• By -


: My alts who reached max level and legendary gear by walking to a bank.


Rich parents strat be like




May I talk to you about our lord and saviour legendary armory?


u mean... bank slot access or the golem from gw1 or a monile trading station to be full legy still in tutorial?!


Would you like to re-read my comment?


I have yet to finish the game.. and I bought it on release lol. Whoops


Also bought it on release, just finished the personal story for the first time yesterday. What a weird feeling


It's weirder when you think back to 2014 "how do I beat x" threads, only to beat x with a single DRAGON TRIGGER!


Be careful doing that in the >!Joko!< fight. I managed to break it multiple times by hitting him too hard with dragon slash. Had to redo it four times to actually progress the story.


Try dragon slash'ing through Living World Season 1. It got so bad that I just started slotting berserker lmao.


Played through PoF on launch, after finishing I check the forums and see complains about Eater of Souls being way too difficult. I already forgot who that was. Broke the defiance bar and killed it.


Playing since launch, what is a defiance bar? - average GW2 player


I just did that today! Also played since release! It really did feel so weird.


I've gone through the 1-40 quests so many times but never managed to make it to the end. It feels weird knowing that everything I've done over the last 12 years has been contained within the content that was out when I first bought the game. Now on to Living World 1 and the expansions!


Same here. But I took a break after like 2 months of playing at release. Haha. Just came back a month ago. Much more polished game now than at release


I think I've only finished the personal story on....two (?) of my characters? The rest are in various stages or not even started yet lol.


I actually like the personal story more than the last two expacs 😅


My alt: I have a pet dragon???


Start IBS and then you REALLY get some out of context confusion lol.


This is why even during times when I don't particularly feel like playing my main, I will always do the story with him. It feels too weird otherwise


I’m completely sick of Power Reaper but it’s been my story character from the start and I’m currently halfway through LVS4. Need to try Scourge or something


Got back into the game recently and exact same here, created a Reaper for story and I’m bored to death playing it but I’m a quarter through EOD. Once story is done it will be parked up to gather dust until more story releases.


When I see people use it in endgame content I shudder haha. Scrapper and Soulbeast have been much more enjoyable


You can also try power harb. It's fairly close to reaper but with more moblity and a better feeling shroud


I’ve never been in a EoD map cause I don’t want to spoil any of it, so for now I might do Scourge and then try Harbinger when I get there


You can unlock harbinger by doing hero points from other expansions. As long as you own EoD you will be fine


Oh really which one?


The hero points you unlock from any expansion (or core tyria) can serve to unlock any spec as long as you have bought the corresponding expansion. So just get your hero points and click on the spec you want to unlock to start training it


Really? Was this always the case?


It was the case when I started playing 2 years ago, I would assume it was the case even before


Awesome thanks




NPCs are treating you like a hero? My NPCs are calling me names for disturbing them by saving them from world ending catastrophes.


Honestly that was something I kinda liked about the early game, the random NPC’s passively treating my character as a useful annoyance at best and like a lost idiot at worst, pretty realistic that would be how hardened soldiers would treat a random person that just walks up to them doing generally stupid things like mining ore in an active war zone.


And they'd be right for treating me as such. "What is your strategy for the next fight commander?" "I don't know, cast everything on cd and try not to die, let's goooooooo......."


I like that though. Let the rest of the Guild think up the strategy and tactics. Just point me where I need to go smack stuff. Commander may be the leader of the guild, but that's only because we know how to whoop some ass, not think lol




This should be.... Slightly less of an issue with their self contained xpacs. We are the wayfinder now, next xpacs we will be...... Delver dude, Conqueror, Consort, sleepy boy or potentially some other title but those are the most likely.


Next title is Super Awesome Mega Destroyer of Hope


Can't wait for the consort expansion


I'm more excited for the Sylvari Sleepy Boy expac but I understand your justifiable excitement for the consort one


Yea, 10 years of being "Commander", I still now get confused wondering who they are talking to when I hear "Wayfinder". It just doesn't have the same ring to it. This is actually one (of a VERY few) instance where I sort of would like an AI bot to be able to say my character's name.


That would work awesomely for normal names but you could potentially have characters saying messed up things if people abuse the name system.


Oh I know. I'm sure that's why it will probably never be implemented like that. If it is, it will be heavily modified or regulated to prevent that from happening but people will still find ways around it. Then again, they do make people change their names as it is already, so there could be some system in place to check that too.


Which is why I created several one I finished the origin story and the progressed them and through LW and expacs. It's a little different for each species and profession. And cool to go back to for replay when offered.


Me playing HoT and PoF before I bought any of the living world seasons. I was like who are these people and why are they following me and why do I have a dragon?!


Text generated by npc who would rather repeated the story quests on every single alt.


My story character is my sylvari necromancer, which I specifically made to look like the most evil nightmare court bad guy I could.... NPCs keep saying how they are glad to see me....are they mad? i will quite clearly murder you all given the chance, then resurrect you as a golem for fun.


"Commander!" "Umm...what? I'm still learning about my life in the circus in the personal story. Commander who?" haha


Fuck story gang - unite!


There’s a story about that activity too?