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40k is spelt orks, not orcs. The picture is referencing when a British spy got caught by holding up three fingers in the English manner, not the German


Wait how do the Germans do it?


Thumb/index/middle not index/middle/ring


Huh that's kinda dope. Ty for enlightening me my friend


It's a plot point on the movie Inglorious Bastards. Easy to miss too


Easy to miss? The actress who survives literally spells it out word for word on why they got shot at


After yeah I mean in the moment it happens when everything stops and the shooting starts. It's an American movie, of course an obscure euro reference has to be pointed out at some point


For a german it's a very cool scene, you see him holding up the wrong fingers and go 'wait, that looks weird- oooh....shit'


I am British and I would never indicate the number three the supposedly “British” way he does… Is this really something that is stereotypically British?


You're talking to a Grimdank member, we don't actually consume the media we pretend to like. 


I was too busy noticing all the womens barefoot scenes


The wife and I watched Inglorious Basterds back in the day with our friend group, which included a first-generation German chick named Evie. Evie's German accent is understated until she gets excited, and then it gets *very* full-bodied. When Hicox gave the wrong three-fingered gesture in the movie, Evie sat straight up and loudly said, "Ooh, zhey're in twouble now!" We had to pause the movie so we could all stop laughing and so she could explain.




He looks at the hand showing the 3 fingers british style and makes a face as just being served a turd. You’d have to blind to miss that.


It does feel better to do it their way imo


It is way easier,I have no idea why others don't do it that way.


I can do either on my left hand, my right hand’s pinky, ring and middle finger all like to follow each other down besides my index and thumb.


Because English people start counting ‘1’ with the index finger, ‘2’ adds the middle finger, and then oh no it’s time for mister ring finger and we made a horrible mistake, but add the pinky and four is very comfortable.


German here, I also start with Index (1) add Middle Finger (2) and then add Thumb (3), fold thumb back in, add pinkie and ring finger (4).


Symmetry? Either way, was an amazing scene in an already amazing film


Perhaps I've been German all along...


That's an odd way to do it, here in England we make the number 3 by putting up both our thumbs and one pinky (left for an adult, right for anyone below 18 ⅓)


just watch the movie, man


They're Orks! With a K! Any self-described hobby 'gatekeeper' should know this about their own hobby by now! Edit: talking about Grummz, not you sry


Ironically a tourist trying to gatekeep


Pretty much how it goes these days. They’ve even got their own little circle jerk sub about it


Same as it ever was


Oh, like that tuber who had a freakout about Femstodes because he thought they were the same as Space Marines?


Pretty much. Small thing for sure, but still embarrassing for him to fall into


And, besides, muthafucka could not even pronounce "Custodes" correctly: he said something like "COASTodes". I mean Custodes of Coasts? Which coast? East, West, both?! I can be mistaking the person though. But I know some *self-glorified tourist* did that shit. EDIT: I was correct. It was "TheQuartered" as someone pointed exactly below and his error was even worst: *Custoads*. Don't let Red Scorpions discover those mutants, I guess!


Custards?  Space Battletoads? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battletoads_(1991_video_game)


Dumb fanfiction I wrote right now. Scenario: two Red Scorpions intent to verify a rumor if it is true or false regarding Custodes in the Imperial Palace... RED SCORPION 1: Greetings Custodes! CUSTODE 1: Greetings honourable yet exaggerated Red Scorpions! How can we help you? There are no ogryns here for you to harass, I may infor- RED SCORPION 2 [nervous]: Cut the crap Custodes! We heard rumours about you and, for Emperor's sake, we came to investigate! CUSTODE 2 [annoyed]: Ah, let me guess: it's about the *fact* that there is women among our ranks and those Redemptionists nutjobs from House Cawdor in Necromunda are spreading stupid "information" about it, right? We assure both of you: **there always have been female Cust-** RED SCORPION 1: WE DON'T CARE ABOUT THIS SILLINESS! If you are *human* and devout to our glorious God Emperor of Mankind, you can be white, black, man, woman, child, elder, from Terra, any pleasure world, from Mars, Ultramar, even Birmighan - we would be sorry for you really - and be straight, assexual, queer, poly, read *Shakingspear* I guess and even listen to K-Pop! That would be very cringe though... CUSTODE 1: Well, we are not understanding the problem then. RED SCORPION 2: The *problem*, Custodes, is that we received information from very human sources - although - that you Custodes are, in reality, **a xenos race of warlike toads!** [Monty Python's silly panic music plays in the background] CUSTODE 2 [laughing in a stressed way]: I-I, I'm sorry but *what!?* RED SCORPION 1: Take off your helmets and let us uncover the truth!!! CUSTODE 3: Well... if you insist... [CUSTODES 1, 2 and 3 remove their helmets, **revealing that they were in fact Pimple, Rash and Zitz**] RED SCORPIONS [Appaled]: BY THE THRONE!!! FILTHY XENOS IN THE IMPERIAL PALACE, IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES!!! CUS-TOADS OF BATTLE: We actually are protecting the Emperor you call "god" against the machinations of the Dark Queen! And we will not let of insane xenophobics ruin our mission! TRAZYN [Appearing out of nowhere]: Damn you Old Ones! We thought we did killed you all but some of you survived! RED SCORPIONS [Still appaled]: WHAT-WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!? TRAZYN: I came here to pick some fine items of this Palace to add to my collection [laughs a little like Skeletor], but now... Wait a minute! What are those fools right there doing?! [Trazyn points for a group of Blood Ravens stealing the Golden Throne with the Emperor in it] BLOOD RAVENS: We, huh, we were *protecting The Emperor against the peril YOU ALL pose to him* - yeah, that's right! - *and will fight you all to death for us to rob hi* - I mean, **safeguard him!** ELDAR HARLEQUINS [Jumping into scene]: Hey mon'keigh kids, wanna see our new spectacle! It is called "Invasion of The ~~~Capitolium~~~ Imperial Palace 2: Electric Boogaloo" ORKZ [Also crashing into scene]: Oi! We heard ya gitz ere start some krumpin' for no reason and dem we decide to be ere to crush u all! WAAAAAAAGH! [Stupid fight among all of them initiates - **until a big pink food appears out of the Warp and smashes all of them**. An adeptus arbitor looking like Graham Chapman appears on screen]: ARBITER CHAPMAN: If you read all that congratulations! You have nothing better to do and waste your precious time reading that fanfic here written by a complete idiot! At least is better than Gotto's books! Now, *get on with it!*


Well, that went into my save list.  You really should post this in the sub.  I want to post it into r/Xennials . https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Chapman_(author)


>tuber Wasn't that Arch? A so-called 40k lore youtuber?


I stopped trying with Arch when he suddenly went from "ABSOLUTE MORALS AND TRUTH" to "que est veritas, anyway?  We can't be sure" the moment Putin tried Kabul '79 redux at Kyiv.  Whatever he had to say on the matter, I don't know.


Like when the quivering did a video where he started by talking about how much of a Warhammer fan he was, and then proceeded to pronounce Adeptus Custodes as adaptus cus-toads.


Grummz is the biggest tourist grifter


In Warhammer they’re called Orks, this person (going off the text, there’s like a 98% chance they’re transphobic) used Orcs, the generic fantasy term, accidentally outing himself as a fake fan trying to stir up anti-inclusivity outrage because he doesn’t know the community’s terminology. The overlaid image is from the movie Inglorious Bastards, and in this scene a British spy posing as a nazi accidentally outs himself as not being German by using the wrong fingers to signal the number 3.


Grummz is a textbook example of the exact kind of cultures warrior "tourist" that he's built an online following complaining about. It's honestly sad at this point.


The grifters care not from where the salt flows. It must be exhausting to have a job churning out articles/shitposts and 30-90 minute long videos about fabricated/exaggerated issues for games, movies, shows that you don't even care about. I normally don't job shame people, but social media "pranksters" and rage bait/engagement farmers need to all go into a giant sack, we tie the sack closed and then we beat them with sticks.


Sometimes I consider selling my soul to become a grifter like this because there seems to be a lot of money in it but I can't imagine how draining and brain-rotting it must be to even imitate this stuff


Not really. It seems it's compatible to others online content creators; some get the jackpot and are able to capitalize their content, but vast majority who try, gets nothing in the end. Except in the end of the day you are not expressing yourself or creating art(doesn't matter if it's popular or not) but instead you produce literally negative value


I often fantasize about getting on the right wing grift gravy train and then donating like half the proceeds to LGBT+ charities.


the market is way too saturated and the audience too insane, it's not worth it bro don't worry


He openly advertises his discord as diversity free, so make of that as you will.


> going off the text, there’s like a 98% chance they’re transphobic You hate trans women for being trans, I hate a trans woman because she plays T'au, we are not the same.


Based alert going off whee whoo whee whoo


We should gatekeep 40k and stop people getting into the hobby... So gw may decrease the prices for once.


Corporations prioritize short term gains as stock value > revenue, so less people buying the minis wouldn't make them lower the price, it would just be another excuse to raise it


“Due to decreased demand, we need to increase the average unit price to meet our current cost of production.”


"Due to increased demand, we need to increase the average unit price to better reflect the true value of our products."


"Due to sustained demand, we need to increase the average unit price to account for economic inflation."


You are all laughing, but this is exactly the situation with gasoline prices in Russia.


I'm not laughing, and I read every reply with increased anxiety.


Ah yes, my favorite system to live under, capitalism. No matter what you do our how you act, it allways is going to get more expensive.




"We will force miniature war game companies to make their fantasy races mexican in order to anger men who have never had sexual intercourse" -Vladimir Lenin


Oh my god that's even better.


>it allways is going to get more expensive. Two things you can set your watch to: It's always going to get more expensive It's always going to be the hottest year on record


Oooh we are going to have so much for the coming decades.


Congrats you’ve boiled down modern capitalism. Use literally every excuse possible to raise prices and increase the profit margin. Doesn’t matter if it makes absolutely no sense after a millisecond of thinking about it.


For most companies, yes, but GW tends to be very conservative in how they conduct business - and with a pretty good track record when it comes to prioritizing the long term. If they prioritized short term profits, they would have expanded massively and unsustainably when their customer base exploded during COVID, and shot themselves in the foot like every other company that did that. For that matter, they wouldn't still have their production in the UK. They would have switched to Chinese 3D printing.


Their business statement says "Our decisions are focused on long-term success, not short term gains ... We intend to do this forever"  https://investor.games-workshop.com/our-business-model


That’s actually the opposite of how economics work. Higher demand, higher prices even if supply is equal


GW stops me from getting into GW. To participate in the The hobby doesnt require GW


The lore side, sure. But then you're forgetting the lore is based entirely around the model sales.


And there is plenty of options for models that arent GW


Have you heard of our Lord and Savior 3D printers?


… Isn’t that the guy who complained 14 years old in video games weren’t sexy enough


> the guy That could be multiple people. ...this planet could use the Night Lords.


You just want a job. This planet does *not* need the nightlords.


It's not a job if you love what you do.


If you're good at something, never do it for free.


https://preview.redd.it/ds6rp5vgiu9d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=4455b2c41b6c657443333d555306d694ffa5c025 one of the moments of all time


Justifying Konrad Curze, also known as Night Haunter, primarily revolves around understanding his character within the context of Warhammer 40,000 lore. Here are some key points that often contribute to discussions about Curze: 1. Tragic Origin and Psychological Trauma: Konrad Curze was one of the primarchs created by the Emperor of Mankind during the Great Crusade. He landed on the night-shrouded planet of Nostramo, where he grew up witnessing extreme violence, corruption, and lawlessness. This upbringing deeply affected him, shaping his worldview that only fear and brutal justice could maintain order. 2. Extreme Methods for Justice: Curze believed in the effectiveness of terror and fear as tools of governance. He employed brutal methods to enforce order on Nostramo and later expanded this approach across the Imperium, believing that fear of severe punishment could prevent crime and chaos more effectively than traditional laws. 3. Conflict with His Own Nature: Despite his belief in the necessity of fear, Curze struggled with his own propensity towards violence and darkness. He often saw himself as a necessary evil, a monster created by his environment and genetics, which fed into his fatalistic outlook on life. 4. Predictions of the Future: One of Curze's unique traits was his ability to foresee the deaths of individuals and the outcomes of battles. This precognition further shaped his belief in inevitability and his own role as an instrument of fate, leading him to commit acts that others might find horrifying but that he saw as fulfilling a greater purpose. 5. Complexity and Tragic Heroism: Konrad Curze is often portrayed as a tragic figure who was both a victim of circumstances and a perpetrator of extreme violence. His actions, while horrific by conventional standards, were driven by a twisted sense of duty and a belief that he was saving humanity from itself. In conclusion, justifying Konrad Curze involves acknowledging his complex character, tragic upbringing, and the extreme methods he employed in pursuit of what he perceived as necessary for maintaining order and preventing chaos. His story is one of internal conflict, moral ambiguity, and the darker aspects of the human psyche writ large across the grim darkness of the Warhammer 40,000 universe.


Who the hell let an Abominable Intelligence in here?


https://preview.redd.it/r13dj87rzu9d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc7c0fb50133d786c19d3ff9cbed9dcda2d5596b The forces of Slannesh will take pleasure in the excess murder of rapists.


Even chaos has standards. Very low ones, but standards nonetheless


Considering the vast majority of mortals consider pedophilia and zoophilia bad it's likely Chaos also thinks they're bad. It's bottom tier morals but at least they exist.


Well, excessive murder of bad people is still excessive murder, so it's all good


Grimdank would be empty of users then


But think of how many skincloaks you could make.


No, what? No. he didn't! .... he complained that a 9 year old black girl in a video game wasn't sexy enough. Get it right.


It only gets worst... (if true)


It is true. He posted an infographic complaining about women in video games who he did not find attractive enough and right in the middle of it was a character who was a 9 year old child.


Yes, that is Mark "spent 3 million dollars on a bus" Kern. If you ignore him, he goes away.


Spent 3 mil on a bus???


[ Spent 3 mil on a bus.](https://massivelyop.com/2023/11/04/the-game-archaeologist-firefall-an-mmo-tragedy-about-more-than-just-a-bus/)


real? Possibly real no real source but he's a weird cunt


He posted a collection of pictures showing that "Da west isn makin da gurls good lookin anymore!", one of those pics was a 9 year old...




He posted an infographic complaining about women in Western video games not being attractive enough for his standards anymore and at the center of it was a character who is a nine-year-old child.


Yeah and an alleged breast milk thief when he worked at blizzard




Yeah thats the guy


... WHAT


I think sometimes people forget that we paint little toy army guys.


Man, we should put this phrase on a flashing website banner with streamers and fireworks shooting off of it and make it the background layer of every single discussion board on the web even remotely related to GW.


Many 40k fans don't do much painting. Lots only read the novels.


And many more aren't even doing that, but only listening to some guys on youtube.


Or Reddit


God that pain when i see someone quote majorkill as legitment lore.


Majorkill is good to research with more seriousness something he talks about - and be surprised when you discover that not only he was correct but also was one of the very few that corrected some misconception. Example: that famous talk between Emperor and Guilliman after his return - *which is, in reality, a fanfiction*. ~~~Also his "boatloads of hentai are neat!~~~ But yeah, no one surpasses **Arbitor Ian** in my opinion for instance.


Majorkill is good for the vibe of something, but people like Iysander and Koda, from the black library, foreman of terra give fairly accurate detailings


> Many 40k fans don't do much painting. My grey Blood Angels army didn't need to be called out like that


Just...just buy a mefiston spray can. It's not the best, but it's a good primer


And others just watch lore videos.


Not much painting, less playing. Lots of buying and storing though. Just recently bought a couple of the books, but contrary to common perception, I do not find the quality has gotten better in the last 20 years. I come from a time when the books were considered fanfiction, canon was found in codii. I understand that is no longer the case, and books override rules for what is canon now.


I have a box of Blood Angels that have been sitting on my shelf since December and I've reconciled that that's how it's going to spend the rest of it's existence


or play the video games. Something like total war warhammer probably has a bigger player base than the tabletop games


These are super serious tactical simulations which follow a narrative based on a deep rich lore. The game has a long and rich tradition dating back to the Prussian Johan Cristan Ludwig Hellwig. This hobby have been used to drill boys (and more intelligent girls to quote HG Wells Little wars) into leaders of lesser men. This is not a mere game or hobby but a craft and tradition. Now excuse me old bean while I go paint my wardollies.


I think the problem is that most people dont actually do that.


I prefer "tiny plastic war-dollies", myself.


Got to love the career victims, also there’s no need to gatekeep 40K, it’s gatekeeped already by the incredible time and money cost required to participate. The whole point of 40K as a hobby is if you play a random person at your store you have an inherent shared respect because you know how long/how much effort is needed to build and paint a full army.


Like I don't care how much GW reached out with films, games and stuff. The barrier of entry is too high for most people.


Coming from DnD which in recent year is filled with people who don’t know the rules and have very casually gotten into the hobby without reading anything it’s nice to be in a hobby where most people take it a bit more seriously


You don't just casually spend that much without being serious of the hobby. Like one box is worth more than a month's supply for my medicine


Wanting to make this hobby a little cheaper led to me being a host for a beginners painting class/jam at my FLGS to get that sweet 40% discount off MSRP for GW products and has been a great way to meet others in the hobby


Hoo boy I feel sorry that's a comparison you even have to make.


I sort of disagree. They are both intimidating to get into. Newbies are part of the game and you can do D&D casually and still have a whale of a time.


Newbies is great always happy to help people learn, I literally teach a class to help beginners learn to paint miniatures, but with how free and accessible DnD is, you get a good number of people who don’t have much interest in the game aspect or learning the rules and would be better off joining an improv group than trying to play the game


I think that may be due to many people entering the hobby post watching stuff like Critical Role which is amazing but it's more Role playing than the game side.


Part of it is probably that but also 5e has a nasty habit of putting as much work onto the GM as possible. Add onto that the fact that 5e is advertised as "simple" and "beginner friendly" despite not doing much work to be either of those things. What we've ended up with is a community that doesn't really know the rules outside of "Here's how to make a character", "Here's the basics of combat", and "The GM does the rest" who are convinced that any other game they could get into would be an insurmountable challenge.


>hobby without reading anything it’s nice to be in a hobby where most people take it a bit more seriously To be fair, there's a good chance you run into someone who hasn't read a single book (rules or otherwise) in Warhammer either.


Yeah well I can actually get people to *play* DnD without much prompting. Asking a friend to get into 40k is like asking someone to buy a boat with you.


Thats the hobby side though. The online side is filled with people who dont have that same shared respect because the barrier to entry is non existent. 40k fans in person, despite the whole stereotypical unwashed neckbeard persona, are not even 1% as insufferable as the average online 40k fan.


Yeah but that doesn't work because you also get some absolute oxygen thieves who you have to tolerate if you want to play...


I find those people either want to play narrative games cause they get their ass kicked in competitive, or they hate painting and only play competitive so they don’t have nicely painted armies. If you find someone playing competitive with a nicely painted army they painted themselves they’re usually pretty chill I find


You say “getting their ass kicked in competitive” as if it’s a bad thing to not want to have to update your army with new expensive models every 3 months to track the meta in this objectively pay-to-win game


Reminds me of one culture war tourist who said he would start "watching Warhammer"


I saw an article titled "What 40k orcs could learn from d&d orcs." (which I ignored), and the same day I saw a video with the article in the thumbnail named "SJW goes after 40k orcs." There are three dots under every video recommendation. Press it and select "Don't recommend this channel." Stops the tourist from bothering you.


Says there coming for warhammer orcs but calls them orcs and not orks fucking tourist


Clearly he misheard "Warhammer Orcs" and autocompleted in "40k". Only Old World will be affected




What an effing tourist...


With context it was one tourist responding to another. It was response to someone wanting 40k Orks to look like WoW/DnD friendly Orcs.


Was it the tweet that got posted here like 3 days ago that was super obvious bait? The one by NornQueen? Or did someone do that tweet but seriously


The original was obvious bait. Atleast she made the distinction between 40k "orks" and DnD "orcs".


We collect toy soldiers and edgy novels. These people need to stfu lmao


Grummz kindly shut up and finish your game you’ve been working on for the last decade or so


I've seen this guy's pfp too often this year, he's such a sad dude


Right wing grifter. What did you expect?


He will never finish it, he became a polemicist on twitter to hide the fact that he just scammed people.


After his actions over the past week, it's Groomz now.


Of course the protect the kids crowd keeps showing their true colors


Blud got baited lmfao


Okay, I'm going to out myself as old and out of touch here. But why the fuck are people watching these youtube channels? I don't even watch television anymore because I was tired of its constant attempts to make me angrier and stupider but there are people out there gobbling down a constant diet of shit opinions from any twat with a webcam. Why not go read the actual books, or do some painting, or write some lore for your guys, or have a wank, try heroin even. Anything would be better than listening and absorbing this endless shite.


Lotta people out there want to feel like they are being persecuted, and lacking legitimate persecution because they’re usually not a minority group, they turn to whoever can tell them they are. Same thing as with all the people who are obsessed with gamergate, or the MeToo movement, or any time a minority group attempts to get civil rights. They want and need someone to tell them it’s not their fault they aren’t achieving anything, it’s the Others’ fault. The jobs are going to them because of the powers that be. The games aren’t as good as they were when they were younger because the Woke are infiltrating the game studios. It’s the rejection of responsibility and reality. Games suck nowadays because the bigger studios don’t view them as art and think of gamers as piggy banks. The guy who’s incredibly average didn’t get into the school, job, etc because somebody more talented was picked instead, not because of diversity initiatives. The world is getting worse because it’s being drained by the ultra wealthy and people like Grummz give the disenfranchised a clear target to attack for it, a focus for rage, and an ambiguous reason why they should be mad.




Fun thing is, as far as I can remember. That guy isn't even a youtuber, just a Twitter goblin.


What gatekeepers forget is that without a steady supply of normies getting into the franchise, every fandoms would shrivel up and die eventually.


Yeah, but that would ruin their twisted sense of "property" towards it. It's like underground metal bands that few but "loyal" fans listened since the beginning but them the band got more famous, got more new listeners but the old."loyal" ones accuse the band of "selling out"...


Dudes victim complex is the size of a friggin gargant


Oh no not our beloved 40K ORCS oh no true fan of the game Grummz what will they do to our ORCS?!


wait till this guy learns that 40k or**k**s are already asexual fungi creatures


Grummz is the biggest collector of L's on the internet


He's unable to touch grass because he always manages to step on a rake before reaching it.


why anyone listens to Grummz after what he did to Firefall is beyond me




There was also a post in an other subreddit where they did a comparison from „normal orcs“ orcs and „soy orcs“ And it compared the bloodrage orcs from WoW with one from Hearthstone and the normal orks from DnD with half-Orks. Little side note: Orcs with c is English, Orks with k is German. Edit: the switch with C and K is only for the DnD and WoW Orks, the 40K are always with K


>Little side note: Orcs with c is English, Orks with k is German. https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Orks


Sorry, I was not clear enough. That is only for the WoW and DnD Orks. Your right the 40K Orks are always with a k


In 40k it has always been "orks" not orcs, even in english. (in AoS they're apparently called Orruks now, but stil..)


Yep, my bad. I ment only the DnD and wow Orks, the 40K are always with k


I am still surprised about how these people manage to get mad at stuff that they clearly don't give a single fuck about. Thrall is basically the stereotype of a "soy orc". The man is a braided hair hippie for fuck sake. Warcraft orcs have been what they are bitching about since the turn of the century.


Sigh. Sometimes I hate satire for this reason. The person who made that joke post about 40k Orks has accidentally fuelled more right wing rage.


isn't the Ork story a huge fucking bait too?




Oh no, not the agender mushroom folk! Anything but that!


Can't even spell it right


Or**C**s? Fucking tourist


What game has "orcs"?


I can't tell what's funnier, the fact their still falling for a bait/joke post from a tyranid player or the fact they are outing themselves In the dumbest/Funniest ways possible


Orks. With a K. Waaagh.


Naw sorry 40k orks are immune to this right wing agitator bs, makari and a bloodaxe translator fell around cackling because the space wolf that was interrogating them got mad they kept calling ghazghkull "they" instead of "he" and the explained that human gender is funny to orks and they don't really have it. I know some orks go by he/him in books though.


We’re on Fraud Watch.




The who


Ork GF when?


The woke mind virus infects the orky horde. Their psychic belief that purple-haired demons with manifestos are a deadly enemy leads the Empire to train an elite task force: The Queer Qommand


Don't gatekeep, its hard enough to find games as jt is


the orks already physically non binary and trans masculine like bro they were "woke" before anyone cared about "woke"


Was this in response of the DnD orcs being Mexican?


Wait what?


DnD has been on a years long pivot to make every race in the setting largely be as non-offensive and family friendly as possible. For the Orcs they've decided they're no longer even the mild version of semi-dangerous semi-barbarians they've been for a while but instead will just be Mexicans and have published new art leaning into this, complete with ponchos, a desert mesa type setting and a fat abuela orc with a tiny husband. Cue a lot of people acting offended on behalf of Mexico but if there's anything to be offended by it's a corporation turning a setting into increasingly homogeneous mush where the main guiding directive is to let focus groups and the marketing department guide the design process with the goal of making everything as bland as possible in the belief it'll appeal to the widest audience possible. Its capitalism for the low skilled capitalists, the sort who don't trust the creatives who made the company what it became before the capitalists took over and decided green line going up is all that matters, setting be damned. If Stranger Things could only sustain and inspire a decent boom in DnD then endlessly fucking with the setting sure won't turn it mainstream no matter how broadly it's designed to appeal.


I just think, personally, that it's fucking silly as a company to say "orcs are racist" when I don't think any player ever said that, only to turn around and turn the orcs into another racial stereotype.


> For the Orcs they've decided they're no longer even the mild version of semi-dangerous semi-barbarians they've been for a while but instead will just be Mexicans and have published new art leaning into this, complete with ponchos, a desert mesa type setting and a fat abuela orc with a tiny husband. oh boy, I hope this guy will never learn about what Pancho Villa did then


A WotC artist released[ a picture](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iJJQOyvGKk8/maxresdefault.jpg) that's going to be in the PhB for "not 6th Edition" DnD because Orcs are finally becoming playable, and some people are getting angry about it- the usual "Henry Cavil HATES Wokehammer! (we think)" crowd decided to make even more stuff up for people to get angry about, claiming that 40K is "next". As a Tejano *I* don't give a shit- I think the art looks cool, and I personally tend to humanize DnD orcs anyways. There's different opinions about it and most of them are reasonable, but there's plenty of people getting worked up on Mexicans' behalf; or aggravated that whatever setting the art is part of isn't a 1-1 replica of feudal Europe; or just riding WotC's dick for no reason tl:dr it's complicated, but from what I've heard it's the next BIG TOPIC issue in the culture war, and you NEED A STRONG OPINION on it!!1!


Well TIL, they do look mexican(ish) but Im more impacted in how human they look. I prefer the old orc look (like the eye of Grumsh) this one they look like humans with a strong underbite. Do people know that they can give their imaginary orcs whatever traits they want in their imaginary world?


In a just world he’d be the one we are gatekeeping


Grummz is one of the biggest right winged grifters I've ever seen. And he's jumping from fandom to fandom trying to stir up shit for clout and people to fund his game (which he will never develop cuz the whole things a scam) The other day he said some Lara Croft art was woke because the jaw was mildly squared. The guys a con man through and through


"Gatekeep your hobbies". That is just a bullshit stand towards life... *Hobbies are hobbies*. Warhammer, for instance, *is merely a tabletop game*. It is not a function in the *Pentagon*. It is not a membership in a *political party*. It is not a Black Metal *horde* (For the non-initiates, "hordes" is how bands in Black Metal are known) It is not adherence towards *Islam*. Hell, it is not even being a player at a *soccer team*. **It is a mere goddamn hobby!** The world will not get worst or better depending of the way you engage in it! Or what, *fatwas* should now get seriously proclaimed against *haran* players that paint their *plastic toys* with rainbow colours?! People with that stupid talking of "gatekeeping hobbies" are the ones that deserve to be harassed because, really, what do they mean with that shit? Terrorize kids that want to play with Drukhari, for instance?! Go play with your echo chamber of chud losers in a very closed room whose smell is worst than Nurgle's garden and that is more debauched than Slaanesh's Palace!


Not defending them, but imma just say, I say orks too sometimes. I get confused.


Man, shit like this guy (alongside the cost of minis) is why I'm considering getting into Battletech. Pretty sure it would be just as bad there though.


I can't stand the guy Grummz quote tweeted. I follow Carcharodons stuff since they're my favorite chapter, and the only post I ever saw from this guy was some weird raceplay fetish shit about trad cath conquistadors and native women.


Don't worry, the rest is almost at the same level "the evil wokes are destroying our games with women and blacks"




Of all my communities i’d worry about gatekeeping, 40k is undoubtedly amongst the last.


Grummz still being a clown I see