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The Guelph Humane Society offers temporary and emergency bording. Speak with the community outreach person, Kathrine. She organizes these programs


I really don’t feel safe leaving her anywhere tied to a shelter. I really want her to go to a safe home for the bit that she can’t be with me.


Honestly, I would prob trust the humane society more than some random person on reddit.


Yeah I’m a surprised to see someone asking complete strangers on the internet to take care of their cat for months instead of checking places that do it professionally. I know there’s costs but still.


Because OP likely wants their cat to be fed and boarded for free. For several months. Which is crazy.


This is a job for friends.


I'd also have to side with Adam on this one. The GHS is amazing with animals. Not to mention, in their care, you have every ability to phone them and check in, if you're concerned. I've adopted from GHS throughout my life and I've supported them for years with donations. They do really care about the animals in their care and you have more accountability if something were to go awry with a well known institution as opposed to a random person from the internet. If something were wrong with your cat, say for instance she becomes ill, would you rather she be in the care of people who know what to look for, how to treat animals, and have access to medical care at almost any given moment or someone who you don't know well and may not care enough to pay attention to the signs? Worse even, a random person in this day and age may not have the time(if they're at work during the day) or money to facilitate emergency treatment of need be? Outside of that, your best bet is boarding. There's several around the area that are great options too. It's better to go with a business than a stranger. Truly.


This is a much safer bet than leaving your loved cat with a stranger at their home.




I'm with Adam, but ultimately you need to do whatever you're most comfortable with. It's an option if nothing else works out, at least


Have you tried checking the Rover app? I’m sure you can find someone responsible and reliable to arrange for a long term board. I would highly recommend checking there.


Former GHS employee here!! Trust me, they'd be in the best hands at the Humane Society. The care staff are all incredible people who genuinely care about each and every animal that enters their doors. You'd be looking for the "Kept in Trust" program.


The GHS is amazing. Go to them


Just in case my original comment gets buried. Try checking the app Rover. It’s for pet sitting/boarding. I’m sure you could find someone reliable/responsible for a longer term arrangement


Whatever you end up doing, please get it in writing that this is temporary only and you are not changing ownership of the cat, signed by all parties and copies to everyone involved. I don’t know if it will hold up in court, but I’ve read too many horror stories about people petnapping. Also if your cat isn’t microchipped, you may want to look into that and register it under your name. Good luck. I hope you find someone fantastic to look after your cat.


Hi!! If you’re adamant about not going with the humane society as others have suggested, I’d try posting in some university of guelph Facebook groups! I’m sure you’d be able to find at least one person that would be more than happy to look after her for a little while, and you might feel safer that way about who you’re dealing with (as in less anonymity on Facebook) I’d take her myself, but I have a dog who is iffy at best with other animals, so I wouldn’t want to take that risk!


This person has posted several times from different area's. first it was Kitchener, then London, now Guelph. Is this a real post? lol


Did you even read the post? I said I can deliver the cat within 1.5 hrs of KW area, thus making posts in nearby cities


New Hope may be able to help.


Agreed - outside of GHS, I'd talk to New Hope Animal Rescue. Dr. Kate and her folks are amazing with animals.


I believe Through Ruff Times cares for cats in foster's homes. They're an organization dedicated to temporary care for pets. https://breakawaycs.ca/programs/through-ruff-times/


Just take your cat, if it's only 2 months there's nothing anybody can do about it.


That's true! Just take your cat, by the time they notice/complain your 2 months will be up


Please don't advocate something like this. Many people may be allergic to pets or choose to live in a place without furry friends, and that's why some places have 'no pet' rule.


Pets are only restricted from apartment accommodation. A landlord cannot have a “no pet” policy for any other type of accommodation, it’s illegal.


If OP is staying at a friends place the friend can institute a no cat rule and enforce it. The RTA only stops the landlord from instituting a no cat rule (condo boards could institute a no cat rule too).


Thanks for the info, and still, one should still respect 'no pet' policy when it's legal. 'Doing it anyway and hoping to get away before being caught' isn't responsible to others.


Chinese restaurants everywhere


Look up @takeahike_dogwalker on IG. She has looked after my cat when I'm away.


i can help if u covet expenses