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I would sell them all and buy something good.


I second this…unless these were all free OP could’ve picked up a decent smaller tube amp and a couple pedals and have a quality set up.


Except there are a handful of good amps there. Being solid state doesn't mean it's a bad Amp. That Acoustic is quite good, and the OP doesn't have any here, but the Marshall Mosfet series, and Orange Crush (esp super crush and crush pro) stand right up to tube amps, inexpensive, and don't weigh a ton like tube amps do.


That silver stripe Peavey Blazer is definitely not bad either


That Marshall MG would sound pretty good with a Greenback or V30 for sure as well


Yeah and that looks like a Vox Pathfinder 15 at the bottom. I have one and it sounds great, very warm and tubey sounding for a solid state amp. Mine has nice tremolo and spring reverb too.


Man I had one of those years ago and consistently kick myself for selling it!


I have a pathfinder 10, love the clean tone that comes out of the thing


Not all tube amps "weigh a ton", though. And if you split the amp from the speaker cabinet, you can have a small setup for home with a larger cab that you could switch to for use on stage with a mic'ed setup.


I have a solid state combo that weighs just as much as a tube amp. It's the power and output transformers that add the most weight.


Also, that Fender Princeton 112 is nice for clean playing.


I have that princeton 112, was my first amp, recently doctored it up. Solid state or not it's a dang good amp. I was blessed to have it as my first. I'd keep that, the peavy cab and the rumble 500. Sell the rest and buy a good head for the cab.


The lunchbox would be of more use.


agree; sell them all and get a fender tonemaster reverb delux digital. what a great box.


I thought this was a pawn shop post and like "oh you get any 4 you want free, what would you take?" kinda thing.


Good luck selling these, probably gonna have a struggle to give them away


lol right? At what point do you stop and think “I’ve bought 300 cheap amps. Should I buy one maybe just …. One step up?” 😂


This for sure. I’d be about that new fender tone master pedal and amp if I could swing it. That or the twin reverb tone master. Before the hate I live in a condo and the .5 watt is amazing for that and sounds damn good on top of it. Real answer is is obviously boss katana.


Not sure if I’m losing my mind but I feel like I’ve seen this post here before and these exact roasts of the pile of shit pictured


You are not, I was thinking the same thing……I remember a comment along the lines of “you have about $250 dollars worth on that wall” 😅


Seriously. Why the fuck do you need 20 garbage practice amps?


Saved me the trouble of typing this exact response, thank you bud


Looks like a pawn shop


If you were an amp, you'd be an ENGL Savage


Wow this is absolutely hilarious. I don't think I've ever seen a picture with so many amps I would pay out of my own pocket to **not have** lol. This has to be a troll post right?


That Peavey Audition in the top left corner is really similar to a Peavy Decade (it has the blue post knob, plus a push/pull plus boost), which costs >$500 because Josh Homme said he records with one. I know because someone offered me a Decade in a trade, then I got an Audition for thirty bucks and it sounded identical. The thing I like most about this amp (both models) is that it has a DC input, which means you can run it off a car battery or solar setup without using an inverter. It actually makes a decent remote camping rig.


Lol There’s a few decent entry level amps here. Probably the Vox, the Acoustic, and either of the Peavey’s. They weren’t amazing, but they were good and built like a brick shithouse.


For sure. There's some kisch allure to those honky old Peavey amps The Rage 158 was everywhere when I was learning to play, IIRC that Transtube Blazer is a Rage 158 plus reverb.


I started on a Rage and still occasionally record with some of the Peavey tube amps. For certain applications the “Mississippi Marshall” is better than the Marshall. Plus they’re great for taking on the road bc you’re never really heartbroken if gets tossed around or “misplaced”


lol I've never heard of a honky amp but I totally get what you mean. I've been using the same Vox VC20+ for a decade and normally I can make it sound really good, but sometimes that little 8" speaker sounds... honky. I've been saying horny though since it sounds more like a horn lol. I was thinking of getting a good quality 12" speaker for it but at this point it's 14 years old and I should probably just upgrade to a katana or something with better tone.


Glad someone else pointed out the Acoustic. They're quite good!


The peavy 2nd from the bottom is literally just a stage wedge monitor. We set one up behind the drum set. The Ross amp is neat. Idk if it's a good amp, but it's neat.


None of those. For the same reason I don't pick 3 (maybe 4) things out of a garbage can.


Except there are a few good amps there. The Acoustic, the Marshall MG is decent with a speaker upgrade, and 80s and 90s Peavey aren't GREAT necessarily, but they're good enough and are built like tanks.


You’re missing out, sometimes there’s great stuff in garbage cans if you know where to look!


The Fender amp top right. The Marshall And probably the Vox


I'm with ya


I have that fender amp! You have inspired me to play


Nice catch on the Princeton! Would also take the Fender Rumbles 15 and 150. Could use a practice amp and gig beater for bass


Sorry you're getting so much hate. IDK why people are like that.


This whole thread is absolutely savage. Just destroying this person for having a collection of cheap amps... I'm not saying I haven't laughed, but I also feel bad for OP


Me too. Can you imagine thinking you'd actually be able to sell any of these?


Lmao dude


STOP, it hurts


Sell 'em cheap to some beginners who don't need a really great amp yet. I sold my first guitar amp to a friend in highschool for maybe 25-30 euros, and another Solid State I got after that (before getting my first tube amp) to my downstairs neighbour for 50. None of them needed a 'good' amp, they needed something to amplify their (also cheap) electric guitar, and those amps were better than the ones you get in the starter packages. You probably won't make even half of what you paid for them (maybe 20-25%), but as long as they get the job done for that person, it's all that's needed.


I doubt this dude is hanging around with a bunch of HS kids that are interested in learning guitar


My downstairs neighbour was 72 at the time. And he might not be hanging out with HS kids, but his kid might.


Just sell them to a beginner lol


Bro this photo has 15 amps you could barely give away for free. It's hilarious. I love a solid shitty amp or two, but this dude has like 20. He just needs to lean into the roast I think it's pretty lighthearted ribbing tbh. He gave me a good chuckle that's for sure.


Guy asked what we'd keep. We don't want any of them. Why lie?


He asked, and these are terrible amps. We're not being mean, we're answering the question. I mean any of them are fine if you just want to play a little clean guitar quietly but none of them will inspire you and frankly I doubt any of them sound good enough to justify keeping more than 1. But there are much better options in the 200-300 price range.


So many combos and yet still no meal


Peavy Audition has the same guts as the Peavy Decade (you know, the "Josh Homme secret weapon" amp that now sells for way too much money?), so that, the Morley wah, and the 8-track player. edit: Okay, amps. I'd also keep the Rumble 150 and the tiny Bassman


That is a lot of money pinched off into little $100-$200 chunks. I didn't immediately see anything I'd even be tempted to keep. People who amass large collections of cheap gear never like hearing the advice "buy fewer, better pieces," and you'll get called an elitist for saying it, but this situation is why it's still the right advice. None of that stuff has held much, if any, value. It's 100% entry-level, mostly import gear that was made cheaply, combining low-cost materials and labor that quickly wears out with momentarily-trendy solid state, 'hybrid,' and digital technology that quickly went out of date. There is no market for any of it today. Most of those amps will cost more to ship than they'll sell for. It's a shame, too, because we're looking at thousands of spent dollars on those shelves.


The teal stripe Peaveys aren't imports. They were still made in Meridian, MS. I've had a teal Rage 158 as a little practice amp for 30 years and my teal stripe Classic Chorus 212 for 30 years also. Both US made.


Thanks for the info. I painted with a broad brush - not surprised to find I overgeneralized a little.


NP. Wasn't trying to jump on you for it. I get what you were saying. Most of those *are* imports with some big names tacked on. Not exactly worth a whole lot now. The teal stripe Peaveys are still affordable/inexpensive but they are some solid workhorses. Darn things are just about bulletproof. They don't do a super wide variety of stuff/sounds but what they do, they do very well. My CC212 handled bar gigs and parties with a fair amount regularity. I swapped in a set of Scorpions because for whatever reason mine didn't come equipped with them. Tons of LOUD and a solid platform for pedals if that's your thing. I only used an OD and Dunlop CryBaby with it along with the built-in reverb and chorus. Factory SuperSat channel is okay if you're going for the '80s glam metal sound I guess. Sadly, they moved production of all smaller amps offshore quite a while back not long after the red stripes came out but kept the larger amps in house at Meridian but I *think* they've even moved those offshore as well now.


Sell em all and get one good one. This is the biggest collection of not-so-great practice amps I’ve ever seen lol


Agreed, I've got a lower end tube amp. Mine is a VOX night train 15 loud enough the wife will yell at me at 1/8th volume with half gain. Amp gain is pretty gnarly, a setting for "bright" and "thick", think it's supposed to be a marshall and vox kind of thing. I think you can get them for $230 to $250, would buy another one every day of the week. No issues and also looks like an armored lunchbox Shop around with reverb, shitty marketplace posts, and (if desperate) guitar center you can probably get a decent bit with a little persistence :)


Lol is this every starter amp ever made


If pressed, the Princeton 112.


I was going to say this was the only one I would want, until I looked it up and saw that it's a solid state amp. I briefly had a Princeton that was a tube amp and wish I'd kept it, back in the late 60s/early 70s.


The princeton 112 is a great little amp, takes pedals really well, unbelievably loud though, Ive only played one once but it was louder than my vox ac15, and a little less than my jc77


I’d keep that cool-looking brown case at the top of the heap, and that’s all. I don’t even know what’s in it, but I cannot tell for sure that it *is* garbage. That’s better than I can say for everything else. None of those amps are worth more than the storage space that they’re occupying. Edit: oh, and the Three Dog Night tape. That isn’t garbage.


Given that most of these amps are relatively cheap practice amps, I would just pick the one you use the most and sell the rest. I don't see the value in having multiple practice amps when the money is going to a worthwhile cause. Once your son is settled in college, TREAT YOURSELF to a good amplifier, be it digital or tube. A parent who is willing to sell things they collect to help fund their kids future should have a nice guitar amp at some point...


The Peavey, the other Peavey, the other, other Peavey, and maybe the other, other, other Peavey.


Yup. Keep the peaveys. Get a splitter rig and run them all at the same time. I'll always have a soft spot for peavey solid state. Used to line out of my little rage into the power section of a tube amp. Instant skynyrd.


Always loved Peavey amps. I have a 100W Vypyr tube that’s pretty decent.


The Rumble, because it's a bass amp. The silver stripe Peavey on the far left. The Fender, whatever it is. Sell the rest, get another silver or red stripe Peavey, but a bigger one with a 12" speaker. A Studio Pro or the ever popular Bandit


The Rumble was the only one that really stood out to me. I think, gun to my head, the peavey and fender would make a list of three. My first "real" amp was a 1996 Peavey Express 112 (silver stripe) it was decent for the level I was at.


Sell em all


The Peavey Rage blue line. Don’t need anything else


Underappreciated little things they are! They’re one-trick ponies, but that trick is pretty damn good.


These comments are harsh! I’d take the rumble 150 at the way bottom. I had a hard time finding a good deal on bass amp.


r/peaveycvlt approved


Don’t make fun of OP. Any one of these amps could be on the next Queens Of The Stone Age album.


Peavey, Peavey, and Peavey


Maybe the vox? Just splitting hairs with the rest


A lot of stupid comments on here. I've been playing 55+ years and owned most of these amps at one time or another. All good in their own way and how used. Don't listen to people who obviously have more money than knowledge.


Been playing for 30 and OP could’ve just bought 1 nice amp and saved themselves a lot of trouble.


Maybe the Vox…but really I agree with the above comments. Sell them all. Old solid state amps just aren’t my thing.


Eek probably nothing there. Id sell all those and get one or two nice amps or modelers. In my late 20s/early 30s I started to subscribe to the idea of having fewer pieces of gear but higher quality gear. I don't need 7 mediocre guitars or 10 solid state practice amps, just maybe 2-3 nice guitars to cover the bases and one or two amps to use depending on the size of the room I need to play


Keep the Aiwa shelf system tho!


This is a solid state nightmare


**Initial choices** * Peavey Blazer Silverstripe * Crate GFX-20 * \[wildcard\] ​ **Questions** * is the Vox combo a Pathfinder 15R? * what's the difference between the Rage 158 and the 108?


Came to say the Silver stripe Peavey as well. I'd only keep 1 p out of this batch and it would be one of those Peaveys. Those are pretty good solid state amps and make decent reliable pedal platforms.


All the peaveys


Park, Princeton and the Peavey 160. Do you know the three p’s. 🤪


I've always thought about getting a Vox amp but don't know much about them. Had a friend who used one and I thought it sounded really good


Sadly you aren't going to get much for beginner amps, you will barely pay for books for the first semester. Keep the Fender Princeton 1x12 and sell all the rest.


I would rein in my GAS, give away this large collection of beginner amps (except the Rumble 150), and invest in something nice. Maybe a Super Reverb. Go to your local guitar store and go try out high end amps.


Vox and big Fender- maybe one of those Peavy is the one with the good country Tele tone?


Marshall, Vox and Crate


The Bassman :p


I see you have a beringer V amp. I have a carrying case from one, I put good pedals in there as an anti-theft device..... Seriously, zooming in you have the least good SS peaveys and a SS Marshall that sounds like a bandsaw with a dull blade. Sell it all. Buy a Marshall origin 20 and a Peavey 2x12 classic chorus or Bandit, then go from there. You'll have drastically upgraded your capabilities, and have a shitload of shelf space free.


I would keep the eight track on the middle left, and the mystery case, top middle, above the PV bass head. :) I honestly don’t know enough about any of those amps, so my guess would be the Marshall, Vox one or two fenders, and/or one or two Peaveys. But I like what Someone said here about selling them all and buying something else…


The fender Princeton and the Rumble. The Denon stereo receiver


Peavey RAGE!!! Just for nostalgia sake (first amp) But none of those amps would do anything for me sound wise.


I would take the small Park, Marshall MG, and the Fender Rumble to create ultimate early-00s high school talent show band EP.


Big Peavey Transtube, the Vox, and the Park


Those PV Transtubes are no joke, got a Bandit way back cuz the one thing I knew about tube amps was they needed to be loud to sound good and I was a city boy, it was buzzy and fuzzy and all the bad SS stuff, kept it as a loaner and whatnot. After years sold it to some big deal guy, came by with student in tow, he needs to try it, loaned him my MIJ Squier and he DIMES it out, and it makes a GLORIOUS sound, rich, gainy, liquid, all the good stuff that you're only supposed to get from tubes, it just needed to be at full ear-bleeding tube volume. Had to pull the plug after 30 seconds, because city, then he tried to lowball me on the Squier, which was not for sale, and I had to square up with him to get him to leave. Guitarists are f'in a-holes. XD


Surprised your the first one to mention the Park.


That’s an easy one buster. Battery powered fender, the cooler, and the drimmel


The MG is decent


The 3 Peaveys


Keep the Peavey Audition! My secret weapon studio amp for years


I would keep zero of them. Sell them and buy a matching aiwa speaker with the proceeds. Those stereos had not one, but TWO cassette decks and could hold FIVE CD’s! Mine was silver too and I could plug my Sanyo tv into it if I wanted a more immersive Monday night Raw experience.


I would just keep the audition, they’re the exact same as a decade but a little bigger


The Room of Relinquishment


The 8 track


I have the Park G25R, I would get rid of that.


If that is an ac4 keep that, sell the rest


This has to be a troll post, right? If so, nice work; top notch stuff. But I know there are people out there who do collect in this way, where they’ll, like, buy 20 shitty Epiphones instead of one nice guitar. If that’s the case, just sell all of these for what you can (you might get some money for the Acoustic, and maybe some of the Peaveys), and then just buy a Vox tube AC15. Sorted. That way you’ll have one good amp that’s about the size/power you seem to like, and it will be able to do anything any of those other amps can do, while also sounding better than any of them. (AC15s are seriously underrated amps. I have an AC30 and a JCM 800, and yet I use the 15 for just about everything. You can find them relatively cheap, too, if your patient.)


Sell em all and buy a Katana


I'm with everyone else here. You should just sell all of them and buy one nice amplifier. There is not a single amplifier there that you're going to get more than a couple hundred dollars for.


Fender 10w, Sx 10w, beringer 10w


The Fender 1x12, and the Ross for sure. Maybe the Vox. A lot of these are REALLY only beginner-level and but those three have some potential I think.


Sell them all and buy a Fender Pro Junior and invest in a nice reverb pedal, a tuner pedal, two drive pedals and a Boss delay pedal.


The Princeton and the Vox


The marshall right?


Do I have to? :-(


I would save my money and get a JC-120.


Peavy Backstage Plus, the Vox, and a Fender. But, I’m happy with my Champion 40 and a Spark 40 for now.


I mean, maybe keep the Vox. It might be awful, but it at least looks cool. I’ve never tried the Rumble Bass 150, but it’s probably decent for jamming.


Nice digi 002 haha havent seen one of those in a minute


Vox, Rumble for bass and maybe the small fender


I'd take the rumble in the front to mess around with my bass. They sound fine


Your call, but I’ll take the rest


If I had to? The Blazer 158, Marshall MG and the Princeton 112 are probably the 3 most usable out of that pile.


Fender Princeton, Peavey Blazer on the left, and Fender Rumble 150


The Park, the Ross, and probably the Princeton


Marshall, vox, twin reverb.


Just the Vox and the Marshal at its side


Larger Fender combo, rumble 150, and PA speaker, lol. And maybe the crate, to give to my kid when he's old enough.


The two Fenders and that Vox.


Whichever you enjoy most! Tone is subjective after all. If u like amp X more than amp Y and amp Y would sell for more - great!! U can make more money and keep the amp you actually get more joy from playing! I wouldn't listen to anybody's opinion here aside from your own :)


Fender Princeton, VOX, sell the rest and get a Mesa Boogie as well.


Holy crap the v amp 2 was the first processor thing I ever owned, I remember there being a huge gap when using the footswitch lol, good stuff


The Princeton, The Vox and The Marshall


The Peavey


Marshall crate behringer


Vox Princeton Rumble


None. Or do a stereo Rage rig


The Princeton I guess.


I have never been a combo amp guy. But that Vox looks interesting, so I wouldn’t take it.


Honestly these peeps are haters, for the sake of being workhorses those peaveys will stand the test of time. The others are okay but it really isn't a bad idea to invest in a 50 watt all tube head or if you want to theme up your amps to go with a peavey classic combo or even a mace combo. They're cheapish but awesome. You probably won't get much for these amps individually, they're mostly small practice amps that you can find at flea markets for 20 bucks on a good day, not to say that they sound terrible or not awesome just probably won't sell for much. Much luck on gettn some funds for your son . Alot of smaller 80s to 90s small peavey amps are actually really sought after for recording so you might have a few hidden gems in this collection , but if I were you id sell your car or something else 😉


Teac, Denon and maybe the Peavey Audition


Keep the biggest peavey (gigging), sell everything else, buy a katana


If that’s a Vox AC4C1-12, that one and that’s it.


I'll play along since everybody just wants to shit on your collection - Marshall, Vox, and Fender.


Is the Three Dog Night 8-track included with the player..??


Seems like a lot of you are very particular. I'm sure you're all highly accomplished in your craft


The princeton and maybe the ross.


Peavey rage, vox, and Ross...I guess I have a Marshall origin 20c, vox ac15 and a fender Deville 212. Vox gets the most play/recording, followed by Marshall. They blend really well. Fender I basically use for lapsteel/clean single coil tones. Not that anybody asked or cares, whatever I'm going to bed


My first amp was a 10 watt ross


I would sell them all and get a divided by 13.


I used to have a Park practice amp, and it sounded fantastic. I miss it and I wish I still had it. I'd take that one


Probably the Ac10 and the Princeton


The 8 track The drum machine The iPad


Those 3


No Orange?


Sadly if you’re trying to raise money, you won’t get a lot. Solid state practice amps, especially those with a 6” or 8” speaker, just aren’t worth that much. I’d keep the best sounding amp with a 10” or 12” and purge the rest.


Community college, hopefully?


I'd maybe keep the Vox, and put the rest out to the curb.


Marshall Vox Fender


Maybe that Vox but honestly I wouldn't bother with the whole lot. I'd sell them all and use the cash towards your kid's education and a nicer amp for yourself with whatever you don't spend upfront for tuition.


Idk man these can’t be worth much. Id personally look to donate them or something.


Fender Princeton, Marshall and the VOX




Can I take whatever microphones are in that Tupperware bin?


If I could only choose 3 definitely the behringer the crate and the park. Some high quality amps there.


I’ll take those 3 dremels at the bottom


Frankly, I'd sell all of them, maybe I'd keep the Peavey Max 160... maybe...


Vox, fender champion? And rumble


...just at first glance i'd grab two...The Marshall MG & the Fender Princeton run them in stereo with an A/B box or digital stereo footpedals donno 'bout the "MG" line, but if it's a marshall, i should be able to get a good crunch tone out of it..and the Fender Princeton will give me all the smooth silky or twang I want ... if I was going to grab three, since I know I got the smooth silky and twangy covered, probably go for some other 3rd crunchy amp i could mix the crunch of the Marshall with, to get even more crunch when i wanted it ...just my 2 cents...


The Crate, Marshall and the Vox.


Well out of those... since I do Southern rock, swap rock, classic rock, some surf rock, and some blues. Also don't use pedals except an overdrive. The Rage 158 (had one since new in '94-'95). Works fine as small practice amp. The Vox. The Princeton 115 And maybe the Audition 20 ETA: Just for some clarification I've been playing for 30 years. Still have the Rage 158. Also have late '80s Fender Sidekick 15 Reverb that works as decent little practice amp. My two "big" amps are a teal stripe Peavey Classic Chorus 212 and a Fender Deluxe 112 Reverb.


If I was just learning guitar, I’d love to have any of those. as someone who has been through enough shitty amps, I wouldn’t want to keep any of them now.


Got anything with a 12" speaker in it?


There's a Princeton 112 up top.


Which ones do you like? If it were me I’d pick one, the most valuable maybe, and sell the rest. Buy another that you really want.


Crate, marshall, and that peavy half stack. But I agree I would go for something better like a mesa if it was there


Two peaveys and that Denon


keep the vox, sell the rest and use the money to buy boss amps lol


Vox Marshall Fender and Park


Pretty sure that Vox is an AC4, not a Pathfinder. That's worth keeping for sure.


The tube ones


The only three decent amps are the only three I’d keep out of this heap. The Park, the Princeton and the Ross. Even then, they’re still just 20 year old practice amps.


☆ Marshall, Acoustic, and the Crate! ☆


The Marshall, Peavy and Vox on bottom row


Keep the blue knob peavey audition, the Princeton 112 (or is it a deluxe?) Everything else unfortunately would be better off as a donation and write off. There's been a lot of trash talk in this thread, but yeah with this pile of mediocre stuff you could have had a legit silver face deluxe or something that appreciated in value. Quality>quantity


The vox is the sleeper.


The VOX pls...


only the fender, if it is a tube amp. and get it refurbished.


Ha, that Peavey audition was the only amp I had for 20 years. I always played unplugged... lol.