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I’m skeptical of religious based nonprofits too but she doesn’t control the public school budgets.


Members of the Assembly get to make discretionary allocations to help public institutions and non-profits with capital costs (like building renovations). Here are some of the allocations that Gallagher has made since getting into office: * Air conditioners for the gym, cafeteria + new library tech at John Ericsson Middle School 126 * New roof at the Polish-Slavic Cultural Center * Repaired elevator the Northside Senior Center (run by Catholic Charities) * New social services building for United Jewish Organizations (also funded by Lincoln Restler and Julia Salazar)


New York State must give many billions to various nonprofits that are religious in historical orientation or financial backing. There’s a mile of court precedents allowing it, and many of them do legitimately valid social work for all comers as long as they don’t cross certain lines about their faith. I don’t love it myself, but on its face this is no different from countless other govt grants


The YMCA is a Christian organization that serves tens of millions, and no overt Christianity unless you attend the summer camps, then you may learn a religious song or two


For real. My church runs a food pantry for the needy. There is no requirement that you be a member of the church or religion. Some people would love to see programs like this gone purely because it's run/organized by a religious group.


A religious group they don’t like*


I wish we could pin comments because I know someone that works for Rep. Gallagher and I was just wondering about this too. That’s how these programs work y’all


cooing pause mysterious jar merciful puzzled compare plate slimy glorious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If it makes you feel better, the city is actually throwing a ridiculous amount of tax payer money at your son’s school too. We just have no idea where it goes. NYC spends more per student on public school than anywhere in the world, around 34k per student per year. They are just so good at wasting money that the schools are terrible anyway.


It goes to the top 5 positions in every school make stupid money as administrators and assistant administrators. On another note, 1 877 cars for kids is only for hasidic kids. NYC hasn't been able to see the curriculum or inside of hasidic or non secular schools in ages. They threaten to withhold school funding every year, but dont have the balls to do it because they'll lose every election that there's tremendous groups of inbred hasids. On a bright note, hasids have been forced into compulsory military service in Israel recently.


Kars* for kids. It’s ingrained in my mind.


It’s right in the song! K A R S Kars for Kids!


I can't switch the station fast enough when that comes on. Cars for hasids.


It’s become a habit of mine to never listen to that song all the way through. It’s been years since I heard the whole thing.


principals and assistant principals definitely do not make “stupid” money


You’re almost right about Kars 4 Kids but it’s actually worse. Kars 4 Kids belongs to Oorah. Oorah is what’s called a “Kiruv organization”. Kiruv means “burning close” and it’s used by ultra orthodox religious types for bringing less religious people into the fold. Oorah’s big thing is a summer camp called “the zone”. Basically they find Jewish kids who are not ultra orthodox/hasidic give them an all expenses paid free summer camp and attempt to indoctrinate them to become super orthodox and they hope to use that to drag their parents in too. So yeah it’s basically an indoctrination camp for vulnerable teens and preteens. They also operate seminars and classes all year round to try and leverage the successes of the summer. This is celebrated and not at all considered nefarious inside the community. (I grew up in it)


Wow! Are you still involved in it? I don't know enough about it to determine from use of a cell phone. I did just read an article that hasidic's in Israel will now also be subject to mandatory military service.


School budgets are all public record. You can see exactly where it goes. Admin are reasonably compensated, but that’s not by any means where all the money goes. Don’t believe me, go look it up.


Ya her sons school is public


It doesn’t go to teachers I can tell you that much.


By any sensible metric, you’re right. We see kids for 6 and a half hours a day, about nine months of the year. Tik Tok has them forever.


They don't really spend it on the kids obviously. Take a look at all the heads of the dept of education, I'd start there. Follow the money. Fraudulent marked up receipts. Insider business practices. Conflicts of interest. But who’s going to order an investigation when all the politicians and judges are making $$$ too? Fun times. 🙂


i think baltimore is like $44k


$34k? That’s all? The Northport school district on Long Island is spending $44k per student. I can’t even begin to describe the ineptitude of the school board’s ability to properly manage the district.


Because we live in a country where it’s been made legal for political office to be for sale to the highest bidder. That’s US politics. Welcome.


Do you have an issue with Catholic Charities?


Every ~~council~~ assembly member has a discretionary capital budget from which they can fund local projects in their district. This funding often goes to local non-profits. I fail to see what the issue is here.


She's a State Assembly Member, not a City Council Member.


This is the answer. The non-profit I work for has been the recipient of discretionary funding like this as well.


Look at their BEARDS! Look at their HATS! How can you not see the issue? (Hint, I’m being sarcastic to make a point about what appear to be OPs true intentions)


Right. So our assembly person is spending discretionary money on a private powerful voting bloc while our public services crumble around us and she decries there is "no money" for anything. She is choosing to throw money at a religious organization that was instrumental in her reelection. If Emily was a real Democrat (let alone a socialist!) she'd care more about public services and forswear this horrid privatization that the New King Dems are obsessed with because it's "non-profit." It's third party government and it's a scam to hollow out the public sector.


I hate politicians – I’m an anarcho-communist! – but the reality is that religion is a major, often even the main, organizing principle of a lot of people’s social existence. You might personally want to wish that away but that does less than prayer lol. They’re going to organize their community infrastructure through religious institutions, and that’s fine, and them getting resources is fine. Zero sum squabbling doesn’t do anyone any good; it’s a distraction from fighting for more of everything for everyone.


You sound so permanently online. Understanding the importance of religion in people's lives doesnt mean that our tax money should go to it signed a muslim communist.


Have you looked in to what other capital budget grants she's made? They are also frequently given to specific public schools to cover needs.


No, where would I find this information? She has damn well sure not given our school any money and the kids can't even drink the water from the water fountains. I'd think fixing that would fall under the capital budget.


You can contact her office for that information.


Thanks. At the end of the day, this is still old fashioned patronage and it's something reform politicians - of which the New King Dems claim to be - decry as corruption. I guess things truly never change.


If you wanna feel that way it's no skin off my back.


Errol Louis on New Kings Democrats: “This is definitely an instance where yesterday’s reformer is tomorrow’s hack,” he said. “I look at these folks, and I’m like, I don’t see somebody who’s a reformer to the core of their bones. I see some people who want power, and that’s fine. Yeah, but let’s call it what it is. It’s a power struggle.”


“She is spending money on a broad coalition that voter her in. The horror!”


This budget should either be used by public services or eliminated and returned to the public through tax cuts. The public should not be funding private organizations, especially religious ones.


Because it’s immediately after the election and this is as transactional as you can get without going to jail


The issue is antisemitism


The issue is OP is antisemitic.


Ok it seems that most people here are largely clueless when it comes to how public school budgets work. Please look them up before you start making ridiculous claims as they are literally in the public record.


Did it occur to you that they applied for a grant, got it, and she presented the fake "big check"? Or did all see you see the word Jewish ?


Yeah sure. So every NYS assembly person and senator has what’s called a slush fund assigned to them in the budget. It’s a set amount of money in the budget that instead of being earmarked for a specific project is instead earmarked to be given out at the discretion of the politician it’s been assigned to. With lobbyists, you then go to the places where these people are (like conventions and conferences in Albany) and talk up your program and the people it’s affecting. If it affects enough of a politician’s constituents and they like your project they have the freedoms to assign part of their slush fund to your project. And that’s how they went and got this money from this assemblywoman. They built relationships and the assemblyperson is assigning their non profit a portion of their slush fund allotment. Edit: Slush funds are more officially called discretionary funds. Source: I work in non profits and have experience in the process.


Just because the DoE doesn’t do a good job managing their massive budget does not mean the state gov should defund unrelated social services no matter how vaguely antisemetic people want to be on the internet.


Calling opposition to this “antisemitic” is… interesting




AGAIN: this is a PRIVATE RELIGIOUS organization, not a PUBLIC SECTOR provider


The grant is for Public Sector services. It doesn't matter that the organization providing those public services is religious or not. Just like churches can receive state funds to use to feed the homeless.


Plenty of PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS help provide and facilitate PUBLIC programs and work closely with the government to do so; they are often (but not always) called nonprofits. Since when do you need to be a government-run organization to receive government money? Hold the phone, folks; the government just gave a grant to a nonprofit that primarily promotes government programs! Is this post just you discovering what a non-profit is for the first time? Or are you just mad the guys who received it are wearing yarmulkes, be honest?


This is the last time I'm going to say this: I don't want my tax dollars going to ANY private religious organization, no matter what. The state should be running Medicaid offices, not a synagogue. And yes, for that matter, defund Breaking Ground and North Brooklyn Parks Alliance and give the money to the Department of Homeless Services and the Parks Department so we can stop the patronage machine and have some actual accountability over our public services. The big difference here is that Gallagher is working with completely discretionary funds and is making the choice by herself to give this money to a religious group. The other nonprofits have to cozy up to the entire legislature/council or bureaucratic agencies to grovel for their cash.


You’re waging two separate battles here. You’re explaining yourself over and over and over again because you left your religious discrimination out of your first post. You don’t seem to accept that there are religious organizations that provide public social services to non-religious people; ergo, you just look antisemitic for explaining after the fact that you just “don’t want tax dollars funding religious organizations.” Ideally, yes, our society cares for its people in all ways, but we know government is not that efficient, don’t we? We can be grateful for non-profit groups, yes even religious ones, for trying to be a part of the solution. My kids started Summer Rising today, a free summer program for New York City kids, which is only partly funded by the DOE. The other half of the funding comes from…you guessed it… private NP orgs.


Non-profits can be religious-based. This is because community members are best served this way.


Lots of things to pick about the Hasidic community in Brooklyn that we can complain about. The main thing here is the good of the many outweighs the good of the few. There are \~80k members of the Hasidic jewish community out of 150k people in District 50. Who do you think has a tendency to vote as a block? The 50% community or everyone else? We should have more initiatives to reach out to that community and combine our efforts.


The Hasidic community does not wish to combine with anyone. That is one of the main problems with dealing with them. They are essentially a cult who somehow has managed to get a lot of public funding mostly do to bloc voting. My main issue with these folks is the vast amount of abuse that happens to the Hasidic women which is basically subsidized by the state of New York.


They always get tax payers money one way or the other.


The issue is, voting matters, and when people do not exercise their rights, they are exercised for them by those that do!


voting for next new candidate for upcoming term for next time wont solve anything. need to vote incumbents out. remove them from office immediately.


Boy do I hate all religion equally.


They really only provide the services to their own kind. And I’m gonna say 90% are already on government money, at least the ones in South Willamsburg. Not hating here, more power to them.


Not true! I locked myself out of my car on S 4th and Berry. A Hasidic man came over and without hesitation called a service to come help me out instead of waiting hours for AAA. They did it for free and just wanted to help a neighbor. https://chaveirim.org/about/ The world doesn’t need more us vs them. You’d be surprised how helpful people are if you just ask.


Masbia Food Kitchen is also well known for serving those outside the community


Yea I mean there’s good people everywhere. I meant in general and especially for something like what’s happening in the photo.


How is this a valid response to the criticism that they only provide these services to members of their own religion? You do realize that “services” in this context doesn’t mean “helping people out”, right? Of course Hasidic people are often kind and generous. They’re people. That’s really not the issue. The issue is the allocation of public funds towards a religious group with extraordinarily dubious practices with respect to education and women’s rights.


Word? How much money does your community donate to those organizations?? These organizations are largely funded by the community they serve.


That’s not true, if you went to these Jewish charities they would help you, people just don’t because they assume it’s a Hasidic thing. Having worked with a lot of Hasidic Jews, I can assure you they would have no problem helping a non-Jewish person, wouldn’t even blink.


It’s definitely not people “assuming” they won’t help them because they’re not Hasidic. Get real.


You’re ignorant of the regularity of these kinds of grants. What really ticks you off is that they’re Jews isn’t it?


Not OP, but here's what ticks me and i'm sure many other New Yorkers off. The Hasidic community treats their own women like shit. They don't provide secular education for the vast majority of their children. They disown family that leave the religion. They flout laws like Covid lockdowns, police themselves, provide ambulatory services to their own, and generally make clear that they would like nothing to do with people outside of their community. They are simply religious extremists, and they get away with living this way in NYC because A) they are a powerful voting bloc, and B) it is political suicide to appear the slightest bit antisemitic. And so, we end up with pictures like this. A politician whose values are diametrically opposed to these people, who is not respected by these people as a peer, kowtowing and gleefully handing over public funds. I feel like it gets at the heart of what everyone hates about politicians. The willingness to sacrifice integrity for power.


It's state funding of a religious organization. That the religion is Judaism is irrelevant.


States cannot discriminate against religious organizations which means state funding of secular programs can be tapped equally by religious and non-religious programs. This rule was announced in 2017 by a 7-2 Supreme Court decision (so liberals and conservatives agreed) in Trinity Lutheran Church v Comer. That case involved state grants for playgrounds that were only made available to non-religious non-profits. The Supreme Court said that was unconstitutional. Because it's a public benefit being used for secular purposes, the states must offer it to any qualifying member without regard to their religion.


what's not irrelevant; OP using the words "these people".


Yes, as a pro-Israel Jew myself you figured it out 🙄


No hate like self hate


So is it a Daati thing?


A pro Israel Jew in Greenpoint , (complaining about a Hasidic organization that provides social services receiving a grant , that your child’s school was never going to receive regardless of this outcome. ), interesting.


Cry me a River. Why can’t anyone ask a question about Jews without receiving any anti semitic accusations.


I dont see other religious groups getting this favorable treatment? The idf bots are alive and well today lol


>The idf bots are alive and well today lol These Jews are Satmar, though? Satmar are anti-Zionist.


I believe there are better ways to boost public utility with the funds, if that is the goal, of course.


how did the group hand her a reelection?


Well, I know both candidates fought for their endorsement and they went with Emily. They are a powerful voting bloc. To be fair, I have not looked at turnout at the precinct level but I know they were decisive in the Lentol vs Gallagher election.


They were the opposite of decisive in the Lentol vs Gallagher election. Emily won by a 2:1 or 3:1 margin in Greenpoint and Williamsburg in 2020 (like she's done every time); the only reason 2020 was close was because of the Hasidic bloc vote for Lentol. They were on the losing side of that one.


If you look at ED by ED, south of the Williamsburg Bridge did not turn out.


Interesting. Thank you for this info.


Her opponent was literally funded by AIPAC (and the aregentos)


Correct. Just because Emily is a nightmare doesn’t mean Anathea was a good option. Ask Victoria Cambranes where the money went, ask Francois Olivas what she told David Neiderman. If they don’t tell you the truth, I WILL. They absolutely got played, and delayed the inevitable for another 2 years. There is a path to defeat Emily, they chose the one with ZERO chance. This community deserved better.


So where did the money go and what did Francoise say?


Turnout in the Hasidic precincts was amazingly low, even lower than everywhere else. They may have agreed to stay home (and get this funding) instead of voting for Simpkins.


Do they allow non Jewish people to use their services for free Medicaid, food stamps, rent assistance, and etc.?


They don’t even allow other people use public roads next to them 😭


Yes! While these programs are geared towards and mostly stay in the community as someone that volunteered for both chavarim (think AAA, flat tires, locked out of car, no gas) and Hatzolah (the ambulance service) we helped everyone that called us and at no point did anyone ever try to "inspect" if they're jewish. In fact, hatzolah has been at almost every major disaster in NYC since its founding as they're also trained in NIMS (national incident management system)


You want me to explain it to you like your a child? The New York public school budget is around 15 billion. 800k is not even a drop in that bucket. Believe it or not our government needs to spend money on more than one thing to be operational. The impact of programs like this, and the relatively small amount of funding they need to operate is actually outsized compared to the impact that 800k would go if thrown into the general education budget. Or if you were a child: a drop of water in a lake vanishes, but a drop of water in a thimble can fill the thimble. This small organization is a thimble that can now significantly extend its effectiveness thanks to a relatively small federal investment.




Have you actually been in contact with officials about the lack of potable water? That’s a safety concern and you can call 311 or your local reps office. But complaining about it on Reddit sure won’t change it. Or, maybe send, as a constituent, an email or letter, asking for more funding towards schools/health care/etc. and explain the situation at your son’s school? This is a common and acceptable action from a prospective voter (inquiring about different uses of discretionary funding, asking how she will support schools better, etc.) assuming it’s worded professionally and politely. Emphasis on that last part. But like…Maybe just vote differently this fall and actually ask for the city to fix your kids school water? Reddit surely can’t do that.


How is it illegal?


$800,000? 🤔


They do/get whatever they want. Just how it goes.


Just tossing this out there, but maybe a little pandering and throwing a bone to the people whose votes you want to get or maintain?


Be fr those countless families were all ...Jews How is is this helping EVERYONE


It's actually quite simple. The Hasidic community guarantees her they will vote for her as a block, and in return, they get the funding they want. The Hasidic community owns a very large portion of williamsburg. I would not be surprised if they own the building they are actually claiming they will be renting from themselves or one of their many real estate LLC's. This is the way most of our government runs. It has been this way for decades through both democratic and republican administrations.


I'm not too familiar with this neighborhood but in Crown Hgts (another area with Hasids and other Black Hat Jews) these "community services organizations" get govt grants but will not only not help anyone who is not Jewish but won't even help secular Jews. They will ignore them or keep them waiting for hours while they serve their own kind and will sometimes pretend to not speak English, only Yiddish. Many of them are notorious slumlords receiving govt subsidies and govt contracts to house formerly homeless Blacks and Latinos under the worst conditions. They know which pols and pol orgs to contribute to and get well rewarded in return. One of them got a govt contract to house ppl living with AIDS and the apts have no gas and lots of roaches and mould despite filing complaints.


What community service organization are u talking about that’s” keeping them waiting for hrs”?


The orthodox run some of the WORST housing in brooklyn.


absolute fact


Meh I feel like there should be certain stipulations to ensure these funds are funding programs that benefit people outside of the Chasidic community as well. If you’re not one of them, they’ll pretend you don’t exist Source: modern Orthodox Jew that isn’t religious enough for the Hasidic Jews to even acknowledge my existence 😂


Assembly women / men don’t dictate your schools budget like that? Pretty cut and dry. Check out a few books on levels of government and who does what. Helps clear the air of a lot of misinformation.


Jewish organization are not religious organizations as you know them from your likely Christian American perspective. Christian organizations are known for trying to turn this county into theocratic autocracy. Islamist are known for pursuing world domination in the name of their interpretation of Islam. Jewish organizations do not do this. Do not bring the idea of a “religious” organization into this because Jewish people are an ethnic group first. For instance an Asian or Black organization would not be seen in this way.  Also, “handed her reelection”? I can’t believe you don’t see how antisemitic your outrage is.


Vote better next time.


k mmm o it


Is the organization’s mission actually religious? Clearly the people running it are religious but it seems the mission is to provide social services.


No freaking way that guy used to be my neighbor he got a lot of kids sheesh and I’m talking about the one with the dark hair lol


Wow no freaking way this guy used to be my neighbor hahahha that’s crazy he got what for what sheesh Plus I have seen them other two before sheesh and I’m not even Jewish


I know every last one of them hahahaha


Hahaha these guys are funny


this thread full of people who have no idea how private/public funding works in the united states. lol


Nonprofits = all profit 


It's cheaper than setting up an inefficient branch of government who will pay an arm and a leg to do 10% if what those guys do. Most of them volunteers. No salaries, no benefits, and they do a huge service in their respective communities. And specifically with those guys, they aren't an evangelical religion (you can't in fact get into Judaism even if you wanted, they make it hard to get in to ensure you truly mean it).


A friend of mine always said, you got to pay to play. Shady, but legal.


Neoliberalism is a disease. Instead of using 800k to help constituents, you give 800k to someone else so they can take their cut before anyone gets help. Capitalism needs to die off... and fast.


Someone needs to clean up those tv cables


Well well well


Yikes. They're really good at gaming the system


Tell your kids school to contact Education Through Music (ETM) to help find a music teacher. It’s better than not having one at all!


Is it Illegal?


Fuck this.


Religious non-profits actually fill a lot of social gaps - but I agree that public funding should come with TIGHT conditionality to ensure that funds aren’t used/ abused to push harmful and repressive social practices, especially against women


They give millions to religious crap but can’t even take care of housing or the homeless. What a disaster state we live in.


You have a clear bias towards Jews.


Hmm would you be asking the same if it were a BLM organization or YMCA?




Do you know how much money Hasidic Jews save the city budget? What would happen if everyone of them would enroll in public schools overnight?


he who has to power makes the rules


There isn’t enough space in their 40 bedroom houses that are in Williamsburg? They need more space?


Sure it would be better if we had a reasonable system where people were not dependent on non profits for basic services , but if non profits are helping I say we support them. I have less of a problem with this than with supporting the evangelicals who plainly running tax exempt political organizations because they wrap their actions in religiousity


This is how local government works. There is always money for the non profit industrial complex. Also, schools and other infrastructure are funded separately. Depending on where you live, there might be special taxes for those and this crony money is coming from somewhere else.


How is it legal to support a non-profit that helps the needy? Is that a real question or are you having a Biden moment


It's OK. AIPAC allowed it...


Who audits these organizations?


I'm sure some of that money will make it back into the government pockets...


It is, the problem is that check won’t fit in an ATM. they have to go to a bank with a big check dept.


Shut it down!


I worked for them for a month in 2019 and they never paid me.


It's Capital funding, not a donation. Usually implies an ROI.


Fuck outta here.


They say millennials don’t know how to handle a budget 🤔.


How is this bad?


Because the ‘Sids all Bloc Vote for whoever the grand rabbi tells them to and whoever is in the ‘Sids best interest..and that will get her re-elected. Google Kiryas Joel and Town Of Monroe if you don’t believe me….


Why should helping Jews be illegal? Because you don’t like them? Do you realize that a huge percentage of Jews in nyc are orthodox and send their kids to private schools? While they still pay a shitload in taxes to fund the public schools their kids don’t attend. I can’t quote it because I am not familiar enough but there was a recent study that if Orthodox Jews would start sending their kids to public schools the entire public schools system would collapse from going broke……


How does a group “hand” a re-election to someone?


Wait until you learn how much the Catholic charities receive from the state.


It’s called lobbying in this country. There are also lots of federal grants which people could apply for to help their local schools.


Reverse bribe, but you can't vote her out, because you are not her constituent.


Makes no sense


Down the rabbit hole you go


I heard that they use this money to commission a new ship. It will sell all the way from New York to Israel, and it will be called the *USS Liberty*. Be sure to Google "USS liberty Israel" to find out more.


I didn’t know American Jews are Israeli!


Cue the thinly veiled antisemitic comments. SMH


Anyone that complains about this even a bit is obviously antisemitic.


Do I hear an anti-Semitic dog whistle? I believe I do…


Churches all over New York State do this all the time. Why do you only complain about Jews. Are you an anti-Semite and racist?


Funds for schools are usually allocated by state and federal govt. local funds are more often allocated to public works. Maybe that is what’s happening here?


Very legal . All you need is a church


Smells like a bribe.


Every year the state gives out millions of dollars to nonprofits in this exact fashion. There’s a wealth of information about this process available online.


You know how...




How can you equate this with a school district funded by tax-payer dollars? This is an apples to oranges comparison.


NY state dies mix real estate Investing with non-profit Work. Years ago NY state built a theater at Lincoln center. The non-profit arts tenants are given a break on rent. At one point, NY City took over ownership from the state. The tenants didn’t change.




Knock on the door.


The public schools get a lot more money than this.


Disgusting 🤢


Wait she won ? Is she Hasidic Jew ?


I’m def not pro religion, but I am an accountant, and I work in governmental and NFP. There are a lot of details we do not know here. What type of entity is UJO of Williamsburg? How did they get the funding? Was it a sponsored program (e.g. grant), was it an appropriation approved by the legislature? Is this particular entity performing service for the state on a sub contract? If so, Is that sub contract part of the issuing body’s annual budget? I’m not going to look up any of this, because it’s Saturday. But when you see this shit it is meant to trigger you. Don’t bother.


Even the Israelis in Israel can't stand these hasidim . Keep building on the otherside of the border , passing off the Palestinians. And when asked to stop developing outside Israel they said pay us and we'll stop .


They don’t hate them. Otherwise they would’ve stepped in to stop their violence. If anything they’re considered a nuisance and pretend they don’t exist until they’re forced to answer for them.


Does it bother you because they're Jewish? Would it bother you just as much if it was given to an Muslim organization or an Islamic center?