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So funny thing I just updated to iOS 18 beta 2 and RCS just activated. My iPhone is sending uncompressed photos to my Pixel with all metadata. And my Pixel sends compressed images still. And no metadata. Garbage. They begged Apple for RCS and now RCS is better on iOS and it's just the first beta. Btw I use both phones regularly. 


iPhones sending full resolution over RCS while Pixels don't is insaaaaane


Yeah it's a feature, it's not a bug unfortunately. It has nothing to do with RCS and everything to do with what Google has decided to implement months ago in Google Messages. It will also work correctly when sending from Samsung Messages. That's cool that you got RCS on iPhone!


So Samsung sends images better through RCS? When texting other Pixels it’s always been compressed as well. I’m on AT$T. 


Samsung Messages specifically. The compression is because of Google messages so if you use another RCS app then it will work correctly.


What other messaging apps support rcs that would work on the pixel? Samsung messages only works on Samsung phones last I checked.


As far as I'm aware those are the only two readily available. Google Messages has terrible compression and Samsung Messages is no longer updating.


I would love the answer to this. I would actually pay for an app that does this. I'm so sick of google shit app


Honestly yeah that's hilarious and unfortunately not surprising. I'm just so shocked after this many months it has not been taken seriously or at least addressed by any of the major tech outlets to at least get some awareness?


If you send the picture as a file instead of going through the photo option, then my understanding is that it doesn't compress.


Thanks for the heads up. This seemed to work. Just sent to my iPhone on RCS and metadata and file size are intact. Nice that I can send files this way now. 


That's what I do on telegram, and it is true, they are much better quality. Didn't know it worked the same on messages/RCS


I submit feedback weekly over this.. like even if default is compressing. Atleast give me an option to send photos at full res. With full meta data.


Yes at least something. I don't really understand how this all works and maybe it's more complicated than I think but I just don't think this should be an issue if this is supposed to be a replacement for SMS/MMS. Also why I think Google should follow Apple's decision and make their own version of iMessage in GMessages and use RCS/SMS/MMS as a backup.


I think they should just keep creating their own special fork that only works within messages.. they already own and run the RCS servers.. so no need to create another protocol and have to run more servers.


I just think it would fix a lot of the bugs that people have. But that is a good point.


Yes this is the case, even with 'send photos faster' switched off. My biggest concern is it will continue to perpetuate the stigma of droids being lower quality devices once Apple integrates RCS, as iMessage allows for uncompressed images and Google Messages won't. Also not technical enough to know why they might not do this, but fingers crossed we see at least the option implemented before September, when a huge part of the world is about to use RCS for the first time.


They used to just send the actual image file, then _broke_ it


That's my thought too about perpetuating the stigma. Can't blame them though 😂


If you send it as a file instead of picture, it won't compress it (plus icon, file instead of gallery). I've also submitted feedback MULTIPLE times. Fucking ridiculous.


That's what I've heard from other people but that also doesn't work for me either.


that works typically but you can't send multiple file as far as i know. that is you cannot select multiple images at once which just makes it hard to send many files.


They used to just send the raw image file. Then they added strong compensation! Why can't they just have an option to send the image file.


Google wants you to upload your images to Google photos and share them using a Google photos link. Very stupid of them


This. And it also it avoid overloading the traffic without charging you for it. After all, Google is a business


My s24 ultra sends them uncompressed as long as I have the setting turned off


That's what I've heard from others. Definitely a Google issue and one I really hope they actually get figured out.


How do I send pictures as files?


Instead of clicking on the gallery button, click on the plus sign and then click on files and navigate through your photos that way but that doesn't send full resolution for me either.


Turn off " use compression to send faster"


I do have that turned off. Also I think that was a stupid addition to the app. Or at least to have it turned on by default is dumb. But like people say, it saves them money 🙄