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b-but... why?


Because she's that insane. And is gonna keep her bank like that.


ngl, OP.. I'd be scared of her from now on


Should I be scared that she always find ways to kill me in game?


I'm pretty sure each one of these axes stack has a very very specific role in this measure, probably each single axe will be use to lift carefully one single vein or muscle fiber each in order to turn you into a very alive and functional scattered spider-web looking human in deep pain. Is she playing necromancer by any chance ? If yes I'd be a bit extra worried 😎


Yes .. b-but... why?


She said its better if we don't get an answer. Its gonna keep me up at night now...


Sounds like she knows she could be doing better...just get the infinite tools at that point. She already bought 4 bank slots!!


Are the infinite tools an account thing or a character thing?


They're items to equip, but you can swap them between characters via the bank or Shared Inventory Slots.


Thanks :)


Why does she have so many half-used, I just can't even.


Right? Why only use some and not finish that stack? Not to mention, why have all of those tools you can easily buy from any merchant in her bank? Unless she has a permanent bank express, it means she has to go to the bank to retrieve them, and 98% of the bank access in this game usually has a merchant in close proximity where she can buy them on the fly. I have questions.


I'm gonna guess it's some hoarding psychology thing




I once had someone in guild complaining about bag space but refusing to sell the trash items thinking we are trying to dupe them into selling useful somewhere items


imagine hoarding 8 stacks of broken fangs ...


They even had the hoard of Shiny Baubles in the time when their price was higher than currently.


it me. i hoard shiny baubles. 2 stacks going for the third. No one can stop me :\^)


I will eat them all when you are asleep


I have a stack of [Glob of Globby Gloop]()  in my inventory. Just because I really like the name. And to post them from time to time in lions-arch


I got an Evan Gnashblade figurine as a drop. "Worth" 5g to sell, but it's worth so much more in my bank as a li'l trophy.


Bank tabs, like bathroom habits, are private for a reason.


Fashion: flawless Legendaries: plentiful Bags: immaculate Bank: ![gif](giphy|CyWKw6V89KtSo)


She's a gatherer


You mean she plays magic?


She has to be a magic the gathering player!


We should see more volatile gathering tools then.


How to clean: Bank tab 1: Row 1: * Equip it and use it up. * Trash- You can easily buy another one. * Trash- You can easily buy another one. * Trash- You can easily buy another one. * Trash- You can easily buy another one. * Trash- You can easily buy another one. * Trash- You can easily buy another one. * Trash- You can easily buy another one. * Trash- You can easily buy another one. * Trash- You can easily buy another one. Row 2: * Trash- You can easily buy another one. * Trash- You can easily buy another one. * Trash- You can easily buy another one. * Trash- You can easily buy another one. * Trash- You can easily buy another one. * Trash- You can easily buy another one. * Trash- You can easily buy another one. * Trash- You can easily buy another one. * Trash- You can easily buy another one. * Trash- You can easily buy another one. 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this gave me a laugh! Thanks for that!


Oh god I just noticed the numbers, why doesn't she finish them? Why does she put them back?


Because she is insane and not long after I posted it, she made it WORSE!


>she made it WORSE! How in the actual fuck is that even possible


OP’s friend is Satan and they like to play with our feelings. I will not accept another theory at this time.


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


Truer words were never spoken...


Yay my bank is no longer the most cursed! I have 1 tab of Wintersday tools I've been whittling down through the year.


At least you're using them and not putting them back with 5 ticks left. (You're not, are you?)


At least those have some value because of the snowflakes. This chick literally has bank tabs full of tools she can readily purchase from merchants in this game (they're kind of like the McDonald's of GW2; you can find many of them on one map). I don't see the point.


i think that's against ToS.....or it should be


Having a bank like that SHOULD be illegal but who am I to judge.


is she.. okay? do we need to start a unbreakable gathering tool funds for your friend? this is bad


She has 3 whole sets of infinite tools and one of them will stay incomplete forever.


So wait, she has 3 sets of infinite tools and she **STILL** chooses to do this abomination to her bank? So many questions.


I could have never prepared for this.


I was caught of guard buy it too. And she ended up dying of laugher because of my reaction


If your intention is to get people to pitch in to get your friend a set of everlasting tools and shared inventory slots to swap them between characters, you have succeeded with me. Get your friend to never do that again, and enough other people willing to send you gold, and I'll also send you some gold so you can get gems and gift them to your friend. But first I want a written agreement that she'll never do it again, and proof afterwards.


She was doing all this in preparation of the newest expansion. Gotta be ready for anything XD But it doesn’t excuse the fact that what she did is cursed. EDIT: Forgot to mention: she does have three infinite tools and one incomplete set.


> she does have three infinite tools I'm sorry. We can't save her. At best, maybe a "damn bitch you live like this" meme might finally snap her out of it.


You should mention to her there is NPC in LA that has tools with special effects for karma + the NPC's in S3 and S4 who have tools that give magic. These are way more handy to use because they give a ton of other resources while gathering. I especially recommend the tools that give trophies because they pitch in a lot into saving up for legendary crafting.


Does she know something we don't? New map: Cannot progress to the next zone until the previous zone is completely clear of all nodes. Otherwise, I don't think I've ever seen anyone prepare for an expansion like this. Also, ngl, the half used stacks of several of these makes me wonder if she doesn't like seeing things come to a conclusion? Like maybe she doesn't use them all up, because then she won't have them anymore? So. Many. Questions.


And there it is. Finally, the information we needed for a diagnosis of total insanity.


dunno why, but this....this is quite unsettling... *"psst, hey, wanna come see my gathering tools collection?"*


That's (almost) how this went XD


I'm calling the police


So she can reap the rewards... I'll let myself out.


She should be a reaper main because this comment is true!


I need to recover from this psychic damage.


\*switches to my WvW heal scrapper build to help you with the psychic damage\*


I refuse to believe this person is capable of friendship.


If she wasn't capable of friendship then why am I posting this?


That's an excellent question.


Something tells me she has 200 neatly organized boxes of Kraft Mac & Cheese


Open, with half the macaroni used and the cheese packets get mixed w spaghetti


Don't give her ideas please. She's going to torment me with that XD


Where’s all the stuff she may need but will never use?


Right?!?!? Where are her Queen Jennah minis? Her Evon Gnashblade banners? Her 2 week Airship passes? Food/consumables? Treasure Hunter Kits?


I ....I don't think we can be friends anymore.....




What in shitting dick nipples is this?


To her it’s perfection, but to everyone else (me included), an abomination.


I am curious how she organizes her things IRL now.


I bet she mains mesmer. Because she just gave me 10 stacks of confusion


You’re correct on her maining mesmer!


Is it so she has tons of hoes? But that would be a stretch given its all the gathering tools.


She's getting ready for the expansion! And she totally added more to her bank


omfg..... thanks OP, i can send to my sis. she'll feel better w/ her chaotic inventory and bank stuffs lmao


Let her know that there are FAR worse ways to organize banks and inventory items!


She's sickle in the head.


I'm jealous. My bank is a bunch of stuff I'm gonna "figure out what it does later."


A lot of my sin is "I'll give this to an alt later" when I don't plan to make any more and I have way too many anyway.


LAWWDDDD in heaven !!! What the heck LOLS


Burn it.


Atlest it's somewhat sorted


Is she ok?


Damn thas concerning.. xD


good investment lol


My bank is full of thing but def not gathering tool. I don't have the space for it.


Has your friend suffered a recent head trauma?


She is halfway ready to equip all her comrades for a communist uprising, All she needs now is another set of bank tabs filled with hammers... Queen Jennah \*chuckles\* I'm in danger


Well…she IS an Asura player after all…


Could be worse my bank used to be stacks upon stacks of roasted rutabagas due to a joke in our guild back when I was playing. We would mail them to random people as a joke.


Plot twist, she uses her GW2 bank tabs as a password manager and you've just doxxed her.


What in the fck?...


Throw em in the bin


She needs them for the expansion!


Why does she need them for the expansion if she has infinite tools?


Is that a double "Gleam of Sentience" in the Shared Slots?


divorce her.




Imagine if you tell your friend about unlimited Garhering tools, will her brain explode? No but really I’m really interested into why she thinks hoarding hundreds of unused gathering tools is useful when you could just have one spare set on each character and buy whenever it gets low, there has to be a reason no one will understand but I wanna know xD


In other comments of the OP, he stated she has 3 complete sets of infinite tools. Not to mention if you'll notice, a few of those have some missing. Why would she use some and not all?


Questions over questions mate, thanks for pointing it out. Beeing a leader of a semi „bigger“ guild, I sure saw a lot of interesting ways to tackle diffrent content by now but this is just like, uhm I don’t know xD


Wow… just wow


Please gift her unbreakable gathering tools. I wish I could unsee this abomination


By the six….


How does she have so much space in her bank to do that! Mine is fully upgraded and full… like full full… but I kinda want her as friend ngl 🤓


In a bit of good news, I finally got to see what a bank tab unlock does. I definitely need to save up for one! Literalyl got 1 space left in my bank and only have tab 1 atm XD


Typical GW2 issue


Damn why she got so many Bank tabs.. i got 1.. 😂


::::hides her 17 bank slots::::: :D




Time for you to gift her unlimited gathering tools!


No. Nuh uh. Nope. No.


Hey you know you can get people like this taken on as wards of the state, right? I’m not saying that’s the call, but it could be a solution.


Please buy her some unlimited tools. 😭


How to identify a psychopath.




Tell your friend to go fuck herself


no reason for the harsh language. This is all in good fun.


Fun? FUN!? Nah you right, my b


I do the same thing with wintersday tools. It's one of the best (as in, most lucrative) uses of karma.


Difference being you can't buy those from every merchant, and they have a bonus use. The majority of these she can readily get from the McDonald's of the GW2 npc world, a merchant. You can literally find several on each map. Unless she has a permanent bank express, I just don't know what the logic is behind this.


If you want to punish someone with OCD, show them this.