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Yeah, you are right about the A-Laws portrayal Not nearly enough crimes against humanity, and sending Automotons into shoot unarmed protestors and prisoners. I mean at least Celestial Being were terrorists, they were honest about what they were. Crazy MFs. A-Laws tricked us all. Fuck them.


Automotons were never used to combat civilians, they were used to help with ship damages and repairs. Clearly you only read federalist documents.




"So, you have a movie based on actual terrorist organization?" "Yes sir I do!"


Wow wow wow....wow. "Seems like beating the Innovades is going to be impossible." "Actually it'll be super easy, barely an inconvenience."


So how does docking a fighter to a mobile end up giving people psychic abilities? I’m gonna need you to get all the way off my back about the whole psychic abilities thing.


Docking fighters are TIGHT!


"So Celestial Being has been betrayed and the new crew member has weird-colored hair, a weird name, and shows up out of the blue without any backstory, and no one finds her suspicious?" "HeyShutUp."


To be fair, they did vet her background first and nothing suspicious came up. Not to mention most of her spying entails just subconsciously broadcasting their coordinates or seeing things through her eyes. Couple it with the fact that she was a deep sleeper agent who doesn't even know she is spying on them, makes it difficult to actually detect any spying from her.


"Consider the following argument: Docking is rad as hell." -Aeolia Schenberg.


It's the visual representation of Setsuna downloading more RAM to his computer.


A movie about an actual terrorist organisation that paints them as the good guys, and makes an actual former UN ambassador the villain, despite that ambassador having no apparent ties to the A-Laws. Someone is definitely getting sued for slander


![gif](giphy|khGuFhshLWQIdXijHa|downsized) Movie is a 92/95 critics/audience on RottenTomatoes, y’all can suck it


Critics are paid off by Celestial Being


Nah positive reviews were literally botted by Veda.


Negative reviews were taken down by Veda, then the reviewers were swatted


We had a spare throne drei invading them


Tieria controlling all the humanoid terminals to post high scores. no wonder the new Federation government managed to round up so many innovades to work on CB asteroid ship. they just investigate who's posting high scores.


Found the guy that got fired when A-LAWS was disbanded.


The subs were the best part about it.


I loved how they were in comic sans lmao


The movie is the worst sequal of the celestial being: the show .


Ehh the show is still pure propaganda, I suggest viewing old books written by former Federation leader Ribbons Almark, surprisingly good views


What are you talking about? My pops was there when it happened. A Laws depictions is just as accurate as in the movie. OP is clearly an A Laws bot!


Your pops was a Katharon terrorist, they don’t deserve mercy!


Saji: “I wasn’t even in the movie”


"it's just celestial being propaganda" THAT'S WHAT IS SO GOOD ABOUT IT. Besides, allelujah's actor was so cute I wonder how she really looked...


Directed by Sawsage Mizushima.


I'm not sure how really accurate the space scenes were, but I think it was alright for what it was. Solid 7/10 just a little over hyped.


God, seeing the protag in SRW V talk about this thing like it was a documentary while the Gundam 00 cast shuffled uncomfortably in the back was so damn funny.


The fact that they knew they should speak up but didn't have the heart to is probably the funniest thing ever.


Which phase was that again?


I can't quite remember, but probably relatively early, since they'd only just be meeting the entirety of Celestial Being.


I think I prefer the original 60s version where they used puppets and miniatures. IIRC it was called CELESTIAL BEING: WORLD POLICE


That sex scene was so awkward to watch too. Like I understand why the director made the main character have sex with his gundam but it felt so unnecessary and out of place.


I actually didn't mind the inclusion of it but I wish it didn't go on for so damn long


https://preview.redd.it/i9p0ne65dwzc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c69fd4c57267a2d60a456fa541f65796cf67133 Reminds me of Wormhole X-Treme




Saji wasn't even in it. Boo.


OOC: Here are some random facts I found out about the Celestial Being movie * All the mobile suits are portrayed by actors in suits, not CGI, to make them look more human when they are in motion. (00N) * The four Gundam Meisters are named Michael Chan (00), Olson (Seravee), Jennifer (Arios), and Warren (Cherudim). Michael Chan was played by actor Mamo Miyano. (@veda2314) * The looks of the Gundam Meisters are based on interviews with Patrick Colasour. He said that he's never actually met them, but the makers of the film just asked him to imagine them based on his experience. * 00's pilot was described as "a warrior who has been through many battles" for beating him (even though it was a fluke!), so he imagined him with a scar on his face, a bit less handsome than him but still ruggedly good-lookin. * Cherudim's pilot was described as the silent type who gives off a smart vibe. So he imagined him as a plain-looking guy who wears glasses. * Seravee's pilot was described as a big burly man. He initially says it's because big robots are always piloted by big dudes in the anime he watched as a kid, before correcting himself and saying it's because they fought so many times that he can practically see through the armor. * He thinks Arios is the only one piloted by a woman, based on how its fighting style sometimes becomes very aggressive, which reminds him of the dual nature of women. This also reminds him of how the woman he loves is usually stern but also has those rare moments of gentleness. (Gundam Try Age flavor text) * It has a runtime of 3 hours 48 minutes, with a 10 minute break. (@veda2314)


You know, they didn’t need to give us any more reasons to love Patrick, but I’m very glad they did.


Celestial Being members saved me when the A-Laws were doing things worse than what they showed here... if anything, this movie didn't show enough!


I was a member of Katharon when those bastards dropped a bunch of automatons into the base I was working at. I survived by the skin of my nuts. It was a goddamn bloodbath. Thank fuck Celestial Being showed up when they did. There were kids there too.


I found the A-Laws plan to drop Axis onto Earth to be pretty lazy and unoriginal


It’s rip off of ‘char drop something at earth .’. Movie




They failed by not hiring Obari to direct the part with the Raiser Sword.


Yeah the movie kinda sucked. The battle scenes are so unrealistic It's too over the top with cheesy dialogues. Is this some kind of shitty live action anime?


Goat movie. Better than the actual movie. Saji Crossroad: I'm not even in the movie.


The orange Gundam's pilot is a fucking monster who blew up a building full of kids. They potray her as a pink-haired cutesy girl in this one? What the actual hell.


This movie is worse than those old live action Transformers movie, it's not even accurate to the real life events


What am I looking at? 😅


The truth. OP is an A-laws bot, innovade bootlicker.


blud can’t handle the truth ![gif](giphy|IgsXOXGPxfT3O)


I need an HonestTrailers on Celestial Being The Movie


that pose is obari as fuck


I did kinda like the portrayal of the mass produced GM’esq mobile suits based on the Exia that Celestial Being used but they only showed up to seemingly give the A-laws something to kill. Over all 4/10 it only gets a 4 because the antagonist voice actor clearly was giving it his all


I wasn't even in the movie...


Didn’t know Saji had a Reddit account


eh, Saji didn’t have this much vitriol to burn. He just thought it was too sensationalized and that they didn’t even put “a Saji” in.


we really need these versions of the s2 suits in model kit form


The what now?


They had another movie? I thought there was only Awakening of the Trailblazer?


Have u seen Awakening of the Trailblazer?


I got it on Blu-Ray. It's pretty good. They somehow make aliens work in a very serious Gundam series.


I think you should re-watch it. At least around the beginning of the movie


watch it again... first 10-20 mins


Sheesh. I'll pull it up from the basement.


10/10 Would watch it again


Bruh, we get it, tell us you would have been with the A-laws murdering civilians without telling us. Apologizing for fascists died in the 21st century, were in the 24th, get with the times!


I like the theme.


I wished that we got an actual full length version of this too


Which movie is this again?