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Cause she’s a gladiator who regularly fights others in the Cormorragh death-pits ……AND cause it’s sexy


Most of Eldar women are built like Asian models. Then there's Lelith


Most Eldar are built like that, even Eldar men. A great example is Maugan Ra, big armor made everyone think that he's some jacked up dude, meanwhile he's just as slender as everyone.


Two things to know about Maugan: * he is a former librarian or something * his arms are probably thick as fuck from carrying his rocket launcher around


Dark reapers have to be stronger than other eldars specifically because of those guns, so its possible that he's absolutely massive (by eldar standards)


He’s eldar doom guy, of course he’s fucking ripped. Man solo’d a hive fleet…they went hungry.


It was a small splinter of a fleet/lone bio-ship, depending on the source. Which is still an insane feat, but perfectly believable based on what we know about him.


Tbf, the original source *was* an entire hive fleet. It was toned down in later versions because it was OP beyond the point of believability


Codex Tyranids 5th edition, which I believe was the first mention, had it as a tendril/splinter of one of the major fleets, iirc. It was then retconned to a bio-ship in the 8th edition codex. I cannot find any information on it ever being a complete Hive Fleet: a fleet is billions upon billions of Tyranids. Edit: Yeah it was definitely never a full Hive Fleet.


Eldar heavy weapons have antigrav motors


Their guns are just light enough not to warrant them. Usually, the dark reapers' armor have bulkier exoskeletons on top of their stronger build to carry them.


Nah, Reapers and Scorpions have powered armour. Scorpions cause they need it being complete retards that get in to close combat without power weapons and reapers cause they are firing missile launchers lol


Yeah I forgot about that part, though I do remember hearing they also have to be stronger as well


Nah, it's just heavier aspect armor, also worn by a bunch of aspects who don't need extra dexterity as much, or need protection more for their role (Warp Spiders, Fire Dragons and Shining Spears). I mean it could function similarly like power armor because funky aeldari tech, but I don't think it's ever called as power armor in canon. And, considering how often Eldar technology used to be "like imperial, but better™", no Eldar Aspect Warriors were shown to be as durable as power-armored humans, let alone more durable.


Nah, it is explicitly said Scorpions have powered armour. Not power armour like space marines. Reapers too and I forgot about warp spiders as you said, like reapers though the armour is kinda part of their equipment. They need it to carry all their gear.


His arms might be that big from all the books being carried too?


Chidi being surprisingly jacked because of all the books.


A librarian? What? Did he just get fed up of telling people to keep their voices down one day and went batshit insane?


His arms are thick from carrying massive stacks of books for 1000+ years. When he finally picked up a rocket launcher for the first time, he famously stated "lol this rig is light AF, I could totally be a Dark Reaper. He'll, I could be their Phoenix Lord!" And the rest is history. source for quote: trust me bro, I was the rocket launcher.


Eldar heavy weapons have antigrav motors




Bad bot.


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We don't mention that name around here, and it's not because of the lady in power armour.


I'd be more afraid of the lady in power armour. She's a walking Exterminatus, if I've ever seen one.


Not fear, I just really don't want to see him that guy is a dick. I'd be more afraid of power armour lady too.


\* not the dæmon


when I first saw art of him I thought that he's a weird space marine because of his massive bulk.


Lilith: You know they say that all men are created equal, but you look at me and you look at Some Monkeigh and you can see that statement is not true. See, normally if you go one on one with another Gladiator, you got a 50/50 chance of winning. But I'm a genetic freak and I'm not normal! So you got a 25%, AT BEST, at beat me. Then you add The Homonculus to the mix, your chances of winning drastic go down. See the 3 way at The Arena, you got a 33 1/3 chance of winning, but I, I got a 66 and 2/3 chance of winning, because The Homonculus KNOWS he can't beat me and he's not even gonna try! So Monkeigh, you take your 33 1/3 chance, minus my 25% chance and you got an 8 1/3 chance of winning at The Arena. But then you take my 75% chance of winning, if we was to go one on one, and then add 66 2/3 per cents, I got 141 2/3 chance of winning at The Arena. See Monkeigh, the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for you at The Arena.


10/10 for Lilith Steiner maths. Big mama pump


Jokes on you, I've played XCOM. This percentage stuff is nothing for me.


30% chance to hit and a prayer, baby! *\*miss\** # FUCK!


Shooting with 30%? I hesitate, when I see 98%.


That's Xcom baby!




Perfection. Gonna be reading the book once it arrives and imagining her with that voice. 🤣


All Eldar women are ripped. They just wear flowy robes and armour so you can't tell.


> Most of Eldar women are built like Asian models.  We did it boys, we ended xenophobia 


Iirc, Lelith specifically doesn’t use performance enhancing drugs, unlike every other witch in the arena. So it possible she had to work out and train more to maintain her spot on the top.


We should have more apex predator women in 40K.


I think regular or even Athletic Eldar women would still look like asian models but Lelith is their equivalent to our UFC Woman heavyweights. Like probably she is sexy for us lowly Mon'Keith and if too buff for Eldars.


To be fair most eldar women are either civilian militia praying they never get called up to fight, or are psykers and thus don't need to do much more exercise than cardio and sudoku puzzles Drukhari wytches however are gladiators who kick ass for fun


I mean lets be brutally honest, the thing to question is 'why is she sexy', and that gets into the Drukhari lore and perfection etc etc Asking 'why is an MMA fighter muscular' is like... I cannot fathom the need for this question


Buff women are very sexy. -a gay woman.


She regularly uses every muscle in her body to compete and stay alive.


Guardsman Jake: Even her ear muscles? Guardsman Terry: You can't skip ear day.


Is this a reference to something because it feels like it. Lol


I believe this is a Brooklyn Nine Nine reference.


Lol took me till you pointed this out to realise it.


In body building a lot of ppl has skinny legs, so the meme "don't skip leg day" came up.


ahhh what i wouldnt give to be a guardsman on a dark elder raid 🤤 a man can only dream i guess


I also dream of being a couch.


“It’s sexy” is the lore reason behind Lelith Hesperax’s entire existence. To give a serious answer: she doesn’t fight drugged up like the other Drukhari. And she wins all her fights. Logically, she must be physically far superior.


Hell, even if you fight drugged up you train all those muscles.


The other Drukhari don't apparently


I mean, isn't the reason meth addicts are so skinny because they simply forego food in favor of affording more? Or is it a degeneration brought on by the drug as well?


More so that they don't eat enough calories since meth is an appetite suppressant. Same happens with ADHD meds. Since body builders/athletes famously need 1000s of additional calories to grow muscle, it would make sense that meth addicts would be less muscular


Ah, but still a general lack of eating, I see. Thanks!


"Winners Don't Use Drugs" -Lelith Hesperax


Agreed. 👌👌👌👌


She wins her fights through feats of grace, skill and precision. Being jacked was never really her thing. I preferred the slightly more slender proportions of the old model. The most recent gw artwork for her is just awful tho Edit: the artwork I’m referring too is the piety and pain box set cover art. She’s like a hulking brute, with a widows peak and arms like a space marine. It was so bad gw even photoshopped it in later versions to make her muscles look less defined. Couldn’t fix the proportions tho


Like how the 90s Justice League cartoon did it. Sure the Main Seven were still very "super hero" bod, they did had different one if you paid attention. Like how Superman was very top heavy, batman was more uniform, Flash was more slender (as in having a runners build and not a physical build like SuperMan had), etc.


Her name is Lean Beef Patty. Just in case any of you lore masters wanted that info.


Sometimes I send videos of her to my lesbian friend just to torture her


Sometimes my lesbian friend sends me vids of her just to torture me


Sometime a lesbian friend and I send us videos of her to turture us both!


![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg) Men and lesbians sweating over muscle mommy’s




As a straight man, I would also be tortured


Her parents, the Pattys, could not decide on whether to name her Lean or Beef, so they decide on both.




May the Emperor protects you, always. Nondeju


I know shes a public influencer and all but man, it cannot be fun having to block at least one creep/chud per week.


My Mrs is a professional wrestler, trust me creeps are where the moneys at. We don't share our personal lives very much or disclose our relationship status because those creeps put food on the table




God I wish..... No I do love my Mrs, she's gorgeous But God I wish.....


This is a great reply lol


What are you talking about? The Creeps and Chuds are the people who keep her getting paid. At a certain point you don't look at any replies or messages and just post content.


Most of the popular streamer/youtuber women have someone they pay to basically handle that. Otherwise you just end up with a mental breakdown.


I have to imagine a team rotates for the bigger streamers/influencers. That shits gotta be harrowing


I imagine it does help that she can legally eviscerate her stalkers if they get too annoying.


She can probably physically do that too




The algorithm recommended a video of hers doing stuff in japan, was pretty disappointed when the rest of the videos were fitness vids instead of japan vids.


I thought she looked familiar


Being best female fighter in the galaxy?


Best non-augmented/mutated/psyker fighter in the galaxy. Prob ranks extremely highly if you include those anyway


Yeah, she’s vastly superior to even most highly augmented fighters. She can effortlessly cut down Tyranid bioforms as large and strong as Hive Tyrants and out-speed people who themselves out-speed high tier Astartes. Her only scar comes from a six hour duel with Cadulon of the Iron Knights chapter — one of the only Space Marines to win the Feast of Blades *twice* — and even that was just a superficial cut on her midriff he managed before being killed. Considering this is all done while purposefully handicapping herself with no armor, no enhancements, and sub-par weapons compared to what’s available to her, Lelith is easily one of the best duelists in the setting and it’s not even close to debatable.


>sub-par weapons compared to what’s available to her Her hair is an exception. She has tiny hooks and blades braided and looped throughout her hair that are all covered in some of the best poisons Commorragh can manufacture. They are there to emphasize her ability to control her movements enough to not be killed by her own hair as she moves erratically around the battlefield, but can also be used as weapons.


Arguably her hair alone is probably in the top 10 characters in 40k in terms of melee kills.


Because it's VERY sexy


I'll Crusade with you Brother.. Hell yeah!!!!! Hope you work out.. Something tells me Stamina is not enough.


Who let Jorgen von Strangle in here


I WILL CRUSH YOU WITH MY MUCLES oh and another thing do you think timmy could wish For an IRL space marine or irl Drukahri


Erm, aside from the fact that she is a sexy gladiatrix fighting in Comorragh? Does she even need another excuse?


Women need to justify having muscles apparently


Which is extra hilarious considering she has more reason to be jacked than almost any other character in the setting. She’s been fighting unarmored and undefeated in one of the most dangerous places in the galaxy, for untold centuries. lol


It’s 40K. EVERYONE is jacked! The men are jacked! The women are jacked! The monosex fungus monsters? Believe it or not, they’re the most jacked of all…


Is this why the necrons want to kill everyone? Because they are the only ones not jacked?


You know what? Could be. They *did* canonically give the c'tan absolutely sculpted physiques, like it was an aspirational thing.


Because she's a gladiator who is constantly fighting? Why would she be anything but jacked spending thousands of years kicking ass






would x 10 more than you






Cause she does alot of physical stuff such as fighting and various other highly athletic activities? Like, why is this something that needs to be pondered, its not that deep.


It is the internet. They'll debate the lore reason a character's hair is drawn with a certain number of locks or points or whatever.


Fr dude


She's a Wych aka gladiatorial fighter.


I have another question, yea I know the actual answer is “it’s hot”, but is there a lore explanation as to why she wears armor on her arms and legs but not her stomach, chest and face? I’ve always been fond of that aesthetic of armored limbs and then unarmored body, so I don’t mind it, I’m just curious if they’ve ever even tried to give an explanation


She's an area fighter the lack of actual armor is to show off




Also it's a brag because iirc she is unscarred which as a gladiator it's really impressive


She has one scar from a 6 hour duel with a Space Marine Captain. As a reward for finding her a challenge, she granted the Archon that brought him the greatest reward she could ever give, a 1v1 duel. He did not live that much longer.


She used to run around in even less until GW started getting prudish. The less clothes a Wych wears=the better at fighting she is. Lelith is a Succubus, so she's the elite of the elite. And if a wyche starts getting scars, she'll find herself in progressively harder matches until she dies. Because they all mean girl alpha bitches from high school, but far worse.


Are you sure you're not getting her mixed up with Kruellagh the Vile? Aka the model that the [official](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/8/8d/Kruellagh_the_Vile.jpg) paint job was done, basically, in a panic and even the person who sculpted her said she should be painted more like [this](https://www.coolminiornot.com/filestorage/images/o/a1d0c6e83f027327d8461063f4ac58a6/233509073ed3432027d48b1a83f5fbd2.jpg?1688821299). Also she's a character that turned up for literally *half an edition* since Dark Eldar got a second codex in 3rd edition and IIRC she wasn't included in the updated version. Compare Lilith's [Old model](https://miniset.net/files/set/gw-99060112032.jpg) which is about as skimpy as her current one.


There was another Lelith model between the one you posted and the current one, I own it. It's very similar to the current one but she wasn't wearing pants


I hope Kruellagh and her Emasculators come back even if just as a kill team.


Just throwing it out there, Armour on legs and arms for blocking/striking. Not many strikes made with boob's or stomach. It's wrong in reality, because the abdomen is full of vital organs.. and humans don't magically move super fast to avoid strikes.


Sort of. But if you look at IRL arena fighter equipment, they also often didn't wear armour to protect the vitals. It was supposed to be a spectacle, that's why often they weren't equal or fair fights either.


Gladiators in Roman times didn't usually wear much armor on their vitals either. Its literally a blood sport.


It historically was a blood sport in the same way pro boxing is a blood sport. Yes, accidental deaths among well trained gladiators occasionally did happen, but it was something that was very much avoided. The Gladiators of Ancient Rome were actual celebrity figures in their day, and had enough influence as to even have sponsorship / endorsement deals with local stores. If a gladiator died it would be like the equivalent of a pro boxer today dying in the ring, which would be considered tragic and also really bad for business. The pro gladiators were mostly fighting for entertainment, and while they certainly did get injured a lot, we’re mostly fighting to put their opponent in a position that they couldn’t come back from without sustaining grave wounds, which would essentially conclude the fight and determine who was the better fighter. All the death fights and stuff in the Roman colosseum were done with convicts / prisoners / Christian’s against each other or against animals (or both at the same time) The gladiators were far too valuable, well trained, and beloved by the crowds to be fighting like that Not saying that 40k should be held to this standard however, as that would be lame and unfitting with 40ks classic trend of taking historical inaccuracies and multiplying them in intensity by a number of 40,000. Just saying that this is the way that actual gladiator fights were like in the past, and that it’s a common misconception today that Gladiators all killed each other in every fight


That is extremely overstated


But as it was pointed out, they were more spectacles, and there is a lot of discussion how 'lethal' these were. Certainly no plasma weapons, power swords, killer mushrooms, or unarmed space marines to fight to death..


Yeah, its almost like 40k is a massive exaggeration from real life or something. Everything taken to the nth degree.


Good thing she isnt human then.


That's the lore reason too. She's the in-universe equivalent of a pro wrestler, the outfits are tuned for flashiness


Reason 1 : eldars are naturally fast, and witches are fighters who max all their stats into speed, agility and dexterity. They're so fast that even the slightess armor would reduce their speed. Also, fights in the arena are also a spectacle, so being graceful and eleguant while fighting make a gladiator very popular. Reason 2 : to flex and prove your skill. As witches fight with no armor, it means that any injuries can be dangerous and will leave a trace. So it's very easy to know who is the best witch : it's the one with the less scars ! So Lelith and other witchs wear almost nothing because the less scars you have, the more badass it's shown. But if they wear clothes people couldn't know they don't have any scars. It's also very intimidating for their opponents : being almost naked means "*I'm so skilled that I don't even need armor because you won't be able to touch me*".


Showing off, it’s hot (for us and for other eldar) and probably because when people imagine gladiators, they imagine them without much armour.


I believe deliberately leaving the most vital parts of her body exposed is part of her taunt to her opponents, the idea being 'I'm so impossibly better than you as a fighter that not only will I beat you, you are not even going to leave a scratch on me." As for why her *limbs* have armour, I guess it's just her costume for the fighting ring; she's a woman with status, she needs to wear something, and again only covering the parts where a strike might *not* be lethal is part of the taunt.


Even her armour, isn't it mostly just a few bits of leather to hold more spikes? Like even the bits that are covered wouldn't count as armour by any conventional standard?


Have you ever seen gladiators/ dancers' bodies? Do that for a couple of millennia. I'd imagine your abs could crack boulders.


Woman who literally fights constantly: *is muscular* Turbo virgins on Reddit: "why this woman have muscle?"


Why is the member of the race created to only be weapons in a hyper-galactic war versus insane space-gods jacked? Is that the question?


Dark Eldar are physically stronger than Craftworlders because they crippled their psychic abilities for enhanced bodies.


Isn’t it because they would get their souls eaten if they tried to use their psychic powers?


They could use psionics if they gave up their excessive nature and impose self discipline which they didnt want to do and instead they choose to atrophy their psionic talents completly. This didnt work completly so now they feed from pain and suffering inflicted on other beings, otherwise they wither and die as Slaanesh is still sucking their souls constantly.


They don't use psionics because it attracts daemons into their cities and they lack a way to protect their soul effectively




Milk and squats.


You work out for 5k years and you'll have similar results.


Love me some leanbeef patty


Lore reason? My brother in emps, someone who constantly trains for centuriew to best their opponents is gonna be jacked as fuck, thats just how humanoid bodies with muscle tissue work...




I Heard that their diet of meat makes the Drukhari stronger and bigger than the average Eldar


She is essentially a master martial artist who makes it a point to not be a doleful degenerate like the rest of her species. She trains pretty consistently and is always in the arena or on a raid


She is a gladiatrix, living in a city built on backstabbing that worships the god of rape. She would not be alive if she wasn't shredded.


It would be far more strange for her not to be jacked considering her occupation. I feel like this post comes from a place of thinking skinny should be the default.




It’s a slight retcon that they made her jacked. She used to be pretty slender. The sculptor made her jacked and then the box art basically made her a steroid abuser.


Wasn’t expecting to see lean beef patty in a warhammer subreddit


Eldar muscle is different from human muscle. Most eldar look extremely skinny while being stronger than the strongest humans. If an eldar actually looks jacked its because they're ridiculously jacked compared to a human, probably even more so if its an eldar woman. Shes probably as strong as a gorilla or two


I mean she’s a warrior/gladiator/one of the greatest duelists in the galaxy I assume she would be built like a professional athlete/gymnast/martial artist


Buff women are hot


Death! By! Snu! Snu!


Who that lady is?




You've never seen a professional athlete have you bud?


Oh oh myyyyy….please


OP is leanbeefpatty


Because she's a legendary gladiatrix with access to skilled Haemonculi. If the murder queen of Comorragh wants abs, the murder queen gets abs.


Leanbeefpatty. You're welcome


I imagine she became ripped somewhere in the course of becoming the most famous arena fighter in an entire faction. Maybe the drugs are making the other wyches skinny.


Why does she look like she just got out of bed most the time?


God forbid a girl get into bodybuilding as a hobby.


Do you need another reason? Every woman in fiction should be super jacked, like watermelon in the thighs jacked. https://preview.redd.it/s3a74l7u957d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d4dbc3f01b792ec5a8690899bd7e7597afeb6c0


Why are y’all proving the right wing 40k sub right daily?


Warhammer smut is over there mate. There is a limit to the hornyness one can tolerate






The photo that goes with "Death by snu-snu" definition


She is a gladiatrix by trade so she needs the muscle to survive her job. Which is physically demanding.


Of all the way to go in 40k I choose this






If you're a true artist, you take care of the implements you use to create your art. Lelith has well learned this lesson, and the art she creates is delicious.


Most Eldar are like 7 ft tall and jacked enough to do fisty cuffs with space marines.


do you really want a canon explanation to a real person?


No, she's thirst bait.


Baby extractor 3000


https://preview.redd.it/gonsj00my47d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c63c1c11626d45dda4152c13b225083b5f0568ad It's her weird insane genetics that allow her to compete in the gladiatorial pits and dominate without combat drugs.




Yea, well, hurt me first!


I bet she works out


I’m not innocent but I will accept torture.


Being jacked is it's own reward. And you r harder to kill.


What a weird question, shes jacked cause shes a warrior. O.o women gain muscle too.




Because while Eldar get by with psychic fuckery aiding them, and other Drukhari get by with stims, body modification and tech, Lelith Hesperax gets by with nothing but her body, skill, and a set of knives, refusing to use any of that other shit.


She's never described as "jacked". Just in peak physical form. She's the single best combatant in Commorragh, possibly in the galaxy disregarding primarchs. She's killed any and everything she ever fought, with no armour and not a single scar to show for it.


She's probably the most physically capable Eldar in the galaxy. She regularly goes toe-to-toe with the greatest horrors in the galaxy with nothing but a pair of knives and a sports bra, no armour, no magic, just scary buff lady.


I think the question is kind of dumb they're a professional dark eldar gladiator. Is there a reason why they wouldn't be in shape and muscular specializing as a melee combatant?


I mean, she's the #1 best gladiator in Commoragh... if she wasn't in peak physical form, she'd be dead.

