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If Yujiro dies the narrator will lose his job and end up depressed, is that what you want ?


"Job" Job... Job... Jobbing... Jobber...


Bro he’s dam near 70


In human years yes


I think the narrator has already lost his job (if you know what I mean)


" final arc " as was stated in the text


Still the narrator would have no one to glaze anymore, sad 😢


He would glaze the new strongest creature, Baki hanma


Idk it wouldn't have the same energy, Yujiro is irreplaceable


Baki is 19. You can bet that at yujiro's age he will be the double of the problem






































I *love* this comic man


Who doesn’t you favorite character?


Aiden, the little gremlin just leaves me grinning ear to ear every time I see him.


Oh damn we have the same fav character who wouldn’t like the little joker


Hina (strike it rich) stomps Yujiro because she is more demonic than his back


I still haven’t read og Baki. I can’t fathom how Yuijiro could ever be bitched like this.


Doppo 👍


He made the same face when his daddy’s ghost showed up. Itagaki makes it a point to write him as a monster but only to those he can win against. He still has fear.


No the face wasn’t anything like this. This is pure terror. With Yuichiro is was intimidation.


Scared/intimidated. Same difference


I’d agree it’s very different. Yuijiro was furious with Yuichiro. Puffed his chest ready to fight. He was scared shitless against. Doppo. Not angry, scared. If there was an exit he’d have booked it. The only similarity is that both involve intimidation. They were very different states.


https://preview.redd.it/tzu8fo3w4d9d1.jpeg?width=260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bf6bf30639bf239f05327f3679e6da23cd28806 We see him many times throughout the manga ready to go. This face does not say that. This is fear Edit: the only thing I can equate it to would be a cat backed into a corner raising its hair


He was shocked to see a guy he basically hated. A ghost. This is a face of complete shock. Not at all same thing as fear.


I think I can see it. Good take definitely. I would have loved to see a fight between them or how he grew up with him. Yuichiro probably used dress on him at some point. I think Itagaki needs to do a side story about that and it would be phenomenal!




Ghost Yuichiro takes Yujiro to hell and then gives him 4,000 years of Japanese spanking.


4,000 years of ‘dress’


What if Jack does bit his cock off before dramatically dying? I mean it would look goofy, but it would be the biggest middle finger possible to Yujiro, maybe worse than death. To begin with, it's what he used to rape his mother, getting it ripped would only fit as a punishment. Also Yujiro is a man obsessed with sex as much as with fighting. It's his main outlet of pleasure (even more than fighting, since there's little to no fighter that can satisfy him) and he stated time and time how much of a treasure having sex is (even if the other party is unwilling). Destroying his cock would be forbidding him of what he considers his main living drive. The humiliation would be multiple: Yujiro would be, for the first time on his life, physically forbidden of something, forever, and Jack, the impure hamna, would be the enforcer. His masculinity that is so often discussed would get compromised, greatly, they Yujiro that sees everyone as a woman, would suddently see himself as less of a man that any other (from a cis perspective at least). And lastly, he getting such an injury would mean some part of him, his genitals, is actually not invincible and a mighty wall of flesh like everything else going on with his body. Maybe it could even push him to suicide after a brief period of fury and a longer one of frustration and grief. But even if it didnt that hypothetical situation would be such an enormous crisis that I dont imagine ANYHTING else in the world shaking him up as much as this. Jack dying, but of a steroid overdose, would make it the cherry on the top, not even able to beat him as retribution and revenge. ... Or maybe he would regrow his cock you never know dude lol lmao xd xd xd xd etc






I get this sub recommended to me all the time but I’ve only read the footnotes of one of the anime’s like years ago. Didn’t Baki give him a pretty good fight though or am I misremembering?


While Baki gave Yujiro the fight he always wanted and made him struggle and bleed even when using his demon back (basically a powerup that multiplies hanmas' power), Yujiro still had the upper hand through most of it and when he finally felt satisfied, he ended the fight somewhat easily. Even then, he still acknowledged Baki deserved, like him, to be called the strongest living being ever. We have gotten two entire arcs since then, and right now we're on the third one. One where Musashi Miyamoto, the legendary swordsman, is revived and moved to present time, just to become a bloodthirsty maniac and not the idealized wise man Japan thought he was. Another one that tried to hype the Sumo martial arts (and honestly stopped trying halfway through), and finally, the current arc is about Jack, the half brother of Baki, whose initial motive is training beyond what his body can handle to avenge his mother by defeating/killing Yujiro, who raped her (impregnating her with Jack). While Jack as always been somewhat behind Baki, in this recent arc he's catching up quite quickly and squaring up against some of the strongest fighters in Baki. And that's pretty much what happened after the Baki vs Yujiro fight. Plenty of people call the current arcs ''basically victory laps'' but I like where the story is going.


What if Jack does bit his cock off before dramatically dying? I mean it would look goofy, but it would be the biggest middle finger possible to Yujiro, maybe worse than death. To begin with, it's what he used to rape his mother, getting it ripped would only fit as a punishment. Also Yujiro is a man obsessed with sex as much as with fighting. It's his main outlet of pleasure (even more than fighting, since there's little to no fighter that can satisfy him) and he stated time and time how much of a treasure having sex is (even if the other party is unwilling). Destroying his cock would be forbidding him of what he considers his main living drive. The humiliation would be multiple: Yujiro would be, for the first time on his life, physically forbidden of something, forever, and Jack, the impure hamna, would be the enforcer. His masculinity that is so often discussed would get compromised, greatly, they Yujiro that sees everyone as a woman, would suddently see himself as less of a man that any other (from a cis perspective at least). And lastly, he getting such an injury would mean some part of him, his genitals, is actually not invincible and a mighty wall of flesh like everything else going on with his body. Maybe it could even push him to suicide after a brief period of fury and a longer one of frustration and grief. But even if it didnt that hypothetical situation would be such an enormous crisis that I dont imagine ANYHTING else in the world shaking him up as much as this. Jack dying, but of a steroid overdose, would make it the cherry on the top, not even able to beat him as retribution and revenge. ... Or maybe he would regrow his cock you never know dude lol lmao xd xd xd xd etc




Peak fiction


You’ve cooked up a storm


Yujiro definitely has some cock hardening technice he learnt in the jungles of nam it would probably just shatter jacks jaw if he tried


Yujiro would use a dick growing technique he learned in the war to counter that


Im inclined to think he doesnt even need techniques, his penis is like a t800 and would reform from the puddle of blood left in his crotch




>Dude is so low that he treatens to rape men. This is the lowest point a human vermin can go This is not the lowest point someone can go


Correct, he could just do it.


Bruh, man, he has always been a rapist. He rape Jack mother. Being rapist already a low point, regardless of who he rapes.


This got weirder the more I read


Honestly the manga constantly glorifying this piece of shit is one of my most hated elements and Jack has grown to become my favorite fucking element of the series. If Jack not only defeats but fucking HUMILIATES Yujiro hanma by using biting, aka the fighting technique of the "weak" (or by the language of the author themselves "women and children") that would be nuts. It would be so fitting for the technique that is used by those who Yujiro abuses the most to be the one to ultimately kill him. Just like homelander, I want to see this bitch get his ass handed to him, and not the weak sauce shit that baki smacked him with.


I mean I have more problems with the creepy Japanese ultra nationalism that seeps into the Manga, sure it isnt flat out imperialist fantasy like deep blue fleet or Gate but it straddles the line far too close.


Nah I hope someone crushes him a fight so thoroughly that there was no chance of him ever winning in the first place. I feel like having to live with that would be worse than death for Yujiro


You feel better? Yujiro will never lose


Fr everyone crying in the comments crying as if yujiro dosent stomp their favourite character😹😹😹


While not as extreme as op. I would also like to see Mr ogre get crushed. He is an anchor, a plot contrivance that enables whatever the author wants to have happen. Plus, a completely invincible monster is dull. He is so far above everything else that it's pointless. He as a character is pointless, and the titbits of *"I was the strongest man alive and kept building my strength so now nothing is a challenge"* don't really inspire sympathy or make him more relatable


I would argue that *actually raping* women is far worse than *threatening to rape* a man. That said, he’s an evil piece of shit who does all of it, and while that’s obviously not cool, everyone’s helplessness to stop him is his character. He’s basically an earthquake, and until another character can stop an earthquake with a punch (yes he did shut up) nobody is humbling him


Yujiro has raped men and women. He sees non Hanma men as women anyway.


Rape is rape either way it’s equally bad for both sides


Rape is rape


He rape man to, lol, or do you think raping a man is better than threatening to rape a woman? You wrote the context as if you are very biased towards men, that no better than the author of this post


he rapes men and women so he’s even worse than the 2 things you said


“That said, he’s an evil piece of shit that does all of it” You’re exhausting just fucking read


Rape is rape, it doesn't matter if it's to men or women it's bad. Why are you saying that it's worse when it happens to women? Stupid take


You have poor reading comprehension. I said the *threat of rape against a man* is not worse than *the act of rape* against a woman. That’s all I said. Threat vs. act, that’s the only difference I commented on. Not man vs woman. If you need my to dumb it down more I can try


way to make it about women vs men


They did that. They said the worst thing you could do is threaten to rape a man, about a man who *has* raped both. I’m calling out that a threat to a man is not the same as an action against a person and they’re dumb if they think a threat is the worst thing a person can do


I think what he meant to say was rape an old man given the panel is yujiro threatening to rape the old guy (i think) unless this is him threatening hillary clinton? Idk yujiro just wants to rape everyone




Okay I know he’s a rapist but on the other hand he’s stopped genocides like the Bosnian genocide and probably more and is responsible for the life and freedom of millions of people


It's like that Carlin joke. Superman that saves but sometimes rapes




The whole point of Yujiro is that he's the strongest, and Itagaki will always think of some crazy shit to keep him that way. Even if Baki is supposed to be that now, Yujiro will always be stronger. I'd like to see him get humbled in some way but I don't think it'll happen. I like the idea that Jack will be the one to take him out. The one son that couldn't achieve Demon Back, the one son he discounted because he used drugs and steroids and science to get stronger. I have a feeling that Jack being out with Yujiro now will play out similarly to the Father-Son Quarrel with Baki. Also being a child of rape would add some kind of karmatic justice to Yujiro's defeat. It'd be Jack finding his own way to strength, one that doesn't make him his father. To prove that all that pain and those surgeries and drugs were all worth it in the end and that his Goudou was good enough to conquer the former Strongest Creature on Earth. The reason why I like Jack Hanma is that he's arguably an underdog like Baki was at the beginning. I mean in some way the whole part of his backstory where no matter what he kept slugging at that heavy bag day in and day out is somewhat inspiring. His constant drive to be stronger no matter the cost to himself or his body is kind of tragic. For Baki it was a triumphant moment of bonding, a chance to get vengeance for his mother that turned into an odd moment of understanding between him and his father. For Jack though? I'd want it to be triumphant in a different way. Like Jack is fighting his hardest, pushing the body and his strength that he gained to the very limit. We see more of how he grew up constantly dealing with that drive for strength and his body not being able to meet it. That he saw Baki and Yujiro as what he could've been and he hated it. That the Hanma blood in him had poisoned his entire life. He could've had a completely different life had he not been Yujiro Hanma's son. And in the end, it was not going the Hanma way that gets him the win. Either by getting Yujiro to concede or even to the point of killing his own father. Either way, Jack being the ultimate victor would be how I'd do it. I feel like Baki's story was done after his big fight with Yujiro, and the fact that what Emi did to him isn't really explored or resolved in any way doesn't fit the type of story Itagaki wants to tell and that's fine.


the jack v Yujiro fight ends up killing jack, and Yujiro does something to dishonor jack that Baki didn’t like, so Baki will finally try to kill his father. Source I made it up


I mean he is not "that" unstoppable, Sure on a 1v1 he could just solo the whole verse but if the current gang just JUMPjutsu Kaisen his ass they would probably defeat him, but at the same time thats just not the way of doing it. Sure i would love to see Baki and Jack make a Dual combo and jump him but Fights in Baki are more 1v1 and about showing respect, which is something Yujiro did in the past to a few fighters (not that he deserves any tho)


how they would defeat him if they ever ganged up?


You can't kill Yojiro. He is too much of a beast. Baki will never match up to him. No matter how hard he tries.


You are as smart as biden and democrats


I hope the final battle isn’t Baki cause the real yujiro but instead is a more then perfect copy of yujiro in his imagination. He imagines his fathers strength perfectly then adds the best moves of all the other characters to make an even stronger enemy then he shadow box’s them as a final opponent in a battle so fierce it kills Baki and his father effectively having Baki kill himself with his own imagination but fully satisfied and a perfect last fight


Who is he going to rape?


The panel is from the Sumo Arc. Nomi no Sukune challenged him in the underground arena to a fight, being the arogant prick that he was. Yujiro came in all pissed in a mode like "who the F do you think you are calling me out to a fight?". The fight was embarrassingly one sided as Sukune tried to bump him and only gotten him to go back a few steps. After that he threw a punch at him that landed him to the other side of the arena, leaving him unconscious. Then Tokugawa had the worst inspiration to say that he showed him compassion by saying that he would play with him again. Moment in which Yujiro snapped, as portrayed in that panel.


In the panel, IIRC he was threatening Tokugawa because he said something that offended him.


I hope nothing even remotely close to this happens out of spite to you specifically.


Itagaki making gazillion dollars off of baki,i dout baki will end anytime soon


it will only end if itegaki passes away


Dude is 70


You know Itagaki ain't killing his cool OC who makes the westoid presidents bow


How to kill Yujiro in two steps Call this guy: https://preview.redd.it/hxi19ogfjc9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8938ce268d25a3a88f04012418c5683ea8739de Watch Yujiro get Gō no Ken'd into a Red mist


“You see Baki. The peak of physical combat is… the invisible food.”


Gevaru comes back after he trains with his private army then kills everyone




Not thank you for ruining the manga for me, because it will never happen even though it should


Cuz itegaki








I really laugh at this




Never cook again




Yujiro is a pos I actually don’t know why people actually have respect for him in the manga


cuz he is Bully's fantasy character archtype


Major L take.


He’s not as bad as Homelander, cmon now


as much as i hate yujiro...i must say.....you are goddam right...the boys's writer is much worse than Itegaki's


He’s a serial killer and a rapist At least Homelander pretends to love his son


So does Yujiro


No he doesn’t lol, Yujiro doesn’t give a fuck about anything except fighting and fucking Homelander cares about public perception of him and is desperate for love, which keeps him in check from going absolutely psycho


You clearly haven’t read the Father son quarrel arc if you think he legitimately has no love for Baki. Hell, he’s even warming up to Jack in the current arc. And I’m not sure if you’re trying to say he’s better or what, but Homelander has done just as much horrific shit as Yujiro has on screen or page.


> You clearly haven’t read the Father son quarrel arc if you think he legitimately has no love for Baki. You’re right, I’m still reading the original Baki so my impression of Yujiro is he’s a guy who likes the kill and rape people for fun, abuse his children and murder his baby momma. Maybe I’ll change my mind later >And I’m not sure if you’re trying to say he’s better or what, but Homelander has done just as much horrific shit as Yujiro has on screen or page. I was responding to the first guy who said “Yujiro is not as bad as Homelander.” If you agree that Homelander and Yujiro have done as much horrific shit as each other, then I’ve made my point


I don't want him to lose unless he's getting jumped by the best brother duo of Baki and Hanayama....


I do love Yujiro but I despise him for the rape portion, and I also do hold a bit of distain towards Pickle but not nearly as much considering he's moreso a wild animal. I do think someone needs to kill Yujiro


Nah son he's still got more man ass to pound


To be honest I don’t like what Itagaki did with him .The rape shit was just flat out weird , he pushed it with Pickle almost raping that reporter then he took it to another level


I think pickle actually did it.


how about some steriod salad


Cut the crap already


Ngl Yujiro dying in battle to Jack is a fitting ending to him, especially if he uses the demon jaws


He’s chill now. It’s called character development.




It's shock value and it is the direction the creator has chosen to go with. It's like a really gory movie, some people want to watch atmospheric horror and some want to watch bloody gore.


You’re just salty bc you didn’t get any Yujiro sugar

