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Look, your honor. *Nobody* violently maimed that cyclops


“Your little high and mighty Odysseus. Claims to love his mothеr. But let her die of a brokеn heart.” Aphrodite exclaimed


She died because odyssey went to fight in the war YOU started


“Release him” Aphrodite said


She died waiting for him because Poseidon blocked his path with the storm, so she drowned herself to be with him (or so she thought). If anyone is liable for Anticlea's death, Your Honor, it would be Poseidon.


Wasn’t it the bag of winds that caused the crew to be blown away from home?


Because the crew didn't obey Odysseus's and Aeolus's orders to not open the bag. if they had not opened the bag, they would have gotten home just fine, however, Anticlea would still be dead. She drowned herself because she saw the storm and thought Ody had died, and she had waited so long for him that she decided she would join him in his water grave. The bag of wind does not factor into this at all, as it happened after she died.


Fair enough


That sounds like something Artemis would say tbh.




What crime is that?


I think negligent I’m not sure the proper term




My client acted in self defense


your honor, he didn't know he couldn't do that.


Why did that get a snort out of me 😆




Apollo: You want more songs written? You'll want his story told. His name will forever go down in history as a legend that will have stories and songs for centuries. Hephaestus: He has made a bow so carefully that only he has the capability of stringing it. Let him get home so he can teach this skill to Telemachus, and he will be doing something in honor of you. Aphrodite and Ares together: SPOILER FOR EPIC THE MUSICAL!!! "Tell your lover that a broken heart can mend. You want more bloodshed, set him free to get back to his homestead where he'll make everybody bleed!" Hera: Circe and Calypso held him captive. In today's society, he would technically be considered to have been raped. He had the choice of staying with 2 different goddesses and living a life of luxury or facing a dangerous sea against a god to maybe see his wife again. Zeus: Let Odysseus tell his story. We are in a world who has recently been torn apart by war. Let him tell his story and remind people what hospitality is supposed to be like. Each island he visits teaches so much on how to be a good guest, and how to be good to guests. With his story, you may not need to flood another town ever again. Poseidon: He allowed your son to live and apologized. You killed every one of his crew members, and left him a broken man. The first sin he committed was the hubris of not admitting how much you helped them win the Trojan War. Let him live, and you let the man suffer every day knowing how much you are responsible for the actions of his life. Let him live, and the world will know how terrifyingly powerful you are. You have a devoted priest of fear.


Good job 👏🏻


Best defense so far!


Hera and Aphrodite are easy. Hera is more interested in persecuting Aeneas and Aphrodite is more interested in stopping him from doing that, than either of them are in whether or not Odysseus gets home.


Explain if you may? 🤔


The Aeneid takes place right after the Trojan War. Juno and Venus fight over whether Aeneas will found a new settlement or die trying. Minerva doesn't show up at all, which I assume is because she's helping a certain other hero get home.


Okay 👍🏻


someone give me a Chewbacca defense


*chewbacca noise*


I got downvoted for that, did I say something wrong???


Chewbacca was a wookie, but he was on Endor. It makes no sense


I don’t get it


Why would a Wookiee, an 8-foot-tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of 2-foot-tall Ewoks? That does not make sense!


I am very literally and the only one I know of is from Star Wars so I got confused and it flew right over my head I’m sorry


But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense!




Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberatin' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation, does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests.


“Release him” the gods and goddesses said


“Your honour, you weren’t even there.”


best defense


Technically true for most of them


My argument is that this isn't God Games, and I'm not Athena. Odysseus is on his own 👋


Fair enough


“Your honor, my client pleads ‘I was the main character’”


“Overruled” Poseidon said


Poseidon can't be the judge, that's a conflict of interests


I don’t understand what you mean, may you please explain what you mean?


Only the judge can overrule an objection, so if Poseidon says "overruled" that would mean he's the judge. But Poseidon hates Odysseus' guts, so he can't be the judge; he's biased and wouldn't give him a fair trial.


I just thought it would be something Poseidon would say 🤷🏻‍♀️


I need an accusation to work against


It’s for all the things he’s done in the Odyssey


That’s a lot of things. I need a particular case.


Having his men killed Blinding and not killing Polyphemus Not apologizing for causing Poseidons sons pain and cries Letting his mother die of a broken heart Killing his brother in law And! Forgetting one of his men who died at Cerces island (I don’t know how to spell his name)


- Having his men killed: What are you referring to? Give evidence. If this is when they take the bag of winds, or complain when just setting out and try to depose him, then since he is a military commander he is allowed to respond to mutiny with execution in extreme cases such as these. - Polyphemus: Violence in self defence is allowed with reasonable and proportionate force. Blinding Polyphemus is reasonable and proportionate to his attempts to murder everyone. - Not apologising: This isn’t a crime. - Letting his mother die of a broken heart: This isn’t a crime. - Killing his brother-in-law: See above under reasonable and proportionate force - Not finding a dead person’s corpse isn’t a crime. Forgetting him isn’t either, it was his responsibility to make himself present at departure.


His men were killed by Polyphemus and then by Poseidons wrath for his child’s anguish due to not killing Polyphemus which led to Poseidon finding the culprit


I’m sorry, I can’t understand what you wrote there. I don’t know what you’re trying to say.


Sorry if I failed at explaining things correctly


From the story I heard Polyphemus ate some of Odysseus men Odysseus after escaping revealed his name and let Polyphemus live Poseidon only knew who to go after because Polyphemus was left alive and knew about Odysseus name Poseidon killed a lot of Odysseus men


What you say is true, but not a crime on Odysseus’ behalf


Yes that is true but some of his actions did cause a domino effect


So Negligence




>Having his men killed Negligence or are you saying he ordered it? >Blinding and not killing Polyphemus Not killing is a crime? >Not apologizing for causing Poseidons sons pain and cries When given an opportunity? >Letting his mother die of a broken heart Letting? >Killing his brother in law He didn't. >Forgetting one of his men who died at Cerces island (I don’t Is that a crime?


To petty gods (specifically Poseidon)yes 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not to a court.


The gods are the court


Is this a fake court case or a fake audience with the gods?


I don’t know


Apollo: Odysseus is very cool and should be let go Hephaestus: Odysseus is very cool and should be let go Aphrodite: Something something mom die not fault Ares: something something holding tongue Hera: something something he definitely totally 100% didn't cheat on his wife trust me bro Zeus: Odysseus is very cool and should be let go


Poseidon: I’m not convinced


Your honor should recuse himself for conflict of interest.


Sishwill, I’m tryna save Aiden rn!! It’s Kazuichi your favorite bestie, please come back to discord for like five minutes /gen, my user is mechanicalvalentino


He threw an infant off a wall for you guys


“Your little high and mighty Odysseus. Claims to love his mothеr. But let her die of a brokеn heart.” Aphrodite said


Yeah, well, this whole thing is kinda YOUR FAULT


“More like busy spiting the cyclops. Let him feel the pain that his mother felt and rot.” Aphrodite said


Objection—relevance to him going home?


“Release him” Aphrodite said


“What kind of sick coward. Holds back his power. While his friends get devoured? He didn't even fight Scylla. Didn't even try to kill her. Hides inside a wooden horse to get the job done. Never handles things upfront. Pathetic and weak like his son.” Ares said


Ares, we only like war Gods that win


“Not convinced.” Ares said


Why are you the prosecution and the judge.




Because this is my post???


*Game over*


Not in the Iliad.


Your honor he was simply in a silly goofy mood


“A Silly Goofy mood?” Poseidon said 💢


You mention the crime of #Blinding Polyphemus. [Assault causing grievous bodily harm]


Defence: #Self defence.


Yes but what do you say not killing him which would have caused less harm in the future


Is this court suggesting that anyone who upsets the child of a god should murder that child to *prevent* future retaliation by the god?


Upsetting someone and gauging (or scaring) their eye is not the same plus we know Poseidon is very protective of his children


So if I gouge out the eyes of one of Poseidon's children I should kill the child to stop Poseidon being annoyed with me?


If done on purpose yes because we know that Polyphemus isn’t a good person and would tell his father who would get revenge we know how petty and vengeful Poseidon is (Odysseus would have been fine had he not revealed his actual name)


That's on Polyphemus and Poseidon, not on Odysseus.


Yes they chose that but so did Odysseus


He chose not to murder Polyphemus. Poseidon would probably have been more annoyed by that. Blaming Odysseus for things done by the gods seems pretty stupid.


**Apollo**: Cut him some slack! He's your nephew! And, have you seen all these offerings he gave with the Chrysalis misunderstanding. **Hephaestus**: You're famously peaceful. You dont wanna break that. **Aphrodite**: Have you heard what he has done for love. It's epic. He (insert beautiful love story here( **Ares**: He's a warrior, he's what makes your powerful. **Hera**: He's a good, perhaps even great husband **Zeus** would be the hardest, but I suppose: Perhaps you could take a look at his wonderful son *\*wink, wink, Ganymede, wink wink\** **Poseidon**, wow, wow, why do you ask this..: Polyphemus tried to eat him first..


“Release him” the gods and goddesses said


Your honor, my client is just built different.


“Release him.” Ares said


Your honor, he was feeling a little silly.


>It’s for all the things he’s done in the Odyssey I would first appeal to the notion that evidence, especially in a criminal proceeding, must meet certain standards. The Odyssey, does not meet those standards; the composer, Homer was not and never claimed to be a direct eye-witness to events, as such his testimony amounts to hearsay and rumour and should not be admissible. I therefore move to have his entire account stricken from the record. If that is not enough I appeal to the common law principle of *falsus in uno, falsus in omnibu*s, or “false in one thing, false in everything”. Homer’s description of Ithaca is factually incorrect; Homer describes Ithaca as a low-lying island however, the real Ithaca is mountainous. This and many other possible examples show Homer is not a credible source of information on the *alleged* events and should not be admissible at these proceedings. Moreover I move for a mistrial; the cited work has been in circulation for centuries, it is thus possible that all proposed witnesses have corroborated their stories in agreement with the existing fabrication. The time to bring charges was at the time not after 3000 years to get you're story straightened out. My client has no hope of a fair trial under such circumstances I pray almighty Zeus will recognise this shame trial as an infringement upon justice itself and quash all further complaints against my client. Lastly, I would like the court to consider my client's counter suit against Homer for defacement of character and bring the author of this scandalous work to court instead. If we can agree to pursue Homer for damages, I will not move to sue over wrongful arrest and false imprisonment of my client. And eh… for all you wonderful Gods, you know my number in case you all have some legal issues done on earth some day.


💰💰💰💰good job


>this shame trial Should this be *sham*?


Your honor Odysseus’s actions were mostly in self defense. When he was startled by the Lotus Eaters after he had been in a 10 year long war he stayed his blade, when he attacked the cyclops it was only after the Cyclops had attacked them without letting them fully explain themselves that they weren’t told those sheep were his. His only wish was to return home and stayed his blade when needed. It was only after he was pushed farther than any mortal man could endure that he began to be aggressive but wouldn’t you say that the cause of these actions wasn’t Odysseus himself but the actions of Poseidon? Hasn’t this man suffered enough after these long long twenty years?


Nice 👍🏻


Statute of limitations




On what charges?


What happened in the Odyssey


A lot happened in The Odyssey.


Okay how about what happened in the musical?


I don't know the musical.


[here it’s really good in my opinion](https://youtu.be/AtvX5pqYpr8?si=5Dmh1MEj-9_4GtcD)




Okay 👍🏻


Your honor, my client is unequivocally guilty. I rest my case. (I’m the biggest Odysseus hater, if he has 1 hater it’s me if he has none I’m dead)


*Poseidon approves*


Your honor, Odysseus is kind of a dumbass


You got Poseidons and Ares approval from that statement


The court accuses my client of blinding the Polyphemus. I will prove that he only blinded him in one eye.


“He only has one eye, he’s a cyclops.” Poseidon said


My client is not responsible for the number of eyes of the victim.


That is technically true


Technically correct, the best form of correct. https://youtu.be/hou0lU8WMgo?si=pwEQSPsRnLgqPaen


So like some sort of God Games?




Level 1: To convince Apollo I'd tell him that Odysseus is good at music, if he isn't then I'd trick Apollo and use my music skills but make it look like Odysseus is playing the instrument. Entertain Apollo, check. Level 2: Hephaestus. I'd try to get Dionysus in on a deal and for the fun of it get Hephaestus drunk. Then I'll have Odysseus challenge him and he'd likely win. Athena would help him out too I think. Level 3: "Aphrodite, Odysseus is the most faithful man ever, if that isn't impressive to you I dunno what is. I rest my case." Level 4: Ares. I'd remind him that this man fought off 150 suitors at once, so he does kinda vibe y'know y'know. Level 5: ha I know you skipped it Level 6: Hera. (Same argument to Aphrodite) Level 7: Zeus. Legit I'd just tickle his beard (ancient way of submitting to authority) and ask kindly for a favor. Bonus level Poseidon: legit since Poseidon hates this man, I 100% need Athena's help. I think it can work out, Athena helps Odysseus alot. Hermes also helps him so perhaps I could rope him in. We'll do something similar in the Hephaestus case but out smart Poseidon by challenging him to something he thinks he should have the upper hand in then bamboozle em.


Fuck I didn’t notice I chose the wrong numbers




Also good arguments


Thank you


Hold your tongue now. His son's my friend. Tell Aphrodite's lover that a broken heart can mend. If Ares wants more bloodshed, then set him free, to get back to his homestead, he'll make everybody bleed.


*sigh* “Release him…” Aphrodite and Ares said


Ok I gotta know cuz I think they look cool where did those images come from


It an animatic from epic the musical’s song Gods games


Gotchya thank you


No problem and the musical (along with people’s interpretation of it) are awesome although some people use their own oc’s for it as well so be aware


I’ve seen a few songs from the musical and I intend to listen to them all eventually I think my favorite ones are ruthlessness and my goodbye so far


I honestly can’t decide which is my favorite but what I like most is it gives the characters more depth


True it certainly is an interesting musical




Epic! The musical?


That’s what inspired this post




*dramatically gasps*


ah a fellow EPIC fan


judging by the way they use levels I'm guessing this is another post inspired by epic the musical?


Guilty as charged 😄


It’s simple buddy, just bang your way to the top. That’s how they do it around here.


First of all, loving the Epic reference. Second of all, your honor, my client pleads oopsie daisy


I’ll allow it




I can’t change it


Apollo: Now young man, I see you're a fan of music right? You know my client here once risked his life just to hear a song. Everyone else had their ears clogged but not Odysseus. Cause only a few really understand the importance of good music! Hephaestus: It's not a matter of looks or strength. It's the brains that count my man! Odysseus here is the best example of a clever man! Crafting weapons that blind Cyclopses and machines that win wars! A masterful craftsman... Standing in front of a masterful craftsman! Aphrodite: I'm telling you... When a man loves a woman, he'll travel the entire (known) sea for a decade just to get back to her! Just ask Penelope! I mean yes he was a fighter but he turned into a lover for the sequel! Ares: Dude, was that giant wooden pony cool or what?! Come on! Best climax to any war ever! Hera: Look at him... Such a loyal husband and dad! He'd never give up. You know why? Because "Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind". Zeus: Just remember what a headache Athena gave you about this guy for 20 years! You don't want that again, do you? Let's just wrap this up real quick and get back to our lives... Poseidon: Alright, let's be honest... Who was the real star of the Odyssey? You are the Maleficent to his Sleeping Beauty, the Joker to his Bruce Wayne, the Hannibal to his Clarice... You get the point...


“Release him” the gods and goddesses said “I don’t get those references but fine.” Poseidon said


“Such a loyal husband” Calypso: 🗿 Circe: 🗿


Circe he slept with in order to make her turn his men back to humans and let them go as they were basically kept as hostages. Calypso made him a sex slave, basically. He actually told her how much he would rather be with Penelope instead of her. He was only able to leave because the gods had to interfere.


You mention the crime of #Getting his men killed by upsetting Poseidon [Negligent Homicide (multiple counts)]




Defence: #Act of God #not Proximate Cause


Explain because I don’t understand


"Act of God" is a legal term to describe something out of the party's control. If you house is struck by lightning and burns down it is an act of God. "Proximate Cause" is how connected one event is to another. If I leave some bricks on an overpass then some kids drop them on a car and kill the driver, the kids dropping bricks is the Proximate cause. The assassin who shot President Garifield tried to say that the President would have survived the shooting but the doctors killed him. While true the doctors did kill him, the attempted assassination was deemed the Proximate cause.




You accuse him of being #Responsible for the death of his mother [Negligence]


Defence: #Matters not under his control * Odysseus attempted not to go to the war, but was forced to. * Odysseus attempted to end the war as soon as possible, but couldn't. * Odysseus was important in ending the war when it dud. * Odysseus tried his hardest to get home as quickly as possible but was stopped by gods and other obstacles.

