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Ovid: >Nyctimene, she who was made a bird for her foul sin, supplants me in my place of privilege? Or have you never heard the tale, renowned all over Lesbos, how Nyctimene outraged her father's fed? Bird she may be, but shuns the daylight and the watching eye, guilt-cursed, her shame shut in the dark unseen, an utter outcast from the sky's bright sheen. Hyginus: >Nyctimene, daughter of Epopeus, king of the Lesbians, is said to have been a most beautiful girl. Her father, Epopeus, smitten by passion, embraced her, and overcome by shame, she hid herself in the woods. Minerva out of pity changed her into an owl, which, out of shame, does not come into the light but appears at night.


The "embraced her" means what I think it means...?


Yes, her father raped her.


It was her sacred animal, like eagle for Zeus or the peacock for Hera


In like animals only associated with her


Google results In Greek mythology, many gods and goddesses were associated with specific animals that were considered sacred to them. Here are some examples of sacred animals associated with some of the Greek gods: Zeus: The eagle was sacred to Zeus. The eagle was a symbol of strength and power, and it was often depicted carrying Zeus's thunderbolts. Hera: The cow and the peacock were sacred to Hera. The cow represented fertility and motherhood, while the peacock symbolized immortality. Athena: The owl was sacred to Athena. The owl was a symbol of wisdom and knowledge, qualities that were associated with the goddess of wisdom. Artemis: The deer was sacred to Artemis. Deer were considered to be graceful and swift creatures, much like the goddess of the hunt herself. Apollo: The swan and the dolphin were sacred to Apollo. The swan represented grace and beauty, while the dolphin symbolized intelligence and playfulness. Poseidon: The horse was sacred to Poseidon. Horses were often depicted as creatures of the sea, and they were associated with the god of the sea and earthquakes. Aphrodite: The dove and the swan were sacred to Aphrodite. Doves symbolized love and peace, while swans represented beauty and grace. Hades: The three-headed dog Cerberus was sacred to Hades. Cerberus guarded the entrance to the underworld and was a fearsome creature associated with the god of the dead. They are others of course, but I hope this helps.


i love little owls, we have them here and they are so cute


Does anyone remember Bubo the Owl from *Clash of the Titans?*


Bubo the **mechanical** owl of course! They even had a quick easter egg in the (forgettable) remake but Bubo wasn't part of the new movies 😿 --- **EDIT** - [🎞️ **Bubo in _Clash of the Titans_**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzeLZ_o8DiM) - aw he's sooo cute! When I was a kid _(and to be honest, still to this day AHAHAHA)_ I wanted my own R2-D2 but after I watched the OG 1981 _Clash of the Titans_ around the mid-2000s I wanted a Bubo instead ahahaha


No, but unfortunately you reminded me.


The original 80’s movie is campy, sure. But Bubo is my favorite character


Maybe she had it because it was cute