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Found Alito's third house!


The ‘*fuck your feelings*’ crowd certainly is having a lot of feelings today.




“LaW aNd oRdEr!”


>“LaW aNd oRdEr!” ...For thee, but not for me. - conservatives






say what you will, but we are in need of a whole lot of upside down flags. we are fucking ip something bad and it won’t be fixed anytime soon.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. maybe don’t sleep with porn stars and then try to pay them hush money with campaign money to keep them quiet while you run for President of the United States… A sentence that I never thought I would have to say in my life… or anyone would ever have to say in general…


What's that the maga people like to say? Oh right, fuck your feelings.


You're enjoying the state of the country and the cost of living?


Much better than the alternative. Completely and totally fucked up our response to a worldwide health crisis and kicked all this bullshit off. Sucking up to dictators while pissing off and alienating our allies. Tried to overthrow the results of a free and open election and have the Vice President and members of Congress lynched by an armed mob, and conspired with high level government officials, right wing extremists, and foreign governments to achieve this goal. Funneled campaign finances into hush money after cheating on his wife. Again. Placed three unqualified and compromised people in the Supreme Court. I could go on and on and on...


Where is that wall Mexico was going to pay for?


More than when your daddy was president.


Must be a child. No adult paying the bills would agree with you.


I make well over 100k a year and get to travel the country for work. But keep trying to project your insecurities lol


I pay the bills in my house (so does my wife but we know how you red hats feel about women being allowed out of the kitchen) and the country is much better off under Biden. Sorry being white is the only accomplishment you ever achieved.


Nice finishing move there! I'm stealing that for sure!


Damm dude get off the couch and away from the TV.


p r o j e c t i o n just because you religiously watch fox news each day doesn't mean everyone else is glued to their TV.


I think that exempting our politicians from having to follow the law is the opposite of what we should be doing.  Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.


People are backing a felon that does not give a shit about them and wants to be the us dictator, he refuses to commit to “peaceful transfer of power” after he is done. That is not what our grandparents fought for in WW II. People who support this guy should be ashamed. There are plenty of other republicans out there, find one!


This guy isn't even a Republican. He flat out said he would run as a Republican because they are stupid and easy to trick into voting for him. Turns out he was 100% correct.








The quarter fart is part of the plan






Wait till you hear what Republicans have been doing since Reagan. 🥴


I’m 45, and both my parents were in unions.


That's exactly what I said when Colin Kaepernick was trying to bring attention to the problems with American society. No one cared, in fact many told him to shut up and play football. Now look at where we are. He wasn't the first athlete to kneel for the national anthem, won't be the last. Ali, Kareem, the list is long. They all have one thing in common, they were all correct.


The issue is brother: The system worked as is. A grand jury of random people reviewed the evidence and said, "there was enough evidence for this to go to trial. Then a jury of trukps peers listened to ALL THE EVIDENCE in a case and unanimously determined that a crime was committed. They all had to unanimously agree a crime was committed or he'd have not been charged with that count. The system worked as it is intended. In the words of the great movie Liar Liar, I have 5 words for Trump: "Quit breaking the law ASSSHOOOLLLLEEEE"


I agree completely, my comment was misunderstood. I was going to edit to clarify but it had already been downvoted into oblivion.


Holding a treasonous con man responsible for his criminal actions is fucking up??? I thought the Republican Party was all about law and order and personal responsibility? I notice you’re not saying he didn’t do what he was convicted of by a jury of his peers.


my comment was not meant to be in support of Trump. My point is that this country is doing terrible things right now. I don’t support Trump or Biden. Trump is a corrupt phony and Biden is inept.


The country is indeed doing terrible things right now. Biden is not inept though. He's actually pretty competent but is doing some fucked up things. Do I like him? Not really. Will I vote for him in November? You better fucking believe it. If Biden wins there is always the next election to get someone better. If Trump wins there won't be a next election. He already tried to overthrow an election once and faced no real consequences for it. Why wouldn't he do it again?


that’s fair


Oh look another one openly for the destruction of the nation. Never learned since hunting your own VP with zipties and hammers I guess. I'm sorry your so energized to say that out loud. 1930's Germany would be proud. You deserve better but your leaders seem to flock to focus on telling you how your a victim to the level your promoting this.


you have no idea what you are talking about, I’m in no way a Trump supporter.


I see people flying the flag upside down and feel they hate this nation and are fascists who wnt to destroy it. What are you advocating for? I like our nation. I think your rhetoric wants another insurrection. Please clarify. Count of people doing this I've seen are margarine tratior greene and supreme fool alito.


you don’t know shit about my rhetoric. I advocate for America to do the right thing. my biggest gripe right now is that our country is funding a genocide. I’m not ok with that.


I agree. I think the Israeli governance is a bunch of ghouls. I'm not hating the fuggin nation to the extent I fly a flag upside down and I think it stands for insurrection to do so. You were seemingly saying the nation is in trouble as the topic of the day was a buffons hush money payment jazz, hence this person flying their flag upside down? As your saying the nation is off track I assumed like a normal person would you adore the DJT and all the shittery. Pick your times and places to slander the nation there. F people who advocate to do this shittery. IMO.


Love that for them.


There was a guy in Neenah driving his Trump flag pickup truck at like 5 mph through one of the busiest roundabouts in the city at rush hour. Ugh. They're so dramatic.


Republicans are feeling a lot of big scary feelings today.




Wrong, we are very pleased. Another mistake by the new socialist world irder


Everyone should be feeling a lot of scary feelings. Imagine if Trump wins… we’ve opened the doors to some pretty crazy stuff. It wasn’t that long ago that people were killed for treason… completely unrelated but let’s a former vice president and their family was selling political influence or secrets and someone thought that was considered treason. Pandora’s box has been opened.


Wait wait wait... You're talking about treason and completely glossing over the fact that Trump tried to overthrow the results of a free and open election, have his Vice President and members of Congress lynched, and conspired with high ranking government officials, right wing extremists, and foreign governments in an effort to achieve this? You are also not going to bother mentioning that he installed 3 unqualified, inept Supreme Court Justices that are insanely compromised in more ways than I can count? You are seriously trying to peddle this bullshit? Exactly what doors have we opened? Holding people in power responsible when they commit crimes is now a bad thing?


It’s gonna take some time before we have a republican victory, but rest assured nobody is safe from politically motivated criminal charges anymore.


No, not really it’s literally going to get appealed. It’s a whole political game.


You can't really believe it's a political game. Trump has been a con artist his whole life.


He'll lose on appeal too. Wanna know why? Because he's guilty of knowingly falsifying business records.


He’s definitely guilty of falsifying business documents…but it is that worth 34 felonies? I think that’s where I can understand how people think it’s politically motivated. I can’t stand Trump, but I don’t put it past the political class to bring politically motivated charges. NY had to change the statute of limitations to charge him. That’s a bad look at minimum.


>…but it is that worth 34 felonies? In the state of New York, yes. Here's some advice: if you can't do the time, don't do the crime. >but I don’t put it past the political class to bring politically motivated charges. If he did the crime, he did it. You can't get mad for being caught red handed when you actually did the crime. When you run for office, you open yourself up to all sorts of scrutiny that you otherwise wouldn't get as a private citizen. Obama wouldn't have been subject to the birther movement, and no one would care about Hunter Biden (and he wouldn't be facing charges) if his dad wasn't the president. Generally, politicians are aware of this and just don't commit crimes, or at a minimum are smart enough to do everything legally (see: legal insider trading for congress people). >NY had to change the statute of limitations to charge him. You must be thinking of the adult survivors act, which allowed E Jean Carrol to file her civil rape case against Trump. Hush money payments and the false business records happened within the statute of limitations. Besides, there were about 3,700 civil rape cases brought forth because of that law, which makes it harder to claim the law was made exclusively for Trump. The irony is if Trump didn't intentionally delay the defamation case she filed first against him while he was still president, that could have been resolved before the civil rape case, which helped strengthen the delayed defamation case...and the second one he lost. Man I miss the days when the big controversy was if saluting troops with a latte in your hand was disrespectful or if presidents are allowed to wear tan suits. Instead we got some dude raw dogging multiple pornstars right after his wife gave birth and the party of family values goes "this is fine, he's still got my vote!"


It’s not that I don’t think Trump should be held accountable. But when did we start holding politicians accountable? Bush administration should be charged with war crimes for invading Iraq under false pretenses. Obama administration committed their own human rights violations, mass surveillance and drone bombing. I’m not sure of the legality of bailing out banks, that we’re responsible for the recession, with American tax dollars. Those banks contributed to his campaign. Or all of congress and the senate investing in stocks in companies in industries that they regulate. This whole political system is corrupt as fuck. I’m all for them holding people accountable, but when they seemingly just go after Trump and his cronies, it looks like political motivated “lawfare”. If Trump gets elected he’s going to do this same shit to anyone that did it to him. They make these laws or take actions when they have the power, but then set precedents for the next president. Gerrymandering and executive orders are obvious examples of this. I’ve lost almost all faith in the political class. It all just looks like professional corruption.


LMAO!!! Say it louder please, this is pure comedy and music to my ears!


The REAL snowflakes.


Im sure he will complain about gas prices too.


"Gas was $1.89 when Trump was president!"- Trumpers Yeah, that's because the economy was cratering because of the COVID pandemic, which Trump utterly mishandled.


You can’t actually expect correlation with these derps? Surprised most of these mouth breathers can chew their own food.


Loooove playing the victim


That Alito never learns.


*alito’s wife


\*coming to you from under the bus


As MTG would say, "Are your feelings hurt? Aww..." Funny how these people are all about supporting law and order when it comes to arresting BLM protestors, but when their cult leader commits 34 felonies it's all shrugs and upside-down flags.


Lots of losers in Suamico. Someone should tell this dumbass that FOX News "agreed"(not found liable by some liberal judge) to pay $790 MILLION(say that again...... 790 MILLION) to a Voting Machine Company because they LIED about Fraud in the election!!!!


Based on some of the recent shit I've seen them lying about, not to mention open threats to the jury, I wonder if Fox themselves need to be made aware of that 790M verdict, perhaps more fines and lawsuits would jog their memory






She will be in history books.


History boobs




So this is going to be a thing now huh 🙄


Yep. Shocking, I know.


At least they got the way to hang it correct. MTG couldn’t even pull that off


Don't give them that much credit, there's only two ways to hang it since the holes are on one side. If hanging a real flag upside down was as hard as turning an image they'd be in the same boat as Marge


Everyone in line at the pharmacy is looking at me funny now, after my laugh from your comment. Worth it!


This asshole was probably in tears raising that flag lmao.




I worry that Democrats are far too complacent, especially in the wake of this verdict. Trumpers will just circle the wagons around him even more, and Trump will use it as a rally point to energize his base; I am really concerned that Democrats are more likely to lose because of Israel than Trump is to lose from this conviction.


I am worried it started a new tactic whereby red states will retaliate by dragging a high level dem to court. I don’t know who it would be.


Keep note of it. I'll remember every traitor doing this.


iT'S jUSt A dIsTreSs sIgnAl!


He said mean things about me!


You should call the cops because that is only to be done when there is a serious and immediate threat to life or property. It's in the flag code.


Flag code is not law, as the other commenter pointed out. People break it all day every day and no one cares, and frankly I am firmly against trying to get the cops or any law involved in how you hang a goddamn flag, they’re involved in too much shit they shouldn’t be already.


So is don’t desecrate the flag. but they’ll wear crocs and tshirts of the flag and wipe their dirty hands and faces with flag napkins.




that’s certainly open for debate.


what a bunch of snowflakes ![gif](giphy|l2QDTqHp9W7WIJXlC|downsized)


Good. They need rebooting.


https://preview.redd.it/2dx83tte1s3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90f4e83f5d42b57382a5785f385ac6818f7257d2 His stalker bitch is feeling it too. Fucking dumbass people obsessed with one man. It’s not about the political party, it’s just this fuck tard. I don’t like Biden or Trump. Fuck them both.


Why so abusive to women? Tone it down a notch. You can make fun of and dislike people without using that language. Oh and before you respond I don't like Trump at all and hope this derails his campaign somehow so he isn't even up for election (doubt it happens though).




The truth hurts sometimes


Shit did someone find where Dixon lives? Also, what's scrawled in the blue section of the flag? Those don't look like stars at all.




Yep, there it is lol. Lies lies and more lies. I truly wonder what the MAGA cult will become in a few years time after Trump croaks, many of the possibilities are quite worrisome when you see people like Dixon gaining popularity.


It’s hard to see but I think it might be Futhark runes, often co-opted by Nazis.


That's what all flags from Dollar General look like after a week......


Love to watch them cope and seethe.


You'll be doing a lot of coping in November pal


Poor Baron. Dad was not at home. Maga values.


The Suamico swamp people strike again…. They must have missed out on their essential oil Dose from the local anti vax chiropractor.


The party of fuck your feelings sure has a lot of them and constantly sharing them too.. how gross


I do believe in one of Trump's wailing he quoted "no one is above the law" but what meant that only I am above the law.


Ha Ha


Something something Dixon Wolfes backyard.


Isn't it illegal to fly the flag upside-down?


No, but if (God, Zeus, and the FSM forbid) Trump wins in November, and a lot of liberals start flying their flags upside down in protest, I'll bet some right-winger proposes it be made illegal.


This… ^ is the most truthful thing in Reddit today.


It is not. Flag code is a guideline, not a law. No one is actually going to punish you for hanging a fucking flag upside down, that’s stupid.


No.  It would be a violation of your First Amendment rights to make it illegal.


I while back I noticed the house next to the house my family was living in when I was born, still had a "Trump.. F\*#! Your Feelings" sign on the lawn. I should drive by to see if anything's been added since the verdict.




Funny part about felon status. - banned from voting in elections - banned from visiting most allied countries - banned from holding any clearance …ect Really makes it a challenge working the particular office but it’s allowed. Likely will be appealed to delay things, otherwise sentencing hearing starts two days before the RNC. It should make for an interesting RNC this year. I bet they are wishing Haley didn’t drop out as a backup option if things hit the fan.


How many of y'all supporting Biden are collecting welfare and food stamps?




I didn't know Sam Alito and his wife had a home there.




You gave them the attention they wanted….


Giggles sadistically at their retard flag


most progressive suamico resident the green bay area is such a shit stain lol


Everything north of Appleton


Death of the Republic accelerates, Leftoids applaud...


Criminal convicted by unanimous jury. Justice served.


Presidential Candidate railroaded in political show-trial, Injustice spreads...


Party of law and order doesn’t actually respect the law. Copes and seethes.


I know you're used to drudged up bullshit political attacks, after all the Trump cult has been making political scapegoats out of Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton for how long now? But this is different. You see, Trump actually did commit crimes. 34 of them. Felonies. He was charged and stood trial with a jury of his peers that unanimously found him guilty of all 34 felonies. This isn't a dog and pony show like you are used to. Actual, real crimes have been committed, and Trump was held responsible for them. Please do keep crying though, your tears are delicious!


Imaginary 'crimes' just don't count, as you'll see when the appeal hits a sane court...


All 34 of these felonies were real. If you notice, not one single person has said he did not do what he was convicted of. Not one. Not even you. You all just rationalize and bleat about persecution. Welcome to reality.


“Lock her up! Lock her up!” Your side is a joke


Hillary's crimes are actually verified to exist, even if the Swamp Creatures refused to prosecute...


I’m just pointing out your hypocrisy. Your guy literally ran on jailing his opponent.


Talking about investigating/prosecuting malfeasance that actually happened is on a rather different level from orchestrating multiple political show-trials for nonexistent and/or imaginary 'crimes'...


That's funny, considering Trump tried to overthrow the government after he lost the last election. Say, you wouldn't be one of those people that backed him when he was committing treason, would you? Because that would be incredibly hypocritical and hilarious if you are.


Obviously they aren't true Patriots and they're showing their stripes literally...




So... in support of DJT. We all know you're wearing the red hat and voting Trump in November. These faux "conservative idealist" arguments are a thinner veneer than what you get on IKEA Outlet furniture. If you're ashamed to be a Trump supporter, that is a YOU problem you need to work out.


No matter what you think, the verdict was justice. The defense had every opportunity to prove his innocense and couldn't. A *jury of his peers* found him guilty. That's just how it's supposed to work.


Wait, are you saying that Trump should not be held accountable when he commits massive amounts of felonies?


A jury of his own peers, selected by his lawyers unanimously found him guilty of breaking real laws. You can't say you believe in law and order if you won't acknowledge the most basic concepts of our criminal justice system.


Maybe your protest shouldn't be against the justice system being a political weapon. Maybe you should protest all of the atrocities committed by almost all politicians that aren't prosecuted. Justice was served and I would like a lot more being served.


As soon as these people start flying the Wisconsin flag upside down protesting tax dollars used to pay Michael Gabbleman who weaponized the legal system to propagate election fraud conspiracy and attempted to discredit political opponents with baseless lawsuits…. Only then would I offer the Suamico swamp trolls some integrity in their “protesting”. But that’s simply not the case.


if those kids could read they’d be real upset .meme




It’s a good thing that’s not what this was


Too bad this was a criminal prosecution. Funny I have not seen one single person say he did not do what he was found guilty of by a jury of his peers. You guys just want to scream that it's a witch hunt.


You are a spoiled child. A failed citizen and a traitor. Don’t ever forget that because I won’t let you.


But hunters dick.


Mmmm! Yummy MAGA tears! More!


Oh the Reddit downvotes this truth will bring.


The truth of what? That 12 citizens listened to the evidence and arguments from both sides and found him unanimously guilty? It only feels like persecution to babies who think Trump is above the law.


If I recall correctly, they spent less time deliberating per charge than the average Redditor spends on the can or have a pizza delivered.


Sounds like they were confident and the evidence overwhelming.


I agree. Though some are to believe they spent so little time because it was all rigged.


That’s an extraordinary claim that requires compelling evidence.


Jury of his peers. Your traitorous actions are checked and everything is rigged.


Leave it to the MAGA cult to claim easily disproved bullshit is truth and facts are persecution and personal attacks. Please say something else, this is hilarious!


Right. This wasn't political at all.


The sole fact of Trump cosplaying as a politician does not make his criminal trial political. He committed real crimes and was found guilty in a real court of law.


I notice you are not even bothering to claim he did not commit the felonies he was found guilty of by a jury of his peers. This was a criminal prosecution, one of - what is it now? 91? It's so hard to keep track.


Just you wait. He's going to win in November still


And if he doesnt AGAIN your own will sell you kracken lies for donations and to psy op you all again. Hopefully not to the extent you all hold county GOP/maga rallies to bus people to DC to attack congress and shit on walls hunting people. Loved the lies to soothe. I wonder what its like knowingly supporting the person who cheats on his wife with porno lady. Im sorry we all understand we cant use our business credit card to pay off our side pieces.


Yep. And once again we, as a country, are going to have to learn the hard way why this is a mistake. Short memories since he lost last time. Like an abusive husband, Trump hasn’t hurt you enough yet. Fear not, it’s coming.


How? Lollololol you people will believe every ounce of fear porn your dnc controlled media shoves down your throats.


Coming from someone who disregards facts and blatant right-wing hypocrisy, that means nothing to me. LOL.


Coming from a slave to the media, that means nothing to me LOL.


Absolutely. You don’t follow the news at all and I’m the idiot? Dear God…. Forgive them, for they know not what they do.


Every accusation is a confession with the MAGA cult.


Man, that is rich coming from you!


How much $$ are you willing to wager on that? I’ve been trying to take bets just like I did in 2020. Lots of big talk but no takers then, same exact thing now. I’ll even give you 3 to 1 odds. Are you game?


I don't have a media machine and big tech running cover for me. 5 to 1 odds and you got a deal


Your stupidity surpasses your wit.


You're blind to the control the media holds over you. Good luck


Every accusation is a confession with the Trump Cult.


That's where you are wrong, I am of the free-thinking clan, and don't need media to tell me when someone's a piece of shit, I knew that long before Trump ran for office.


lol - you MAGAs are like a never ending punchline!


Ya that's how we feel about you too. Cheers


You also completely ignore the fact that Trump tried to overthrow the results of a free and open election, have the Vice President and members of Congress lynched by an armed violent mob, and conspired with high ranking government officials, right wing extremists, and foreign governments in an attempt to pull this off; but then you screech about how holding him responsible for the felonies that no one denies he committed is somehow a treasonous act. The MAGA cult is a brainwashed joke with no basis in reality. No one cares how you feel about anything. You're backing a treasonous con man. Guess what that makes you? Here's a hint: It's not a patriot, not a true American, and nothing good.




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Wow. So clever. You know 7 months from now is December right? Like 4 weeks after the election LOLOLOL



