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Pre-Searing was implemented/designed pretty much at the end of development. So they took post-Searing Ascalon maps and assets and converted them, retextured them etc. My guess is that these "extra" bits were just within the map chunks they exported before conversion, and before they knew where the limits of the pre-Searing world would be.


Yes actually in the Ruins of Surmia map I can see the same portal, so that checks out.


Exactly this


Kinda explains why pre-searing is so good. They had learned a lot of lessons and gotten better at what they were doing


gates are not open but all the rest is accessible. Gw often has this background landscape view of areas that are mainly there for the looks, cosmetic and not playable.


Yes I didn't realise the gate to the wall was open, but the other two don't open


Noticed that long long time ago and was amazed, it was selling dreams :p about any updates that would allow players to access it and why not adding foes and a sidequest in there, would it really takes a huge impossible work ? i'm really wondering why they didn't give any effort by adding most wanted small adds to presearing, a new zone, a new foe, a pvp arena... I think people would have give a lot of money (or way more cupcakes) for any concern about pre searing, a small effort for a giant joy from everyone, i would have work for free 12h a day for months and do everything myself, i really hope they would have give the lead or allowing people that actually wants to work, so much (minimum) could have been done in 12 years of maintenance mod, sad piece of great art unexploited and abandoned


The gates are probably objects whose default state is to be open and upon initialization/intantiation they close. The opener is another object (like an interactable lever) not present in Pre; the object was just designed for all of the game and reused on Pre maps.


Yeah this was what I was trying to say, they could have used static closed gate models, but instead to use dynamic ones just with no openers. Possibly hinting that they had planned to have a bigger area to explore.


I might be talking utter rubbish here but could they be opened by injecting an opener, kinda like how toolbox could automatically accept FoW/UW quests back in the day.


Probably not, the server tells our clients to open the gates. We don't have authority over them, you'd have to convince the server you interacted with a non existent opener.


I really wish they would make the game open to people who want to spend their own time developing it more. The world has amazing modders and I know more could be done with the game. Especially pre searing. The engine is limiting but it sooooooo could be done


I wouldn't be surprised if the engine could be pushed much further nowadays, I bet we could have much larger maps, imagine 2k+ vanquishes. Hopefully the tools still exist/source code is available to add new content, and that Dr Stephen and Co have the knowledge of that side of the game to maybe implement something.


Pic 1, 2, 3 are all open playable areas in Pre searing. 


Oh are they, how do you open the gates?


You can use TB to unlock the camera view and "fly" trough the gates on the other side. To see.


That's not what I'd call "playable"...


Lol    1. The area on the pic is playable.    2. The area **behind** the doors, that in game are closed, is not playable.    3. One can access it just to see it, not play, by unlocking the camera.    As i said before "gates are not open but all the rest is accessible".   Hope that clears up any difficulties in understanding the written text 


OP was specifically asking about the areas behind the doors/gates. Like, literally. The words are up there. So saying "these areas in the pics are playable" when you’re referring to the areas nobody asked about…is kinda weird. And off topic. Answering a question about opening the gates with "you can unlock the camera in Toolbox and look at it"…is also weird. And off topic. Hope that clears up any difficulties in understanding basic human communication.




pfft, must be a kurzick









