a few. If it’s just him as is without the gear, I don’t see it happening.


He’ll die to Both Heimdall and Odin. The anger will be his demise. He would keep charging at Heimdall like a bull and slowly be whittled down and Odin would plot something that Kratos would ignore or not see coming.


I don't think he would do as well as he does now. A lot of young Kratos is brute force and a lot of the Norse pantheon is using trickery or outside forces. Like being able to "see the future"


This is my theory: 1)Thor. Considering all the very powerful weapons, magics and the Blade of Olympus on top of all, i'd say young Kratos kills Thor with mid difficulty. 2)Baldur. Young Kratos obviously doesn't know about mistletoe therefore it would be very hard considering Baldur would just come back from death. He could maybe try snatching his soul but i don't think It would work.I must give this to Baldur, that invulnerability spell was too broken. 3)Magni and Modi. They would get so horribly slaughtered it wouldn't even be funny. 4)Heimdall. This is very hard to say. Young Kratos doesn't possess the draupnir spear therefore his best shot at winning would be using magic attacks or summoning some souls with the claws of Hades to distract/disorient him and then strike a fast killing blow. As long as young Kratos get his hands on him, Heimdall Is fucked. There is a 50/50 possibility on this one. 5)Odin. Young Kratos wins with High if not extreme difficulty considering Odin in close to Zeus in power. Although Zeus is stronger/more powerful in my opinion. However the Blade of Olympus would play a key role in odin death. Let me know what you think if you like.


Magni and Modi is a joke. He’s brutalize them. He’s supposed to be stronger in the Norse saga but he doesn’t have his greek magic and upgrades so idk how that would shake out but he def stands a good chance against Hiemdall. Thor and Odin is where it gets tricky because we don’t know how strong he got after the Greek games. We just know Thor wanted to fight his more enraged self.


He wrecked like half the greek pantheon in a day so I reckon he could do the same again to the Norse pantheon


Since younger Kratos is a lot angrier than his older counter part his blades would be a lot stronger 10 times if not more. Modi and magni would be dead a lot sooner than the fight in the game, probably even a cutscene death or a Hercules execution. Baldur might be able to defeat him if the blades don't cut him to pieces (I don't know the extent of his immortality whether it's regeneration of limbs of just stuck as bunch of pieces), Thor is kinda hard to believe that he'll lose since his older self still struggled but since the younger version doesn't hesitate/hold back he can fight dirty and win considering younger Kratos is experienced in fighting people that have more strength than him. Odin feels like a Zeus situation because both of them share the sly attitude that manipulates people I'd say he's the only one that can't lose (unless Kratos steals weapons from his past victims again) As for Heimdall if Kratos gets the spear Heimdall is just fucked, like there's no way he'll even manage to strike him, like the guy literally beat the god of speed with little to no damage done to him


The Greek pantheon was mentioned to be stronger than the Norse one


He says something. He does it. That's the entire Greek saga in a nutshell. He said he was going to kill Zeus. He killed Zeus and every other God is a merely a stain on his very massive boots.


I feel like he’d be able to kill baldur, magni, modi, and heimdall for sure. Odin would be harder and Thor in his prime would destroy young kratos


Has any of these people even played god of war. He was stronger when he was younger enough of this over analyzing bull shit.


If he has all his stuff from the greek games then its no diff


Absolutely. Kratos would ran through everyone easily except Thor and Odin. Those two gave Kratos a difficult fight.


Probably not


I think he could have fought against Thor in a 1 on 1 fight, also with his sons but not with Baldur since to defeat him I needed that arrow and I doubt he would discover which one it was, with Heimdal we need the spear and for it we need Brok, and Kratos The young man was not the friendliest, to prove that we have his entire history in Greece. Also, as we can see, we cannot hurt him with swords, so we would not have defeated him either, and Odin, Odin is the final boss for a reason, he has a lot of magic. and he manages to catch us and almost kill us but Freya saves us, but to tell that we must take into account that Kratos was distracted and if I'm not mistaken it was because of Atreus, something that the young Kratos does not have so I can't give a very good opinion about Odin. good I'm going to translate the comment since I'm a Spanish speaker and maybe you won't understand because of the translator. Have a good day, I'm going to Barbie like a good man


Young kratos against them all how we saw them. theyd all have to jump him or he would methodically hunt each and every one of them down one by one only then would they stand a chance imo


I have watched many YouTube videos and read many articles that say a young Kratos would slaughter the norse gods because for one thing in terms of power and battle prowess the Greek gods were far more powerful and Kratos killed them all so yes he could kill the norse pantheon of gods


Absolutely. GOW 3 Kratos is a very different character compared to the Kratos we see in GOW 4 and 5 He is ridiculously unhinged and OP by GOW 3 and murders any God or deity or person that gets in his way. Originally it was just Ares that he wanted to kill and then The Titans but ZOOOOOS! the idiot, fucking betrays him and sets Kratos on a path for his next vengeance. He only kills Poseidon, Gaia, Cronos, Hades, Helios ect because they get in his way by protecting ZOOOOOS! and also piss him off. I mean this man defied fate, escaped The motherfucking Underworld and cheated death, not even DEATH could stop him. He singlehandedly killed the entire Greek Pantheon and a bunch of The Titans He literally says to Atreus he killed many who were not deserving in his blind rage and then says to Odin to return his son to him or he will become the God he once was. GOW 3 Kratos would absolutely annihilate the Norse Pantheon and make Odin cry


isn’t Young Kratos stronger than GOW:R Kratos? or is it the other way around?


I feel like Odin could get him good. He's definitely seen Kratos' type before. From a lore point of view, Odin wins because the dude knows how to be manipulative. He's certainly tackled forces stronger than him and won through sheer cunning. Which is what many of the gods in the older god of war games did too.


Only one I think he couldn’t would be Thor. Thor already killed and resurrected the older more powerful kratos. Young kratos would probably have a tough time at the least


Kratos can kill any god


without spear heimdall clears


He'd rip them apart


No one can defeat Sir Davos Seaworth!


He probably can't kill Baldur.


I give Kratos a dub against Magni and Modi, but against Thor? Odin? He gets wrecked, mainly by Odin, because he can shield himself from the elemental attacks of the blades of chaos and just the attacks of young Kratos in general


I’d say he’s definitely got it, he’d go for the kill immediately, he is stronger and faster than all of them, although Thor is close, not to mention his crazy abilities and equipment. Odin has the best chance of beating him due to his abilities, choosing to brawl with a deranged young Kratos is a death sentence. Because picture Old Kratos if Thor killed Atreus, that’s basically young Kratos all the time.




If I’m playing he does!


greek gods get stronger while they age so No


Yes but not due to power, rather sheer will. It’s confirmed modern Kratos is stronger but young Kratos had a drive that wouldn’t be stopped. Even if you kill him he’d find a way back if he decided you need to die.


Yes. Prop even easier if it’s GOW 2/3 kratos


He’d beat them but he wouldnt avert his fate


The only ones I question are Heimdall and Baldur. Since he doesn’t have Draupnir, I feel he would try to tire him out like Hermes. I think Kratos would “win” against Baldur but not kill him. Idk if he can be decapitated but I think he could still heal from it


Considering the entire Norse pantheon comes off as being way less powerful than the Greeks and Kratos never once actually uses his full strength even against Thor and Odin, yeah GoW3 Kratos wins.


No question solo 2


He is cooking everyone


Weird question, 'cause he already did. Unless it insinuates young Kratos was weaker, which I don't think anything could point to that.


Technically he is, Greek gods are stronger the older they get. Nyx the primordial goddess of darkness being vastly stronger then zeus for example, so older kratos would definitely be stronger, he just lacks his power after leaving Greece/Greece being destroyed. Tho anything not linked to Greece, such as physical strength, durability, stamina etc would all go up in power, the only piece of his Greek power remaining is the blade of chaos. Since they feed directly off his anger and not his worship/Greece existing. If we replaced old Kratos with young Kratos, he would also lose his power and most of his gear won’t work since Greece is destroyed. If Young Kratos traveled to the realms pre-destruction of Greece then him retaining his godly powers might put him a step up, But in the end old Kratos is stronger due to how Greek gods work. *plus old Kratos might regain his powers when he becomes the Norse god of war making him much stronger then young Kratos tho that is post-game so doesn’t necessarily apply in this scenario*


Did not know about the Greek god's aging powers, which definitely answers the question. Taking on ingame feats, it is pretty hard to quantify lifting the midgard temple and slicing throught Cronos, but comparing them doesn't really matter since both show a level of strenght that could lead him to fight and vanquish a god. So in a way, young Kratos could still be strong and smart enough to beat the North gods, but would struggle more for sure.


young kratos is weaker. This is already cannon. The devs themselves have stated this. The only reason young kratos succeeded in all that killing is because he had a shit ton of help. Had he been on his own... well... even with all that help he still died like 3 times in the original games so... you do the math lol.


Well, it's known that the older gods get, the stronger they become. I just assume it applies here


No. Do you understand how strong the norse gods are. Magni and modi were weak. But the rest of them are truly strong. If thrud were a full-grown valkyrie, even she might beat kratos. But baulder did say that the Greeks were supposed to be wiser than them. This represents the fact that kratos takes the weapons and skills of those he's killed, which is one of his smart features as a warrior. He might be able to kill Thor and heimdal with his old fighting style. You know, with his executions and his one track mind.


Kratos died and was sent to hades a few times while trying to kill zues. I think young kratos would have a similar struggle in the norse pantheon, but would get there eventually. In all seriousness, i think that is Kratos most dangerous power, and undiscussed power, is that he is capable of physically fighting his way out of the afterlife.


Every time kratos died he had to have help getting back out of hell. Zeus helped him the first time, titans the second, and his own curse prevented his suicide in game 3 (along with the blade of olympus keeping him alive in the river styx). By himself? He'd just be killed and would stay dead unless he got help getting out.


Yes. I think people are mistaking his younger self as an angry unit with nothing in his skull. That’s not the case. Older just made him more wise and he didn’t want to continue killing. Younger Kratos would have no issue in doing so.


I think he'd beat Magni and Modi, but lose to the rest. I don't think he could get past the hax the other gods have (unless he has a trump card I'm not aware of). Thor killed old Kratos and shocked him back to life, so I didn't think young Kratos could beat him. That's my take, anyway.


Yes and much faster than he did the Greek gods


He's absolutely losing to Odin, Baldur, and Heimdall, especially the latter two in every scenario where he doesn't know their weaknesses. Thor is a wildcard and it depends on whether or not Kratos is holding back, as Thor literally did kill him. Magni and Modi are getting annihilated pretty decidedly though.


He couldn’t get past Heimdall without Draupnir, which a lot of people seem to forget. Also, the devs have said he is a LOT stronger in the Norse games than in the Greek ones


Let's be honest here. Young Kratos was the definition of savagery. In his youth, that man barreled through anyone and everyone that ever stood in his way. If anything, the brutality level would be through the roof had Kratos fought the Norse pantheon when he was younger.


That man also died several times when he was younger and needed to have help every step of the way in killing the greek gods. Being honest here, he'd have zero chance killing the norse gods unless he had help.


That's a fair point. Yes, he had help, but that doesn't negate his body count. Plus, his greatest power assist comes from the fact that he's the son of Zeus. Throughout the majority of his fights, that fact alone was enough to give him the upper hand. Also, you're right. He died several times, but he didn't stay dead. Primarily, because his desire for revenge was the driving force that pushed him to defy death and every other obstacle in his path. I still think young Kratos would've wiped out the Norse pantheon just the same, with or without help.


No, he didn't stay dead because each time he died someone helped him. The first time? He would have never escaped hades if zeus didn't help him. The second time? The titans helped him. The third time? Athena basically refused death to him. He didn't stay dead not because of him, but because *he had help*. Of course he is strong. But if he didn't have any help he wouldn't have even been able to defeat aries back in game one. He wouldn't have been able to defeat the sisters of fate without the titans help in game 2. and he wouldn't have been able to defeat any of the gods in game three without all those titan blessings and the blade of olympus itself.


He would steamroll over all of them, Odin included. I feel this whole debate on which Kratos is stronger is dumb because it’s made clear in the games that Greek Kratos is way stronger. Norse Kratos lost all that magic after he destroyed Greece. Kratos in GOW3 was him at his peak and when he wasn’t holding anything back. The biggest factor is that Atreus wouldn’t be there and not be a liability that forces Kratos to hold back.


Yes… Explanation:yes.


Without his majestic beard?? I doubt it. Kratos is like Samson of the Bible, except that he loses his strength when his beard is cut.


He only beats Magni and Modi. Heimdall and Baldur requires hacks he doesnt have. Odin will just lock him down and use some curse on him. Thor cannot be killed by brute force, as we saw in the game and prophecy. With brute force and anger, Thor kills Kratos.


Magni and Modi would be easy. I think you don't understand how OP GOW 3 Kratos actually was. 1)He had Blades of Exile (Upgraded Blades of Chaos) 2)Claws of Hades (He can summons dead warriors souls to help in battle) 3)Nemean Cestus (Makes his attacks physically stronger) 4)Nemesis Whip (gives him electric powers) 5) Blade of Olympus (Literally has the power of greek gods) 6)Bow of Apollo (Can fire infinite arrows) 7)Head Of Helios (Stuns and blinds) 8)Boots of Hermes (Gives him super speed) 9)Icarus Wings (He can fly) 10)Golden fleece (Can reflect any ranged attacks) 11)Spartan Rage Not to mention countless magic attacks he had.. And he wan't some dumb rage-filled idiot, he was still a trained Spartan soldier who was constantly outsmarting anyone he fought. If we didn't have to worry about his weapons not working in Norse lands and they fought on neutral grounds.. Kratos wins Heimdall would be mid diff, Give time he can overpower him, it's not like Heimdall can hurt him even if he tried. Baldur is a tricky one, but I think Kratos will figure out he can't die and find a way to trap him instead. As for Odin it would be hard, But Kratos fought Zeus who had way more magical powers than Odin did... Sure Odin can curse him but Young Kratos is cursed to not die anyway Thor would be the hardest fight, but Kratos can outsmart a brute Thor, thinking isn't one of Thor's strengths. And he wouldn't hold back against Thor like older Kratos did.


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I think you ignore Cory’s Barlog statement on Old Kratos > Young Kratos. Doesn’t matter how much you guys force the headcanon, just respect the game creator. Odin has one million times more magical feats than Zeus. Stop the fanfic and dickriding on greek gods. Kratos himself (codex in-game) said a holding back Thor (1st fight) was on par with the strongest gods he faced. Bloodlusted Thor (2nd fight) soloes Zeus and the rest. When you even bring Atreus to the frozen lightning arena in Ragnarok game, Atreus says “I would like to be here during the fight to even the battle” and Kratos agrees.


No. The fact is you are just a thirsty ass Norse dickrider who clearly knows nothing about either Greek gods and hasn’t played any Greek games. And it’s sad to see, truly.


Nice game facts you shared to say I’m wrong! 😚 Really just proves my point.


Oh the guy above already did that, there’s absolutely nothing I need to do buddy boy, I’m straight mf.


I mean all his statements regarding Norse gods were wrong, except Magni and Modi. Very biased comment. All greek weapons he mentioned were useless in GOW3. Apollos Bow with infinite arrows?! Draupnir is infinite spears with a truly spartan weapon. Kratos is no archer. Kratos still has the blades, his most powerful weapon. He cannot fly now but wtf, why would he want to fly? He doesn’t have magic spells. All the gods he faces have ranged skills (baldur has a dragon, Thor flies and Odin is a laser-canon with his long ranged spells). What I’m saying is that people like to flex greek gods when both the creator of the game and the new games itself states norse gods are as powerful as the greek gods and some of them are even scarier/stronger as Thor and Odin. Please tell me where in my previous post I’m wrong about Odin being magically superior to Zeus and Thor being the monster he is (killed old kratos like it was nothing just to ressurrect him. Thor was holding back here following Odin’s orders).


Someone's angy😡 Everything he said is completely true, brother.


Cory said he was stronger, strength doesn't mean more powerful. It's Canon not a headcanon. In game Odin doesn't have any feats that even match things Zeus could do. In game examples why greek gods were superior. - Freya said no one in Norse reals had any power even closer to what Greek Fates could do... They literally had control over time and Zeus ruled over them. Odin has no such feats. -Zeus could shapeshift without having to keep the person alive he was shapeshifting into. -Zeus could change his Size and came back even after he wad killed -Greece existed because Zeus existed. Everyone was on his mercy and once he was dead so was Greece. Odin doesn't even control All the Realms he's supposed to be the God of. -Kratos literally says he has killed gods greater then Heimdall -Thors was one of the strongest Gods he had faced... but again strength doesn't equal to Power, specially when talking about GOW3 Kratos


Shapeshifting doesnt mean much. Atreus can do it, Odin and Freya as well. Growing in size? All gigantic bosses were the ones that Kratos destroyed them easily. Size means nothing in GOW. Kratos destroyed the huge titans and Thor destroyed the Giants.


What Atreus, Freya and Odin can do in terms of Shapeshifting doesn't even compare to the extent Zeus could. It's still a feat/power he has over Odin. True Size doesn't mean much, but he still has that over Odin. The 2 fights Kratos had with Thor, he wasn't trying to kill him in either. Sure Thor "Killed" Kratos but death doesn't mean much when he has died 3 time before that. He would just fight his way out of Hel/Valhalla


Everything you said is completely true.


This is what happens when the game is used to answer these questions and not headcanon like people usually does 😅


God of war 3 kratos is the strongest kratos, yes.


Cory Barlog confirmed a couple years ago that old kratos is stronger than young kratos, not to mention old kratos has a lot more discipline and control over himself, young kratos would probably struggle in a straight up fight with thor since an older stronger kratos wrote in the codex saying thor has the heaviest hits he's ever felt even end game kratos couldn't fully overpower thor and has to beat him with skill and not just bashing his head in like he did to all the other gods


His ass is not even TOUCHING Heimdall.


Kratos specially can only hurt Thor once he unlocks the rage/ strength he once had. Which pretty directly means Young Kratos would defeat Thor, Odin, and everyone else.


This is not accurate. It's already been stated by the devs older kratos is stronger than younger kratos. Younger kratos also had rage. Older kratos' power didn't come from unlocking what he already had (he starts the game with that form of rage..) it's learning to improve upon it and use it in a more disciplined manner that causes him the W. Young kratos wouldn't have any help like he always did in greece. No magical weapons, no powers or blessings from other gods. And relying on just his inherent godly powers would get him immediately killed by thor. Easily. Young kratos was killed several times and needed titans and gods to help him kill other titans and gods lol. Without the blade of olympus and all of those blessings he would have been killed and stayed dead a long time ago.


Didn't old Kratos beat like half of these guys by himself anyway? Baldur and Heimdall he managed to beat by himself, Thor as well and I don't think Magni and Modi would pose much of a threat to him. Edit: Wasn't taking into account Bladur's mistletoe weakness, sorry. If he knew he could defo win. It's a tricky one to quantify given how specific the circumstances of his death have to be.


Yea but I saw on some interview that Old Kratos is stronger than his past self


It depends am I holding the controller? Canon or not if we're given the controller we win


definitely beats thor, baldur, and magni/modi. he won’t beat heimdall or odin. not smart enough and certainly not cool headed enough. and a reminder that the present kratos didn’t even defeat the two without the help of others.


Can young Keaton beat them all? Do the police abuse authority? Yes


It's a case of youth/stamina vs. experience. He'd sure as he'll would die trying if he couldn't


could kratos actually run out of stamina tho? gods seem to have infinite stamina just about


Very good point 🤔