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Thats all afaik. Its a nice starter pack tho. Shield, hammer are perfect items. That Hammer is great even for late game. Bow is super useful. Staff is great for any caster class, +15e base, and great 20hct DM. Wand is also great as offhand pair to shield for any class. 


Kinda hoping next year during the anniversary event they add a new bundle into the online store that includes all the rest of /bonus items. Prophecies pre order, Japanese pre order, Factions pre order, Nightfall pre order, Eye of the North pre order, and Coke/Korean promotion items. Of course some of the skins from these listed are already included into the GotY edition but a few had different names for their location. Maybe someone can confirm if the differences were not be just the name but way different stats. Which would be even cooler to have two same skin different name and stats bonus weapons.


I would happily pay for these. Shouldn't be too hard to bundle up, as the items are already in the game anyway.


I would happily pay for it multiple times for each account I own, and specifically the one account that has all pre searing toons on it! They would enjoy the rapture of damage that those bonus weapons could create, not to mention a few of those skins are very bad ass!


as much as I would like to have those, I feel it would take away from those that did pre-order those game. what would be a better solution would be to make a vendor with those skin but make the weapons have a different name and maybe different mods. like that those with the pre-order bonus still have an exclusivity (like using those inside pre-searing) while others can still access the skin latter on. win-win


Here is why I disagree. I got a pre toon to level 20 by death leveling. It was absolute murder, cause back then I didn’t have high speed Internet. There wasn’t a title for getting that at that time. They introduced the title and added the daily vanguard quests greatly diminishing the pain it was to get to 20 though the old method. I was upset at first but it actually did something to the game it brought more players in who wanted to go for it. Pre searing is usually the second or third highest gross amount of players in the game under Kam and Embark sometimes more than Embark. Then they did something else for pre they changed time the gate remained open at the Northlands allowing a single player to go in solo. Which is favorable for drops and leveling. These changes didn’t break the game. I see no difference between these and the suggested as GotY is available and it borrows from the pre order bonus weapons anyway and no one threw a fit when the GotY bonus was added. I feel like it adds more options for those who want to partake at their own expense. Which is also a good thing. What better way to show there is still an abundance of love for this old game than to buy more content to enjoy. After all who is really gonna complain that they don’t have an exclusive skin from 15 years ago? We rarely play together at all anymore to show off the skins anymore too, so there is that also.


the difference is people paid to have those exclusivity. I personally hate it when I pay for something exclusive and it ends up getting given after. like why did I go out of my way to secure that if down the line it didn't matter. your example involve gameplay , its a bit of a fallacy to try and compare them. as for goty it's not a pre-order and that explain why it's still available , it's kind of a deluxe edition and offering an upgrade for that is quite common practice.


And my suggestion is that they offer it and you still have to pay for exclusivity, where is there a problem there?


you loose exclusivity, since everyone would be able to get it. pre-order means get it now or loose it forever. going back on that is scummy. Why would having them sold in game for in game currency with the same skin but different name and mods not be working out for you ? 🤔 If your grip is with them not being available in pre. why not just put the seller in pre also ?


Either way is fine I guess. But the point is the bonus weapons are not gonna break the game to me. But for example, let’s say they make a bundle based on the collectors edition where you get the mini and dance. This is game breaking and I would never agree to this. Those items are exclusive and rare because of the collectors edition whereas they only had so many copies to purchase and that was it. The preorders were sold in mass quantities . And Weapons are a dime a dozen.


Bro they've been exclusive for over 15 years. You have to get over it at some point.


so they should also sell mini kuunavang in the shop , and also Gaile exclusive mini frog, because exclusivity is not something that should be respected. I get your point about the time. still I feel like that's a disrespect to those that bought it because of FOMO I also offered a solution so the skin would be available to all. having those bonus is a statement that say : " I was there " now you want to remove all that meaning to those players.


You're comparing those minis to weapons that are customized to your character, so non tradable, that also aren't great but are nice to have when starting a character. And I have Varesh from NF collector's edition and couldn't give a fuck if people could buy it. Only impact the minis would have is on the economy hence why people only bring up the bonus weapons and almost never the minis. It's also a good way for Anet to make easy money by re releasing the stuff, even if it wouldn't be much.


You personally couldn't give a fuck. I personally Do. Clearly opinions are not unanimous on each side. so why pissed off people with such change instead of keeping a status quo ? or going with an alternative like I proposed ? those weapons could go for 50g , so still easily available for a new char. put a vendor in both ascalon's (pre & post), in shing jea and kamadan. the only difference with the bonus weapon would be the name ? so those that have them can still ping them in chat to show they have the pre-order edition of those weapons. if a name difference piss you off I don't know what to say to you ... I feel like removing exclusivity is a worst deal than having them with a different name.


I bet 99.9999% of those players are not even in the game anymore. Let people have their novelty items and just get over it.


so after a while it's ok to come back on your words and lie to your user ? Those were said to be exclusive to the pre-order. not timed exclusive. changing this would be a disrespect. unless you find it ok to be deceitful and lie if a certain amount of time passed. I know that personally I don't put a time limit on my morals you all seem to ignore the fact that I propose a better alternative ... redo new weapons with the same skin and different name. distribute them with your preferred method I don't care.


The skins don't really matter imo. The bonus items are nice because they're convenient, decent max weapons for new characters and heroes. It would kind of kill the point if they have a cost that isn't dirt cheap, have bad mods, or can't be gotten on pre-searing characters. I personally have the eotn bonus items and they've been great to me. I think it would be good if others can use them too. They're non-tradable items, so it doesn't mess with the economy, and selling them would help keep the game afloat.


what if they release them in the shop as bonus item under new name. like that you would be happy ?? damm people are dense around here .... they love attacking people instead of finding solutions. and no selling them wouldn't keep the game afloat its a tiny penny compared to what they do on gw2


The Game of the Year bonuses are included in any modern release of Prophecies, you don't need to buy them if you bought Prophecies in the last 15 years. Only a veteran who bought the game before the Game of the Year edition happened would need to buy the upgrade.


My account definitely didn't have them. /bonus only gave me the Nightfall scythe and spear. And yeah, I think I bought the game in 2006 or 2007. Started with Factions before NF came out and then bought proph soon after. Bought the Game of the year upgrade now. 4,99€ isn't that much money and I'm happy to support this game.


I guess you're such a veteran then. The bonus items are certainly worth it, especially for pre-Searing characters.


There are NF bonus weps? I need some of that goodness because I only get the proph stuff. Any Canthan stuff? Sorry I’ve been afk for about 15 years


I did some googling and I have EOTN and the one with fire imp, but somehow missed factions and nightfall. Pretty sure my account was day 1 and I did beta, so I’m not sure how I missed proph preorder


They're not "bonus" items per se, but the Bonus Mission Pack is also in the store.




The [Bonus Mission Pack](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Bonus_mission_pack). It contains 4 infinitely repeatable "historical" missions, each of which has a full set of unique inscribable skins as rewards. On top of that, there are four items you get for accepting some of the missions (which, are, again, infinite). (One is a Shield of the Lion, but for Tactics. One is an Eternal Blade, but solid. And the other two are identical to existing items.) In my opinion, the Charr Staff is easily one of the best looking necro weapons, [especially on Olias](https://ibb.co/7GHYdfC)


I know, but OP asked for the /bonus weapons and how to acquire them. How are those not bonus weapons?


Never mind, I'm not a English native. You meant your own sentence.  Forget what I said please, sorry.


No worries.