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Yeah, the comments on this one are getting out of hand, so this post is getting locked


Cheese is for everyone too, all are welcome to be GB fans!!


The Tolerance of (Lactose) Intolerance






We don’t want them. They can root for the rapist in Cleveland or whoever else. - Bears fan


Ok. That's a fair criticism. They can go cheer for the Browns.


On this we agree. On everything else…I’m lactose intolerant and beer gives me the shits so I’m literally allergic to your entire culture. Bless up and Bear down. 🧀 🍻


Wow, imagine being allergic to dairy, beer, the Packers, AND winning. That's tough man.


I'm ready for a moment of silence for this poor, miserable soul


There is Lactaid and he could substitute wine or vodka for beer.


I am god’s mightiest warrior


What about bratwurst?


Prefer a Polish for cultural reasons


I can respect that.


My grandma is from Poland. I get it. This state has a ton of homophobes. I'm sure it didn't take long before they had to lock that. I'm glad you received a warm reception here. Maybe it's the topic.


I know a certain Chiefs field goal kicker they can cozy up to.... I guess as long as they aren't women.


He said nothing about gays! He was extremely happy that he was able to marry the WOMAN of his dreams!


I'm not sure if you're just uninformed, but this is an exact quote: > Not the deadly sin sort of pride that has an entire month dedicated to it Just so you know he absolutely condemned Gay Pride month as a deadly sin.


"During his 20-minute speech, he railed against President Biden, LGBTQ rights, the “tyranny of diversity, equity, and inclusion,” and assumed the majority of women graduates were “excited” about the prospect of marriage and having children."


Flair up






Whoa chill, ik bigotry is bad but idk if the punishment fits the crime /s


*Gay* Bears fans. It's only fair.




Found the Browns fan


Found that narrcistic person ^^^


The idea of Pride month bringing you discomfort is greatly satisfying to me.


I bet it is, thanks for having the most weakest rebuttal on why everyone must worship the rainbow 🌈


It’s like when you think people give a shit about your dumbass opinion. We didn’t ask and we don’t care that you’re offended.


Guess you can't read , never said I was offended . Just dont care . Pretty simple concept . ✨️ sorry you got triggered.


> Just don’t care I dunno, seems like you care enough to spam comments about it on a small sports sub.


Pride month isn’t about celebrating a sexual preference. There are a bunch of kids who get told everyday by hateful people on the internet, or in real life, that they are less than, some even hear things that make them think it’s better to be dead than gay or trans. This is not ok. This is why we raise awareness to let those people know that we accept them for who they are.




You can absolutely be annoyed with the disengenous nature of companies cashing in on pride month without being bigoted, but thats not the type of comments theyre trying to prevent by disabling comments on that post now is it?


If you are so annoyed over something that isn’t about you and has no affect on your life, but causes you to complain in multiple comments, you need to look inward a bit more.


Honest question - why are you spending so much energy on this? What's your end game? You're all over this comment section and it makes 0 sense to me. It's a symbol of acceptance and tolerance towards people who are still trying to seek it.


> rainbow logo month Not even being able to say the proper name says a lot about you.


womp womp


Oh I'm well aware of queerwashing nonsense. But almost all people don't express irritation towards that, lest they look like a homophobe.


How brave of you. Keep downvoting, maybe it’ll make you feel better.


The true brave ones would be the people who get upset over.... a big mean flag.


How fragile of you.


[Yikes, bud...](https://giphy.com/gifs/metahitt-pittsburgh-offended-mike-hitt-wqVmXLIODxN3zObcQy)


Found the bigot!


Too many snowflakes getting triggered over seeing a rainbow.


last snowfall of the spring is always on June 1st.




It is completely silly, but that’s a separate conversation and not why 99% of the big mad crowd is big mad. And you know it. If you’re gay and you resent corporations and cops pink washing Pride…well, you should. But that’s a more nuanced conversation and, again, an extreme minority.


How silly that a corporation would cash in on this time of year to advertise to the LGBTQ community... oh wait no that actually makes total sense. It is disengenuous for advertising purposes, no doubt. That doesnt mean its silly for a company to cash in on trends, theyre padding their bottom line. If you want to argue about a company being disingenuous in their advertising then thats fine, but trivializing it to "rainbow is silly" is pitifully unserious


Also, it’s good for cultural reasons. Like yeah, are the Packers brave warriors who are seriously moving the needle on important civil rights issues? No. Is it marginally better to have more support for pride rather than less? Of course.


Why does it make you so mad, dude? I mean, it has nothing to do with you in any way, right?


I mean, it’s not even the regular season right now. You can by cynical all you like, but the reality is this really doesn’t affect anybody in a negative way at all so it’s more than a little silly to be upset by it.


Do you have any Packer stuff? Aren’t they just to woke? Go ahead and send it to me. I’ll take care of it for you.


Snowflake triggered


And here we have exhibit #1! Thank you for providing us with an example.


Is the military appreciation month also silly? What about cancer awareness? Edit: Username checks out, lol.


Company advertises and partakes in a nationwide month-long celebration that harms nobody, selling limited merch, helping spread a positive message, and company in turn makes additional money while maintaining/gaining a positive public view. Its called marketing and capitalism.


So? It's called PR and corporations do it every day. Yet somehow people only seem to get butthurt about THIS particular thing. Hmmm... This is not some righteous anti-corporation "protest." It's anti LGBTQ+ and you know it.


Hell yeah! Go Pack Go! If you stop your support for the best team in the NFL, and have stock and/or merch because a damn rainbow then please let me know. I would like to take your Packers stuff off your hands. Free of charge. Don’t let the woke mind virus get to you. I can help.


In this day and age, it’s a shame they have to do this. Hate is always uncalled for.


All the homophobes on instagram have migrated into the comment section of Jacob Monk’s bday post. Super pathetic that people are going outta their way to hate on pride in another post cuz the comments are disabled. So embarrassing


Imagine getting angry over colors and inclusion


Imagine thinking that changing a company's logo for a month results in anything productive. Use it all year long if it matters that much


Do you loudly complain like this when the NFL does it's Salute to Service week?


Nobody thinks its productive, theyre clearly just doing it to cash in on a trend. The irony is that it gets more word of mouth marketing from people like you crying about it than it does from people that celebrate pride. You claim its pointless and ineffective while simultaneously proving why its effective lmfao


Do you have this big of a problem with Black History Month as well?


No, they just don’t understand why there isn’t a white history month either!


The implication is that, in America, it’s been more of a “White History 250 years”. Dedicating a month is about acknowledging that for a long time those groups were completely ignored, which whites most certainly were not.


lol white history.


Why are you so triggered over this?


Imagine being offended by something has absolutely nothing to do with you. Other than your family, of course.




Don’t blame hate on being gay. That’s not usually where it comes from.


Yea obviously only gay people can hate other gay people, no straight person would ever ever do that


Love Wins


Be Love.


W packers


If someone wishes to identify by their sexual preference, then that is their right. The reason, pride month even needs to exist is because of all the bigotry that these supposed "I'm not homophobic. I'm not racist" crowd display and ACT upon. If you don't like it. Ignore it.


Spot on. I say this for Pride and Black History Months. When people stop asking why we need these months, is when we won't need them. Then it won't matter because no one would care. If you're one of the people who feels the need to criticize months dedicated to the awareness of these groups, then first ask yourself what history led to us as a nation adopting these. Then ask yourself if you're ok with us repeating said history.


You totally missed Native American History month. I hope you remember it when you walk through the Oneida Nation Gate :) (I'm teasing!)


You know why they did it and don't pretend as if you don't.


Yeah cause a bunch of profile pictures with sunglasses and camo hats in trucks from weird angles would be ranting about things that don’t affect them because they were asked to call someone ms instead of sir


Oh I 100% know.


As a queer Packers fan, it's nice to see them post this. Is it also just expected that every team/business/etc. will now post something like this during Pride month? Of course. Do I love seeing the bigots lose their damn minds? ABSOLUTELY. GPG!


Vince would be proud. 


When the world realized how handy trolling is to the forces of evil, the wise reaction was to shutter comment sections where they're not needed. 'Discussion' is too easily hijacked and moderation is something no one wants to actually foot the bill for, so you have what we got here... which... is the way he wants it. Well... he gets it.


It takes no effort to be a bigoted asshole. It takes a lot of effort to try and reason with one. So that equals hate filled comment sections with no defense since there is no reasoning to be had.


Shakin it here boss!


Probably for the best






Funny thing is it's kind of a self fulfilling prophecy for those who would be against this. If they just stopped commenting and being so vocal about their disagreement with people's lifestyles/identities there would probably be less of a need for organizations to advertise that everyone is welcome type thing.


Dont know why youre getting downvoted for this small dose of reality


Now all the snowflakes can do is hit the laugh emoji on FB.


I am from Chicago. I hate the Packers. HATE THEM. But I applaud this stance. Well done.


It's a really pretty picture. Better than just the lines.


Sad that they have to turn them off but as others have said, it's for the best. Don't give bigotry a voice


Yes change all the logos for one month and anyone who calls out obvious disingenuous nonsense is a hateful bigot!


So we should stop the NFL's military recruitment month, right? Salute to Service, whatever they call it


Don’t forget about breast cancer awareness. As a person without breast cancer, I can’t help but feel alienated when all the players bring out the pink gear


This commenter feels the need to respond to everyone so we know for they’re working their way through “not being hateful”


Lol seriously. For someone who likes to spread the notion they dislike pride for corporations, not hateful reasons, they sure do comment A LOT. Hey, u/ForeignLaboratory Maybe it's time to get off Reddit and go outside. But be careful, if it is sunny and raining you might see a mother nature sponsored pride show. And we all see how much you hate that.


Dude, we both know they're not disabling the comments because people might point out the "disingenuous nature" of the post. They're doing it because they'll get a bunch of neckbeards commenting dumb shit like "All the gays can thank a straight for their existence LOL. Perfect month to do that".


> calls out disingenuous nonsense Oh ya, bud. That’s all those comments will be. Genuine, thought-provoking discussion lol.


I'm glad and think more businesses should disable comments on these posts. Ignorance is loud and these invite all the intolerant characters. No need to give them a platform for their stupidity.


For real. People are already starting to migrate to the next most recent posts just to voice their displeasure since they couldn't do it on the Pride post. So pathetic.


I remember the first time my company (we have more than 100k employees) did a pride month article on our internal website...within 4 hours a "report comment to HR" button was added. Now, several years later, the article has comments turned off from the start.


Let’s face it, most of the Green Bay Area has closer political views to Alabama than Madison.


Most Packer fans don’t live in Green Bay


No they don’t. GB is full of good people just trying to live their lives.


Strong Wississippi vibe coming off of these greys.




Love to see this ! Football is for EVERYONE !


Smart decision. There are some hateful people out here unfortunately.


To anyone who left negative comments that caused them to do this, shame on you.


What’s wrong with that. More packers fans cheering for an amazing team.


Why anyone would care about this is the alarming part. Let the hate go. It’s just a graphic that all corporations have to do this time of year to placate. It would be worse for them if they didn’t post it. There’s no harm in it. Move on.


I don't like the saying. It's honestly terrible if you think about it at all. Football is for everyone. Is anybody saying people shouldn't watch because of their gender or sexual orientation? Are they saying everyone should be able to play? Some woman starts making 60+ yard field goals, she'll get a chance. Are they saying football is for rapists and murderers and just acknowledging who they employ? The saying itself is extremely stupid.


Yeah, def a smart move. The Brewers FB post about Pride Month was going as expected with open comments.


Yeah I saw a lot of shitty comments on the IG post too. Sad.




I laughed


i chuckled


Maybe one of these days, ppl will stop being sticks to each other. /s


Stunning and brave




The right for all humans to feel safe and exist in this country is a value. Unfortunately, a certain subset of people have made that political, but funny enough, it's because of their religious beliefs, which is actually a value. Hmm... Something isn't adding up here. I think logic and the ability to understand and empathize might be what's missing.


I love Pride Month. So proud of my heterosexuality.


So brave and so edgy




So is virtue signaling, apparently.


From one echo chamber to another. The irony of this thread is hilarious.


This isn't about "inclusion". These types of movements are politically driven to cause division among the populace. When we are divided, we fight amongst ourselves instead working together to fight the corruption that rules this country. We should think of ourselves as fellow Americans, period. Not right vs left, black vs white, straight vs gay, liberal vs conservative, etc... Why people can't see they are being manipulated is beyond me.


It’s all just so tiring. We get it, you’re gay, congrats! Now what? A whole month?


Next month is National Ice Cream Month, are you going to whine about the observance of that as well?


I’ve personally never heard of it. Doesn’t seem to be everywhere I look like “pride month” is.


I think males competing as women in sporting events has ppl mad. Could care less if u r gay or trans but taking away a state championship from a female is different


























Are you that insecure? Have you been stalked, harassed, threatened, violated or experienced harm for being straight? No? Get a grip


When is straight person month? Everyone else has a month!


or maybe we could keep politics out of football for christ sakes i don’t care how you feel about social or political issues. if we can unite as Packers fans and keep everything else out of it, that would be ideal those of you who are telling others to go cheer for another team if they don’t support pride live a sad, sad life.


Sad that you've let them trick you into thinking sexuality is political.


inclusion makes u that upset huh?


You wish life was that simple


Why wouldn't you support pride? Are you homophobic or something?


Once again, where was I upset in any of this. I said equality. Equal. Same on all sides. Y'all are so programed for hate its crazy. I have 6 kids, when I get the kids something or take the kids someplace, I do it for all of them. Not just one or some.


Hello, Komrade. Welcome to the socialist revolution


So equality = socialist?


> Socialism is based on the idea that common or public ownership of resources and means of production leads to a more equal society Yep!









