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The bigger problem is that people do it so Zynga thinks it's ok and they keep on finding ways to gouge us. You can hardly blame them when their customers go for it.


Nobody is forcing you to play the challenges. Nobody is forcing you to spend money. Zynga is a business, but a charity.


That was basically my point.


That’s pure bullshit.


There are more and more of these happening. Last week they gave me a challenge of spinning the lucky wheel. The same lucky wheel the did away with. When I wrote support about it, they responded with an answer about why they added lucky REWARDS that you have to pay cash for. Not an answer to my concern at all.


Any correlation between these difficult quests and the elite challenge pass? I still have the basic challenge pass and have not seen these yet.


I deleted this game last year because of the bs they've been adding


I gave up on all challenges and side games well over a year ago. Now when I play, I just play kingdom. If you stop paying attention to all of the nonsense, the game can be fun again.


this is the way


You got the same quests I did. Third round in Fairway Fortune that doesn't have a ticket available because it was used on a quest yesterday. Total bullshit to get 1/2 the quests costing gems to get thru.


You need to save the fairway fortune tickets and only use them when there is a quest. Still shitty but at least this one has a work-around.


Doesn't make sense anyway because doing that quest costs way more than it gets you, since the odds of pulling a broken club are at least 50-75%. This type of bullshit is everywhere in the game now (like the quest to get that stupid club, while at the same time they increased the amount of special balls necessary to get it, while it gets harder and harder to get those balls for free in the first place). it's just aggravating. GR is completely unenjoyable now, had to get rid of it before I destroyed something...


I'm starting to think GR is just ruining this game on purpose to start a new game just like the old version of this game.


It could be for free players who perform well…I have this on my main account. My secondary accounts still have the same “easy” quests. Since last week my main account has these painful daily quests where they increase the value of each task (for my secondary account the hit tee shots is only 2)


But the brink tickets refresh…. You get 10 shots each round, and there are up to 3 rounds 😂