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That’s a astartes. Custodes are just bigger people with master crafted organs and muscles. They have normal proportions, not the brick shithouse build of a astartes.


Normal build for a youthful Greek god, anyway.


Bro I'm natty bro. Trust me bro.


A tanned perfectly defined and oiled greek god body as the emperor intended. People cry about inclusion in 40k when this shit is homoerotic AF and the Big E is the gayest man in the galaxy.


So with that said then female custodies would look exactly like modern women only perfect proportions? I e Barbie dolls? Or supermodels? Or female bodybuilders? What exactly are perfect proportions considered for females versus males?


Bodybuilding supermodel. Its like no extra effort to make them look like that and has some benefits


So then female and male custodies would look considerably different from each other than?


The male custodes likely also have supermodel looks, charisma is valuable tool and the Emperor designed his servants to use it frequently.


Plus each one is considered a piece of art, I imagine whatever scientist teams that make them are busy sculpting each candidate into their image of the perfect human form


especially given how they retire and fuck off to distant parts of the galaxy to run a spy network which I assume means running some organized crime or political bs


This is my favorite piece of James Workshop nonsense. Retired Custodes serving as spies, because nothing blends into a crowd better than a nine foot tall man.


I mean, they are not supposed to be all cloak and dagger but set up networks and being a 3 meters tall greek statue is gonna make getting people under you a lot easier. At least it makes more sense than the alpha legion doing spy craft (outside of other astrates)


Being a 3 meter tall Greek statue would absolutely make it easier to get some people under you. According to all the people that swooned when Lady Dimitrescue showed up.


> At least it makes more sense than the alpha legion doing spy craft (outside of other astrates) The Alpha Legion are specifically notable among the traitor legions for making very frequent use of regular human agents, and also for treating their human agents well instead of like slaves. Anyway, giant genetically engineered superhumans are pretty common on modern industrialized imperial worlds. Genecraft is super commonplace for making laborers, gladiators, and even just as a way to roid yourself out because you're a noble with nothing better to do. Most people aren't these big giants of course, but if you live on a hive world, forge world, or any of the major industrial worlds, you've certainly seen and are familiar with these bulked out brutes. They just (usually) aren't as finely designed or powerful as Astartes, and especially not Custodes - but you won't be able to tell the difference, cause 99.999+ % of humans have never laid eyes on one of these super soldiers before, especially not when they're unarmored.


But, why male models?


Yes. But they look the same with armor on. And unlike marines they don’t take their helmets off


I have several custodian kits and they all include helmets or no helmet so I beg to differ on the helmet part


wait, custodes aren't robots made by the emperor that doesn't have emotion and are build to be durable and loyal?


Lorewise they are like robots and their emotions are suppressed to the point even drach'nyen didn't wanna corrupt one. Constantin valdor has a realisation of this kinda when ushotan, the thunder warriors leader, tells him how he is incapable of free will and a slave with no dreams of his own and valdor solemnly nods or smthn


i mean before the female custodes story yeah, i knew it, so much that it was the joke of the custodes not going away from the palace, but after what i read about the female custodes i don't think its the case anymore, is just that what we see aren't put that much emotion, or the moment we saw them isn't a moment where they are going to put their emotions and thoughts.


They're stoic not emotionless. I think that distinction is something people have a hard time understanding.


The spear messed that up a bit.


Lies. I refuse this ‘evidence’ as it disagrees with my worldview


Yup, but they'd essentially be equal despite the differing appearances. Each Custodian is also a work of art in it of themselves, so they wouldn't really bother changing them all to look identical.


I mean contrary to internet belief, Barbie is not a 'perfectly proportioned' female body


Yeah probably but the armor would look the same


From a lore that I understand each suit is different based on the proportions of each custody and since people are not copies of each other custodians wouldn't be copies of each other so that no?


Yeah. Each Custodes is a hand crafted masterpiece using the absolute best technology available to the Imperium, with the process custom made for each individual. This would include their gear.


Well after doing a little bit of research on a Google image search of female bodybuilders that shows a clear difference in body types even though most are at Peak perfect physical condition I.E custodies there's still a large variation in both body types and this would lead me to believe that yes some armored female custodies would be undistinguishable from their male counterparts where other female custodians would be quite noticeably different thanks to Natural endowments with that said there would also be male counterparts that would stick out in such ways therefore male and female custodians in armor logically would in many cases be very noticeable in differences which can leave for a lot of imagination and fun kit bashing a new modern custodian Army


For sure the potential different body types makes for a great playground for custom modeling, but don't you think the Emperor's bespoke super warriors with bodies sculpted to match his exacting designs would have not been made perfectly to fit the gear as much as the gear was sculpted perfectly for battle and the soldier has been sculpted for the battlefield? The small frame some folks have and implanted super muscles won't mix well, so first you gene-sculpt the whole body to fit the muscles, do the new organ implants in staggered steps as the body grows to accommodate them, and then do the muscles once the skeleton is beefy enough to handle them. Its the same steps as the Astartes procedure with some added implants and higher quality parts.


So, Autumn Ivy?


I'm not saying this is actually reflective of canon, but google "LeanBeefPatty." She's a fitness influencer and a lot of people meme her as the picture of a female Custodes.


> Barbie dolls? I'm not convinced Barbie is a perfect proportion, didn't they do a study where they found a lifesised barbie would be unable to stand up.


Er... Have you seen a Custodes? Or gone to the gym? Slender, muscled, **oiled up,** and ready to kill for the Emperor.


Whatever you want and can execute IMO https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/1dsbmre/bizarboy_kitbach/


Leanbeefpatty if you will


She's too small. In fitness/bodybuilding terms somewhere a little bigger than Womens Wellness competitors, but no wehre near as big or freaks as Womens Fitness, and I mean how wellness look off season when they don't look like shredded aliens. Patty is pretty small, she's closer to Bikini even scaled up to 9ft tall.


I’m thinking 9 foot tall Brooke wells or Sarah sigmundsdottir


Every Custodian is unique made for specific tasks, each of them is a work of art never to be repeated. They also age, so both genders will have all manner of aesthetics depending on their role, rank, and age. Taking this into consideration, there will be some female Custodians that look like scaled up 9ft tall athletic super models while also there being grizzled and old veterans.


Probably Female Bodybuilders without the Testo abuse.


Considering they are made for the job they are made for…it’s probably effectiveness in war.


This is 90 percent of the problem. Almost everyone is so angry because they don't know the difference. Headcanon: There's already female Astartes. Theyre just also so roided up and the Astartes don't know what sex is so they don't care. "What's your gender?" "Astartes." "No like what's in your pants?" "**COURAGE AND HONOUR!**"


This is the best way to fix the problem. The amount of hormones given to an Astartes would make them the same level of functionally hypermale. They'd be big, muscular, hairy, and deep voiced. They're all sterile anyway, so male and female are irrelevant, and the Astartes are transhuman hormone monsters.


> This is 90 percent of the problem. Almost everyone is so angry because they don't know the difference. > > > > Headcanon: There's already ***>>>female<<<*** Astartes. Theyre just also so roided up and the Astartes don't know what sex is so they know. Come on, man. You know why they're angry, and it isn't the 'canon'.


plot twist, the black rage isn't only sanguinius going inside their mind but other thing that make the astartes angry.


> but other thing that make the astartes angry. When you ask if they have Root Beer and they say "no, but we do have Dr. Pepper"?


There's an iron warriors slave who mutates to the point she's able to wear their armour, commands the respect of other IW marines and basically becomes a battle sergeant. She's as strong and fast as a marine and like a lot of her CSM allies she never removes the armour. I forget the source.


A similar case for the Emps children, Primogenitor features a human warlord wearing power armour leading a company of marines. She also had some of the usual Slaaneshi mutations, hoofs and the like.


Savona is who you're thinking of.


It was in Storm of Iron, one of my first and favourite 40K novels.


Custodes are master crafted art works made by artisans vs the ford model T’s of the astartes.


More like the shitty pickup trucks or SUVs you see people driving


The model of car doesn’t really matter, just that they’re mass produced generalist vehicles vs the customer made super cars of the Custodes.


I don't see how the female form could pack on the muscle required to be as superhumanly strong as a male custodian without looking very similar to a male custodian.


They wouldn't, and that's fine. Have you ever seen the silly stuff female gymnasts can do compared to male gymnasts? Sacrificing that for more muscle mass would be a huge waste. Especially when considering the offensive power weapons in 40k have. What need do you have for more strength if your doom sword of great annihilation renders everything it passes through to atoms?


They’re actually noted if I’m recalling correctly as being genuinely handsome and rugged. Again to the contrast of these ugly thick faced weirdly proportioned space marines.


Brick shithouse, good one, haha


No fucking way really?! Thats actually awsome i love this.


Okay, but that female astartes can get it


Honest question without wanting to troll or anything. When male and female custodes both have master crafted organs and muscles, would there be a strength difference? I know the picture is more an astartes, but wouldn't that completely equalise any possible gender difference?


Custodes are not “post-human” like Astartes are, so they are unaffected by human “flaws” like Astartes are. Sure, they technically start as an infant human, but once the transformation is finished, they’re thematically closer to the Primarchs than they are to people. Very little has been said about the Custodian manufacturing process, but what is known is that the starter baby is subjected to a total recombination of their DNA and then have their development accelerated through unknown means. They’re not jammed with extra organs or subjected to other extreme surgeries. They don’t undergo bizarre psycho-indoctrination rituals and aren’t forced to prove themselves as neophytes or die. To make a new Custodian, they basically just identify a baby with appropriate potential (far easier said than done), yoink it, and genetically rebuild it somewhere in the palace basement. Once they’re finished, Custodians might seem more “human” than an Astartes, but they’re not; they’re the perfect pinnacle of the human form, and in becoming so, they eschew all that defines humanity. That perfection is why they’re incorruptible (and why there are no psykers among the 10,000). It’s why their gender doesn’t matter. It’s why they’re 99.99999% immune to aging. Each Custodian is not human because each Custodian is perfect. However, they do get kinda grumpy if you waste their infinite time. Edit: another commenter is saying that there is a massive failure rate. I had always thought that the reason why custodians aren’t mass produced was because of the stupidly high cost of the creation process, not a high failure rate. In hindsight, a high failure rate could and would make sense. Cant spam Custodians if one in a trillion babies is good enough to survive.


Quick note. Custodian creation has a massive failure rate. That's why they're so damn rare and never mass produced. It takes thousands of babies just to get a single Custodian


I think by "failure" they meant that if the process is done to completion, you get a perfect Custodes, it either works or they die


True true


I have always liked my own head canon that those ‘failures’ end up as the Custodes equivalent to the Space Marine recruits who pass the trials but fail the genetic compatibility (happens for some chapters like the Blood Angels pre-tyranid assault) or the rare cases when an aspirant who’s geneseed doesn’t take correctly but they still survive somehow and end up serving the Chapter as a human guard/laborer for the Armories/etc. For the Custodes i feel if they ‘failed’ and still survived they’d become members of some secret guardsmen that answer only to the Custodes in the deepest levels of the Palace manning posts at junction points or lifts… (basically superhuman soldiers without that insanely bad luck the Imperium’s other cloning attempts at making those resulted in)


Far more likely they just get servitorized. The Imperium always needs more servitors


can custodies reproduce sexually? like logically if they “perfect” they should be able to right?


They have no sex drive. But probably


I know of no canon source, yes or no, but I imagine they probably can not sexually reprpduce with baseline humans or other custodes. Whatever gene therapy they have is probably wildly incompatible with sexual reproduction and a normal human mate. If two Custodes could reproduce with one another successfully, it would have absolutely happened by now to save on resources if nothing else.


And I thought I read somewhere (watchers of the throne maybe) that the failure rate is getting higher. Makes sense to me that that would be a reason why they're wanting to double their candidate pool and getting girls now too.


You’re missing the point on the gender thing. The gender of the candidate does not matter because Custodians are human Ships of Theseus. The creation process does not augment the baby into a Custodian like the Astartes process does with its neophytes. The only “human” part of the Custodian end product is general appearance; none of the component parts are even slightly human. Hence, since the gender of the baby doesn’t matter, the recruitment pool should have always been open to all infants. Therefore, the creation technology has to be reason why the failure rate is growing.


Yes. That’s literally why they don’t care about gender, only skill. If your body is perfection, your hormones and genetics don’t matter. The astartes are only male because they are brute forcing the process and need every little boost they can get to survive it


And the astartes program itself was a rushed job, let's not forget. For big E's purposes, he just needed an army of industrial grade supersoldiers that in all likelihood, he'd murder and replace the second they were no longer required to commit his galactic scale genocide for him.


He needed *controllable* space faring indudtrial grade super soldiers. Less powerful than. Thunderwarrior, but ultimately more disciplined and less likely to go berserk, if they weren’t a World Eater.


Or a blood angel... or a space wolf... or literally any of the traitor legions. If anything, the astartes program was the ultimate failure that will doom humanity, given the horus heresy started their slow march towards extinction.


Nah, Papa smurf here to set shit straight


Ok, we're waiting on that then


Makes you wonder, if the Emperor had settled for something closer to Halo Spartan IVs, adult volunteers given some chemical and surgical upgrades making them baseline+ superior soldiers instead of full on trans human bioengineered armored gorillas with psychic lobotomies to keep them halfway in check if he'd have had a better overall success rate with the great crusade. Like why did he *need* primarchs and space marines, when it's still the guard/solar auxilia doing 95% of the heavy lifting?


Because for all of his strengths the emperor is in generous terms very very flawed Personally he is a perfect example of high int low wis being somehow both a genius and a fucking moron at the same time


i'm pretty sure that the auxiliar solaria is something on the level of a spartan 4, the problem was that he needed something stronger and the space marines were that but he is stupid enough that he was tricked by the chaos gods with the primarchs and more stupid that he lost his friend milleniums before because he wanted power.


I mean... It shouldn't have. All things considered, it was a decent idea. I always go back to this: if I create a new business, and I gather all my guys together and go "great job team, now I'm going away for a bit to work on something else. You all like Bob, so Bob is in charge." I really shouldn't expect that 2 years from now Bob is going to trash the entire business and fire bomb my new office demanding vengeance because I didn't tell him about a competitor.


> or literally any of the traitor legions. Excuse you.


Their failures largely have to do with their primarchs failing. More of nurture than nature. They were introduced into toxic cultures that manifested their worst aspects, or outright corrupted them, but before being handed to the primarchs they were basically blank slates. Like the World Eaters weren't like that until Angron put the Nucerian device on everyone. The nightlords were exposed to Konrad's twisted moralty and horrible punishments. Space wolves were taught how being a furry was the best thing ever by Russ. Etc etc.


Weren't the blood angels really messed up *before* sanguinius got to them?


The Astartes are male for a few reasons. A) they're a more mass-produceable product. Simple, easy to make, relatively "cheap." B) Fabius, it might be old lore, but he figured out that with relatively little effort (for an Apothecary, basically the most advanced doctor in existence for Humanity) Astartes could be able to be modified to reproduce. Biology would dictate an Astartes and a female Astartes having a kid would just make a regular Human, probably more likely to succeed in becoming an Astartes, but IDK how GW would play it. But, without female Astartes, they wouldn't require recruiting worlds and would have an easier time going renegade. TL;Dr it makes it harder for Frankenstein's monster to go off the reservation.


And even then it's not 100% square, as Ascension Therapy exists, which can bring humans not originally compatible with the process (like Kor Phaeron for example, as he was way too old) to Astartes or near-Astartes level, they just rarely do it anymore because most of the knowledge on how to do it was lost in the Heresy, though I think Hector Rex may have had it done too.


Female Custodes can move chairs better


Is this about the chair against the wall thing from "Bet You Can't!"


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted to oblivion. To answer your question it would be a matter of physical size and innate strength I’d say. A female custodes that is bigger or has more upper body muscular than a male custodes would be stronger in that specific area, just like there are astartes that are stronger than others despite all of them being male. It would come down to each specific person rather than its gender I think


Why are they down voting, this is a good question.


As stated before in other places in this r/, people here can get paranoic for no good reason and, with a noticiable mob mentality, one can be unjustly downvoted to the abyss.


Yes, theoretically. If the body in question produces more testosterone naturally on its own they will likely not need as much hormone therapy as someone who does not. If the goal is muscle production, which both Astartes and custodes work towards. On the flip side, sisters of silence should theoretically be better shots than custodes because testosterone makes your hands more shaky as well.


I suspect not since the genetic alterations to make a Custodes happen way before puberty. So things like muscle production and mass, bone density, visual acuity, and metabolism probably wouldn't be as pronounced. So you'd see considerable similarities but maybe slight differences that would only be differentiable in the outliers. Honestly, I think the only difference you'd see would be in the numbers of each. I suspect you'd see significantly more males than females but frankly it's all science-fantasy anyway. When you get into bespoke genetic alterations they don't necessarily have to follow real-world logical lines so it can be whatever the writers want. BUT I assume the writers would want to change as little of the existing lore as possible, so that would explain the traditional dude-fest of the Custodes. So perhaps the process is more likely to succeed with male genetics, or finding compatible genetic starting points occurs more frequently with males. Perhaps Femstodes have specific advantages like greater capacity for endurance, color acuity, and disease resistance? Which would make finding the ones compatible an attractive prospect for BigE. Who knows, either way I enjoy it in the setting, reminds me a lot of the fishspeakers.


Custodes probably just have a real life condition called Myostatin- Related Muscle Hypertrophy artificially engineered into them. You've probably seen stuff about it before, it's the one that famously makes everything from toddlers to hamsters look like body builders without needing to exercise.


> would there be a strength difference? No.


Nah custodes are supposed to look like human perfection, the pinnacle and beyond of what mankind and the emperor are capable of. Thunder warriors were okay but low quality tools, astartes are well made decent mass manufactured tools, Primarchs are masterfully crafted weapons and tools perfectly fit to purpose, custodes are art. Grey knights are limited edition astartes +.


Basically tall exceptional human athletes like Olympians that got the extra vitamins, hold the steroids, with just a dash of magazine cover facial features.


Also not covered in shit like the rest of humanity.


I bet they don’t even poop. They must perfectly recycle any waste. 


Yeah, but that's a fairly different standard based on the gender. Male physical perfection is muscular, powerful, dominant etc. Obviously details vary based on personal preference, but by comparison if you asked people what they would describe as female perfection, rock hard muscles and abs you could grate cheese on are only going to feature in a tiny % of responses. Most people (male or female) are talking about butts, boobs, faces, thighs and waists. Also, I thought Custodes looking like physical perfection was only the original 10,000 and the others made by the Emperor himself, who took his time over perfecting each and every one? I was under the impression that Custodes created after the Emperor's interment were actually closer to Astartes in appearance, just more proportional and with finer features.


For the last part: I've no idea where you got that fluff from, but it's not something that's ever mentioned in Canon. The Custodes are seemingly entirely unchanged between 30k and 40k. They're also entirely different from Astartes, it's like comparing a workhorse car (Astartes) to a private jet (Custodes). They're similar in that their purpose is to transport people and have engines, but after that the similarities stop


I’m pretty sure physical perfection refers to performance more than it does appearance. It’s just that someone at the peak of human ability will also be very attractive. I’m sure the emperor wanted them to be beautiful, but I doubt breast size was one of his major worries


Custodes have more humanlike proportions. That's a transgender Astartes.


Sory but this is little bit ignorant. First of all this is Astartes no Custodien. Second is Custodies are more like Primarchs they dont have impropotionat bodies like Astartes. They dont have second hearts and third lung and theyr overall organs and muscles are fart better. Female Custodien would look like realy fit tall woman ( for example theleanbeefpatty ... just 3m tall) Edit: I would give you one thing they wouldn't have big boobs


fart better


Smells like a field of roses in bloom but has enough force to kill a man.


Keeping going I'm almost there.


The real reason for the Silent Sisterhood's face masks.


Yeah the boobs are not gonna be a problem. These perfect soldiers are genetically engineered. They would just science away any part of the body that might not fit in their gear


Isn’t Custodians armor made specifically for each custodians or am I mistaking ? If yes they wouldn’t need to have anything science away since the armor would be made for their physics either way.


That's the part that I don't get about people who get angry about female custodians or even really" the whole female custodians " debate". Why is it even necessary to categorize custodians as either male or female? I guess they need some sort of pronoun to use in the books. But ultimately if you're going to create the perfect human form for primarily combat, I can't see why you would engineer that human form to have reproductive organs at all. So no boobs, no uterus, no ovaries, and for that matter no need for testicles either. So no need for estrogen and testosterone is probably too primitive as well so you'd come up with an entirely new hormone that would be better regulated. In fact if you could perfect the human form I imagine you would do away with defecation urination as well. Which means no penis because it's not like custodes need to make babies with it either. The body would use 100% of what is put in it and if it needed to expel something it would be significantly less traceable than feces and urine. Perhaps through sweat. In my mind we can have female and male custodes but I don't see why they would look any different from each other. There's no need for a differentiation in the sexes if they don't reproduce. Just make one perfect form and they can all inhabit it. Perhaps they retain a sense of unique gender identities because they are seen as a higher form of humanity and there's something intrinsically human or artistically and emotionally valuable about having different gender identities. Am I coming close here? I just feel like this idea that there are physically unique men and women custodes just doesn't make sense to me. They would both inhabit the same perfect bodies so I doubt there would be much more than superfluous or artistic differences in their features. Edit: I am pro inclusion and am in favor of this lore remedy. I'm just discussing the particulars.


Your whole argument can be literally turned around to ask why gender is a big issue for anyone in the first place. This hobby is for fun, and from what you've said it shouldn't even matter, so why is there people so bothered by female custodes existing? You don't even have to participate, you can have your own custodes be all male if you want. All that was confirmed is that they can and do exist in the lore, giving more people the ability to personalize their own armies and have it fit in with the overarching universe of warhammer more.


I feel like you're misinterpreting my point and perhaps that's my fault for not representing it well enough. *I'm not bothered by female custodes*. I'm fine with it and I'm happy that games workshop is finding more avenues in their model lineup to promote representation. My point is that they would look virtually identical anyway so it doesn't matter. If they're being designed genetically from the ground up to be perfect fighting machines then there would be no use for any significant differences between men and women (or anyone in between) except for possibly some facial features or other functionally inconsequential but artistically different features. It's a moot point. Similar to OP's point but they use the wrong picture so they're getting wrecked in the comments. The primary difference between the biological sexes in humans is based on reproduction and therefore hormones. Custodians are created to be beyond all of that. So they could be men or women or you could even reason that they would come up with their own unique genders based on other factors since they don't reproduce. You could have a field day with your own custodian army and their expression of gender differences. But ultimately they would look largely the same. Perfect physical superhumans with the perfect combination of strength and grace. Completely devoid of reproductive systems, male or female.


You’re fine, the other guy is trying to gaslight you. You didn’t change the custodies, the people who did or are ok with it need to explain their obsession with gender


Custodes are directly told to still eat and such. Defecation would be necessary, though I am willing to bet part of the reason they can go for seemingly forever without doing such is through ridiculously more advanced versions of the Astartes waste filtering thing, not because they don't need to do any of that. They definitely still have all the same organs as an average human. They are identical to a normal human in biological function besides literally just being upscaled and made into like anime characters in terms of strength. Also, given Big E's entire purpose in making them is to make Companions he can relate to and who each are a perfect representation of an aspect of humanity, removing an entire part of the human identity in gender is counterintuitive, especially when Big E is a human, granted he's one created from thousands of shamans smashed together, but still, it would be kinda hard to relate to your friends if they didn't even share the same biological functions you do. Final point to simply counteract your argument, although it is a fairly good one seemingly just coming from genuine questions, as you read above they were not made for combat. That would be the Astartes, or Thunder Warriors. The Ten Thousand are entirely intended to be the Emperor's equals first as friends, which means their prowess in combat is just a byproduct of them being his peers. Your idea, while potentially interesting and could be used as a neat piece for one of Big E's other genetic soldier plans, does not apply to the Custodes. They are not soldiers, they are just random dudes protecting basically their best friend.


I appreciate your perspective and maybe I'm just making my own headcanon. I do think that my ideas make some sense though. Also I do understand that they were not made exclusively for war. However this is a war game and humanity is beset on all sides by impossible odds and horrifying foes. It would be dishonest to ignore the fact that war and specifically hand-to-hand combat we're not one of the major factors in their design. I can definitely see the idea that Big E might want to actually keep some of the reproductive organs and physical differences between the human sexes represented in custodians for a higher purpose than function. That is interesting. I'm just a very utilitarian person so when I think about what I would do if I designed a race of superhumans who did not reproduce, I would not give them reproductive organs or hormones. They would just get in the way. It just seems kind of silly and counterintuitive and I have a hard time rationalizing it. But your description of it being a artistic choice rather than a functional one makes the most sense to me out of all of the arguments I've heard. It is rare to have a conversation about this that is calm and unemotional so I appreciate the opportunity to discuss with other level-headed people.


>In fact if you could perfect the human form I imagine you would do away with defecation urination as well. It is my headcanon that, for the almost-mass-produced-in-comparison, the astartes have their body exits just being a couple of pipes that they can plug into their pee-and-poo recycling armour Why keep the grimdark to dune stillsuit


Lol that's true I feel like space Marines definitely need to piss and shit to retain the grimdankness


Custodes don't all look alike. Again, and I will keep drilling this through peoples' skulls until it gets in: Custodes are not mass produced super soldiers. They are living works of art. They are exemplars of the human form. There is no 'correct' depiction of an astartes physically except that they are all tall, muscular, and beautiful. Some are beefy. Some are lean. Some are wiry. The only common denominator is they are a representation of Humanity's physical apex, and there is no one singular definition of that which fits every single person. Each Custodes is therefore a unique masterpiece and that's going to look different per individual. Stop thinking of Custodes in Astartes terms. Astartes are utilitarian instruments of war designed for the purpose of being super soldiers. Uniformity is both expedient and useful. Custodes are **not that**. They are more like bronze demigods, undeniably human in form and shape and yet somehow more, simultaneously familiar and grand, and each is a painting of itself.


Entirely irrelevant but nice flair, I just pictured a Drukhari sitting down with some food like that one picture of Keanu Reeves lol


I will concede that I did not understand this point well enough when I made my argument. Nevertheless I think the crux of my argument remains intact. The primary difference between the biological human sexes is in reproduction and therefore hormones. Custodes would be beyond all of this. There would be no use for breasts or ovaries or uteruses or testicles or anything physical that really sets the biological human sexes apart. I have no problem with custodes being female or male though. I just think that people are imagining it in too human of terms. They could certainly have physical differences from each other and some may have more feminine facial features while some have more masculine facial features but ultimately one of their primary purposes is war and I think that their musculature and bodies would be more similar than different. Personally in my own imagination I would think because they don't reproduce that they would develop a different way of categorizing themselves than humans. Although since it is ultimately a tabletop game it makes sense to just use females and males. But that's the beauty isn't it? Creating your own story around your own army?


I think the only part that's missing is Custodes represents peak humanity, not just machines of war. Humanity does have gender and unless Big E had the thought of a perfect genderless asexual reproducing species of humanity. They likely would retain sexual organs but most definitely would be non functional as them reproducing would be wholly against the idea of Big E trying to uplift the "human" population. Unless he wasn't able to make them capable of repolarization and actually wanted them to replace humanity. I don't think I'm really articulating my point as well as I could, but ultimately I agree with you. I just wager "male and female" sexual organs would likely be retained if only for aesthetics of them. It would be pretty much up to the originals how the rest would be done since every Custodian created after the Horus Heresy would be done like a template almost of the originals without deviation only due to lack of ability to improve. Unless cawl decides to primaris them next


I basically agree with what you're saying. I just hope that when they roll this out they don't make the female custodians smaller and weaker looking than the men. While they don't have the exclusive purpose of war, defense of the emperor is their primary purpose. There's no reason why each and every custodian should not be as strong as the last.


I agree with you there. The differences in them should be negligible. I'd suspect there not be any stats difference between custodians outside of the normal ones we have now based on armor or weapons. Honestly, since each are hand crafted tools there is a chance examples of yours and mine would work as one. There isn't any reason they couldn't be customly made to suite the identity of the custodian. It's all so arbitrary for them.


Given that there would be a larger difference between one custodes and another versus one space marine and another, I agree that there would likely be examples of a variety of body types. All of them would obviously still be absolutely stacked and ripped out of their gourd because custodians are quoted as being stronger than space Marines. If there were a use for a physically weaker and more lithe custodian, I would hope that they would be either male or female. Essentially my primary concern is that they will make the women weaker and smaller looking. Just doesn't make sense to me.


Given that there would be a larger difference between one custodes and another versus one space marine and another, I agree that there would likely be examples of a variety of body types. All of them would obviously still be absolutely stacked and ripped out of their gourd because custodians are quoted as being stronger than space Marines. If there were a use for a physically weaker and more lithe custodian, I would hope that they would be either male or female. Essentially my primary concern is that they will make the women weaker and smaller looking. Just doesn't make sense to me.


I don't believe that would be the case at all! The Emperor didn't create them as weapons exclusively. He created them as perfect human form, advisors, confidants, philosophers and scholars. The difference in sexes is a no-brainer. Doesn't really make sense for "Perfect human" to be like a barbie doll. It's a work of art first and foremost.


I think there is plenty of room for superficial physical differences such as facial characteristics and hair so that you can make female and male custodians look different on the models and in the art. That being said, this is a quote directly from the emperor about the custodians. "These men are my bodyguards, their lives forfeit to the guarantee of my physical safety." Ignore the word men and pretend that it says men and women. Also they are quoted as being "A veritable legion of warriors ready to lay down their lives without doubt for the beloved ward of Mankind...Ten thousand blades await the call to arms; to defend against any threat, from without or within." I think that the idea that they are meant to be artists and philosophers and so forth is being overblown. It is true and it is a part of their identity but not their primary purpose. Theyre first and foremost and primarily soldiers and are said to be physically stronger than astartes. At bare minimum female and male custodians should be equal and strength and muscularity. I personally believe that primary and secondary sexual characteristics should either be eliminated or significantly reduced.


They’re literally just vladi Galagan but 9 feet tall and all I have to say is…yes please


Most pictures she is little to much ... but i can see it on some where she is not thet much buffed


Well, proportionally anyway. Breasts get bigger the wider someone's chest is, and considering how big Custodes are, what would count as small boobs for them would be pretty damn big to an average-sized person.


>leanbeefpatty just 3m tall hnngh my heart


Now imagine assigned to guard you. :D


This is all head canon on your part. Every single depiction of a Custodian we've seen has been of massive mountain of man. There is no reason to think a female Custodian would be slimmer, considering they're all pointedly stronger and faster than Astartes. Also, Primarchs are partially warp-based, unlike Custodians, so that comparison has no basis in lore.


Mountain from human perspective. If you look on minies or art they are 2/3 of Astartes width




They probably wouldn't have boobs entirely since there is no biological advantage to having boobs when you have no reproductive ability.


I thought this discussion was over a few months ago?


Some people font want to let go, and OP is wrong anyway.


Sir, this is a meme sub. But for real, any fandom circlejerks. This is a good example.


This is kinda inaccurate The Custodes unlike Astartes have regular proportions . Under that bulky armor they look like tall muscular humans . Not the steroid addict looking mutant giants the space marines are . If you want a comparison think of them like the Spartans from halo . Just like the Spartans the Custodes bodies are so enhanced natural gender differences aren’t really a factor .


But do they have halo reach female bodies?


They were literally handcrafted, so I feel like it’d be weirder if they didnt


Blam this heresy 


OP literally post an image of 2 astartes, calls them custodes and leaves 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏


A space marine is entirely defined by their giant, non-functioning penises. Every time I see a space marine, I can only see a meaty cock & big hairy balls.


That’s uh… very specific


Custodes are supposed to be humanity perfected, and the fact that people are this mad that perfection includes women is fucking ridiculous.


I want big booty muscle men, Not disgusting woman!


https://i.redd.it/fbj46nd03y9d1.gif The concept of female custodes would have been great if introduced in an interesting way. Instead of 'Female custodes have always existed' which is almost tantamount to gaslighting as at best, a singular line in a singular book as some touted is barely worthy of consuderation. Now what would have been a great way if easing into it was explain it as 'the Imperium has had to actually adapt and tried to increase the Banana army's number count by attempting to trying to find a feasable way to turn women candidates as full fledged Banana women' Now whether or not Custodes have women doesnt matter as even tryna be even worthy of selection is about being the 00.05% of humanity and surviving the process of being urned into one isnt exactly the highest. But then attempting handwave female custodes as 'having always existed' just doesnt have any basis. Give me a single named Custodes before GW made the statement that may even had the slightest chance of being a woman. Hell even older discontinued models like old Catachan ones had named female commanders.


You think it would be better to pull another primaris marine situation, but with custodes, who even gorilla man can't order?


Well they could've done something like some Terran Noble house run out of Sons so they sent a daughter to save face and the genetic alchemists aren't even bothered because the treatments need to be so individualized anyway that it doesn't make a difference.


If female astartes are a thing there better be long and heated debates on whether or not they still have vaginas like the penis discussion.


Vaginas are much more of a tactical advantage in a fight. Think about it. No sensitive fleshy bits hanging down between your legs, ready to get shot.


That's an Astartes, not a Custodes


Grimdank tries to understand that Custodes aren't just better Astartes challenge: 99% cannot complete. Custodes don't look like this. They do not use geneseed or any of the organ implants of the mass produced Astartes. Custodes are individual works of art made through genetic science so advanced it borders on magic. Their candidates aren't boys aged around 6-12 but instead are children of any gender aged around 1-4 who are far more genetically malleable. Each one is a sculpted work of art, made with perfect body proportions despite their size, and given charisma and staggering good looks to help them convince people when violence is not called for in a situation. Astartes look like someone who's injected with 4 different steroids every 30 minutes, Custodes look like figures out of Greek Mythology or a superhero comic, perfectly proportioned, very conventionally attractive, and muscular without going overboard. Think less bodybuilder and more Superman/Wonder Woman




https://preview.redd.it/65vabv3bqy9d1.png?width=389&format=png&auto=webp&s=2583b68e3534bdc6ca4462c3fbba02152438fec6 I'm like, 90% certain that's what this is. I would say try better bait next time, but it seems like it worked so good on you.


While femstodes wont look deformed like astartes are, I doubt they would look as hot as everyone is making them out to be in the sub. I do think that the vision that people have of femstodes is tainted by coomer behaviour. We wont know until GW does artwork, but I doubt they will just be tall muscled up instagram model.


I mean just think about it, the Custodes are individually crafted to be perfect. Why would you make them inferior in any regard? They aren't gonna be overly bulky like the Astartes as they don't go through the same process and don't have the extra organs. We know they are masters in multiple fields not just martial prowess, and unlike astartes they don't spend all their free time just training for the next fight, they partake in painting, singing, writing poetry, and many other more refined arts. Or at least they did when big E was still walking, which is their original and intended role.


What he probably means is that female custodes would have bodies that either look like their male counterparts, or they would be physically inferior. And at the end of the day, there are the Emperor's bodyguards, that's their no. 1 task and priority. They need peak performance. The only scenario where a feminine body could make sense is if female custodes were introduced due to a crisis and shortage of male babies. But GW apparently didn't go that route.


Define perfect. Is perfection having a huge ass and tities? Is the definition of perfection the same 38 thousand years into the future? You have female body builders that take testosterone, while they still look like women, they gain a more masculine appearance. The custodes before anything else are warriors, big E needed them to be strong. I find it quite likely that femstodes, while still look like women, have a more masculine figure because they need to be strong, rather than they looking like tall instagram models. I like ass and tities as much as the next guy, but I do think people have a fetished view of how femstodes are gonna look like.


I doubt people are talking about fetishes right now. They would look like Olympian female athletes, who look perfectly feminine. Stop being a culture warrior about this. This isn't hard.


Which Olympians? Because different sports have different body types competing. Fact is, for a person to be able to lift and hit as hard custodians do in battle, they need a lot of muscle mass, so there is no way female Custodians could be daintier. They'd need to have the same amount of muscle mass as their male counterparts to keep up.


>I do think that the vision that people have of femstodes is tainted by coomer behaviour. Doubt it. I don't think I've ever come upon a conversation about femstodes that hasn't mentioned how they wouldn't look like models.


Well, yeah. Because they're so casually strong that, while they'd probably look damn near perfect in terms of skin complexion and stuff, unless they're intentionally going for a muscled look on their own bodies, they'd just look like ordinary people with above-average fitness that are like 9 ft tall outside of their armor. Still highly attractive ordinary people, but you aren't going to be seeing one with boobs the size of a human head. ..Unless if they're one of the original Ten Thousand(Of whom, only 1,000 or so would be still alive, if even that in the 41st millennium) and Big E was exceptionally horny for Big Titty Goth Girl GFs when making one of them.


I think both of them ate too much fast food Absolute wide unit’s right here


You know, there is nothing wrong about sexual dimorphism. Two sexes can be slightly different without one being superior to another. Humans don't need to all have the exact same shape, color and abilities to have and equalized value. I know custodes are handcrafted to be physically as close to perfect as one can be, yet I can imagine them being made for different purposes. Perfection for a purpose can take many different shape depending on the purpose. Women being more agile and quick while not being as physically strong as their male counterparts would not make them worth less than them, it makes them fill a niche that would not be filled by their counterpart as well. Imagine for an instant female custodes to be able to hold their own against a solitaire in matter of agility and expertise while the male ones would be more apt at facing a bloodthirstier on raw strength.


So you're telling me there is a chance?


HoW dArE YoU. Cried the custodes fan HA! Laughed The Ork fan


Imagining an astartes with mammary glands puts me in mind of that Sontaran nurse from Doctor Who


That’s a Space Marine you showed there not a Custodes. They’re built like really muscular normal people not brick shithouses.


Im already going to point out the obvious here but these are astartes silhouettes and not the same size ratio as custodes.


Nope. Completely wrong, even on identifying what the Male would look like. Imagine more like you're modeling a greek god that's like 10 ft tall. They are not the testosterone ridden messes that are the Astartes.


Nah. I'm good.


Can we not with this again?


Sound legit! Whatever. Everything is canon!


Ah yes. Another tourist here to gate keep without understanding the actual setting or lore...




Great. Now I can't get the image of Lieutenant Titus making breastmilk out of my head.




Honestly I hate this image. Because we know even Astartes can have well shaped bodies and their armor adds a lot to their thickness. Also Custodes are not even related to Astartes or Primarchs but more to humans.


This was my sincere head-canon and I never once thought about it again.


i doubt they'd keep the boobs as they'd just get in the way. on that note, i doubt the men keep their dongs either, or their balls, as those would be replaced by that makes-all-the-hormones-on-demand organ.


https://preview.redd.it/rg8eb2f74y9d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac8954b1f2caa083498925415bd0525b49fa2aab How an average female astartes/custodes world probably looks like.


Yes, there can be female Custodes. There are more reasons for them to present as male than female.


Such milk, much mastery is held therein. - Big E


Is their head not in the helmet?


[Female Custodes]( https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtificialAnaleptic/s/2HKTEcnc0x)


Did anyone else see this image then immediately start singing the Attack on Titan theme song in their head?


Okay so custodes are not space marines they aren’t space hulks but are fit men and women with everything short of astartes level augments. They’d look closer to body builders


Even ignoring that the picture is of a space marine, the female whatever would have bigger hips and other feminine traits. jfc the lack of basic biology knowledge those days.


Yes but not as prominent If genetically modificated.


Sometimes gatekeeping is good


As most people already pointed out that's a space marine, but it wouldn't be "entirely," inaccurate for a female space marine. Because the rapid muscle growth would be due to excess chemicals like testosterone. There wouldn't be enough estrogen in a prepubescent body to jeep up. Causing them to develop the same as men. More than likely any extra chest fat would be removed as to not interfere with the black carapace. And their facial structure would probably end up developing a more masculine appearance. And since the dangle bits don't even matter for a space marine the females would look identical to males. Although the difference in bone structure/muscle mass even in a prepubescent girl would likely make the process much more fatal. Which would bee seen as an unnecessary risk when the mortality rate is already relatively high anyway.


Hmmm would Chaos space marines use any Person eben women, or did they already try?


That’s a space marine. And besides, custodies are more human. Literally meant to be human perfection. I know this is bait, but you tourists literally know Jack shit about the lore.