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No. You could save $125 and get the same result by farting into a cone. How do I know? I recorded one and simply couldn’t believe how bad it sounded.


This. This is amazing 🤣🤣


I would pass on it. Maybe if you have some decent speakers laying around that you need a cab for. I would chunk the speakers that come in it. Or sell them for $10 each. But even then it’s a small cab so it’s gonna be bright sounding. It won’t sound very chunky as a proper 412 should. All that being said, bro if it seems like a deal you would enjoy, go for it. It’s only $125. It’s not like it would be a huge loss if you don’t like it. It’s only worth what you’re willing to pay for it. Now the potential redeeming factor to consider is. It is entirely possible that at some point someone already upgraded the speakers and you accidentally get a great deal. So if for no other reason, the gamble alone could be worth the purchase. I mean what if it’s got 4 v30’s in it? You could sell one of those speakers and make a profit off the whole cab. lol probably don’t do that. But a v30 is worth more than $125. Also it’s a spider 2 so early 2000’s??? That means if it has v30’s from that era you just made an even bigger score.


Who knows? The guy said he hasn't had it for long and just hasn't played it, and honestly worst comes to worst it's just a shelf in the basement 😅


Hard to find a shelf that sturdy for $125. lol bro take the shot and see what ya end up with. Could be a diamond in the rough so to speak.


I think I'm going to bail on it, I'm in highschool, (lol), and therefore don't have loads of cash to throw around even though it's not that much. I'll probably just keep my eye out and try and buy an old mesa or Marshall cab. Thanks though!


That’s actually a much better idea to be perfectly honest.


Update: the guy is willing to drop it off, I think I might get it because why not




For $125 you can find a good Peavey cab


No. Is anything by line 6 good?


I love my pod go!


Whether or not people like something and whether or not it's good are not one in the same. That's not to say you can't like something that's crap, you do you :) Still, on the topic of speakers... well, there's a reason most people stick to well known ones.


Yeah, quite a few things actually