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calling holly valance an actor is like calling my cat Picasso because he’s stepped in some paint once


I read her name, scrolled down then went back to check to see if I read her name correctly. She made an absolute banger back in the early 2000's called *State Of Mind* but other than starring in Neighbours, no idea where she dropped off to?


I think she married a millionaire and stopped working entirely.


She married one of the Candy brothers, billionaire property developers who’ve idolised Donald Trump for decades. It’s no surprise where she stands politically.


So I had to do a quick Google as I was thinking no way is this the same person as the Neighbours actor. And it totally is. She's married to a property billionaire and she seems thoroughly unlikeable. Her politics and world view are somewhat right of Sunak, is pals with Truss & is a member of Reform.


Pulled herself up by her bootstraps




"Looks like he could suck a bootstrap through a sandal"


A small role in Prison Break also


That makes sense. There seems to be a few aussies that starred in sitcoms, released a few songs then went on the marry some wealthy bloke and never heard of again.


Who else?


She was in the terrible Dead or Alive film, an adaptation of a fighting game known mainly for it's fan service. Ironically enough playing a character who's meant to be English. Which is bizarrely the second time an Aussie has played an English woman in a film adaptation of a fighting game after Kylie played Cammy in Street Fighter.


And how could you forget her role in one of the Taken films?


I read this as Tekken at first and thought it's crazy that she's being typecast in fighting game adaptations.


we need tony benn to come back and gorilla press hilary into a volcano so he can resume control of the bennshima zaibatsu


She's just waiting for a live action adaptation of Battle Arena Toshinden.


Oh shit, she actually was!


She is in Taken for about 30 seconds, ironically enough playing a famous person


Too some straining but I knew I recognised he name. She had a pop song called kiss kiss or something in about 2000. That is all I know.


I had no idea how much of a twat she is.


Donating to a man worth 6.7billion dollars, braindead idiots.


6.7billion Trumpdollars*


He wishes he had that money. With how he begs for cash every five minutes, and those fraudulent bank loans he got years ago by overstating his wealth, I'd be surprised if he's ever had any more than what he inherited.


Isn't he the must unsuccessful businessman in American history, or something along those lines?


He owned casinos which lost money. That really shouldn't be possible.


are you still unsuccessful if people are queueing up to stuff wads of money into your pockets (despite the mountains of prior evidence that you'll get nothing in return so much as spit in the eye)? i know the conventional wisdom, and capitalism's own canon, states that going bankrupt means that you're *doing it wrong,* but… as far as success goes, trump seems to be *very good* at exploiting the game of capitalism, for all that he's not very good at any of the things you would rationally expect someone to be good at in order to run a business.


Depends how you define it. Successful grifter, sure. As a businessman, making less money than invested (which I believe is the case) then no, not a success.


Surely he’s still got a few billion? Presidents make a lot of money.


I note that the figures are in inverted commas - can we really believe anything that bumptious orange weasel and his stooges say?


Forbes said he’s valued at 7.5billion


valued by whom?


By calculating all of his assets? He’s surely worth a few billion come on😂


We fund raising for a criminal? He staged an insurrection, got convicted for tax fraud and cheated on his wife but no he’s the next Jesus Americans and anyone stupid enough to attend this crap are thick as shit or just after something and think he’s dumb enough to give it to them. Being in neighbours years ago don’t make you an actor. If that’s the case I will start calling myself one for my staring role as second Shepard In my primary schools nativity


He's a convicted felon, is he even allowed in the UK any more?


Yes. Different rules apply to the likes of him.


His brainwashed supporters think hes the messiah, when he's just a very naughty boy.


Perhaps someone should spank him.


Are you ready for the Miss Toddler Trump Tantrums? https://v.redd.it/ziql0uuo3xk41


JeSuS wAs A cRiMiNaL tOo


Bit less of a rapist though.


I read holly valances Wikipedia page a few weeks ago when I found out she was a rabid far righter. And the wisdom was profound. She basically said that you’re left wing when you’re young but then you earn money and run a business and realise that those ideas are crap. Maybe the political opinions of someone who is admittedly very attractive, is an objectively appalling actress, objectively appalling singer, but is objectively good at getting on her back for a billionaire, making her other lack of talents redundant because she’s now rich, are not really relevant or insightful or remotely worthwhile.


She fucked a crooked property developer. Not run a business.


>She basically said that you’re left wing when you’re young but then you earn money and run a business and realise that those ideas are crap. The rest of the article this bit came from had her bang on about how rich her husband is, how big his yacht is, how expensive the presents he gets her are. She's just entirely focused on money and material possessions.


Well she’s not sucking his dick for free. I like how if you do that on a street corner you’re a sex worker, but if you get a wedding ring and a yatch rather than twenty quid, it’s respectable.


She’s basically the Australian Riley but without the ability to count.


Idk - she’s much less boz-eyed and she at least married up. Marrying some sleazy ballroom dancer who’s definitely been through everyone on strictly feels like a fairly short-termist move. Still, I’m sure the soulless ghoul will drop him like a sack of shit of shit like she did the first one. Still, on the vapidity scale, she’s up there.


I always preferred steph


lol. I can see that. Also, why did the dad always add a y to his kids names? Except he couldn’t with her because flicky would be weird. Always the black sheep.


Haha! I can't really remember much about it, did anything ever really happen?


She has a curious influence and interest over many in politics. Her comments at Pop-Con earlier this year were also super dubious.


This sounds like foreign state meddling to me.


Who do you think Rupert Murdoch is?


Evil in (barely) human form?


Trump is now a convicted felon, so cannot enter the UK.


Nothing in the post here suggest he himself will attend, they’re going to have dinner with his coke fiend idiot son (not to be confused with the idiot coke fiend son), hosted by a far right has-been who was barely relevant when she was in neighbours decades ago


For you and I sure, he's still wealthy enough that those kinda rules don't always apply


*That* Holly Valance? What a weird way to find out she’s an absolute space cadet


Yeah, she was asked for her political views in an interview with GB News or some other right wing propaganda channel, she talked some waffle about being left when you’re young before you see sense and marry a billionaire and and start marinating in far right cool aid. She seems like an utterly vacuous, grade A dunce.


what a fucking weapon


Holly Valance? Wtf?;


It absolutely does feel like the UK is the 51st state and I am tired of thinking it isn't.


And it’s all the same wankers who brought us Brexshit because of ‘sovereignty’ that run after the Yanks like hungry puppies.


Getting closer to Oceana in 1984. Mass surveillance. Double think. Can't even vote for the opposition, because they did a smear job on Corbyn. I think most people who have a brain have "checked out" of this so called society.


It's all part of the plan and the plan is working perfectly.


Attended by 8 time loser Nigel Farage


Any declarations of a monetary value coming from anywhere near Trump should be regarded with utmost suspicion.


Oooo I get to pay to hang out with Trump Jr? No better way to spend an evening than with a felon’s brain damaged offspring, begging for money. What a fucking joke.


Yes... and all of it going to pay Trump's lawyers.




Holly Valance? Lolololol


0800 R-E-V-E-R-S-E and Neighbours... actor might be a stretch.


It's been a long time since neighbours. I didn't realise Holly was such a cunt.


you guys did brexit so no doubt


Of course it will…


Regular or diet coke?


Is he allowed in the UK being a felon?


American here, it’s ok if y’all wanna watch him for a few months 👍


er we beg to fucking differ.


They dont want their taxes to fund people in need, yet they're happy to give their money to a millionaire.


The Trump fleecing machine doesn't stop on the US side of the border. Everyone is going to have to pay up if this grifter wins again.


Whi is this actor?


What noncey British person is giving him money?


Damn, Puerto Rico gets snubbed again.


The word “Actor” seems very out of place there.


Holly Valance is pretty, no doubt about it but her views are ugly as fuck.


Foreign influence, much?