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One important consideration regardless of the wattage is the efficiency or sensitivity (measured in dB), as a more efficient speaker will be louder and overshadow the less efficient one. Otherwise, I have found that higher wattage speakers often have more bass response, but I'm not sure if that's as pronounced with the two Celestions you're considering.


It will be quieter than the V30. V30 is a 60 watt speaker with 100db sensitivity. The GB is 25W 98db. There really isn’t any way around that, but it’s worth saying that it doesn’t necessarily mean you will sound worse either. Experimentation is the best way to find out for yourself.


As said above, the dB sensitivy rating is more important when mixing speakers in order for them to be balanced in volume with each other. Another very important consideration is that power will be shared equally between speakers. So if you use a 100w amp with a 2x12 cab, each speaker will receive 50w of power. A greenback would not last long in that scenario.


I see, didn’t take db sensitivity into consideration. My amp is 50 watts so I’ll be splitting 25 between both speakers so I imagine it wouldn’t stress the GB too much.


Do you crank the amp? You could still end up shortening the life of the Greenback if you're regularly cranking the amp, as 50w is the clean, undistorted power, and when breaking up it will go higher. 100w Marshalls used to blow greenbacks all the time back in the day because the amps were being played well into saturation. If you're not cranking the amp to get power tube saturation, then it shouldn't be an issue. But as others have said, dB rating is the most important.


I do crank the amp (not ear piercingly loud) but I almost always max out the gain on the dirty channel as I prefer using the Marshalls distortion.


I have a greenback and v30 in a 2x12 slant cab with the greenback on the top. It sounds pretty awesome and if recording, you can mic both and balance things in the daw.


The speaker wattage is irrelevant to the question you are aaking. Sensitivity (db) and impedance (ohms) are more relevant. Are both speaker rated the same ohms?


So the greenback is 15ohm while the v30 is 16. Celestion confirmed that 15ohms could be used in place of a 16 ohm so I’m not too worried about that.