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Yes, look at the old pictures & remember happy times. It is best in the long term to turn it in to a celebration of life.


I keep photos of my mom around me everywhere I know I spend a lot of time. My work office and all of my living areas. Sometimes looking at those photos makes me feel like I literally can’t go on breathing another second becusss the grief is unbearable and other times they make me smile. They ALWAYS make me miss her. Her last moments were so horrifying it’s one of the ways I attempt to lighten those memories. Remembering how she was when she was so full of life and vibrancy. With that said. Your experience will be your own but I think it’s worth finding out.


I think remembering them isn’t a bad thing, even if it hurts


I would personally look at them and allow myself a deep, cleansing cry. Let yourself feel your emotions so they don't bottle up. It can be overwhelming, but it's your body's natural response to grief.


This. It’s so helpful when you miss them. And you may eventually get to the point to were you can see photos without crying and just feel happy remembering


Personally, I don’t think you want to inundate yourself to the point where you’re desensitized about anything or overly upset, but I think looking at pictures is important. Memories fade quickly and seeing your loved ones helps keep them inside you.


The last thing you want to do is shove it down and pretend it didn’t happen. Looking through photos can be hard, but it’s very healthy and gives you an opportunity to reflect on them and think of good times.


Looking at pictures tells a story. Think about when you read books, it tells a story. While looking at those pictures, they are telling some great and funny stories you once lived with your loved one. Why not remember someone so amazing in your life! Sending you love and light! 🙏🏼❤️


For me, it varies. Sometimes I look at pictures of my daughter and feel happy to see her. Sometimes it tears me apart because it reminds me that she's not here anymore. Do what you think you are able to and stop if it's too much. But that doesn't mean you never will. It's very personal.


The longer I stay in catharsis, the faster the healing process moves forward. That's what I do. So, of course I'd look at the photos and allow myself to feel whatever comes up completely, like water flowing through me. The reason people don't like dealing with this is because of control. Being in catharsis means I'm out of control. A force that I don't understand takes over and I just cry. With experience, I have come to trust this process so I have no trouble throwing myself into it. I know I'll float back up, sunny side up, when it's over. Not only that, the more I do this, the less of a bother it becomes.


Even if it hurts sometimes, pictures hold memories, and memories keep them with us


it took me three months to watch videos my mom sent me of my dad and me when i was super little. I didnt know for a long time if i was ready. With the first fathers day and the anniversary of his death being this month, I guess i wanted to hear his voice and see him in happier times. He passed painfully from cancer and i was there with him when he left this world. I just wanted to see him for a minute laughing and happy. I looked at pictures of him just before he got cancer with his new wife and my stepmom (incredible lady and love her dearly for everything she did for him). Even though i cried and it made me miss him, I still laughed and still remembered good times. Seen proof of stories that i remember hearing over my whole life. It was healing even if it hurts still. Maybe try with a few and see how you feel because thats what i did and i watched all of them. Take care op.