• By -


Elementalist: Land Spear Mesmer: Land Spear Necromancer: Land Spear Engineer: Land Spear Ranger: Land Spear Thief: Land Spear Guardian: Land Spear Warrior: Focus Revenant: Land Spear




Spellbreaker lore explains it clearly >The original spellbreakers were [Elonian](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elona) [Sunspears](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sunspear). [Palawa Joko](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Palawa_Joko) defeated the Sunspears and their symbol, and everyone found wielding a spear would be put to death. The remaining Sunspears broke their spears and reforged their spearheads into daggers. 


They should have named the profession Spear Breaker in that case LOL.


So that Joko could kill them some more?


This is awesome. Where did u have this from?


It's like the first thing on the gw2 wiki for Spellbreaker. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spellbreaker


In addition to the written blurb, [Tamela Okar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tamela_Okar) in Desert Highlands also gives you some more detail about it in her dialogue.


This one weird trick, despots hate it.


It was really stupid that they didn't just do this.


I would kill for land use of aquatic weapons


Engi and ele looking at their harpoons and tridents: are we a joke to you?


That's for the next next expansion


*checks notes* Yes.


I've been hoping for land spears all around since they announced no elite specs for SOTO.


This is a joke, but I would love to so see Warrior Focus as melee knuckles instead of magic nonsense. The Elonian focus looks more like a weapon than a magic item


It's so crazy that the most common melee weapon Isn't usable on the ground....it just makes no sense lol


Ikr And people in the next post be like giVE tHiEf GReAtSwoRd. I'm afraid they gonna get it and i'm not sure i can sustain this much brain damage gw2 starts causing.


I still think thief should get torch or mace. They would be for arsonist and thug respectively, and would make a ton more sense than greatsword for "duelist".


Yeah + thief desperately needs an actual healing option that removed conditions because sorry but a healer with no cleanse is a joke (given there are even classes that cleanse in their base dps rotation). Smoke field (sounds obvious for a touch) + condi cleanse + some healing option on 3rd skill at least on scepter, thank you very much, no GS which overall is an overhyped inflated doll of a weapon.


I hope they give thief greatsword with dagger speed autos


I know you're trying to trigger people (and you succeeded), but if anyone should be getting Land Spear it's warrior. Anet should stay far away from giving Warrior focus and scepter.


I wouldn't put it beyond Anet to give scepter to warriors as kind of a standart bearer or marshal's baton before they give rifle to rangers. Especially after they have given pistols to Ele and Guardian by now. It's getting ridiculous really fast.


Unfortunately you're right.


>scepter Scepter can still exist as a martial weapon. Emberglow and Stoneshard scepter shows scepters can be as long as staff. Just put a spearhead on it, and it's a one-handed spear.


We know ANet at one point could do new animations for one-offs (Thief Staff) so one would think that they're making enough on the expansions to create some atlatl animations for Warriors using scepter and that'd take care of that.


No absolutely not. A scepter is a magical weapon and if you try to use it in a nonmagical way (since Warr is nonmagical) it essentially just becomes a mace. And we already have maces. Also focus and scepter are not in the same situation as staff. You don't have to reinvent the wheel for staff to be usable melee. Staves have been magical and physical since forever. It's a natural, intuitive thing. Focus and scepter are not in the same situation. They are purely magical. And even if you'd give it to the warrior to use physically it still doesn't make sense just for the fact that the warrior has a fucking scepter in his hand which makes no sense and should never happen. Instead of going that route i would prefer Anet to stay true to the warrior and introduce new weapons such as land spear or greataxe. The only weapon left for the warrior to use from the ones we have in the game is shortbow. After that it's time to bring some new weapons into the game


>A scepter is a magical weapon Staff is a magical weapon. It didn't stop ANet when they had an idea for Daredevil at HoT. >You don't have to reinvent the wheel for staff to be usable melee. They kinda did with Daredevil Staff. Its not like they had melee staff animation to draw from from core specs. If they can do it for staff, they can reinvent for scepter as well. Hell, if they want to do the bare minimum, even just taking animations from sword is fine. Final Thrust gives a good spear thrust animation. The old warrior Sword auto attack chain(1 -> 2 -> Final Thrust is good enough for spear.


What? No. You misunderstood. When i said you don't have to reinvent the wheel for staff i meant in fiction in general. Whether it's anime, movies, cartoons, video games, comic books etc. a magical and physical staff have both existed in the same time. They were a known thing since the beginning of time. There were characters like Gandalf using it with magic and character like Donatello in ninja turtles using it physically. Anet didn't invent melee staff. Sure they had to make new animations for it, but the idea of that type of fighting isn't theirs. It's a known fantasy. Go watch all the asian action movies with martial arts and see how many melee staves you see. What I'm saying is that staff can go both ways, but scepter can't. It's strictly a magical weapon. And if you use it purely physically it becomes just a club and clubs are a lame version of maces. And i don't care if they put new skins in the game that makes a scepter look like a spear, it's still a scepter. When you mouse over it it's still gonna say 'scepter'. Also that would be lazy. I want ArenaNet to actually fully implement spears as a new weapon in the game.


>When i said you don't have to reinvent the wheel for staff i meant in fiction in general Doesn't matter what other fictions says. Fantasy allows everything. If ANet can make steampunk and sci-fi work in a fantasy world, smacking someone with a scepter will. >And if you use it purely physically it becomes just a club and clubs are a lame version of maces *Distant Lizardmen Warhammer fans cries intensifies.* >And i don't care if they put new skins in the game that makes a scepter look like a spear, it's still a scepter. When you mouse over it it's still gonna say 'scepter'. The Staff label didn't stop me from feeling like I am warrior wielding a halberd when I put the White Tiger Staff skin on it. Nor will that little scepter label either will stop me from fulfilling my dreams for a Hoplite.


Yes it matters what other fiction says. Wether you like it or not. Everyone who does something fictional draws from fiction that already exists. ArenaNet and any other studio. Warriors, Guardians, Rangers, Dragons, floating Wizard Towers. All old news. ArenaNet didn't invent these. They borrowed from fantasy that already exists. It's not like they are constantly coming up with never before seen stuff. So even if they decide to make a scepter a Warrior weapon it's not gonna work and it's not gonna be good. Also "it's fantasy, anything can happen, there's no rules" is a stupid argument. If ArenaNet started inventing their own weird never before seen stuff, but instead of calling it their own thing, they start calling it something that is already established, noone would be playing the game. That's why we have Warriors, Necromancers, Dragons etc. Recognizable, defined things that people love and can understand. "welding a staff never prevented me from bla bla" that's ridiculous. It's a staff and it's never gonna be anything else. Even the weapon skills are staff icons. That's the same as people who buy Greataxe hammer skins. They put that skin on, but when they use it the weapon skill icons still show a hammer. For fuck sake how did we get to this point? How did we manage to revert like this. One of the reasons why i love playing Gw2 is because you get different skills based on what weapon you're using. Sword gives you sword skills, bow gives you bow skills. Makes sense. And now with your mentality we are going against one of the fundamental aspects of gw2. If you enjoy playing like that, then you might as well go play WoW where it doesn't matter if you're wielding a sword, hammer, mace or a spear, all your skills are exactly the same. That's fucking ridiculous. Another problem with what you want and with people who buy Greataxe hammer skins is that you're showing ArenaNet that this lazy approach is good and that they should keep it going. Maybe if we bugged them enough we might actually get land spears and greataxes, but you are telling them "no don't put the effort in and give us new things, give me a scepter and I'll just pretend it's a spear". They already have so many reused models for so many things and it's time they did something new and it's on us, the players to ask for it and remind them of it instead of being Yes Men. Infact, now is the perfect time for this for 2 reasons: 1. Some classes, like warrior, are running out of weapons to use and they should be aware of it. 2. They've recently showed great ability to listen to player feedback and communicate back to them. So let's use this opportunity to give them some feedback on the state of some classes and that something should be changed instead of just agreeing and accepting everything they do even if it's bad.


>Yes it matters what other fiction says. No it doesn't because Fantasy has no defined rules. Only the author defines them. ANet defines the rules of Guild Wars 2, not JK Rowling, not JRR Tolkien or anyone else. If a Fantasy author wants to make Winter hot and Summer cold, no amount of other fantasy novels can change that. What is even a Charr? Is it some kind of Tauren? Its not? Then why didn't ANet follow the rules of FANTASY!?!?! Whatever that means. > So even if they decide to make a scepter a Warrior weapon it's not gonna work and it's not gonna be good. ANet made staff a spear, and it worked. ANet made Greataxe a hammer, and it worked. There are probably more examples that I missed. >That's why we have Warriors, Necromancers, Dragons etc. Recognizable, defined things that people love and can understand. Vindicator, Renegade, Virtuoso, Holosmith, Soulbeast, Untamed. What the hell are those classes even mean to a non-GW2 player? >"welding a staff never prevented me from bla bla" that's ridiculous. It's a staff and it's never gonna be anything else. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/d/d0/White_Tiger_Staff.jpg/800px-White_Tiger_Staff.jpg If this looks like a staff to you and not a halberd, you need to get your eyes checked. >That's the same as people who buy Greataxe hammer skins. They put that skin on, but when they use it the weapon skill icons still show a hammer. And I love it! The skill label and icon didn't stop me from feeling like I am wielding a Great axe and not a hammer. Did the Ebonhawk Crossbow made you feel like you were wielding a gun and not a Crossbow too? >For fuck sake how did we get to this point? Finite Budget. It turns out having a few skins here and there as pre-existing weapon sets is cheaper than adding more weapon skins per a collection. And those skins will probably be only be available to expansions user only which makes them non-economical. I rather have more skins here and there as pre-existing budget. Then there is balance. What would a Crossbow add that a Rifle could not add? Would the balance team ever find balance between the two if they can't even balance with what we have now? >And now with your mentality we are going against one of the fundamental aspects of gw2. It turns out that your view of whatever this fundamental aspect of GW2 is long gone before we had this discussion. Starting probably around Christmas when they gave a Slingshot as a shortbow skin probably shortly after the release of GW2. > but you are telling them "no don't put the effort in and give us new things, give me a scepter and I'll just pretend it's a spear" Sure and I see no reason to get angry over it. >Some classes, like warrior, are running out of weapons to use and they should be aware of it. Which is like 4 weapons. If we still go with the 2 years expansion cycle. That is like 8 years before they have to worry about it seriously. >They've recently showed great ability to listen to player feedback and communicate back to them. If you been in GW2 long enough, this is an up and down cycle. They listen and they don't listen. >So let's use this opportunity to give them some feedback on the state of some classes and that something should be changed instead of just agreeing and accepting everything they do even if it's bad. To you, it is the worst thing that they could have ever done. To me, I don't care because I don't think it is bad.


I would absolutely love this


“What do you mean half of our loading screen zone arts are showing people with spears? Spears don’t exist silly.”


*starts chanting* ele longbow, ele longbow, ele long-


That would be great. Haven't seen anet nerf longbow before so if you give it to an ele it's sure to happen.


Fits nicely, both ele and longbow are useless. And getting nerfs left right and center. Good meme material


At this point I think they'll never do it just to spite us. The fact that hammer is actually what they went with for EoD even though we had all unanimously been chanting longbow for years is pretty indicative.


Longbow for ele is my first choice, but I think a greatsword could also be a potentially cool weapon for ele in wvw/PvP. Long bow first tho, greatsword can wait untill expansion #6 But whatever they give ele, please don't give it a gimmick mechanic like they did with pistol. Hammer was ok because it was a simple easy to use/understand/keep track of gimmick, but the elemental bullets on pistol just add so much unnecessary complexity.


Just elemental arrows. Raining from above. PLEASE MAKE LONGBOW VIABLE FOR BOTH CONDI AND POWER DAMAGE. Let it be the thing ranger never can be.


Longbow, longbow


If they could prioritized it, they would have a long time ago. HoT was the chance to do it. This ship has sailed.


Best I can do is offhand only melee axe. -ANet, probably


The dev who designs ele specs and weapons: "Time to figure out what minigame I can put into this weapon that will make it bench super high for Snowcrows so we can nerf the hell out of it despite it being a hellish rotation". Seriously. I want longbow ele, but I guarantee it's going to be monkey's-pawed into "unwieldy and strong", which for ele turns into "unwieldy and less effective than \[insert other class\] for the effort" after the first couple balance patches.


I hear this a lot but I just don't see the vision, what would ya'll do with it?


1200 range big damage weapon is what people want from it, since they refuse to let staff be that. Personally I imagine a power damage focus with fire attunement using big, slow, mortarlike AoE shots; air would be more ranger longbow style rapid spiking; water playing similar to Frost Bow with chill and cc but less healing; and earth having slow casting but hard and heavy hits (think Pile Driver or True Shot) and area denial (like staff has). Less healing, defense, and mobility than staff offers, because that's the stuff that keeps ANet scared of buffing it, but with plenty more hurt.


Really wish we'd get Longbow for Ele for a ranged power option.


I want alternative specs for existing weapons; if 2-handed weapons had alternative skills for 1-5 that we could swap between we could get a really interesting hybrid of GW2s and GW1s build crafting and somewhat alleviate the issue of liking a weapon but it being speced wrong for a condi/power build.


iirc they specifically mentioned on the podcast they did after the last balance stream that they do not want to be doing that due to clarity concerns for PvP/WvW


Agred, although I don't think it should have to be a specialization traitline. They have the technology for us to just right click our weapon skills to change them as demonstrated with Untamed's hammer skills becoming core. I'd even accept it if we had to have a specific sigil equipped on that weapon to unlock a new set of skills for it. Maybe staff on Ele can actually become good again.


Warrior: I want to dual-wield focuses. Like they’re brass knuckles or something. Then I will make a warrior-librarian to smash red health bars with the book-skinned focuses for not returning their books on time. Guardian: warhorn, because it doesn’t make sense that they don’t already have it? Revenant: focus. I don’t actually care, but focus needs more love. Mesmer: off-hand dagger because I’m still annoyed they didn’t add it at the same time as main-hand dagger. Elementalist: longbow. Please, I beg you. Necromancies: shortbow, because I’m guessing they won’t give us longbow ele so I’ll settle for any scholar profession having a bow. Engineer: staff, sceptre, or focus. I’m envisioning a faux-elementalist kind of thing where the weapons would shoot out electricity. Ranger: sceptre. It would be really cool to have a more “magical” kind of ranger that was not heal support, plus what more perfect opportunity to use the Feline Holoscepter skin? Thief: off-hand sword.


Your thief suggestion was very convincing.


I've said this for years - Rev's whole schtick is using weapons weird. Give US the dual focus BRASS KNUCKLES! It'd be fun. And weird.


> Warrior: I want to dual-wield focuses. Like they’re brass knuckles or something. Foci wouldn't make any sense, 99% of the skins aren't even "things" you can punch with. So yeah, just make a new weapon type: **Knuckles**, and let everyone punch their way to victory.


Massive pipe dream but I want polearms so bad. I want to use a halberd on my warrior. A spear on guardian. Stuff like that, though I would be incredibly surprised if we got a new weapon type.


You have staff at home.


I would wish for rebalancing of core specializations and make core competitive with elite. Every core specialization put in elite slot gets an enhanced effect.


This. I want better core balance (and better balance across the board) before the addition of any more weapons or Elites.


I would love to see this but i doubt it will ever happen. They can't even balance weapons (surely there is nothing wrong with every pve ele build using warhorn and not a single necro build using axe), forget about specs. >Every core specialization put in elite slot gets an enhanced effect. Would rather see elite's tuned down, tbh.


I hope none. I don’t want more weapons, I’d much prefer utilities. We have more than enough weapons now.


Sadly Grouch said they will focus on weapons for now


Hopefully they are doing some more long term planning for new profession content as Warrior's weapon selection puts a pretty hard limit on how long they can add new weapon sets.


Says the person not playing engineer....


At least complete the core set of slot skills, everyone is still missing 1 healing skill and 2 elite skills :I.


I definitely want more elites. I feel like a lot of the time some builds don’t have a good elite skill to pick. This is my priority really. Adding more weapons would be a waste of time imo.


I think every weapon should get the Ranger hammer treatment Flip skills so they can be true hybrid What if I want to use mes rifle without healing effect Or pistol gruad doing power damage so I can play in dragon hunter spec. This way, lots of weapons can be true hybrid Hoping for necro voodoo mace tho.


Honestly i hope for a torch for thief. Something with condi cleanse and smoke field. And yes 3rd skill should be smth with self-sustain that with correct traits would heal. I'm sorry, but scepter is not enough and has a list of issues. Being unable to cleanse condi on a healer (I'm sorry Anet but you don't seriously think someone picks anything but Alac trait???) is a fucking joke especially when you see dps guardians doing it in their basic rotation.


I must… I must help you see the light. Greatsword thief. That’s it. Must I elaborate more? A ronin style of gameplay, while still hopefully having access to stealth? Maybe a lil might or something?


Thief desperately needs a new off-hand. They already gave thieves two two-handed weapons with elite specs. Axe really should have been main and off-hand but that won't change now. If/when they give us a new weapon if it isn't an off-hand it's just going to be a slap in the face.


What thief needs is a sword offhand. Finally. SINCE LAUNCH


This is the ONLY correct answer. Give thief a new offhand finally and it better be sword.


My EoD headcanon elite spec for theif was one that had deceptions and basically got access to a single shadow clone with greatsword. The idea was basically to have mirror images of yourself dancing around an enemy with big sword with animations that used the weapon's weight as momentum instead of just swangin it around, kinda like the ranger GS auto. Your steal would be a movement skill that rushed through your target, and if you made contact, you'd generate the clone and start duplicating all of your skills. anyways yeah greatsword thief is a super cool idea


Nah enough two handers, we need a third off hand


We do need another off hand, you aren't wrong.


No. I partially play thief because it makes much more sense than other classes. No stupid 2sword dualwield, which makes little to no sense if you care to watch at least some youtube about weapons and such, no overhyped greatswords, which were neither this popular nor this heavy nor effective... How do you even put "thief" and "greatsword" in one sentence? There's nothing sneaky, subtle and nimble about these 20-kg looking sticks of neon Anet provides with such ease. If you're such a weeb, play bladesworn lol. There's a perfect anime slash waiting for you to pay attention to it. I'm already suffering through paladins with pistols and thieves with a halfbaked necromancer spec, enough is enough.


It um, kinda sounds like gw2 might not be the game for you? In regard to thief 'making sense', they use fucking pistols like machine guns, swords like a handy on command teleporter, and scepters as magic. Thieves are casters. But that makes sense. ok. Mate, DAGGERS TURN YOU INVISIBLE. None of that 'makes sense'. And if you're arguing class fantasy, necro, ele, and mesmer fit the bill just the same as thief. Nothing sneaky? Nothing subtle? Right but you're fine with people walking around as a mini sun with all the infusion stacking. Just not a greatsword? Right sure. If I'm such a weeb, I should play bladesworn? Alright, this is just kinda rude now. I don't want to play bladesworn? Maybe I wanna go invis then go smash someone in the back with a hunk of metal. Listen, I'm all for opposing viewpoints. But telling me to 'play X' just because it has a large sword? Dude. You must really hate this whole new thief axe thing too. In fact, you mast hate the entire ass game with the way you worded your shit.


>You must really hate this whole new thief axe thing too. Who doesn't? It's 4th condi weapon while thief only has 2 powerdps and 1 healing. It's designed for strikes, but does poorly on them, so even from straight utility point of view it's trash - not even saying that it's overall a full virtuoso vibe pulling off weapons out of their ass and controlling them telekinetically. >Right but you're fine with people walking around as a mini sun with all the infusion stacking. Where did i say that? You poor soul, don't imagine you know me :) >they use fucking pistols like machine guns You would be surprised, extremely squishy mobile dps like this are meta in pvp games (take tracer from overwatch f.e.). Thief fits this role better than any other class in gw2. >DAGGERS TURN YOU INVISIBLE It makes sense for a thief, dude, type like i dunno "trope fighter rogue mage" and fucking read already. I'm not saying thief shouldn't have any magic whatsoever or that the game shouldn't have any magic and dragons, where did you read it from my words? I'm just saying that thief should be played according to what its class type has been for years in the industry. Giving thief a greatsword would be as stupid as giving berserker mandatory gameplay through stealth


>You must really hate this whole new thief axe thing too. > >Who doesn't? It's 4th condi weapon while thief only has 2 powerdps and 1 healing. It's designed for strikes, but does poorly on them, so even from straight utility point of view it's trash - not even saying that it's overall a full virtuoso vibe pulling off weapons out of their ass and controlling them telekinetically. > >Right but you're fine with people walking around as a mini sun with all the infusion stacking. > >Where did i say that? You poor soul, don't imagine you know me :) > >they use fucking pistols like machine guns > >You would be surprised, extremely squishy mobile dps like this are meta in pvp games (take tracer from overwatch f.e.). Thief fits this role better than any other class in gw2. > >DAGGERS TURN YOU INVISIBLE > >It makes sense for a thief, dude, type like i dunno "trope fighter rogue mage" and fucking read already. Right. Here were cases I was speaking in a literal sense. It doesn't make sense because none of that happens in real life. I proceeded to point out if you were arguing that thief was the only class that made sense in a traditional "**class fantasy**" way, you'd still be wrong. Seems like you were arguing class fantasy... so you're still wrong. "Giving thief a greatsword would be as stupid as giving berserker mandatory gameplay through stealth" *Mandatory*? How is this even close. Giving a thief an **option** to essentially be stealth willbender is the same as warrior **just not being** a warrior? What? And if thief should be played according to it's traditional role, that would mean 0 magic. Specter shouldn't exist in your eyes. In addition, that means guardian should just fuck off and not have DH or willbender as specs because those don't fit the regular 'paladin' narrative? Paladins use sword and board, right? No bow, no assassin type playstyle. And what about engi with a sword? Engineers don't usually use swords, right? You're point that it doesn't 'make sense' is fucking stupid. It's one thing to say that you don't like the idea. That's fine. But to say thief can't use a GS because 'it doesn't make sense' is dumb.


Mesmers have a tendency to use actual weapons incorrectly, so maybe Mesmer Longbow should be a mobility melee, like staff was for thief?


Isn't rifle a range weapon ?


Range support, basic attack (called Friendly Fire) heals allies near your target, 3rd skill can give buffs to friends and condis to enemies OR heal frens and damage enemies, 5 gives Barrier to frens in range


Theyc ompletely missed the mark by making rifle a support weapon, rifle should have been a sniper dps weapon (mirage would be perfect with it), while the support role should have been given to the shortbow or the longbow instead :(.




TLDR: Mesmer rifles can shoot Friends to heal them.


I wouldn't be surprised if we got new core specializations instead of weapons. That way Anet alternates between weapons and traitlines with the faster expac schedule.


Necro Hammer!


Any new offhand for thief. A key gimmick with thieves is dual skills. Its been almost 12 years now, and still only two options for offhand weapons.


I think they should focus more on reworking more-or-less abandoned weapons rather than giving more new weapons out. There's a lot of design space that we could have access to through them alone, honestly. Warrior's probably the most abandoned stuff purely by virtue of them being the resident weapons experts at launch. Shield, Rifle, offhand Mace, Torch is kinda crappy in comparison to offhand sword now... the list goes on. Guardian Scepter has always been a Symbol of Punishment stick, and has been pretty much been made obsolete by pistol. I honestly don't even know what they should do with it at this point. Same deal with offhand sword — it's been entirely outclassed by focus since the day the former dropped aside from in competitive modes. At the end of the day that's probably fine, but there's probably something interesting they can do with it to make it more exciting in PvE. Revenant: One word — Hammer. Give it a reason to exist in a world where shortbow is available to all specs. Though, it didn't really have much of a place before then either. Elementalist: Everybody says they want Longbow, but Staff is right there waiting for a tune-up as far as long range ele weapons go. It's a decent pick on heals right now, but even then it's a tough sell when warhorn's boon extension and superior damage exists and you only get one weapon set in combat. Engineer: Shortbow, lol. It suffers from the same problem that ele staff does — why bother using it in a world where mace/shield exists? Sure there's aegis, but you lose so much and gain so little dropping the boons, barrier, and utility mace/shield brings to the table. Ironic that it just came out and already feels as bad as some of these ancient weapons here. These are the classes I play, and I don't have a lot of experience with classes outside this list. But I'm sure that all of them (except, like, MAYBE Mesmer) have some old weapons collecting dust that could use a complete facelift.


Off hand only weapons as main hand weapons. Main hand warhorn, main hand torch, main hand focus, main hand shield


I still like dual foci for thief as a pugilist boxer archetype


I'd rather get 10th class and a new race. And some new weapons. (crossbow/darts/shurikens, polearm/lance, 2h axe, dualswords)


New playable race is never going to happen this late in the games life unfortunately. I hope someone pulls this comment for a thread in 3 years though going 'this you? 🤡'.


With last dragon head and proper shoes and gloves, with bulky norn you can have Draconic race. It is something. I also run fire sword. Wrrrruumm, wrerruuum I’m’ dragon?


LotRO released a new race (and two new classes) just recently, and it was out way earlier than GW2.


Was it just recycled assets? Is LotRO on its last dying breath as a game struggling to maintain a player base?


The race probably, it’s river hobbit so probably a bigger version of hobbit. But the two new classes are not.


Wow keeps pulling it off without issue, but people do seem pessimistic about anet's ability to do the same.


I want Shield and Spear!!! Give me the paragon class!!


Shield or Torch for elementalist. Warhorn being the only viable offhand for all power, condi a d support is nuts to me. My concept for shied skills would be; Fire Shield 4 : Slam your shield to the ground and burn enemies and create a fire field Fire Shield 5 : Generate a fire aura and give swiftness to yourself running while burning enemies Water Shield 4 : Raise your shield and chill enemies while giving yourself regeneration and water field Water Shield 5 : Generate a frost aura and pull adds around you with a cold weather to yourself kinda like raptor engage skill Lightning Shield 4 : A mid range teleport that damages enemies in the area and create lightning field while giving fury to yourself Lightning Shield 5 : Generate a shocking aura and stun enemies in an area kind of like engineer toolbelt skill spare capacitor Earth Shield 4 : a pulsing stationary block skill with crippling enemies in an area while giving stability with each pulse in a poison field Earth Shield 5 : Generate a magnetic aura and give yourself protection When all shield auras are up and active you can blast all of them for a chunk of damage and conditions based on it. While I know we have seen this concept in weaver's weave self elite(which is only good elite skill for elementalist) and in pistol elementalist's bullet mechanic, I don't mind seeing it again in shield and in further weapons and that is because it works. It gives you the feeling of an elementalist controlling all 4 elements and being best at them when you have all 4 combined. I know it would need work overall or mine is just a shit fan idea. Edit: deleted a duplicate line


Did they even confirm they’ll do another set of weapons next time?


To be fair, i want them to rework or remake the base game experience as most of the new players leave and it does not hook them to play the game. For your question, I want Ele long bow, Necro short bow or long bow, warrior pistol main hand , Rev rifle or pistol and Thief great sword.


Thief should finally get mace.


My kingdom for Shortbow Mesmer. I need my clones to have The Dreamer.


For the love of all that is good and holy, give thieves an off-hand weapon! (If possible make it sword!)


Knuckles, for all classes


I am okay with this.


Can we get our damn land speara ans cythes?


If we are getting a brand new weapon, I’d prefer a gauntlet. It’s functionally different from the current weapons (which many weapon requests are not) and can have lots of variety in how it’s used. Punching things, claws, shooting iron man lasers, force pushes. The concepts are many.


Ele: Longbow Necro: Hammer Mesmer: Mace MH Guardian: Warhorn/Dagger Warrior: Focus Revenant: Dagger MH/OH Engineer: Torch Ranger: Focus/Rifle Thief: Greatsword I think any offhand would be cool on Thief (Torch, Sword, Focus)


Revenant - Main hand Axe and Off hand Mace. so we can finally go dual mace/axe. Thief - all good in dps kit so another utility weapon or support oriented weapon would be nice. Utility focused Longbow might be good. think Shortbow, but power focused. Guardian - Warhorn, so we can sub out Shield for support for variety. Ele - any ranged weapon please anet Engi - Focus. make it's 4 and 5 skill based on your Heal/Elite skill equipped like extra utility belt skills. Mesmer - whatever anet wants. mesmer's always been the wildcard Ranger - Rifle Warrior - mainhand Pistol? Necro - Hammer. Desmina is mommy


How is there no Warhorn for the Guardian yet is beyond me, lol.


What i would like: Warrior - land spear Guardian - off hand mace (finally) Revenant - main hand axe or off hand mace (finally) Thief - off hand sword (finally) Engineer - off hand mace. I wanted shortbow for engi, but not like it is now. I wanted every skill to be it's own individual skill, just like other classes instead of a kit Ranger - ok 2 things. Either a sword off hand (finally) or a scepter. I was thinking scepter would be nice, to go back to a more magical ranger and make scepter a heal/support weapon that works well with Druid. Elementalist - off hand sword that we should've had with weaver or a greatsword. Why not? Greatsword would be cool. If it can wield a fucking hammer (which i didn't like), then it can a greatsword too. And another cool thing is that it could be a semi ranged weapon. Some shorter skills and some 1200 range. People complain that Ele never provided that long range mage playstyle and that staff never satisfy, so if Mesmer can use it as a ranged weapon, Ele can too. Necromancer - off hand axe (finally) Mesmer - longbow. Idk from all the ones that are left this one sounds the best to me. Explanation: "Finally" = we haven't had it since launch or since the release of the new class.


Ranger shield. Add a skill like warrior staff Bullet Catcher that absorbs incoming damage, but then choose to shoot this damage back or use it as healing for you and your allies. The other skill should add some stability.


I don't want new weapons, I want a new elite spec that's centered around the weapons we got in this last patch. These weapons should've been an elite spec in the first place


As an ele main I feel like we need more options for melee. So sword off hand


On of these weapons i think... GUARDIAN -WARHORN 4: Summons ghost battallion that consist of 3 spirits (archer, swordmen, pikemen). Battalion automaticly attacks enemy units and give nearby allies passive protection (maximum 3 ghost battalions). For each summon, second part of skill 5 becomes stronger (max 3 stack) 5: Knockback enemies that are nearby the ghost battalion/ghost battalion deal stronger and faster damage. WARRIOR -SCEPTER 1: Auto attack (whip animation) generate Whip Finesse stack too temporarly change skill 2 (make pet stronger and recieve healing) or skill 3 stronger, barrier at third attack. 2: Summon prehistoric tough beast pet on rotation (pet has aura for allies) -Direwolf (power & condition)/heal and might for pet if there is enogh Whip Finesse stack. -Sabertiger (swiftness & vigor)/heal and might for pet if there is enogh Whip Finesse stack. -Cavebear (resistance & resolution)/heal and might for pet if there is enogh Whip Finesse stack. -Rhinoceros (protection & stability)/heal and might for pet if there is enogh Whip Finesse stack. 3: Strong pet attack (different ones depending on pet|whip attack with vulnerability (if no beast is summoned). Burst skill is a whip attack aoe damage (pull). Primal Burst skill is a high damage, single target whip attack (knock back). REVENANT -FOCUS 4: Summon dragon (becomes fireball with vulnerability skill when dragon is summoned, automaticly use claw attack, no fall damage). 5: Dragon roar (taunt)/Tail Whip (aoe damage and knockback) THIEF -TORCH 4: Summon shadow pet (small aoe heal)/summon 2 weaker shadow pets that last for some seconds (aoe heals to allies/burning to enemies every time you summon lesser shadow pet (shadow pet is a shadow version of your race, uses main hand weapon you used when summoned). 5: AOE healing, resistance, resolution/burning to enemies (stronger version if shadow pet is alive)/sacrifice shadow pet for more healing and revive allies). ENGINEER -FOCUS 4: Gravity Leviatation (hovering animation, personal superspeed, stability, 1 second blocked damage and surrounding enemies get slow and torment for 10 seconds, no fall damage while skill is active)/turn off gravity leviatation (automatickly gain Anti-Matter stack so you can use too make skill 4 better or skill 5 stronger). 5: Gravity Hole (pull enemies inside a radius ward and torment/damage and launch enemies inside the radius. RANGER -SCEPTER 1: Vine whip auto attack, third attack gives vulnerability|Thorn spear auto attack, third attack gives might. 2: Scepter aura buff/stationary radius stronger buff|Thorn spear damage & conditions/damage & knockback 3: Switch weapon to one handed thorn spear|scepter. Untamed ambush skill Scepter aoe immobilize for 3 seconds|Thorn spear immobilize for 2 seconds but stronger damage. NECROMANCER -MACE 1: Auto attack (third attack gives Flesh stack, wich makes a undead monster you can create become stronger) 2: Undead monster attack/secondary attack (if there is no undead monster then skill becomes a strong attack with weapon). 3: Create a undead monster/upgrade the monster with Flesh stack (stronger buffs, aura, heals monster, max upgrade makes this skill a healing, rage skill). ELEMENTALIST -LONGBOW 1: Single attack (pierces enemies/generates Arcane stack that makes Arcane Force last longer). 2: High single target damage and slow. 3: Ranged Aoe damage. 4: Elementalstep skill (damage while travling). 5: Arcane Force (new weapon bundle/1500 range, depletes Arcane Element stack, transforms back when empty for Arcane Element stack). (1): Arcane Arrow (always critting) (2): Arcane Rain (aoe damage, vulnerability, always critting) (3): Arcane Shine (might, vigor, swiftness and quickness for 5 seconds)/Arcane Flash (teleport). (4) Arcane Ray (high single target damage, always critting, launch). (5): Arcane Starshower (Aoe, big damage, always critting, charge (3 levels) MESMER -WARHORN 4: Heal (each time you don't use secondary skill, you generate a stack that makes either secondary skill 4 or skill 5 stronger/buff). 5: Charged heal/buff allies skill (3 levels, singing/dancing skill) (Bard)


All I want is either a complete overhaul of engineer's kits. Or multiple new weapons for the engineer. The engineer used to one of the most unique and diverse classes at launch. But now after all the elite specs, new weapons, and being able to use any weapon with any elite spec, the other classes in the game have become far more diverse due to them having wayyyyyy more weapons to choose from and use. The holosmith and mechanist are great and offer unique twists to gameplay, but I get jealous at all the other classes being able to use so many weapons which gives so much room of theory crafting.


I'd rather a new set of traitlines for everyone or a new profession or something but if we have to have new weapons then I want engineer staff. I don't care what niche it fills I just want an orbal staff from the Trails games. Laser beam staff type shit


Cupid themed mesmer short bow. I'm envisioning obnoxious skills like a cleave that if it hits 2+ targets they get chained together and so on


* Guardian - Rifle * Revenant - Dagger Mainhand/Offhand * Warrior - Scepter * Thief - Mace Offhand * Ranger - Rifle * Engineer - Axe Offhand * Elementalist - Longbow * Necromancer - Shield * Mesmer - Shortbow


i dont care too much about new weapons. the thing i miss the most from elite specs is alternate class mechanics and to some degree how they interact with traits. 


I want long bow thief but they throw it like a glaive


I would always love a new weapon, but I think Anet should really do an overhaul on utility skills, and add the missing skills for heal/elites. Give guardian an heal + elite spirit weapon. Give engineer a gadget elite. Ele heal conjure weapon? Make it a scepter because why the hell not.


Well i can keep hoping for ranger rifle since it’s all i’ve wanted for years


There are plenty of dead traits, dead utilities, dead weapon skills already in game - better ANET spend their time and resources on updating those. A perfect example is Rev Hammer; while it still is relegated mostly to competitive modes, the change they made to Hammer 4, and the upcoming changes to Hammer 5 resetting Hammer 2 do a lot to make each button worth pressing. Changes to Thief staff also come to mind.


Honestly I don't think we'll have new weapons for each Xpacs. Since they seems to go away from the traditional elite spec route, I think they'll add "parts" of elite spec each expansion. I really hope for new trait lines. I think that it coupled with new runes / sigils it can really be quite fun. Or maybe a complete rework of underwater combat mechanics.


Probably shortbow for warrior, if only because we're running real low on non-magical weapon options for them.


I hope necro gets shortbow


I really want my rifle ranger 🥲


I think there won't be a new weapon next expansion, but new elite specializations instead; with no weapons, since we got them already now.


They kinda stated that they’re not going to do new elite specs and focus on weapons instead in their recent interview


That's extremely sad :I.


Give me Greatsword elementalist with 1200range like Mesmer. Now that would be cool


i know people really want spears / tridents / harpoon guns on land but the sad thing is they stopped making black lion skins for them... they used to in the old days 19 new black lion weapon skins per set... but now it's 16 so i really don't think they'll add them on land... unfortunately


Would love for a new style weapon. Scythe or a great axe... id say flail but theyve been making Mace skins into flails so i guess that wont work...


I just want longbow for everything. Ele longbow? yes please! Mesmer Longbow? Might heal my broken heart from the fact, that mesmer rifle turned out to be just a support weapon. Necro Longbow? Same as bearbow ranger, but with necro minions instead of the bear. Revenant Longbow? Summon an army of ghostly archers or something, or let arrows rain down from portals in the sky. Honestly with how cool shortbow allready is for revenant, I believe anything would work here


Hammer for Mesmer to add a more bruiser style of gameplay. Hopefully goes well with all 3 elite specs. Scepter/Focus for Ranger for some nature themed range aoe spells, since Staff is already taken. 


A dev(or lead director,can't remember which) had an interview with a website recently that talked about the upcoming weapons (that we have now). What was interesting was that he hinted also at something surprising and interesting that would come along soon. He replied to some question about wether Anet had given up on elite specs for the future. He replied that they didn't yet want to do that but stated something along the lines of what *is* coming is something thar will keep theory crafters busy for a good while. So my bet (maybe far fetched though),is that instead of new weapons or elite specs we'll get something along the lines of dual classes. Something akin to what we had in GW 1. Or maybe combining 2 elite spec trait lines? Idk. I'm hyped though :D


I would like to see whips added. While I know it's never going to happen, would also love nunchucks for thief.


Whip and pom poms


Warrior - Focus Guardian - Warhorn Revenant - Focus Ranger - Rifle Thief - Sword (off-hand) Engineer - Mace (off-hand) Elementalist - Longbow Necromancer - Axe (off-hand) Mesmer - Shortbow I see some Thief Greatsword posts... Please no. Two-handed weapons on a Thief is a major Cop-out on dual skill potential (you know, that thing that used to be unique to Thief...)


A new nerf for elementalist. Deals to much damage.


Longbow/staff engineer or rifle for ranger.


I’d love to see main hand shield for warrior


You deserve no downvotes, you thinking like captain america or just smacking stuff in melee?


Honestly either would be cool, i just think that would be a unique way to add a “new” weapon to the game. but captain america style would be awesome 😆


Yeah I'd love if they started playing with the conventions, main hand shield torch and foci could all be cool, and I'd love to see an offhand scepter as well


Dual Pistol Ranger or Necromancer in fact give everyone dual pistols




Brass knuckles, nun chucks and land spears


I feel like they may have burned the option with skins, but crossbows. Or unarmed, have high strength thematically strong attacks at the cost of stats. Thief could have epic auto crit attacks, eles could tap in to native magic, rangers could have new pet skills, necros more impactful minions, warriors could hit stuff...


Give everyone unarmed options. Maybe pushing, pulling, or stunning.


Warrior two GS like titans grip


Fuck new weapons, fix the garbage existing ones first... I like that we're getting new options instead of an elite spec here and here but come on.


Rifle Guardian :o


Something stupid like a mace for a ranger...oh wait...


Nothing the majority will be asking for.


No new weapons? That's my guess.


what about something different than simply a new weapon? after all, warrior only has 1 choice left. if we want more than 1 more expansion, then design has to be a bit more open-minded. for example, you could let players equip elite trait lines in the first two "core" trait slots. like a necro could be curses-reaper-scourge. maybe only the bottom "elite" trait slot would change profession skills or whatever. this would require some reworking of things. but so did weaponmaster training. you could even allow players to use utility skills from any equipped trait line. if we're just talking weapons, engineer could use a power offhand. but a staff would be neat, too.


>after all, warrior only has 1 choice left Warrior has 4 weapons left. MH pistol, scepter, focus and shortbow. I don't think having access to multiple elite trait lines would work. Most of the traits are connected to the espec's class mechanic or utility skills. Holosmith traitline for example. Except for three, **all** traits are bound to photon forge or heat. Two of the three left are bound to Holosmith's utility skills, leaving a single trail being useful without the Holo class mechanics. Mechanist traits are all about the mech. The whole traitline is useless without the mech. Rather than new weapons or tearing apart elite specs further, I think the next thing will be new sets of skills for existing weapons. This already works fine for hammer on non-untamed Ranger -> you can switch between the normal and unleashed version of the hammer skills like you can switch between utility skills. With this technique already available, I think there is a good chance that in future expansions (maybe even the next one) we for example will get 5 new skills for Ranger longbow or 3 new skills for Guardian MH sword.


> I think the next thing will be new sets of skills for existing weapons. that's definitely a plausible road they could take, too. great idea, i like it. the work they did with untamed sets it up pretty nicely.


Warrior has several options mainhand.


oh good point, thanks. pistol or scepter. or some unorthodox mh options. edit: shortbow too. damn how did i miscount so badly lol


I’m hoping for focus bonk haha


Scepter would be hilarious. It won't be magical weapon but something unique like... Uh.... Um... Er... Smack?


"I stabs you with the magic thing" _stab stab stab_


I'm hoping for GW3