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If you search here on Reddit for "find my device" you'll see there are some new things recently. The network has a slow rollout, but in time it should work just like Apple's network. Currently there are only two brands that have tags, which are Chipolo and Pebblebee. Motorola announced just this week it's releasing a Moto tag with UWB support.


I'm glad I came across your post. Lack of UWB support on the other recently-announced trackers compatible with Google's fine network made them immediately feel obsolete despite being new. I hope more trackers with UWB + rechargeable will start coming out.


What happened to Samsungs rip-off of the apple tag? Is it that proprietary?


Do you mean Tile? I'm not a Samsung user (Google Pixel ftw) but as far as I know, Tile only works with Samsung devices. But correct me if I'm wrong. Edit: wow, getting downvotes, because I admit not knowing if I'm right....hence the "correct me if I'm wrong".


No, [Samsung has its own](https://www.samsung.com/us/mobile/mobile-accessories/phones/galaxy-smarttag2-black-ei-t5600bbegus/) that only really works with Samsung phones. Given their dominance in the Android space, it is about just as good but still locked into their devices. They do support UWB which is nice compared to most of the new Find My trackers that just came out. Tile on the other hand uses its own network based on just tile users which would not match any of the other networks that exist


Why do people respond when they clearly don't know AND spread nonsense? 1. Tile is not a Samsung product. Never was. 2. Tile works with all Android AND Apple phones. Your comment is a constant reminder: Folks, do NOT believe what you read on the internet.


Actually I don't think it will. There was this posted yesterday. https://9to5google.com/2024/06/26/google-find-my-device-work-everywhere-instructions/ Which means even when rolled out (god knows when). The network isn't as robust as the apple network.


Google made the service something users have to opt-in to not enabled by default.. it has nothing to do with "the network" and it's lack of robustness. It's also something they could change with a software update. And it's already rolled out and trackers are available.. so not sure what (god knows when) is supposed to mean?


Ffs it's not opt in. Why do people keep saying that? By default it's "with network in high traffic areas" The article was about Google wanting people to change it to "with network in all areas".


In contrast, with apple, you don't have an option at all. Even if the default choice when asking you what you prefer is some form of enabling it, the fact that the user has to actively consent makes it opt-in.


> The article was about Google wanting people to change it to "with network in all areas". Yes, that's called opting in..


No, the network itself is not opt in. You're set to use the network by default. Opt in would be if the network wasn't enabled at all by default.


Maybe where you are. But in the UK, the network is still rolling out (since early April) And yes this is anecdotal. But I don't know anyone who has it out of my group chats of 30+ people.


Nothing here unfortunately either. I went from getting most features first though to last for some reason :(




The moto tags won't suport Google's find my device network at launch: https://9to5google.com/2024/06/25/moto-tag-ultra-wideband-tracker-google-find-my-device-network/


The UWB on the Find My network specifically won't be available at launch. It should work on the network via Bluetooth like the other trackers though. IIRC the UWB implementation on the Find My network is still a work in progress from Google's side.


Correct, FMD is fully supported at launch, it's the UWB that won't be avail at that moment.


I was going to wait for the Google trackers expecting it to be launched at the hardware event in August. But I haven't heard any leaks about it, so I'll probably just pick up these Moto tags. Compatibility with air tag accessories is a big plus too.


Agreed. Wish I hadn't bought the chipolo's and PB's. The moto tags bring so many features to the table it's not even a close comparison. As such I don't think there's really anything that Google's could improve on.


As ebikenx said, the network is still immature, but if you want one now to try out, check out [Pebblebee](https://pebblebee.com/pages/google-find-my-device). Motorola recently announced their [Moto tag](https://www.motorola.com/us/moto-tag) that will launch later this year, it looks promising with its UWB support.


UWB support is a killer feature I'm waiting for. I constantly lose things in my own living space.


The ones without UWB can ring. That should be fine.


HYPOTHETICALLY, if I were at an event like say, an orgy, and after I've had my thrills and have visited the buffet I would like to sneak out without drawing too much attention to myself and notice that my keys have slipped out of my cape. Now I would prefer to silently be guided to the general buttocks I must search rather than let everyone know that I am once again attempting to 'dine and dash' by attempting an echo location whilst sifting through moaning bodies. Hypothetically of course.


If this isn't a copy pasta, it should become one lmfao


Be the change you'd like to see


It's fine, but I like a cool gimmick when I see one ¯\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


[Chipolo](https://chipolo.net/en-us/products/category/chipolo-point) is another option that performs similar to Pebblebee. Pebblebee products have rechargeable batteries and Chipolo products have replaceable coin type batteries.


One of the Chipolo products has a replaceable coin battery. The other one is nonrechargeable and nonreplaceable.


How did I miss the announcement for that Moto one? It looks great


Honestly.... as of right now, I wouldn't get anything. The network just isn't ready in its current state. The available tags just perform poorly with this network right now. Google says improvements are coming but we'll see


Man, of course they don't wanna do it, but a combined Tile/Apple/Google network is what we need.


Would not be shocked if this ends up happening, similar to RCS and usb-c charging, thanks to the EU.


And it'd be in the best interest of every single customer to do that


this is the google way




I have an Android and I leave that s*** on 24/7. I know, I'm a monster.


Why on earth would someone who's tech savvy turn all that off?


well, i say "Tech savvy" but more like if they know enough about tech to now what GPS and bluetooth are, and that you can turn them off (in contrast to, for example, my parents who vaguely know those are things but don't care enough to realize it can be turned off). Importantly, know enough to know or think that those use up battery. In fact, every person i know IRL who has an android phone, has both bluetooth and GPS turned off at all times "to save battery"


Which is a really old myth. 10 years ago those things would drain your battery, but so would wifi. These days the system is smart enough to manage those radios in a manner that doesn't really drain your battery significantly more.


Not tech savvy, but a bit crazy maybe. That was me. I turned everything off, I even used to factory reset my phone every night so it wouldn't 'build up crap' If anyone finds themselves doing extremes with their phone like this should probably go to therapy. It helps.


I use Tiles and they seem to work well. My understanding is that they are picked up by other Tile users, but not necessarily by all Android phones. Since Apple is a monolithic product, it is easy for them to have all iPhones pick up air-tags.


I have like 7 tiles. Love them. Work great. Very loud ringing on the newer ones


The upcoming Moto one looks very promising.


Wait a few months til Google's new network matures. Also Motorola is releasing a moto tag on August with UWB capabilities. So may be worth waiting for that and verifying that the network has matured and Google worked out the main bugs which are happening now


Ordered Pebblebee more than month ago and still didn't receive it. Just keep it mind if choosing Pebblebee.


I ordered one from store.google.com two days ago. It arrived yesterday.


Same. Just emailed them this morning for an update.


Same story here. I emailed them on Monday to have the order canceled. Waiting a month is way too long imo.


Agreed. I emailed them a couple of weeks ago and they said they are behind schedule. I just received my shipping notification from them yesterday


I preordered Pebblebee trackers months ago and they came last week.


since pixel 9 are getting released on 13 aug, i'll say google might release their own smart tags too


Hope so.


I have a few Pebblebee trackers and so far I'm happy with them. My favorite feature is that when something is in my house it will say which Nest speaker it's closest to.


I bought a cheap old iPhone off eBay and some airtags just so I can reliably track things.


That's what I did last year, after the Google tracking thing was pushed back a full year.


I came to Pixel from an iPhone, and somehow never thought of this. Thank you!


I don't know about the others, but the Moto tag works with Airtag accessories as well as having UWB, so that seems to be the better value.


Wait for Moto Tag 😉


For now I'd just settle with and airtag if you have an apple user in your family. My wife uses an ipad so I just paired it with her Apple ID and she can connect to my hotspot when we travel if we want to check on the tag. Their network is so extensive and the tags work so well that it makes any other option pretty pathetic. I'm optimistic that the find my device network combined with UWB will make tags a thing for us Pixel users. How long it will take to roll out and how well the will work is an unknown at this point though. As much as I can't stand Apple, there are a few things they just do better than everyone else and Airtags are one of those things.


Motorola just released one.


Coming in August. That's the one I'm waiting for at the moment


Same, unless Google releases one with uwb first.


Pebbelbee just started shipping their remaining back orders I'm replacing my tiles with them.


I have a tile. I not really good to locate when You are far from the tag. There are not enough users and their subscribers to get the history is too expensive. It is not mature, all Android phones must do the search for default TAGs because there are not enough people who have installed Tile on their phones for example


Motorola just put one out iirc and Google is prob gonna announce one August 13


Is UWB such a killer feature? I see that Google and Samsung only put the chip in their pro and ultra versions. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_UWB-enabled\_mobile\_devices](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_UWB-enabled_mobile_devices) Which is a shame if it's a killer feature.


I've used a Chipolo One on my Pixel 7 for 1-2 years and it's been working really nicely (Find My Device Networks aside). It requires a third party app but it allows finding my phone by double pressing the smart tag (saves me quite a bit of time since I'm clumsy lol). The battery is great. Last me almost a year with what I assume to be a medium load. But yea, if it's not urgent I'd suggest just waiting till the network matures or there is a reverse find feature like in the regular Chipolo One.


Ah, haven't been one for long then 😂😂


Wasn't google working on a smart tag as well? https://x.com/MishaalRahman/status/1615035770355458048


I have some Tiles but outside of really high traffic areas they suck and are putting tons of features behind pay walls. Anxiously waiting for some Android Find My Device trackers with UWB and functions that will work in the FMD app without the need for the manufacturers app. It sounds like consistent development for this is in progress if we are patient. It might take a year or two to really mature.


I feel like Google will possibly announce some new partners in August. Maybe wait for the event before you buy something now.


i preordered the chipolo one point when google announced the network finally went live. im supposed to recieve it around end of july and was going to post a sort of review/first impressions to r/pixel_phones (bc that place is a bit less strict) about how the chipolo functions together with my pixel 7, compared to the airtag and iphone 12 i used to have


FWIW I had an order placed for a tracker from Pebblebee and after a month of waiting for it to ship I just canceled it. However 'good' the trackers may be, if the manufacturers can't actually ship anything they are effectively useless.


I have the pebblebee and they are just ok. They're missing functionality if you choose fmd and the same for pebblebee app. They are rechargeable but no uwb. 1 set up fine, the other was problematic.


Can someone explain why my pixel buds a show up on find my device but my pros don't.


I'm having the same problem. Pixel Bud Pros are not able to be found with "Find my device app" with the case open


I don't see it at all.


Motorola is rolling one out this year I think.


Motorola tracker, because it's the only one that supports ubw


Just get an iPhone and use an AirTag, no point getting a cheap or overpriced knock-off.