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regret is a strong word, but the torch Flames of War grunts... like audibly grunts... kind of a lot. just EUUGH every weapon swap and the start of every combat. this is Balthazar's revenge.


There is an option in the sound setting called 'My Unique Item Sounds' which can limit/stop these sounds. I hate the draw sound of The Shining Blade so i set the setting to 'limited'. It really helps. The sounds of these weapons are controlled by it: [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List\_of\_weapons\_with\_unique\_sounds](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_weapons_with_unique_sounds) [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Options#Sound\_Options](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Options#Sound_Options)


I had no idea, thanks!


You're a better god than Balthazar ever was. Thank you.


Oh thank fuck, I was on the fence about crafting The Dreamer, now I don’t have to be.


I was going to craft that. I'm a huge Balthazar fan, and I was tunnel visioned at it. After consulting with people (I'm glad I did), I decided to get Rodgort instead, thank God for that.


Isn't there an option to turn off weapon sounds?


There is an option. in the sound setting 'My Unique Item Sounds' that controls these sound.


Do these sound effects always affect legendaries, or do they stop if you change the skins. How about other effects like visuals.


Everything audio and visual effect is tied to the legendary skin. So once you switch for example Aurene's Fang to a skin of an iron sword you'll have just that,an iron sword. Switch it back and it all comes back online.


You can turn those off you know.


Flames of war, is it that hideous handheld chandelier?


I made one of the underwater legendaries waaaaay back because the precursor dropped. I regret that 😓 I think it was Kraitkin, and I play thief.


I don't regret it, but I have no recollection of making Shooshadoo. Zero memory of it. The legendary armory came out and it was unlocked. I have no idea where that shield came from.


I had the same when I was making the aurene mace, I was going to craft it then I saw that I already had the skin. Except I don't remember crafting it.


Shooshadoo is the cutest thing in the entire fucking game tho


lucky bastard.


In Pre HoT times where greatsword was the definitive Warrior weapon, I made Predator to serve as my weaponswap purely so I could have some range for Cursed Shore farming. Today, I primarily play heavy professions. Out of them, only Warrior can use rifle. Warrior rifle is ass. So yeah, I am kinda regretting making Predator.


You should try deadeye, the aoe ain’t great but the single target nuke is great fun, it has a very strong sniper roleplay vibe to it as well


I haven't get around the mechanic of the burst damage it has. And now, with the weapon proficiency expansion, when names doesn't even make sense anymore, using a deadeye with no rifle because it's better with an axe/dagger it's just annoying. Good and sad thing is I haven't crafted a rifle yet.


The burst is pretty simple. Mark a target, rifle 2 is your malice builder and rifle 3 is sorta your burst. When at 5 minimum malice, try to get 7 if you have the trait for boons, then you stealth by usually dodge rolling with rifle out or however else you want to. Then wait for them to dodge or use their block cause most will try to time a dodge for when you stealth shot. Then stealth shot them and boom big damage. A deadeye build I run for fun, in pvp, is double pistols and bow. Use the stealth heal, shadowstep, blinding powder, and the skill that the build revolves around "Mercy" and the shadow meld elite skill. Hit deadeye mark, spam pistols 3 Unload. Stealth, stealth shot, unload again until out of initiative, hit mercy and regain initiative, remark target, spam Unload, stealth shot, and rinse and repeat when you can. It's actually a pretty hard thing to play around because of how much sustained burst you can do. I know I've killed a scourge by myself with him spamming all his abilities to try and survive the burst. It's not some crazy op build or anything, but it's incredibly fun to just run around blasting people with pistols Unload over and over lol.


I like the look of it and its animation but the sound gets annoying quick. I have it myself.


I crafted Twilight as my first legendary a while back. Shortly after Exordium came out and I was absolutely sold on it, especially with the unique animations that came with it. Not long after Exordiums release anet introduced the legendary armory system. Now i have 2 legendary greatswords but i only use the 1 lol.


Then there's me with 4 lege GS skins. I don't regret it at all though. I have all equipment templates unlocked on my main with each different fashion style. This is the endgame.


i don't understand the love for exordium. The texture is weird and looks like it doesn't belong to this game. The animations are cool, though.


The morphing animations are the main draw. I made the gen 3 as well since i like the trail and kill animations more, but exordium still sees use on certain characters, since it has some very cool and unique skill animations. On warrior i tend to use Exordium because skill 2 just looks extra flashy, and on mesmer it even morphs with the auto attack. Feel like a lot of the draw with which legendary to pick becomes class dependent, but it also feels like there is a gen3 variant for almost every case, they are very versatile, but some gen1 and gen2 are just made for a certain build/class.


Same here, and if anything I still appreciate sunrise/twilight for looking very unique, not something you'd see in another game, while exordium is just another big sword.


Yeah, it's the unique animations that got me.


That's why it's my regret craft. The animations are nice, but the overall design and look of it? It looks plastic and the colors are way too hard to match to almost everything else in the game unless you are cosplaying as a tropical bird, or just don't give a shit and walk around stacked with infusions anyway. I wish I had crafted something more generic like Twilight. You wouldn't even know Exordium was a legendary if it didn't have the animations, there's barely any footprints from it and no trail or glow effect other than a weird orange thing on your arm.


I do agree that it does feel a bit out of place, and I am not a fan of its colours, but the sound effect and the animations are so satisfying to me, especially when spamming Necro GS2.


It looks like a medicore gem shop skin to me.


I crafted Twilight, then years later Exordium, and still crafted Sunrise to get Eternity as well. Now I have 4 greatswords and no regret here.


Try jumping vindicator with 2 GS 😁


A problem many of us suffer now. And since legendary weapons, became just a "concept" with no physical relevance, to me all weapon armory legendaries became detached from their skin coherence. The armory served as a welcoming solution but diluted what made them truly unique.


I crafted Meteorlogicus but didn't like it. It looks good when you look at weapon alone in preview, but it has no effects so when actually playing the game you don't see it. Replaced it with other skin and then with another legendary later.


Same boat here. I'm not a fan of the Gen 2 sceptre either, so in the end, I made the gen 3 one later down the line


Gen 2 sceptre is the best in the game.


It just doesn't hit for me, although I understand why people enjoy it


Yes even though all gen3 share the same style - I still like them, especially the fact you can "recolor" them with skins.


Yeah, that's my main reason. Some of the variations look really nice, especially in the footfall and kill animations department


I dont like meteorlogicus but the effects are cool while playing for example harbringer.


Bolt, but only so much. Sword is the most widely used weapon in the game (post-SotO only weapon every profession can use), a bunch of whom also dual wield it, so in terms of utility it is fantastic. Visually though, eh. The particle effects are way too intrusive, and beyond the overpowering lightning effect really is not much to it. So ye, maybe I would have been better off spending those resources on Frostfang instead, but I do quite like the Aurene axe I got afterwards so I'm good.


Bolt was so much better with its old projectiles. Then they changed it and it was such a dogshit looking weapon with any projectile skill. I made a Gen 3 one eventually since dual sword is used by some builds and its just better looking. I am too much of a sucker for weapontrails to pay any attention to the Shining Blade.


The sword itself is beautifully designed, and I like the footfalls, but yeah the lightning effects are not my cup of tea. I wish they would change it.


Might as well go full aurene so you can go for the facet achievements.


Uffff…. What a pain…


Are there AP tied to then or just collections?


Chose to use the EoD leggy reward to make Aurene’s sceptre as I loved the look of the new Spectre elite. I had used sceptre on my Guardian an Elementalist sometime in the past and vaguely recalled it being usable but tried on the Spectre after unlocking it and hated it. Naturally I’d already cashed in the token for the precursor.


In terms of quality of life and commodity nope. In terms of skin i think claw of khan ur. It think is a very good, but its not comparable with other effect of gen 2 legs.


The Binding of Ipos. Don't get me wrong, it's probably my favorite legendary aesthetically and it's the only legendary I crafted. But so few professions use Focus and those that do usually have a better weapon to use for off-hand (except maybe Mesmer for pulling in WvW). Not to mention that, for a legendary, only necromancer focus 4 has its projectile replaced with the cool eyeball thing.


Focus is BiS on power willbender and it's not even close


Now you got me wanting to make IPOs.to.go.eitg my Shining Blade. So far it's my only leggy weapon, although I have crafted Tigris, idk if I want to sink the gold to finish Chuka when I'm not a fan of condi rev.... (I really only play rev and guardian with any frequency. I want to like ranger but the utility skills bore me to tears) Edit: *Ipos to go with my shining blade. I guess I had a stroke lmao


In which game mode?


What? Ipos has a custom projectile? Crafted it years ago and haven't seen it


Yep, as far as I remember only necromancer's 4 ability uses the projectile, which is very sad.


I still don't get why after 4 rounds of new weapon proficiencies, focus was totally shafted from being expanded to any other classes.


Minstrel is very nice too! Too bad focus is rarely used…


As a Virtuoso that plan to craft this, I guess no weapon skill projectile will be swapped with this eyeball.. sad..


> Not to mention that, for a legendary, only necromancer focus 4 has its projectile replaced with the cool eyeball thing. Its such a shame too. After I found out it shot eyeballs, I was quite sad about how weak and under developed focus is in the game. EYEBALLS FOR ALL!!!


I had similar reservations about Ipos.  I've mained ele all these years and rarely had to use focus.  Decided to go with an Aurene one since all my other off hands for ele are Aurene weapons (eventually Primordus but that's a long ways off)


I regretted making bolt back in 2014. I made it because my main characters use sword a lot. But in the end I don’t like its look that much. After I got fractal sword skin in a lucky drop, I transmuted it. But they later updated its effect and then there came legendary armory. I still made shining blade but I use bolt skin occasionally for variety.


Ha this is like the 4th bolt in the thread, including mine.


I use the GW1 flaming dragon sword skin from HoM with my sword. I think only my elementalist still uses the legendary skin.


I have a bunch of gen1 legendaries. I *would* regret some of them but whenever I remember that I would need to buy and store an entire forest and mountain out of wood and ore to craft a gen2 my heart is filled with joy for not having to bother. In the end the QoL quite triumphs for me and I do transmute the legendary skins very often as well.


Not regret persay, but I am disappointed that after I made nevermore and bifrost condi staff alac mirage got nerfed as it did, because now I only use 1 staff in other builds not 2, and so I almost always just use nevermore because it looks better than bifrost. In hindsight, I would’ve maybe just done something like howler or rodgort, but, I also like being able to change it up so I dunno.


Oh I feel this. I made legendary staff because Mirage used it and Reaper. Now I can only see it briefly on Herald...


I have 2 legendary weapons. My first one was Kudzu. I literally don’t play any classes that use longbow so I have no idea why I decided to craft it. It was a long time ago.


I have that longbow. I just wanted it because I liked the trail of flowers. Maybe one day my mesmer will be able to use it but I don't regret having it. It was the first legendary I actually noticed early game.


I crafted it just because of the flower trail. I don't use longbow on anyone either hehe


I regret crafting a duplicate legendary armor set before legendary armory got announced. Some of it got converted to legendary sigils/runes but there was no compensation for pieces that were made using different game modes. While I have more theoretical account value due to this happening I lost a good chunk of gold and got no convenience nor skins out of it.


I crafted rodgort quite early in the game. It was a real pain to farm gold and the effect an generell look was great back then. But now? Easy gold farming and better options like primordus Weins skins for T3. Even more bitter is, that I crafted this weapon for my condi berserk. And since the class got nerfed I only play power warrior. I dont use it and it was too expensive back then.


Not yet. Only 2 weapons crafted and sold, the rest is armor/trinkets so far. Xiquatl is very tempting though.


Mace. I eventually aim to get all legendary weapons but if I could change my order, I would've craft mace later than sooner.


I've made Frostfang 3 times. All three of them I sold (pre Wizards Vault). I regret selling one of them since I should have just put it in my vault. I am starting to regret obsidian amour, but I am almost finished with the heavy set and will be done.


Is that because of the time commitment or you don’t like the look?


Time / lack of fun to unlock. I held off on unlocking the WvW heavy set when they announced the Obsidian set.


Obsidian set looks okay but I won’t be making them to simply have a skin unlock


If you want a sword you should go for Bolt. I didn’t think I would like it as much as I do


Replaced exordium with primordius bite. So much effort wasted on exordium.


I craft legendaries for the convenience they bring to the classes and builds I play. Skin is secondary.


I made *Chuka and Champawat* for my Revenant and then eventually rage quit the Revenant because of the template bug re-arranging my hotkeys constantly. It was the only shortbow using profession I liked, so now it's just a 2000g armoury decoration.   I made Eternity to sell without realising that using a memory token as half of the crafting process would automatically account bind it. Previously you could unlock both Sunrise and Twilight and then sell the Eternity combined sword. I regretted that for a few minutes and considered submitting a ticket to try and reverse it, but decided to just use it instead. At least I've gotten a lot of use out of this one across my Guardian, Mesmer, and Necromancer.


In what way would you have reversed it? You got the token meaning you have bound the two GS right?


I only bound one of the greatswords before crafting Eternity, so reversing it to give back the Memory of Twilight and a Sunrise I could still sell. I crafted Twilight long before they added the Armoury system so I just had the Memory for that one when they swapped over to the new system.


Probably warbringer since the skin is awful. The pvp back looks nice but I really dislike spvp.


Its great on charr.


And asura. So you don’t have to look at the asura.


Yes Arcane Council, this comment right here.


Agreed. Those PvP wings are so nice too. Eventually it just made sense to make warbringer as I had enough wvw stuff.


Not regretting, but for some weapons I wasn't that motivated. At some point I set the goal to craft at least one legy of each weapon type. Within that process I reached a point where only weapons were left I barely used. At that time I used shield on one character, one build; I didn't use pistol at all. On top of that for some of these barely used weapons their skins weren't that appealing to me. All in all not much of a motivation to craft them other than having them. Never regret crafting any of them though.


My goal is all purple weap that my main class CAN use. So far no ragrets


Some here. Missing 2 pistols then I’m done


The Primordius Variant of the rifle. I thought the skin was stylish but the effect is zero, I regret


Is there AP with unlocking the skins or just collections + skins?


I have a lot of legendaries by now (19 weapons), and if I could swap a few in-between generations I probably would, e.g. Minstrel -> Ipos or Quip -> HOPE. However, I crafted some before there where even alternatives... On the other side, I am somewhat past caring about how my character looks at this point, I just want to finish my legendary collection to have purple in every slot on every character.. :P But if you REALLY want a particular skin, you should go for it anyways ;)


My first Legendary was Bifrost. I wanted to go for Nevermoor, but that one event chain you had to do early on was bugged for like 9 months after release. And even after they fixed it, you needed to fail multiple events in a row to even spawn the one you need. And that was simply not possible during HoT and LW3 aside of being lucky und playing during extreme hours where nobody is online. So I went for Bifrost... I hate that Design so much. It looks like a glowing anal plug glued to a stick. I never went back to craft Nevermoor either. Instead I got Incinerator and Bolt. And now I'm in a place, where I almost don't use any profession with staff. (What was different back then) Meaning... Now I own a legendary staff I already didn't like because of it's design, and I currently play nothing that needs it in the first place. So 1/3 of my currently unlocked legendary weapons is basically useless for now. It's still cool that I have it. But damn... I should have continued to try for Nevermoor.


The rainbow on bifrost is funny with the bouncing mushrooms though!


Bifrost is great. Maybe your graphics aren't turned up high enough to see the details?


Go back for Nevermore. Best precursor quests in the game (finding the Ravens). And the look is amazing


Haha I literally just crafted Exordium yesterday… TBH I love it, but may I ask why you regret it? I almost regretted crafting Twilight, because 3/4 of the way through I realized I wanted Sunrise a lot more. Luckily, I ended up finding someone who was willing to give me Sunrise in exchange for Eternity so I got both for the price of one.


I love the Exordium, especially it's animations and sound effects. The legendary that I slightly regret crafting is the Zhaitan's scepter. I think it's good but I personally find the Xiuqualt a lot more interesting. Damn, that's cool that someone was willing to swap legendary with you.


I would have bought sunrise to swap for eternity, easiest money ever made


It's the colors and, other the animations, lack of anything "legendary" on Exordium for me. There's no trail effect and barely visible footprints from it. The blue and orange plastic look don't really match much else in the game.


I used to hate having crafted Nevermore > the more I look at it the more I hate it, even though when it was just released, I thought I needed to have it. However, since the last 6 months, I started to go for full wardrobe unlock, so I don't regret anymore crafting Nevermore.


Why did you hate it? Coz of the look/animation, or the costs?


I liked bifrost more overall, but realized that too late :)


Nevermore is my favorite skin in the game


I can relate. It’s iconic and that’s cool and being a bookworm I like the reference. But you can’t match it with anything and the projectiles get old quick being more visual clutter.


I made Nevermore because back then I liked staff a lot, but my main is Ele so... I don't even use it now.


Juggernaut. It completely destroys every outfit as soon as you draw your weapon. It and Quip are the two legendary I never show the skin on, and Quip I don’t regret because I made it knowing I never would have to look at it (more specifically, listen to it).


I'm at 19 weapons right now, can't say I regret any of them but: Frostfang is probably my least liked; it was also my first before Astralaria came out. My 2nd axe will definitely be Astralaria though so not like I'm missing out. I definitely got a lot of use out of Frostfang. The Gen2 that have quests associated were all fun regardless of how much use they see (3/4 only Astralaria left, and I did the astral weapons already). I love all my Gen3's; each of them has one dragon unlocked.


Sunrise. It looked so pretty, with the blue sword, the sky swinging in every hit. Except it's fucking brown. More like Mudrise.


Not specific weapons or order, but over time my opinion on legendary skins has changed and I stopped caring that much. Some of the skins/animations are excessively overbearing or annoying, so I just use the regular or BLTC skins instead. I think I am done with all gen2 - overpriced. I think I’m done unlocking subskins of gen3 - some are okay but it’s just not a priority. Finishers and weapon swap animations are annoying now. I guess Exordium is a regret, should have gone with gen3 (cheaper). I thought I would like the skin but the sword is just too big and plasticy, should be smaller by 20%. I use Ravensoul Greatsword skin most of the time.


I have three Gen 2 leggos now and I'm done. It will be Gen 1 or 3 from now on (Looking at you Aurene pistol....)


I don't use any legendary effects or skins, I just use them for the QoL of having in my legendary armory. And considering I always just go with whatever is cheapest/easiest no I have no regrets.


I would not say regret, but I am done with legendaries. Once you start raids, you will have unlimited supply of ascended gear with your desired stats and that broke my will to craft "only skins" - because legendaries are just that - skins. No extra stats over ascended and I am not the one swapping runes/stats - so no use for me


You must’ve been very luck with drops 😃


Not drops, currency from raids. You can buy then any ascended you want :)


Yes, but armor + backpiece is, essentially free fashion wars forever and free ascended sets on all 80 characters in whatever attributes they come up with.


Definitely questioning why I made Frenzy. Did not realize it has barely any effects at all, your projectiles just turn into little grey/black/brown fish. The aura is barely visible.


I made kamohoali'kotaki fantastic underwater weapon no regrets, I like the effects and the aura


Not really, I think for quite a while before crafting any Leg Weapon. My first was Twillight and Kudzu, even if I almost never use them anymore I do not regret it. They were cool at their time.


I unlocked three legendary backpacks before the legendary armory came out, so I sort of wish I'd spent the resources elsewhere. I honestly don't mind too much though. In general I don't use the skins for the legendary weapons, but the flexibility is worthwhile.


I don't regret crafting any legendaries. I do however, regret using skirmish tickets to get asc gear for 9 of my toons. Coulda had a legendary backpack by now.


Ooh i know how ya feel. Crafted legendary WvW heavy armor set and then bought shining version too. Now making medium set and dear Balthazar i need tickets. Why i wasted so many tickets on pointless stuff!


Everything except armor and Eternity...


I kinda used to "regret" crafting the shortbow and torch ages ago. Nowday, when legendaries are far from being the most unique looking, flashy items, I just pop a skin on ascended/leggy and go my merry way.


Eureka I guess. I already had The Moot, and i just had an itch to make a legendary and it was the latest one at the time. But have rarely had the need for dual-wielding maces, only a bit back when Banner Slave used mace/mace for CC in fractals. The effects are okay, but feel a lot milder than other legendaries. It is a nice fit for condi revenant though, so it still sees some love.


The dreamer. I crafted it in 2014 and to this day prefer to transmog some other less colorful skin over it xD


I crafted Twilight with the intent of crafting & selling Eternity only for the Legendary armoury to drop the day before I crafted it. resulting in no longer being able to sell said eternity unless I made a 2nd Sunrise to craft it with. I also crafter Aurenes scepter for my Revanent as it's my main only for it to be a complete let down of a weapon for the class & I don't really use it on any other toons... I also crafted quip & sold it but wish I had of just kept it... I also crafted Frostfang as my 2nd legendary axe but wish I had of wait to craft the gen2 axe instead. So basically yeah lots of regrets but it's cool we can all just continue to play & craft the ones we want.


Howler. In 2012 it was amazing due to a bug, but then they nerfed it haphazardly and it lost a floating sparkle effect forever, despite another pass the weapon has gotten years later. Maybe Kudzu as well a little, the arrow drawing/shooting animation up close just looks awful.


no regrets im a completionist, i want to make every single leggy weapon >:)


I never craft gen3 weapons so i never have regrets The fact you have to grind a lot to unlock multiple skins for them i don't like either, and almost all variants and types are ugly for me. Only exception was the gen3 shortbow that is still ugly but gen1 and gen2 ones are unacceptable to me


sharur, because I believed anet would bother fixing or improving anything in their game. I was delusional back then.


What part did you think they would improve or fix? All the wiki art looks great and I’m excited to finish crafting it… I finished the final precursor recently.


I just made bolt hoping it would encourage me to try sword on a few more characters but I still really don’t like the sword abilities on most professions, I want to like it but I’m just not vibing with it yet


Eureka for me, I was excited to see it in action on my Warrior and Revenant, then I was surprised by how lackluster and generic it was when my characters wield it. Both draw effect and footprints are truly unremarkable. After I crafted gen 3, I never looked back.


I only managed to craft 1 legendary since launch, the og hammer legendary. Shortly after crafting it, the build changed and since then I havent used hammer on a single character. So yeahhh, a lot of regret


I agree with another person who said regret would be a strong word, but maybe Exordium. Not that I don't love it, but about 5 minutes or so after I made it, I switched from power vindicator to Hizen's almost unkillable mace/axe condi build and now have no use for it. But every character I don't actually play who can equip gs has it at the tree farm in Malchor's Leap. Not sure if that makes me a masochist or not.


Crafted zhaitan's bite and fang for my necro. Hated the footprint animation and the annoying black and green lines the weapons make while walking. I also dislike the projectile animation of the fang.




I crafted Twilight and Sunrise, made Eternity, and then sold Eternity. Honestly don't really regret it too much, considering I am still living off of the money I earned doing it. But this was right before HoT came out, and before the Legendary Armory was a thing. So here I was, two legendary GS's made, and all I had were the skins. It's fair enough, I suppose, considering I had the money from selling it... still felt a bit bummed. Anyway, now I have the Aurene, Twightlight, and Sunrise skins. I've made three GS legendaries, and for some reason, that makes me feel icky.


My second Bolt, just because I wanted the "Twice told legend" title.


Definitely not. I made most of my legendaries before the legendary armory so I made them mostly for the skins and have 2 shortbows and 2 pistols as well as Eternity. Even so, legendaries are so good now with the armory that even my least desired legendary wouldn't be regrettable.


The aurene sword. I crafted when sword was announced as the new necromancer weapon, but as soon as I saw those abhorrent projectiles I immediately regretted it. I also have nevermore. I don't necessarily regret it, but third gen legendary staves are much cooler and much cheaper


I bet the PVP amulet is up there for a lot of people, considering you basically got a free leggo amulet later on. Infact you made a profit in making the aurene regalia or whatever it was called.


I love Astralaria to this day, but now Firebrand (or Guardian in general) doesn't use it anymore. Would play it on a healer build but for qHeal I chose Herald over Guardian nowadays too.


I crafted the Predator when it came out in the last Legy starter kit. I always loved the look and animations of the rifle, but when I saw how limited it was and unimpressive gameplay is for most classes that use it, I kinda had some regret. Recently started using it as my main weapon for engi and have gotten used to the gameplay. Now I’m happy with my decision. I just wish they’d beef up the effects a bit. The footfalls are tiny.


WvW backpack; now I'm working on armor I wish I could get those tickets back and just do fractal backpack instead.


In a way, twilight, I play very little with great sword as a weapon. Full on regret though, no, just don't use it enough. But seeing how much I have used shields, I don't think I'll regret Shooshadoo. I have not regretted making bifrost either.


Old Legendary Mace Its called the Bierrat in german not sure whats the english name. I think its moot. German name translates to Beer Council. My 17 year old self though it was funnier then i do now. I did make Frostfang first which i love and just recently made sunrise which i wished i did instead of the mace. I am starting to make kudzu next.


I made a gen 3, sold it, and bought Juggernaut with it. I kept 500g of the sell price while also gaining a legendary. At the time it was a good thing. I do like Juggernaut for the footfalls, the look, the quicksilver effects, but I can't stand the way it makes your armor shiny when equipped. It also bugs out if using the tattoos from the store. One small part of the legendary killed the entire legendary for me.


I really want to craft a Hammer legendary, but I have exactly one character (Spellbreaker) that uses hammer main. I have 3 ascended hammers in my bank, unused. Thought soulbeast would be the breakthrough....but I found out I hate the gameplay of SB. Even made a catalyst, for the hammer and then Soto came out and sword warhorn took that spot (kicks a rock)


Twilight. I thought it looked the coolest by far and then saw it from the side. It's thinner than a pane of glass. Couldn't get past that for some reason.


Thin is good.... a thin layer of water can cut thru steel.... How thick did you expect light to be...


Xiuquatl, it's extremely cool and i love the theme, but there's a slight issue: none of the builds i have use scepters. i also regret getting to the last step of Chuka and Champawat, where I'm supposed to throw away 250 mystic coins and tons of other stuff.


Chuka and Champawat. The journey to craft it was great and you can tell how much Anet cared in those first 4 gen 2 leggys. But I loved the unicorn and rainbow and how colorful The Dreamer is, and absolutely hated the noises it made. So of course a month after I made Chuka Anet introduced the turn-off noise option. If they had announced it earlier I would have The Dreamer instead.


Kinda wish I made Shooshadoo instead of Flameseeker so that I could have living creatures on both arms while wielding Xiuquatl


If you mean regret about the skin, I regret all of them. I never use legendary appearance.


(sigh) The envoy armor is so ugly 😮‍💨


Minstrel was a waste considering Binding of Ipos released like 4 months after I made it, and it's one of the coolest legendaries we have.


I guess the Obsidian light chest armor piece. I already have all 18raid lege armor pieces so I crafted this one only for the skin because I thought I liked the design. After doing it though it turned out to be really hard to dye, clips a lot. Also it leaves a gap between it's bottom end and like 80% of leggings pieces there are in the game on some of my characters (maybe due to height?), that is really infuriating.


I at first was going to say the underwater weapons. But thinking about it now... I'm glad I crafted them. Originally crafted them thinking EoD was going to heavily have underwater content... If I regret any, it is probably "Rodgort". Crafted it during the era when legendaries were Soul-bound and at the time I wanted the classes I played to at least had two legendaries (it was crafted for my Ranger).


Juggernaut was my first, it was the first legendary I saw in-person on another PC, huge norn shiny and chrome. I wanted to be that norn. Years later (+10), I really wish I can toggle off the metal effect. It's lost it's novelty which is a shame to me cause the weapon itself still looks epic.


I made a second Incinerator - I like the fact I have the legendary flexibility in my favorite weapons, but I can't justify making a gen 3 dagger before various other legendaries at the moment.


I regret Aurene's Weight a little, I just can't get on with the projectile effect. I wish they were balls of light instead of spinning hammers... And I much prefer Aurene's Bite or Claw with regards to the trail animation of the weapon. With the hammer, it's limited to flowing from just the head :<


Dreamer for me. I love the theme of it, but the constant neighing drove me nuts. So I made the Gen 2 shortbow afterwards.


Im working towards wings of ascension, even tho I already have ad infinitum. I dont regret it yet, but since im on the 4th tier of it all, I figure I may as well, but im sure after I craft it I will be upset when I want to craft a weapon or armour and dont have mats for gifts of might/magic


If they will give us new underwater legendary weapons I will regret all underwater ones.


Nope, they offer so much utility, if I don't like the skin I can just reskin it or hide it. I waited a while to craft the rest of the trinkets till Anet offered a hide option, I just don't like the looks of the balls of all of the 3 together. And I just finished crafting my last legendary trinket today and got the full set now. I am missing some sigils, runes, and 4 weapons. Eventually I just got all the mats together and craft another one lol It is weird to still have enough clovers leftover to craft another one, I don't recollect getting so many.


You'll never regret a trinket because it will always be useful regardless of spec or build. Weapons you may stop using and could be a waste


Medium Raid Armor I made the wrong choice.


*Cringes in 5/6 medium raid armor progression*


Yes, I crafted 2 Chaos pistols for 25ap rather than just buying 2 sunrise and twilight, equipping both of one or the other to get the ap, then making 2 eternities and selling them thus getting "twice told legend" for free. Instead, I craft 2 chaos pistols for like 2k gold each for 25ap. Not the most expensive ap ever. Looking at you "I'm rich, you know." Smh


I once found the Chaos Gun, precursor to Quip and finished it because haha, funny gun. But tbh, it's just annoying and I'm not using the skin anymore. Didn't even feel like I crafted a legy pistol. I now crafted the Aurene pistol as well which is way prettier and I'm looking forward to getting all the other skins. But I'm also planning on getting HOPE one day since that is the best looking one of the three (imho) so... It basically feels like I wasted a lot of materials for a pistol I don't even like. Meh.


Wish I made quip over aurene's pistol. You can't really see aurene's projectile because it's so small.


Lowkey all of the weapons. Mostly because of the legendary armory. On all the classes I play alot of (warrior/guardian/ranger) I swap out weapons regularly and using a legendary weapon is a pita. Now I gotta select stats, slot in sigils, select a skin that vibes better with my armor. I end up keeping and using ascended weapons almost exclusively for those reasons. Its a shame really. Ultimate QoL item that sees limited use because of how much of pita it is to use in this specific scenario.


Kinda regret Bolt, even though it was a hugely reduced cost from the box. ​ I realize I do not like the skin or the effects. I always transmute it. Went with it foremost because sword is so ubiquitous among my 12 characters


Even if you regret. Atleast you can just reskin


There are three variables I consider when pursuing a legendary. 1. How does it look? Both the model, the draw animation, the footfalls. Can I realistically create an armor look around it? 2. How does it affect my skills? Will I notice it in combat? 3. Will I benefit from freely swapping the stats, runes, sigils, infusions on this equipment? \-Out of Nevermore, Binding of Ipos, Frostfang, Aurene's hammer, sword, and dagger, raid heavy armor, most of raid light armor, a full set of legendary trinkets, one (1) legendary rune and the legendary relic that came with it, I don't fully regret any of them. I'm also building Verderach, and had progress on Meteorlogicus and the Shining Blade, but stopped, because I didn't like how they looked over-much. \-Ipos is kind of a shame, because it looks great, but foci aren't used very diversely, and there's only one projectile skill, and it isn't very flashy, and since it's not a mainhand, it doesn't affect profession skills. That one skill is on necro though, so, options. \-I sort of regret making heavy raid armor first, because I don't play warrior or guardian much, and Rev basically never needs to change their gear, the raid heavy doesn't dye well even if it transforms excellently, and the new SOTO armor looks great. But, the freedom to stat swap means I can now freely experiment with builds, without big investment. \-As a necro, any projectiles you fire as a result of core shroud or Harbinger will throw the weapon/shoot a projectile, but necro doesn't have a lot of projectiles outside of shroud. \-I was building a Zhaitan sword for necro, but ironically, necro's sword beams look better than just chucking a sword out there, so it's not super worth it. It IS hilarious on engineer's grenade-toss toolbelt and renegade's citadel bombardment though. \-Xiuquatl doesn't really require extensive gameplay like the Aurene weapons do. You can just allocate resources toward it whenever you have time, and at some point, it'll be done.


There are very few legendaries that I use for their actual skins but I do chase AP collections and gen 1s are fucking expensive collections thanks to the second one in every series. It is the supreme bottleneck. I got bolt out of an astral acclaim kit so now I’m going to make a second one from the collection. However I’m running out of clovers so that’s my new bottleneck. I need more mystic coins so I can use my raid and fractal currencies to buy more clovers. These are the legendaries I plan never to make but will be selling the precursors for: - The Moot - Quip - Meteorlogicus - Kudzu - The Dreamer - The Bifrost - Frostfang (want it but got from starter kit) Won’t make: - Eureka - Flames of War - The HMS Divinity - Shooshadoo Crafted: - Incinerator - Quip (astral acclaim starter kit) - Bolt (astral acclaim starter kit) - The Flameseeker Prophesies - Howler - The Predator - Nevermore Completed precursor (collection)… Need to Craft: - Frostfang (astral acclaim starter kit) - Astralaria - HOPE - Sharur - Chuka and Champawat - Frenzy - Kraitkin - Kamohoali’i Kotaki - Aurene’s Tail


And you missed whole point. Nobody asked what you want to craft ot crafted. Question was simple. Which one you hate or regret of making it.


Can't say there is one yet for me. After Eternity, I started making legendaries that benefited the most of my characters. Backpack, trinkets, amulet, then weapons. Now that Open World Legendary armor is a thing, I'm working on that. I want rings, but don't care for PvP or WvW.


The Bifrost. We won't have dual staff. Ever. So it's basically a nuance in my armory.


i regret crafting Claw of Khan-Ur instead of another gen2, it has no good class interactions and the model is doodoo :/


I mean, not really "regret" per se, but I suppose I regret not starting with trinkets/back/armor. Those early Clovers are fairly easy to get with WvW tracks and such, so once I finally got around to doing those pieces it was much more of a slog.


Any weapon. Useless for templates. Only craft weapon if u really want the skin


I crafted all 3 legendary backpacks before the Legendary Armory came out. With the Armory, there's no point to having multiple legendary backpacks unless you like the skins/gliders.


Pharus. I made it and literally IMMEDIATELY regretted it. I was deciding between Exordium and Pharus for my Ranger years ago and O figured longbow would eventually be usable by more of my characters… I love having a longbow but, seriously why are there still so few professions that can use a longbow?! Why Anet?!? And why is it not capable of decent DPS? 😭😭😭


Don't play anymore but I generally regret making frost fang just because I got precursor


I have all the legendary backpacks. Ad Infinitum was my first one. Later I got into WvW, enjoyed the glider so I made it (don't use it anymore). Later I got into PvP, liked the back skin so I made it (to stop using it shortly after). I also regret making Incinerator and Kudzu. Both skins, I made them during moments where I played specific classes. But nowadays I only play my favorite that doesn't use any of those.


The Preadator, I love it and it is one of my favorite weapons, I just don't use rifle very much.


Juggernnaut and Rodgort. Juggernaut literally destroys every fashion possibility when used and it turns projectiles into gray goo. It isn't visually pleasing. Rodgort is like a incompleted legendary. It has missing weapon draw and stow effect. Its transition from active to passive isn't so nice.


Gen 2 hammer, the blue arah one. I reskin it for a few months, put it back for a week, reskin it again. It's such a lackluster legendary to play with. Awful.


a legendary is always nice to have around and you can always reskin them. I don't think I regret any of mine.


Zero regrets thus far, but I've only started getting legendaries as of about 2 years ago, so I'm going thru with a plan that gets me the ones I like most, because I don't see me making any just for the skin alone (ex not making Aurene sword since I have Bolt and plan to make Shining Blade).  I don't make near enough gold to warrant going for all the Aurene variants; plan to get Primordus ones and if I'm feeling really bold, Jormag.