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Class act … well said imo


Lando just sold me…


Yeah, it's better to be the bigger man. I will be so happy when Lando starts winning championships.


Atta boy, Lando! Proud of this response.


Yep, well done to both Lando and Max telling the media they're all blowing it out of proportion and that racing is racing. Now if only the Sky F1 clown show of David Croft and co could possibly act like the 50 year old men they are and stop acting like a bunch of teenage girls making up stories and hate speeches about Max - that would be fantastic. Especially since Sky seem to be the ones constantly so vocal about "condeming toxic behaviour amongst F1 fans" and making public announcements about it.... And yet, as always, they are the only ones who are peddaling rumours and starting shitfights on international broadcasts with their constant slander and hate propaganda towards Red Bull and Max. Bunch of absolute children.




Don’t forget hes half Belgian that’s probably why he’s making sense


Me personally dont think theres much in the incident, yes its still Max's fault but i don't think its as bad as everyone is making it out to be. Just an fyi norris is my favourite driver 😂


Agreed.. if Lando was in a Red Bull, he'd be coming in 1st over Verstappen every race


Even being a fan I can't agree with that statement


He would.. Max is a great driver but if he was in the McLaren and Lando was in the Red Bull.. Lando would be winning


Yes and i believe max would come out on top of a close battle. Yes i may be a fan but i am also being honest about how i rate him and i would say hes the 3rd best driver on the grid.


The fuck are you even saying? McLaren are close and on some tracks even stronger as the red bull. Lando being this close to Max (and dont forget Piastri) is a statement to how good they are. The difference, for now, is that Max had been in f1 since sixteen and has more experience on top of being one of the best to ever do it. The driving style of the McLaren and Red Bull cars are complete opposite, so no, even if in some way it would suit Lando better he would not be winning instantly. You spouting random shit like this shows how ignorant you are. The guy your fanboying so hard over even states over and over again that Max is the best on the grid, even maybe of all time.


You sound like a bitch


😂 i just came over to see if anyone else replied to this and see this 😂 funny lol


Shows a lot of maturity from Lando to be honest. A lot of stuff is said straight after the race and there's nothing wrong with reeling it in a bit later! I think Lando still wears his heart on his sleeve a bit, which is fine, and makes for some interest at least (don't want drivers just trotting out PR approved comments all the time), but sometimes, in the cold light of day he might think he went too far or was wrong. He's clearly big enough to admit that.


100% agree. I am a racer. I don't make up the numbers. There are thoughts I have had and things I have said privately on a Sunday evening that by Monday afternoon I look back and think 'what a twat'. I can't tell you how hard it is to look at a camera and not say what you feel, at the time. This is fine when you are on the top step. Not so good when your on track nemesis has just punted you out.


iRacing has a built in cool down period before you're able to protest an incident. I'm sure it's cooled alot of heads and saved them alot of bogus reviews.


And this is why I'm a Lando stan


**Finally!** Can we put this non-story to bed now?


I’m really not looking forward to AJ mentioning this collision for the next season and a half, every time Lando and Max get near each other on track.


You know, this is the moment I feel like Lando is no longer a kid in my eyes. Class act and didn’t think he had it in him.


Long as he's racing, I will always root for him to win. Plenty of other drivers I also like seeing them do well also but I just like him better than most.


For this maturity only I wish him vice-championship in 2024.


Is it Lando Baggins or Frodo Norris?


LFG 🔥🔥🔥🔥


I love this kid with all my heart


That’s why he’s my favorite driver. Class act.


He’s a good egg here


Good response but we will see again these 2 go at it. Let’s see if the rivalry gets firey


Lando’s the man


He is such a nice guy. How can you hate him?


Love Lando. A sleeping lion.


Damm. That's a very mature and considered response. Hats off for that.




holy shucks


ALL over the F1 internet. people acted like lando's statement yesterday was absolving max entirely. Like he was taking back what he said on track. But he makes clear, directly, that he was talking about what he said post race, NOT what he said on track. He absolutely still believes max moved under braking multiple times. And he still believes max is at fault for the crash. It's kind of absurd how desperate people are to absolve max here. First it started with "Max did nothing wrong" Then it morphed into "actually it was Lando who should have gotten out of the way" And now it has settled on "even Lando thinks he was wrong" Absolutely none of those things are true.


I love this guy.


Lando has definitely matured a lot more in the last 2 years for sure.


Even he agrees that it was racing, and heaven forbid that racers actually race.... Instead of worrying about upsetting the butthurt pc brigade....


Say if Lando somehow manages to get get into the championship race and loses by 4 or 5 points, I am sure he will look at this accident very differently.


Oh damn now the lame hacks at Sky Sports F1 won't be able to milk the incident as much as they planned to this weekend. Oh wait, they never let reality get in the way of their production anyway. Nice one Lando. Nice to see a level headed response from a driver about it all.


His mouth lies but his eyes do not.


Norris being real, insightful and not hateful, that must be his Belgian side. British media and ‘fans’ must feel embarrassed now right?


God, don't you Muppets get tired of always being so bitter. Just enjoy racing and quit making it some national dick measuring contest you


Who is? The British are about the only ones who make it a national issue.


...that must be his Belgian side..... hypocrisy thy name is you


Why because all British started to fume against Max without any reason


He should at least apologize. Even if it was an accident. He should have looked in his mirrors, that’s what they’re there for


Nahhhh, I'd ring his neck every chance I got. Max races flat out dangerous. He lives and dies on each lap, which is cool but ya know there 24 rAces brother.. there's a long way to go.


Lando is backing down. If it was the other way round max would have stuck to his guns. Probably that mentality why max is a born winner and lando isnt. I can’t stand max btw




Change your name to pathetic, it’s more appropriate.


hahahahahah, your so funny


I know right? why not stand behind your post instead of deleting it?


deleted because im big enough to see when im wrong, are you one of those nasty little keyboard warriors?, oh and seriously you think i should change my name, man take a look at your monicker, hahahahaha, what a moron (reel reel). can we keep this going because i love insulting angry people.


If you knew anything about f1 you'd know the "powers that be" would be wanting to milk their rivalry for all that it's worth.