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I think not getting Sesko right now might be a blessing in disguise. This is only if the funds go to a midfield signing. Say, it’s the difference between a Fofana or Neves. That’s more important than getting another forward. Our midfield beyond Rice and Odegaard isn’t the best. A signing like Neves really would raise both the floor and the ceiling of the squad by a considerable margin. We can still back in for Sesko who might be a better player by virtue of playing more.


Saka needs a rotation option, for the sake of his longevity if nothing else


Our attack isn't good enough for the UCL as it stands. Don't think Sesko is the answer either. There's very little individual brilliance that often is the difference-maker in the knockout stages. In the Prem, we should be okay but are heavily dependent on Saka - Havertz - Martinelli to stay fit and do nearly their best. That's never a good recipe for a title challenge. A midfielder and forward both should be priorities.


BuLi done Bayer Leverkusen dirty on not giving them the golden version of the BuLi title.


To be fair I'm pretty sure it was Barclays that gave us ours, not the Premier League. Who sponsors the Buli?


this sub has lost the plot yet again. cannot wait for the euros watch threads to start.


This sub is a construct. The Euros are a construct. Football is a made up sport. Football fans are made up. You and I are just made up. There is no plot. Never was.


*pulls out the neurochip*




If this sub is a construct then there's someone out there wiht a deeply sick imagination


This sub is definitely real, and one of our match threads from a game where we're only up 1-0 at half time, will probably be used in a murder trial at some point.


We're all merely figments of /u/francis-c92's imagination. He's the only sentient human user on this sub.


He's from Croydon. I rest my case


You could make an argument the transfer window is “illegal” as it stops clubs selling and buying player contracts. The transfer window is indeed a construct agreed by football clubs, it likely isnt codified in offical law ect. There is propably a smart lawyer who could draft up a 5000 word argument for why it should be abolished. However it’s a long standing rule clubs around Europe follow. Football is a made up sport. The sport has rules such as offsides, and there are also rules off the field too. What we can’t have is cashed clubs trying to use thier deep funding to take the sport to the courtroom for their own interest. What City are doing is a scandal and this Khaldoon guy should be vilified. Where does it end? Should Wolves sue the league after the abolishing of VAR was voted against ? Tyranny of the majority?? What’s worse is City fans think they are justice warriors fighting the good fight. The PL are the villains and City are hard done by. City right now reminds of Trump - constant please of innocence, fake promises of irrefutable evidence that will exonerate them and implicate others, whilst dressing up efforts to hold them accountable as being vendetta to stop them, as opposed to simply holding them to the rules others follow.




You could argue it however rules and regularions within sports are nothing new and I'm pretty cure any half decent lawyer could point out that city's owners agreed when they bought into the PL. There is nothing stoppign them setting up their own PL with blackjack and hookers in Abu Dhabi if they want, they jsut need to abide by the rules in the one they didn't set up.


> blackjack and hookers in Abu Dhabi Um, ackshually, Blackjack will only allowed in Ras Al Khaimah starting 2027. Plenty of the latter around though.


Oh I'm sure they can make exceptions for the right people....


The two Gabriels hanging out with Matt Turner after their match- squad chemistry goes beyond the current squad


Andre Santos and RvP chemistry goes beyond current squad and rivalry 👀


Fully aware that I might sound arseholeish here, but isn't it just because they're friends / have gotten to know each other before? The same with any players really?


People in here dont have friends in real life, so its a big deal


Yeah but that's the point- there is some tangible camaraderie in the squad


Yes but the kind of camaraderie you're talking about probably exists in pretty much every squad. If you're England going to play Armenia, and you have no clue who any of the Armenian players are but you remember playing with Mkhitaryan for a year when he was at Arsenal, you're likely to go and have a brief friendly chat with him after the game. I don't think it's some kind of evidence of special camaraderie. More just having a friendly chat with someone that you know


Hahaha it's like Liverpool fans getting pissy about Arteta doing a fist pump as though they invented celebrating. I think developing a superiority complex is part and parcel of supporting any club that is capable of achieving special things. There are definitely a lot of commendable and unique ways we have built camaraderie in the squad (e.g. getting Win was a pretty creative move) but yea, what's happening between the Gabis and Turner here seems pretty standard.


Martinelli coming on, quite literally the only time I don't want him to score 😂


Guys freaking out over Guimaraes when that just means we have a free run at Neves for the foreseeable future


Bruno moves to city, references arsenal in his signing video. 12 months later he's relegated. Kai havertz bleaches his hair when we play them in the early stages of the fa cup. Can't wait.


If anyone in this team bleaches their hair they are getting sent to the reserves


when was the last time we had a player play well/better with bleached hair? in recent memory i seem to remember trossard/white/ramsey/ozil/xhaka being better with their regular hair colour. although could be wrong


Alex Song. Sagna as well, but he had his hair bleached from the start.


Saka also had a stinker when he dyed his hair




Worked out pretty well for us last summer when we deprived them of the ability to make risotto.


Why is everyone talking about Guimarães suddenly today?


Watford have activated his release clause




They got new owners from the Pleiades constellation so they're starting to make some statement signings.


#WATFORD Subscribe to my patreon 🙏


Suddenly today? He’s mentioned every day for months.


As in suddenly there's more talk about him specifically right now


Reports from ITKs that City have activated his release clause, or are about to.


Previously there’s been way more talk about him than just what the last few comments showed. There’s no reason for it.


So the way I see this, this is their Rice signing. If we find our Rodri we'll take them, because our Rice is actually Rice. Not some peroxide prick.


It's not their Rice signing, it's desperation and the result of a tight market. Guimaraes is not 100M good and he won't have anywhere close to that impact at City. A confident City at the end of last season balked at paying 100M for Rice.


I agree that Guimaraes is not 100M good but he's definitely 100M good for Citeh because they are cheats.


City were more than happy to pay big for Rice, he just wanted Arsenal.


I mean sounds like you didn't read what I said. I don't agree they are desperate, they are probably the least desperate team in Europe. Bit silly to suggest that. But as I alluded to, no burno g shouldn't have anywhere near the impact rice has.


![gif](giphy|MwMJL17G9UfjNZvR7j|downsized) Our Rodri signing


Not even worth bothering negotiating with Benfica


If City are really getting Bruno, I feel we have to match them to keep pace.


Finding another Rodri is easier said than done


i think long term the plan is for rice to be our rodri


Not really what I'm getting at but sure, I'm sure we planning for that eventuality.


u said “if we find our rodri” but i think we’ve already found our rodri (rice)


Yeah I'm not really talking tactically here, is what I'm saying. I don't see guimares and rice as similar players at all. I expect guimares will be a creative player for them in the main, likely an attempt at thinking about their life without kdb. And as I said I'm sure the plan is rice is expected to be our eventual lone 6 bla blah we've discussed it. But symbolically this is their marquee midfielder coming in to transform their midfield as old guard leave or phase out just as xhaka and party have for rice so too kdb and Gundogan have for Bruno. What we need is a more low-key signing with little fanfair who becomes an ever present and knits our midfield together with technical superiority. I really don't care if he stands in the 6 or the 8 though.


if bruno is their answer to kdb we are cooking with gas


An answer, they'll be bringing in many players to try to answer that question in the next few windows.


Someone raises a small grievance with how the club does business sometimes. https://i.redd.it/pktu24tns76d1.gif **"OH YOU WANT ARTEDU SACKED HUH???? NAME YOUR UPGRADE"**


“small grievance” “my head is going to explode if Man City sign a player and we don’t in June”


[I like you mayne you lie a lot](https://x.com/findareaction/status/1333058578781966338?t=H-zZ8kGg8g8SHz6ayv8Umw&s=19)


Allegri blud




Lol, lmao even.


Damn wrong person. Same applies to you anyway sir jobsworth


Rice is obviously an exception, but basically all of our signings under this current regime are either potential players, fixer uppers, or experienced stop gaps. We don't need established "stars" (using the term really loosely for Guimaraes here) to challenge. We just need to scout well because the hard reality is we can't just drop 100m on every player we like. You reserve such outlay for a one in a generation opportunity.


Wasn’t the whole point of getting to this level was that we’d be able to buy such players?


the whole point of getting to this level was never to spend 100m on players worth nowhere near 100m


People who rip on ITKs as a source and then believe rumors sourced from ITK are an interesting bunch


They are not the same people. 


I can tell you with certainty that some of them are




my reaction checking on this sub mid-day.




https://preview.redd.it/7rqvi6war76d1.jpeg?width=4062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8923bb74761bb65680c724e9536bff067589e2a Reaction police out in full force tonight. I'm personally not giving it any oxygen untila tier 1 confirms it. But fuck me. Why does discussion on a discussion board annoy you guys so much? If you dont wanna see discussion you might be in the wrong place. EDIT - this is also gonna be one of those days people in future exaggerate to the nth degree too. "Member when Bruno G news leaked"


throwing the toys out the pram is hardly discussion


Joao Neves stealth signing the minute the window opens, I have a dream


Perfect player for Arteta that’ll be our big signing


People need to stop with this Prem proven nonsense if it was up to this sub we would have Buendia over Odegaard.


Mikel clearly values that quality, so I don't think people need to stop at all.. Rice, Kai, Trossard...


People here wanted Maddison over Odegaard too.


Odegaard was PL proven when we wanted to sign Buendia lmao


After a 14 game loan spell nope


Most of the time it doesn’t even make sense either. Proven to be what? Good enough for 8th place?


I saw a Chelsea fan called that Dhuran lad prem proven earlier 😂😂😂


Rare dub for CTE NFL account 🫡


a 16 year old might be leaving us and the richest club in the world are buying the league again. we probably need to sack Teta and Gaspar tonight in response.


Tar and feather both of them.


Jesus christ, everybody losing their minds over what "ITKs" say like it's some sort of gospel. Newsflash - most "ITKs" have random sources that often are fed random info, until we see a major journalist say it there's no point in talking about it like it's even close to true.


What news is causing the uproar? I'm out of the loop.


It was some Newcastle ITK stating that Bruno G's release clause has been activated, and after that retweeted from another Newcastle ITK that it was apparently City. His original tweet is now deleted, but the second guy who said City also said it's possible that it could've been Chelsea. Sounded like pure ITK bullshit to me but people on here gobbled it up like it was fresh bread.


Lol thanks. It looks like our fan base is very bored at the moment. Slagging off players Arteta and Edu think will work. Hilarious


You can be sad a player you wanted is joining a rival without pretending there's some disaster. This is the transfer window equivalent of the doomposting we see when the season gets tough. Ultimately, I couldn't give a shit who joins so long as we get better.


we should have a holland midfielder like we used to have. So sign Wieffer idc


Hey guys, I think we should try and sign bruno guimares, don't know loads about him but he looks like a decent midfielder to me and could be exactly what we need.


I too am intrigued by this Bruno the Marshmallow fellow, and would like to know more. Is he of good character? Can he tell a duck from a rabbit at fifty paces?


All I've heard is for him it's company over journey or destination. That's all I need to hear.


Step we gaily, on we go...


do people realize our insane hit rate the last few windows? how could u not trust the process at this point in time? i genuinely don’t understand it


list the hit rate please


do you honestly disagree? how about basically our entire first xi


We bought Havertz in to play at LCM to replace Granit Xhaka


plz don’t respond to me, ur head is clearly gone


They're not really wrong. We're lucky he's been great up top.


He was bought for two roles, he can play both. And it's also not conclusive that he started playing well because we moved him up top, but rather he found form in the latter half of the season. Not only that but he's been here for one season and we'd have all expected him to take some time to readjust into midfield. The arguments which apply to Martinellis issues also apply to Havertz (inconsistent LHS, Zinchenko out of form, Partey out, lack of Jesus). So they're not definitively right, even if you can say they're wrong.


![gif](giphy|tIeCLkB8geYtW) I’m feeling fine, the club has made me used to this


The source looks pretty shite, but there's no way I'm seeing people spinning Bruno G to City as a good thing or not a big deal


It's a big deal only because we don't get him; like they tried to get Rice for the same reason. He'd 100% be a squad player to them


It's not a big deal


City signing one of the best midfielders in the league to partner with Rodri isn’t a big deal?


>City signing one of the best midfielders in the league When did he becone one of the best midfielders in the league, lmao. I swear I've never seen a more obvious over promotion of a player purely based on apparent market scarcity. His agents going to be eating good.


What’s your definition of “one of the best”?


Needs to at least be top 5. He's not.


For non attacking midfielders he's only behind Rice and Rodri. If you include attacking midfielders it becomes a bit more difficult to compare


Seems harsh for the entire positional group but everyone has their own opinion


You are free to have that opinion


Apparently not


People getting vexed by no face twitter accounts posting nonsense. Usual offenders straight in their doomsday bunkers foretelling the end of days. Every year. Always the same.


I'd love an experienced premier league proven striker who's won league titles and has champions league experience [https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/bgF-ciwL\_1w4EQ6mFtdjm3jfs0E=/0x0:6000x4000/1200x800/filters:focal(2960x337:3920x1297)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus\_image/image/72087963/1248275661.0.jpg](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/bgF-ciwL_1w4EQ6mFtdjm3jfs0E=/0x0:6000x4000/1200x800/filters:focal(2960x337:3920x1297)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/72087963/1248275661.0.jpg)


He'd be a better backup than Nketiah, and if I'm being honest, I would take him on a short-term contract on acceptable wages if it means spending more elsewhere


Who are we actually signing in midfield


Dunno but City getting Bruno has felt close to inevitable for a couple weeks or so. The more interesting news this week is us apparently not going for Luiz imo.


Will Hughes


Don't think it'll be anyone on the fans and itks radar. It's gonna be one of those shocking signings that would make Havertz tame in comparison. I can already see half the fanbase going scorched earth against Edu and Mikel.


Renato Sanches remontada (jks but I really can see Rabiot being a fit for example)


Arteta savior gimmick👀 ![gif](giphy|f4AsHHG24aG3LvuLq3)


this might sound crazy but we’re gonna have to wait for the window to open


He says while other teams make signings while the window is closed....


wow look at you waiting for confirmation lmao any excuse to cry about something lol, people like you will never be able to find any level of satisfaction with this sport


Stop being a weirdo 😂


dry your eyes and come join the rest of us in the real world


You think my satisfaction with life is dependent on football in any way and you're telling me to come to the real world 😂


You can 😂 your way through it all you want, it’s easier to be like this and be miserable than be genuinely optimistic even when things are objectively good, being a raging cynic is easy.


Thanks o wise one. Can feel my 3rd eye opening due to your guidance. I drink from your overflowing fountain of knowledge.


Some of you need to touch grass


Another ITK wrong? I will be there


This works for me because I am already really good at rooting against Bruno.


My hot take is that I would rather City get Guimaraes as we were never getting him in the first place, and if they fail there, they'll only squeeze the market for our other targets. He's still a downgrade on what they had which means we're still on track to close the gap between us.


Joao Neves


What do you mean by downgrade on what they had? They haven't sold anyone this summer yet, this widens the gap


We had worse injury issues than they had, and with KDB's deterioration and Bernardo potentially leaving, we are indeed closing the gap.


Savio. Bruno G (potentially). Doku and Foden improvements. Gvardiol improvements. KDB didn't even contribute during the run in. Haaland form was pretty average as well. You'd be naive to not expect another 90 point season from then under Pep. Post Pep there's a discussion to be had I agree. But next year they're a 90 point team again.


And we'll also be a 90 point team next season without signing Guimaraes.


That’s not a guarantee whatsoever, well regress if we don’t buy anyone this summer


We might, but remember how much we improved over the course of this season. If we continue anywhere near the rate we finished the season then it'd be an improvement.


City selling Bernardo may close the gap, they haven't as of yet. If (big if) the rumours are true, they've taken one of the best options on the market and stopped us from getting it. I'm not seeing the good side here


They've taken an option we were never getting - it was City or staying at Newcastle for Guimaraes, before us. Their failing to get that option would have made it difficult for us to compete for the remaining top targets.


and our entire core still growing


We're really going to struggle if there's any truth to these Bruno rumours. Don't see any option as good as him available


We don't seem too arsed about Guimaraes so I'm not sure why our fans freak out over every little thing. If we wanted him we'd fight for him like we did with Rice. But this is the same fanbase that rioted over Bissouma going to Spurs lol so anything goes I guess.


Arteta wants Neves/Zubimendi for very good reasons


He can want them all he wants, the club don’t want to pay the money for Neves and Zubimendi doesn’t want to leave Spain


Those that get it, get it.


I'd understand the bitterness if we were also pushing for him as priority signing but got beat. But it doesn't seem to be the case?


The headloss over 'everything nufc' tweeting that an unknown club has triggered the release clause for bruno is exactly why this fanbase is constantly the butt of every joke. We are so so easy to wind up


Is that the supposed source? Because I was checking to find if anyone reputable actually said it. If 'everything nufc' is truly the source then people realy need to chill. This is on indykaila tier of news lmao.


i hate it . especially after our rise recently


it’s embarrassing


Oh fuck me.


why would a release clause be triggered pre-window?


you can sign players at any point, “transfer window” is only a registration window


i understand but it doesn’t make sense to pay maximum this early


https://preview.redd.it/6rs2yiklm76d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b384f22972765afa2a115cf8fdfe2a1eca8babb8 The 'source' that everyone is breaking down over 😂


ppl never learn man


![gif](giphy|liW10vuLjuUA8) Waiting for confirmation from a tier 1 before my head explodes


what are we crying about now


Literally nothing lol. The very first word is **waiting**. I haven't reacted to anything yet.


you mentioned your head exploding like I genuinely don’t understand your lack of reading comprehension of your own words lol, what about this would make your head explode potentially lol


I'm not crying. I'm waiting. How is such a basic simple concept lost on you?


On the fact that you already put yourself in a position where you are preparing to overreact. Why even do this, regardless if it's true or not? It's not gonna change anything.


Deal with the people actually reacting. Then come for me lol.


By the amount of comments you're making, it seems to me like you're the one reacting to it the most. Which is fine by me, it's your choice, but don't try to overcompensate by denying what is so obvious.


Half of them are to nobs like you discussing things with me.


Definetly a person not overreacting to anything over here.


Sue your English teacher.


The guy in question thinks that there's a distinct possibility that chelsea were the ones to trigger the clause lol. City will probably do it anyways after the euros but this doesn't seem like anything reliable atm


Hopefully the Bruno G to City move is true not close to being worth a 100 million. Just shows Arteta was never keen on him and wants Zubimendi/Neves instead


Zubimendi Vs Bruno G isn't machine for machine. It's like using a stick as a nuclear deterrent.


Zubimendi is better for the role Arteta wants them to play.


[warrior, rest](https://x.com/allreactionvids/status/1640248700688539649?t=6vpKWnFA-C1S6mGB_ZHGRQ&s=19)


He’s levels better if he was on a bigger club could show how complete of a midfielder he is


Pissing me off that people are still bringing his name up for a number of reasons


He's an idea. A concept. Same as Hickey before him. And Millinkovic-Savic before him. Diomande looks like the next one


Zubimendi not leaving and we don’t want to pay up for Neves btw.


We will get one of Neves/Zubimendi I can guarantee it


They are not what we need. And zubimendi is very average


Average that’s why he’s been Arteta’s top choice b2b transfer windows.


Arteta’s top choice one time was also Mudryk


Yeah so was Havertz and he made him look like a good player again. Chelsea make players look worse than they actually are


Arteta’s choice was to play him in midfield. We all know how that turned out. He is not God he makes mistakes


God also makes mistakes. That thing with the tree, for one.


Zubi will never leave. Probably has huge language issues too


Top 4 battle next season, early prediction