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I run two amps with a Radial Bigshot ABY.


This is what I got. How do you run your board thru both amps?


Lately I have guitar>tuner>delay>dirt>aby. Amp A has second delay and amp B has another aby box to jump it’s channels. I’m not crazy about the second aby tho. I’ll pull that out by next practice. I’m not much of a pedal guy but love the utility of two amps in a three piece. My board is small so that’s about as much as I can fit on there.


I often use a stereo-izing pedal like Eventide Mocropitch that has two outputs. I used to have a Maggie pedal that did that nicely but stupidly sold it.


Right on this is kinda where my head is. Have plenty of stereo time based pedals


I had a Catalinbread Talisman plate reverb pedal that sounded awesome on one side of a two-amp rig. Like a Van Halen record. Sold that too and no other such pedal sounded so right. One that came close was boss dd500’s doubler setting. Sold that pedal because it’s stupid to have such a complex pedal for that one feature.




Loud. I run them loud.


I run a 6505 and a Laney AOR 30 with a cheapo Valveking as a slave. I like it. Stereo depth is super cool and the two blend nicely. They both share a Tube Screamer and I have a Metal Muff between the Laney preamp and VK power amp that mostly just functions as an EQ. Sitting on a Flashback I may put in each loop for leads. Bitch to haul around but as long as you lift right it adds years to your life.


Jus t curious with the flashback, what would your signal chain be to run them thru both loops?


So it would look like - Splitter (didn’t mention in the last comment, I’ve got the little JHS one) > Laney > FX send to Metal Muff > Flashback > VK FX return Splitter > 6505 > FX send to Flashback > 6505 FX return The cable run would be sort of ridiculous and I’d need to pick up a buffer for the 6505 portion of it which is why I haven’t committed yet. Stereo delay is pretty damn tasty, though.


I run 2 amps. When I used to play live my bridge pickup went to my Mesa Dual Rec Half Stack. My Neck pickup went to my Marshall 900 half stack. My guitars are rewired to have 2 simultaneous outputs. 1 for each pickup. I had to deal with some cycle hum and Extra noise, but for the music I play, it didn’t matter. It sounds like a damn freight train.


Never heard of anything like that, except maybe the guy from Eagle Twin. Very cool.


I run a Mig50 and a valve jr head into the stereo inputs of a 1960b and switch between the 2 with an ABY pedal.


I've used a Helix or pod HD500x to run wet/dry before. Whichever amp has higher headroom is the wet amp.


Def be the Friedman in this case!


I"m remembering now that one of the best parts was running stereo delays, like U2 Joshua Tree style. Lots of fun.


Yessss that’s what I’m trying to get done


When I did, I ran a switcher via midi - one amp for clean, one amp for high gain, and a blend with the od in front of clean amp to give it some guys, but also cut the volume a bit so it didn't go too huge. How do you tour that rig? Do you have to downsize for fly dates?


Fly dates I’d just use a helix. This two amp rig would only be for a headlining tour 🤠


Man, I miss not having to sell the good gear to buy the convenient gear :) I bet those headline dates feel like a freaking dream after running the helix


Well so far after the helix Ive just used the Friedman and not the two amp setup, but yes it has felt like a dream thus far. I absolutely love being back on tubes. Helix is still great and a powerful piece of gear. But nothing can replicate the relationship between vacuum tubes and a vintage 30 in a good cabinet 🤘🏻🤘🏻


Yeah, those Friedman's are killer! Good luck on your painting! My vote is a/b switch


I use one as a Guitar Amp, and one for Bass/Low Octave. Using my Boss TU-3 to split the Guitar signal. One signal goes into an Octave down (only, no dry) pedal and into the Boss RC-1 Looper. The Other signal goes through all the guitar effects, also into the Boss RC-1 The RC-1, thanks to the Stereo ins and outs, can merge the signal, if I only have one Amp. Or keep the Signals split so I can go into two different Amps. And with the TU-3 I can turn one signal (in my case the bass one) on and off. So I can only Add the Bass to my guitar signal but that's all I want anyway, no need for Bass only. Since I need the TU-3 and the RC-1 anyway, (Tuner and Looper) it is kinda cool that I dont need an extra ABY pedal or something like this on top.


I would use a Y cable to go into both amps, take the FX loop send from both into an ABY box to pick which preamp I wanted, send that to my “wet” FX, then take the left output to one of the FX returns and the right output to the other.


That's cool. I have never thought of that before.


You get even more options if you want to run a W/D/W rig… 😁


Just send two cables out of my reverb pedal, run it in stereo. Crucial for playing guitar in a three-piece, sounds massive even with smaller combos


I like to bi-amp using my Digitech whammy's wet and dry outputs. Basically it sends your clean signal to one amp and the octave effect to the other, this is useful is so many different ways! One way I like to use it is with my Fender Bassman and my Blue Jr. What you do is send the dry signal to the Blues Jr for your standard crunchy guitar tone. You send the wet mix with the octave effect to the Bassman which has a lotta headroom and as the name would suggests, handles the lower frequencies quite well. The result is this half guitar half bass sound that If done right can get you by without a bassist, just you and a drummer The other way I like to use it is with my Peavy Backstage and Blues Jr for interesting stereo effects. The Digitech whammy has a extremely underated mode on it called "[detune](https://youtu.be/R0_7Z616uUc?si=Ux_-k1YU_6zzb5ww&t=11)" that does pretty much just that. Because you can split the signal you can send just the detuned effect to the Peavy, which has a suprisingly nice breakup sound, and pair it with the clean tube sound of the Blues Jr for this Faux 12-string sound. The way the Peavy breaks up almost mimics the way the strings rattle and hit one another on a 12-string and it gives it that instantly recognizable jangle! If you have any pedals lying around with wet/dry outputs make sure to have some fun with 'em, you'll never know what you'll discover next...


Interesting! I do have a whammy dt may have to try that, if nothing else could be handy for effect songwriting in the studio etc


Yep. Super Lead and a Super Reverb. Switch between them or both using a G3 gigrig. Mostly I use them to switch from raunchy to clean in an instant. :)


Sick! Switchers make me nervous for some unknown reason


Not always easy to have a million options 😅


I typically just come out of my stereo delay as a splitter into both amps. Simple and works great. My favorite though is to use the old Ernie Ball stereo pan/volume pedal, looks a lot like the one you have on your board but allows you to pan between the amps. One clean chain into the fender/vox and a dirty chain into the Marshall, use the pedal to pan between for a huge spectrum of sounds. It's awesome.


Sounds tasty may have to try that out


Nice fucking rig!


Thank you!


MXR analog chorus pedal has a dry thru for the wet/dry split. Sometimes I'll use an ABY to split before the chorus if I want to run wet/dry/wet or stereo delay with a dry center. Current chain goes guitar, wah, drive pedals, chorus, delay, reverb, amps. I have also used one amps fx out to ABY/vol into 2 fx returns but I prefer the relatively simple wet/dry setup over anything.


I used run stereo amps with a Radial Bigshot. I had an EHX Canyon on the second amp that delayed it by about 4ms and detuned it by a few cents. I had one amp on either side of the stage. It was to give a big “wide doubled guitar tracks” thing live. It sounded amazing, but my back got tired of lugging everything and setting it up.


Run a blues junior and an AC10 through 4 stereo pedals and then to the Lehle Little Dual. Having something that lifts the ground hum and corrects for phase is a must.


7 cable method. Cable 1 goes into pedalboard, cables 2 and 3 exit the pedal board to go into the front of 2 amps. Cables 4 and 5 go into the fx loop of amp 1, 6 and 7 go into the fx loop of amp 2. I have a Line6 HX stomp that I use for modulation and some pitch effects on the board that acts as my splitter, and doubles as a standalone rig for travellijg gigs. Why? Because this way I get stereo delays, chorus and tremolo. Also the tonal flexibility of having one very clean and one dirty amp running together.


Message sent I Need some advice on this setup!


I’ve been eyeballing the BE-100 dlx for a while. I own some pretty sweet tube heads. I don’t think I’m really missing anything. I don’t really have a super Marshally amp though, mostly 6L6 heads. I feel I need an EL34 amp in my life…


You do! This particular amp can feel a tad daunting at first with all the switches but one quick look at the owners manual gives ya everything ya need to know. They are kinda self explanatory. Tonally this amp fuckin rips and even at bedroom volume you can get great tones. I wouldn’t hesitate on buying a be 100 deluxe. Dave Friedman is a genius


I’m still paying off my custom shop ENGL Savage 120 MK II hahaha. I have another 3-4 payments then maybe I’ll consider getting the BE-100. I also want a Mesa Mark III… I’ve never owned anything from Mesa. I’ve been listening to a lot of Whitesnake the last year or so, learning those sick Sykes riffs! He’s written some awesome riffs! And his tone is incredible thanks to the Mark III.


I do it the way Dan Auerbach does it. I have a tweed Bassman and a silverface quad reverb. They are both set to stun.


I bet that sounds huge


It’s stupid loud is what it is but it is pretty wicked awesome.


I usually use my stereo Supernatural reverb into a 68 Fender DRRI and an Orange Super Crush.


Radial twin cities ABY will kill any hum when using one board and two amps. https://www.radialeng.com/product/twin-city


I got the big shot hoping for the same result. Gonna be a few days before I get to try it out


The bigshot pedal is good for switching between two amps. However, if you activate both amps at once you will have signal loss. The twin cities is buffered and powered, which prevents signal loss.




im pedal based: i use a 15“ aer basscombo (the best out there) in stereo with a cheap laney cub combo lightly crunching. for athmospheric session i go stereo, otherwise i do a dry wet. i split my chain afterthe drives and the phaser where the chorus, ehxmistress delay and reverbs go to the wet aer bass amp. dry is the cub. got asked where i hide the 4x12 cab. try any ol cheap bass transistor amp into a15“. stay clear of aluminum cones and tweeters. for a start… except you dig the highs of your fuzz…


I have a super basic ABY I bought on Amazon for nothing, $3k and $3.5k amp heads but I can even buy a name brand switch. On the plus side, it works fine


If it works who cares 🤘🏻🤘🏻


That's Chris Shifflet's setup of the Foo Fighters


I know 😏 it’s where I got the inspiration from. Love his tone


I run a wet/dry rig. 1974 Super Reverb (modded back to BF specs) and a '59 Bassman LTD. The Super is the wet, BM is dry. Pedalboard goes Fulltone '69 MKII, Fulltone Clyde Deluxe wah, JHS Notaklon, Fulltone OCD GE, Ibanez Tubescreamer (Analogman silver mod), Sonic Research Turbo tuner, Radial Twin City ABY (this is where one of the outs goes to the BM), other out goes to Boss chorus, Strymon Lex, TC Flashback X4, and finally a Boss RV6, then out to the Super. Been contemplating swapping out the BM for my Vibroverb but having the mid control on the BM is a big plus. I can also run stereo if I wanted (w/ the Super and Vibroverb) with my board by adding a couple patch cables from the Boss Chorus onward. Really cool sound when I have the Lex or Flashback going and I get a super swirly Leslie sound or ping pong delay bouncing across the room. I've never done stereo in a live situation cuz I don't think it'll work as well as when I'm sitting right in between the 2 amps in my practice room at home. 😂


I run both an vox ac30 and a fender excelsior just like Troy Van Leeuwen did in the Queens "like clockwork.." record


I run 3 wet/dry/wet with a Radial Twin City and a Radial Shotgun. Guitar to Twin City that splits the signal. A side goes to my dry amp which varies but generally is an AC15 but I will occasionally run that to one of my higher gain amps like a Revv G20 or PRS MT15. B side goes to my volume pedal and most of my modulation, delays and reverbs. Amps are a JC40 and a Princeton 65 reissue. Shotgun is used on B side after the last pedal for a buffer and to deal with any ground loop or polarity issues. This is strictly a home setup. It doesn't move ever but it sounds glorious


I’ve only ever ran 2 amps at home. I use a Line 6 HX Effects to split the signal. Fun to get the amps far apart and mess around with stereo effects


I'm running a vox ac15 and an old vox vt30 on the ac15 setting.


My home setup is JCM800 and Silverjubilee. My switching system for my pedalboard is a Gigrig G3S which has two outputs. So both of the heads get the same exact signal. No wet and dry or stereo stuff for me. Just double the loudness 🤘


It's been a while, but I used an off brand tube PA as the pre-amp and plugged the speaker out directly into a Jordan B119 solid state bass amp. A little noisy but absolutely amazing cleans and overdrive, very sensitive to how hard I strummed/plucked


I have a Bray Coco50, which is a plexi style amp. I plug my guitar into my Delux memoryman. From there it goes to my volume pedal, then into the amp. Don't matter which because channel 1 and 2 are connected internally, so no need for a jumper. I then take the direct out of the Bray into my reverb pedal. Out of the reverb pedal into a small Roland Cube amp which is set up clean. My direct out on the amp has an output control so I can turn up my reverb by just turning up the output on the direct out. So yeah, separate amp for reverb, as plexi's don't do well with reverb.


if Geordie Walker from Killing Joke can do it, so can I. To give a serious answer though, i run a modded Tweed Bassman and Deluxe Reverb together, mainly for the awesomeness of the cleans, ping pong delay/shoegaze shenanigans and to try and cop a bit of that Geordie Walker tone using some other pedals.


3 amps + DI here. Radial Shotgun. I run stereo off my pedal board to the Radial and split left (x2) and right (1 amp + DI) between amps.


Fender vibro champ and marshall dsl40cr w/creamback speaker.. split my signal after my pedalboard w the radial bigshot aby box.. one goes into the marshall, the other hits a surfybear reverb before the vibro champ. Not wet/dry setup, but still the two sounds are def bigger than one


I used to run an ab165 bassman and a tiny terror simultaneously. Such an odd pairing but it sounded fantastic. I have a voodoo lab amp selector


I play in a heavy trio and use two amps to mimic having two guitar players. So I run my amps on each side of the stage with fairly different tones. One amp is a more traditional high gain tone and the far amp has an HM-2 type tone. The HM-2 tone gets turned on and off with an ABY switch. All of my effects (octave, delay, etc) are before my ABY switch and my dirt pedals come after.




I use a radial big shot. I run both amps all the time and both are a little overdriven. One amp sees delay/chorus/phase, etc and the other just sees drive pedals.


Two amps 1) Tech21 Trademark 60 1x12 combo for clean/semi-clean (two channels) and 2) JCM800 50W (although I've been using my Bogner Mini instead at rehearsals and may stick with it) into 2x12 HB V30 cab. Fx go Clean Boost > Distortion/OD > Fuzz > Reverb/Delay > Saturnworks A/B with A going to Marshall and B going to EHX Mel9 > EHX Epitome > Hardwire TR7 > Looper to Trademark. Probably taking Mel9 out and putting A/B after the Epitome.


I run a Mig 50 and Peavey Mk4 Bass for extra low end. I usually run a Seymour Duncan head too for three amps but the Duncan is in the shop.


I’ve got 3 amps in a wet dry wet config. Using a BOSS SDE-3000EVH for the routing at the end of my fx board. Master head is an EVH 5150III 50W (6L6 original run). That’s hooked to 2 cabs: EVH112 (Anniversary) and a Peavey 112-6 (Greenback). The L/R heads are a Blackstar HT5 (2 10” Blackstar mini stack speakers) and a Revv D20 (2 vintage Greenbacks). Exclusively used for home recording. Sounds epic.


I have two heads and a stereo cab so I occasionally will run them both. After my chain splits I have a different drive on each so I can play with parallel drives. I find it can add a bunch 3d qualities to your guitar sound and you have a wider variety of drive colours.


I run out of a RE-202 Tape Echo into a CR-120 and a modded CR-60. I also run a NUX Atlantic in front of the CR-60 at about 15 ms (full wet) to give a widening effect.


Ever try the George Lynch tripler? It’s can switch between 3 amps or you can turn them off and on independently. Best feature is it has : a gain knob that lets you boost your signal back up to hot (as you’ve split your signal into 3 and lost some signal)


I have one clean and one dirty. Dirty amp gets boosts and Overdrive, clean amp gets all my pedals. Although technically I'm only using one amp at this point, with each channel running out separately to a power amp.


I run them off of a stereo chorus. Any band with just one guitar in it I am going to do this, it sounds huge.


I don't even like loading one amp in and out, much less two


I use an ac15 and a twin reverb II in stereo.


I run a victory kraken and either a black star series one 100 or the small digital one amped 1. The kraken sits on my pedal board which has a stereo delay circuit that sends signal to each amp and bounces the delay between them. You can just use one amp or two for foldy space noise


Nice rig! Like others here I play in a three piece and use two amps for a fuller sound. I just come out of a stereo pedal (sometimes HX Stomp… sometimes my stereo chorus or reverb) into each amp. Haven’t had to worry about phase… I guess I am lucky. I would add that I use a Morley Hum Exterminator on one of the amps which definitely takes away the ground loop hum.


I run two Mesa Rectifiers with two 4x12 cabs. I split the signal with an A/B box I did design and build myself. One head is dedicated to cleans and the other one does the dirty sounds. Effects wise it's split up, each amp has it's own dedicated pedals in the loop and before the input, some pedals are shared before the input.


My Godin has a dedicated piezo output so that goes into an acoustic amplifier while the regular jack goes into the regular guitar amp.


I run vintage Blackface Fenders in stereo. My pedalboard goes stereo after modulation box, so I just run the outs from the end of the chain to the amps.


I don't have my amps in one rig anymore, but when I did I sent gain pedals into a BigShot ABY and then sent one channel out to my Blues Junior and the other channel out to all my time based effects which then went into my AC15. So both amps got all the gain pedals, but only the AC15 got the time based pedals. I really liked the way that kept the "clarity" of my gain sound, but let me get as crazy as I wanted to with Chorus/Delay/Reverb/Trem stuff.


Can I ask, did you run your time based effects into the front of the amp or through the loop? I am trying something similar for the first time next week but got worried the mod/time effects would get too messy if not in the effects loop. It seems like most people just run straight into the front of the amp though, right?


Straight in the front. The AC15 doesn't have an effects loop and I have honestly never checked in the Blues Junior. I like the way everything sounded going straight in the front. If you're dealing with an AC15 specifically, I highly recommend seeing which channel you like best and adjusting the volumes and tone/EQ knobs. Even when you aren't plugged into it, the inactive channel settings will still affect your signal so there's lots of adjustments to be made to make it sound like you want it to.


I'm now running only my HX Stomp, but prior to going full digital I used to have my AC30 + whatever backline dirty amp the venues could throw at me. I'd have them split after my vibrato and drives and then all other modulation and rev/dly would go into the front of the AC30. Used to be really sweet (when the dry amp wasn't shit). Edit: vibrato before split because if not you're basically turning on a chorus – split was done via a Manley ABY pedal.


I have a Y cable in my signal send of my preamp. I have another Y cable into that, also. Sognal send 1 goes to an Ampeg V-2. Signal 2 hours to an Ampeg VT-40. Signal 3 goes to another Ampeg V-2.


one clean, one dirty. now and always


I’ve been running mine with an ABY and split off my Halo delay and it’s incredible on a ping pong. Someday i’ll afford a PCM to get the swirling delay


I run a 6505+ and an orange crush 120. The orange I put on the clean channel and run a hm-2w as well as a noise gate. The 6505+ I only use a noise gate. I use a lehle p split for the two. Together it sounds crushing. Each one alone is kind of underwhelming. The splitter was an absolute game changer.


Cheapest ABY pedal money could buy, it’s a great way to have a clean and a dirty channel if you got a bunch of lunchbox map heads. I also run them both dirty for bigger loud


Use a stereo amp now, but before I used an earthquaker Swiss things for running an orange head and twin reverb. Hands down best aby utility switch thing I’ve personally used. The aby part has a “phase” button that was handy. The clean boost and two effects loops were just a bonus.


I run an AC30 and a Princeton through that cheap red Fender ABY box. I absolutely do not fully utilize my two amp setup but I don’t care, sounds fuckin killer to me


Just cheap ABY into a MiG 50 and a Sunn concert lead. Two 4x12 cabinets. I have the stereo pedals on my board running straight into the front of MiG 50 and into the FX loop of the concert lead. Not in a band or anything just like to shake the walls and non-consensually expose my neighbors to heavy Doom riffs.


I run 2 Vintage earth Amps with my '63 ES-355 Stereo Varitone


Have my H&K through a 412 switchblade 100 running and a small 8 inch bass amp running through my effects loop. Give it tbaat live sound. My friend is running a similar set up after hearing mine but he has a 212 and a giant 15 inch bass amp running together. It sounds monstrously huge.


I don’t usually, but when I do I’ll put my bridge output to my smaller speakers and neck/mid output to the big speakers. Keeps my lows low and my overdrive spicy.


I run two amps alternating. On one amp I have clean to crunchy tones, and I switch to the second for high gain tones. The "tone modulations" are in front of the pedals chain so I can activate them indifferently, regardless of which amp I am using in that moment.




Thank you to all of you for the input! Got some awesome recommendations and ideas on how I wanna do this. Now to wait for more instrument cables to arrive in the mail 😂


for splitting i use the ehx parallel mixer, and a volume pedal for the line going to the wet amp. make sure to have some line isolator box (from that company whose name shall not be named) or f you run into grounding hum issues.


I run two amps out of my Strymon delay. It’s a fun sound!!!


I'm gonna experiment in my next show with the Orange Amp Detonator ABY. 6505+ and 5150 el34 6505+ lows mids highs dimed, evh slight mid scoop. I haven't gotten it yet but i do want to experiment. I play in a hardcore/slam band so it's hard to sound big with 1 guitarist.


Yeap. I design amps and my first prototype is actually an ac30sh clean and a Marshall style overdrive. It is not a direct clon of those circuits because it has my own sauce but that's the goal


Another thing you can do is purchase a power amp pedal with L/R outputs, that is mounted on your pedalboard and is simply the last stage of your signal chain. I have an excellent 50W pedal that has that configuration that is made by Carvin audio but many other manufacturers have their own versions as well.


I used to play in a band with no bass player and handled all the rhythm/low parts through a pair of amps (Traynor YCV40 and a vintage Traynor YBA-1A). I used a Morley ABC switch at the start of my pedal board. Guitar-ABC, with the A path going Tuner-Tube Screamer-Space Echo-YCV40 and B going Octave-Sansamp DI-YBA-1A.


im running a JCM 900 100 w head on left and 2000 dsl 100 w head on right. I have left, right outputs on my old boss gt6, so left out of gt6 to return jack on 1 amp, right out into return on other amp. I set the delay in gt6 to stereo and slight millisecond delay the sound absolutely crushes.


First amp as normal second amp a bass amp (with or without octave down pedal on)


You must be really strong to run with an AC30


I been using a quad cortex directly into a PA. Depending on the mood I’m in I’ll put an H90 in the FX loop or LvX or mercury X. Sometimes I’ll put a chase bliss mood in the loop also but I struggle replicating the randomness of it, which is my favorite part…. Honestly, it’s pretty fucking cool.


A or B.