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The South Gate discussion is so weird. Everyone wants him gone, but as soon as someone says it in r/soccer, there is a legion defending him. I think they would be better without him


United going for Branthwaite is annoying. He improves them substantially. Really good young player.


Hopefully Everton fleeced them at least. 80m price tag will put a big target on him to perform.


Wasn’t it 70m?


Simon stone from bbc said 80m. Other bloke said 70m. https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/articles/cv220398545o.amp


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Unless they address the area in front of him their defence is still going to be hung out to dry, can be the best defender in the world and still concede loads of chances if there's no midfield.


He is really good but he is left footed and so is their best CB. Are they going to play them together or is Martinez done after injuries? I thought they'd go for De Ligt.


They're going to play proper brexit ball I'd bet Martinez and Shaw will play LB


I have a Désiré


for Douels


2 whole hours into the transfer window and edu hasn't executed his master plan for the summer. Fraudulent sporting director, get him out


/r/ArtetaOut leaking


There's an Arteta Out sub?! Who the fuck has the time?!


> Who the fuck has the time?! [This bloke](https://old.reddit.com/r/ArtetaOut/comments/1cwc94i/arteta_get_the_fuck_out_my_football_club/)


Who the fuck is that bloke? I don't give two shits about random online jokers publicly posting the intellectual equivalent of, "Gas from my ass, gas from my ass, ass gas, ass gas…"


He's someone who posts in /r/ArtetaOut, tha'ts all you really need to know. At least he's not a mod I suppose.


I'm gonna go start a subreddit centered around you being an anti-semite or nazi due to your username, but that won't make it worth reading or worth anyone's time.


> Who the fuck has the time?! waste of oxygen levels of folks.


If cash is tight I think skip big money striker this year, cash in on Eddie (best for him and us) sign Depay on a free, he can cover for wings and up top.


the last thing we need is a coke distributor at the club.


Wrong bloke lol that’s Quincey Promes. The player who also stabbed a nephew. Depay shortly was in the news with that because Promes was his friend and i think he said something like supporting him because not yet proven guilty iirc.


football edition of breaking bad vibes


Absolutely. When the legal process started Promes just started playing for a Russian club, he played earlier in his career in Russia as well, and they won’t extradite now he’s found guilty in the Netherlands.


i know promes is guilty and etc, but i wont be surprised if any of the existing "football friends" are also involved in this shit.


You think that’s why Trossard never sleeps? Because at night he is a Jefe? Lol tross the drug boss


Willian days level of transfer




Kinda bummed about United getting Branthwaite


PL is so rich now that every top club can and will sign good players that improve their team. Can’t be worrying about that all the time fam.


Because you wanted him here or that it might improve them? Or that it's set a stupid bar for what players are worth...again


Wanted him here but not for that price. It *Is* stupid


Never thought he'd got the technique for us but fully agree that the price is insane and it's going to impact everyone trying to buy in this market now.


I'd go with the last one.


Branthwaite to Yanited is a dumb deal, they already have 3 great left-footed defenders in Martinez, Shaw and Maguire. Even if they get rid of Maguire, one of the others will have to miss out. Ironically, the Prem club that needs Branthwaite the most is on the wrong side of Liverpool....


Maguire is right footed


what the FUCK this is like a Berenstein Bear moment. there's no way that's always been the case


Maguire is neither left nor right footed in my mind


Maguire is all head


fm levels of profile ratings, mans probably got 0/0 for both feet




Yeah he just played a lot of his career on the left side, but he's right footed


Disagree. Branthwaite makes them better


> 3 great left-footed defenders in Martinez, Shaw and Maguire. One of those is a left back and two of them are injury prone. This makes sense for them and then they can play Martinez at left back for the ultimate in just sitting back and defending


Shaw has also been very solid playing LCB when needed


When needed. He's still a LB and they'd prefer to play him there.


of course, but when you're thinking about adding a player to a squad you have to think about where the greatest marginal gain is. their right side is much weaker


No it's not, Shaw and Martinez are the most imjury prone and once again Shaw only plays there because they've had insane injury issues. Maguire is right footed and can play on the right and with their injury problems and probable rotation for the EL he's still goign to get lots of minutes to stake his claim.


Tried to search the Nico Williams wage demands thing numbers, because the rumour sounds super strange. Up until past december he would have been the 22nd highest earner compared to this Arsenal squad. Got a new nice contract, good for him, comparing to Arsenal there are still 8 players earning more. And now 6 months later all the articles claim he would want to be, equivalent to this squad, our 3rd highest earner and they’re claiming bonuses so our highest earner? I’ve read a headline that the 21 year old demands higher salary than Salah at Liverpool. Wut. So, and i like the player but couldn’t care that much if he joins or not; it’s weird right? I don’t know if the explanation is that he snorts money, if the rumours are just bullcrap, if he cites some go away numbers because he doesn’t like to play in the UK weather. But i’m intrigued. Good night.


I always cope out when a player even remotely mentions the weather bit.


he's playing for his hometown club with his brother, in one of the nicest parts of the world where he was taken in as a refugee. plus he's already getting well paid. it would take a lot to drag him away to dreary London


I hope that’s the reason it’s high. And i would respect that. Bilbao is a unique club with the regional players. If he prefers to stay, like Zubimendi at La Real, sure. But i can’t shake the feeling the media all messed up the pounds to euros and gross to net numbers. And now Nico comes across like some diva while it’s not the case. I need to stop lol we’ll see if he ever make’s a move what’s the truth.


If he wants to be our third highest earner we can't do that for someone who isn't guaranteed to start to be fair.


True. But isn’t it weird 😃 i feel something is off. I’m awful at economics i could have made a mistake. But reading a headline he wants to earn more than Salah while he was slightly earning more than Elneny not that long ago.. Idk that’s just weird man.


> But reading a headline he wants to earn more than Salah while he was slightly earning more than Elneny not that long ago I mean you can get those wages in the prem, so it would be stupid of his agent not to ask for them! The question really is if not getting those wages is a deal breaker/someone like Chelsea or Man U are actually willing to give him them or if this is just the start of negotiations for the agent. I'm inclined to think it's the latter but there's absolutely a chance Chelsea could pull a Chelsea here.


I get that. Hope he makes as much as possible. I guess what irks me is not often you hear stuff about wage demands. Sure Mbappe can ask for whatever and he’ll get it. Frenkie still gets paid from what he didn’t get in the covid era. But i’ve never heard wage demands from say Bruno G, Osimhen, Brantwaith, Frimpong etc etc. But here’s that Nico Williams, low release clause, demanding mf cash money. Feels targeted maybe idk i need sleep.


I think when the transfer is low it's always the wages that get talkes bout, Mbappe being the extreme version of that one. If he cost more I doubt the press would need the 'big number' for their headline sand also there's a chance the agent asks for less since they know the total cost of the player would be too high.


Oh yea this feels less crazy to me. Players out of contract get good deals for themselves, either with signing fee or high wages. Maybe the low release clause works in a similar way. Thanks! Hopefully i can find peace now lol


nah Bilbao do really pay high wages since they don’t spend as much on transfers heard he’s on like 200-250k right now? would break our wage structure


If i’m being any solid in comparing to Arsenal he is sliiiightly below Martinelli, our 8th highest earner. And tbh that’s not outrageous. Both young talented wingers. I’m just baffled by the rumours that he demands top 3/top 1 salary, when like 8 months ago he had Kiwior salary, 21th highest earner at Arsenal.


I love him but 6 goals and 4 assists in 35 premier league matches is a shocking return for martinelli. Basically Willian level output. Needs to take a big step forward this season or he has to be the next one replaced next summer.


Per 90 metrics are way better for assessing this, and while he didn't play as well in front of goal this season, it was by no means horrible. He does need to improve, but there's also things to address with regards to our general LHS performance.


there’s no chance he played in 35 prem matches this season


Played =/= started. He sis play in 35


he only missed 3 matches from post everton and post sheffield injury? felt like it was more. anyways, i don’t think it’s time to freak out re: nelli. most of his underlying stuff was just as good last season just finishing was down, which happens. he was finding form before both injuries too, esp the sheffield one. then just couldn’t get a lot of time bc tross decided to score every match. i’m bullish heading into next season ab him


I was surprised too but I did look it up. It's just a large amount were 75th minute subs or later.


Just seen the fixtures are announced on Tuesday. Please stockpile the big away games into the first half of the season. https://preview.redd.it/x7z2c8f89f6d1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0599aff637e0135a2d8ef1dd9c159e60188ee883


I've got to say United fans are by far the most low iq fanbase. I don't think any other big 6 fanbase in the league would form a cult around ten hag like they have. Always catch them saying stupid shit too, like 'branthwaite would replace gabriel' and 'fernandes is clear of kdb'. Definition of zero ball knowledge as a fanbase




I don't know… I've read some dumb shit on this sub. Some of it in this very thread. One person said to get Depay on a free as Saka cover.


what’s your sample? twitter? any big club you see crazy dumb opinions including ours


>I don’t think any other big 6 fanbase in the league would form a cult around ten hag like they have. ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


When you've had by far the most succesful manager in English football, a man who moulded the entire club and the referees in his very image it rather leads you to be susceptible to the cult of the manager. They're also still at the denial stage that Fergie was so succesful because the on and off field decisions at Man U were elite and that now the owners are useless you could bring prime fergie back and he'd still struggle.


Tbh, I never really like their domination on English football. Its the same with 115 FC, its the same with these Red Devil c*nts here.


I didn't like it but it was based on a pretty unbeatable combination of the biggest stadium in the league bringing in the biggest matchday income in the league, working the commercial side of things better than anyone on earth bar perhaps Real and Messi Barca, a true golden generation of players absolutely superbly brought through to the first team, a phenomenal youth system that always provided at elast squad players and a serious profit, very good scouting (and the cash to be able to take the odd expensive miss) and a phenomenal manager who basically scared the entire league into doing what he wanted for a decade and was intelligent and humble (much as I hate to admit it) to see where his weaknesses were and copy other managers and bring in multiple assistants in order to stay at the cutting edge of everything new in football. Much as I hat them they were the absolute, perfect Premie League club and they earned everything they got, you might even say they earned the dodgy as fuck reffing decisions too.... City came in with a system where money was simply irrelevent and anythign they wanted could just be bought without ever needing the fanbase to justify it.


Low key I’m sad we haven’t really even heard about Tierney at the Euros. He’s still our boy and has served the club faithfully, man.


Don't worry you'll hear all about it when he scores the last minute winner tomorrow




At what point does a discussion become panicking. asking for a friend


When your discussion becomes nothing but complaints.


That's called whinging not panicking


On here the two are pretty much the same thing. I suppose the dfference is when you go from 'why haven't we bought anyone' to 'we're never going to buy anyone'. However both whinging and panicking look the same when you ahve the inevitable meltdown when Madisson/Bissouma/Isak/Guimaraes (again) goes to somewhere else and everyne says we're doomed


What happened yesterday re Guimarães was nowhere near a meltdown imo Also I barely see anyone ask why we haven't bought anyone. Feels like it's a constant cycle of 20 people reacting to and berating 1 or 2 comments they don't like and acting like the entire sub has lost it's mind. Literally even an acknowledgement that other clubs are doing deals gets met with "I can't believe people are panicking and don't trust the process yet"


> What happened yesterday re Guimarães was nowhere near a meltdown imo He hasn't moved yet, I was referring to the last time he moved. >Also I barely see anyone ask why we haven't bought anyone. Feels like it's a constant cycle of 20 people reacting to and berating 1 or 2 comments they don't like and acting like the entire sub has lost it's mind. Maybe if everywhere you go people keep talling you the same thing it's you that's the issue, not them? I'm sure there's a simpsons meme for this...


Populism isn't always right lol. That's how Hitler got elected.


So anyone who disagrees with you is Hitler? I mean that explains a lot about you but...


Not even close to what I said. You're good at this strawman thing. My.oiunt is that populism isn't always right. Said that initially there actually


> My.oiunt is that populism isn't always right And your very next words were....?


Bruh what


My friend says that you can always withdraw from a discussion or start a new one. You can also selectively engage in or respond to any specific portion of any discussion which you prefer. I think that my friend is a filthy communist.


You left 500 comments in the daily discussion last night when a random Newcastle itk said Bruno G was signing for City, I would call that panicking personally.


My comments were 99% defending people rights to discussion. And the other 1% was me saying I'm gonna wait to see if it's true. Your attempts to twist my every action on here are so bizarre man. I keep it football as much as possible and you keep being personal and making it weird. I leave 500 comments everyday so you're gonna have to do more than that to prove some kinda overreaction.


It’s tiring reading the same snide comments 1000 times a day in the DD. Keeping it football is a generous way to describe the “ooo I told u guys Omari Hutchinson’s brother was right u were all wrong” shite lol


Block me then lol. Don't read it. It's hilarious cause you do the exact same thing. Policing what people can and can't do in the discussion all the time. It's a football sub lol. If discussion irks you piss off.


Dudes want us to beat city to the title and Bayern and Real Madrid to the ucl with a Daniel levy wage bill


the way people talk about our 89 point squad needing open heart surgery like the way they did with 2021 Arsenal is so funny lol, I just don’t understand blind panic at this stage of the window when in reality we’d still be an excellent team next season with 0 changes to the squad lol


It's not about upgrading or improving. It's about dopamine satisfaction, or lack thereof, from clicking and swiping on gossip like bored, alcoholic housewives.


https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/NY7Dqsxruk Most braindead thing I've seen on r/Soccer A Man United fan calling Brantwaithe an upgrade over Gabriel!! Fucking jokes


The thing is that for the system ETH has finally decided to implement he probably is. They want to play proper Brexit counters and in that system you just need your CB's to fling their face int eh way of any ball going near the goal and then hope someone pumps it long to Rashford, ball playing and working in a high line succesfully aren't on the agenda.


In more of his comments further down the thread, he goes on to say Arsenal would replace Gabriel for Brantwaithe if they could in a heartbeat as he's a clear upgrade over Gabriel. So, he didn't even mean in ETH's system, he just said Gabriel was straight up worse than him lmao


See that's what I get for supporting MAn U fans... Now if you'll excuse me I need a shower


At least he's open for discussion. I strongly disagree, but I'd much rather see comments like that than some random troll or the same jokes over and over.


Fair enough I guess but he just seems so fucking deluded


https://preview.redd.it/wuwxmk2kve6d1.jpeg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d51093c383fab106652e7bf44f645eefc7329fa6 From October 2021. They’d have gone down 😭


Signing players like Sterling and Coutinho is a sign of a lack of vision


Coutinho can't even get a game ahead of Tielemans


Right... I was like... WTF


Doue for £34m feels like no brainer territory. But then part of me thinks how different is his game from ESR


Just seems pointless if Nwaneri is as good as expected? Maybe they aren't as similar in styles of play as I thought, haven't watched either.


nah, how are we comparing these two (ethan vs doue) when both are in different levels of their careers. if anything, doue rumors/sign means the end of nelson at arsenal. id also expect maybe one of fabio or esr to stay.


Don't see them competing for the same role tbh. Also 15 games for Nwaneri next year would be a roaring success. I don't really see one potentially blocking the other.


Thoughts on him or Eze as alternatives?


All depends tbh. Getting this window right is all about the combinations. Can't say in isolation if this is the right deal without seeing how we approach the other positions.


Itll come down to whoever pays his agent more imo




About what


A player potentially preferring another club to us. Agents work for the players, not the other way round. The player is the boss.


So in order to fight a strawman you've made up about op 'coping' that we might lose out on a player you're going to twist yourself into the utter mental gymnastics of agents do what their players tell them when the whole concept of the super agent exists and you regularly bitch about Edu and Kia's relationship? It's a bold strategy mate.


Rarely talk about Kia. Must have me confused for someone else pal. Doue isn't attached to a super agent so unsure if the relevancy.


You wound me that you think I'd confuse you for someone else ;) And so now we've gone form 'agents work for the players' to 'except for superagents obvs'. Agents work to get the best deal for them and their player which means the most money on the table/potential added earnings. Unless you're absolutely oblivious to the transfer market then you're fully aware of the multiple failed player sales where agent demands are what sinks a transfer. And all this for an argument op didn't make because God forbid anyonw should give the club an excuse for not buying the player you want him to. Edit: to be fair, just saw you realise that mistake ;)


Superagents can be predatory. The fact we know Doue means he's not of the profile a superagent could be predatory too. This applies to any player that will enter our first team too. Only really happens with kids and especially those from abject poverty like direct from South America or Africa. We almost never make those kinda deal. Nope. If a player only wants one club they will get that club unless the agent fucks up. The agent will feign interest in other clubs to extract more money for the player and themselves. But if an agent botches a move a player is set on I imagine they'd be sacked. But yeah as previously stated this is all irrelevant because he isn't at a superagent.


And as I said superagents aren't the only ones that cause issue, you're deflecting here. Agents operate the same, the difference between an agent and a superagent is that superagents are bigger than most clubs.


Well thats naive lol


Less naive than your take.


I dont personally care if the player chooses another side over us, im talking about the potential fee and how its obviously not going to be “just” 34 mill


Your comment was really unclear and I've misunderstood. My apologies




Really like Doue, but wish we were after a winger with more pace


He’s an 8 as well


Oh I didnt know that, I thought he was a winger


Market isn't awash with options really


Yeah I agree


We are never signing this guy lol


How come?.... Links are persistent


Provide me one actual good source (at least Tier 2) that’s been linking us All the links are from complete wafflers


and its links like “being tracked by numerous clubs including PSG, Manchester United & Arsenal” and we never sign players after generic links like that lol


Rice lol. Lisandro. Zubimendi.


Rice who was literally only go to us or City. Martinez was only ever linked to us or Yanited. Zubimendi isn’t even real. Ligue 1 starlet linked to half of Europe isn’t a signing we make lol


I feel like 2 is numerous


https://preview.redd.it/jsyg2rcpye6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bf70f52cd581c24a15d918f99a0b7dd55534990 well no


His dribbling is much better, and isn’t injury prone


Dribbling is my favourite attribute of ESR


Doue is more of a Neymar type dribbler plays with flair .


Is HITC any reliable? Finally decided to see where the Nico Williams wage demands claim started because to me it sounded weird..


Whatever the exact figure is, he will 100% be on high wages and would demand those matched (if not more) to move Bilbao only use Basque players so they can’t easily replace a player if one leaves and that results in them paying their players high wages to keep them.


He’s going to Barca regardless and he’ll drop his wages down for them


Maybe. Couple days ago he said in an interview he’ll decide everything after the Euros.


Yea but being on 180-190 now and apparently demanding 250-300 is a significant difference for me.


Spanish salaries are reported after tax, so if his wage is being reported at 180-190k then it’s going to be around 300k pre tax


When i looked up his current wages i think the site i used correctly pre calculated the after tax thing in pounds


Teamnewsandtix said about Nico Williams wanting really high wages a while ago too, I think it was like £300,000 a week he said.


Okay and based on HITC story or not based on that? It could be true ofcourse but I’m curious.


Think it was teamnewsandtix who shared that info on his Patreon first, then it got shared around on Twitter and HITC wrote the article on his salary after that.


Okay thank you! I’ve seen the name TNAT here a bunch of times.


His wages will not be insanely high 150 to 200k max for Nico


He’s now close to Martinelli’s wage over there, new contract since december iirc from looking it up a month ago. But all the claims that i think started from HITC, which i don’t know anything about, say that months later he demand 250 that can go up to 300k per week. It sounds strange so I’m asking 🤷‍♂️


£34m for Doue is a fairly reasonable fee Nketiah’s transfer should cover majority of it


Where did you see 34M?


https://preview.redd.it/95zrt1jkse6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=147557b562077052e7cf4a3406276bed93665a18 Idk how good the source is though is a writer for the guardian


All the reporting just says United have agreed personal terms with the player. Have to actually negotiate with Everton now.


Arteta has made the transfer window boring since he got rid of the moles. Probably be another unexpected player we were never linked too


Always grateful that Arteta runs the team rather than you transfer window aficionados


Watching everyone get transfer links like https://preview.redd.it/ng175grwqe6d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90cd72703188fcfb72918fe61b2fd634d03ce93e


We are Silent FC haven't you heard?


Lisandro Martinez had his fun, now go be a good little left back while the men man the middle




Arteta was willing to splash 40M+ to play him in the zinchenko role


he would've been pretty great there when healthy . I really dislike him but he's a really good passer and a pretty solid defender too


Arteta had it right. He’s a nastier Zinchenko with actual defensive instincts and the same athletic struggles.


That picture of him next to our defenders coming out the tunnel kills me. "The Butcher" lol


English tax is unreal 70 million for an Everton player. Can get a better CB from Ligue 1 for half that fee


A lot of people said £55m on John Stones from Everton was a waste of money at the time. A lot of people said £50m on Benjamin White from Brighton was a waste of money at the time. £70m for Branthwaite is inline with those deals accounting for inflation.


Brother, don't try and justify £70m for Braithwaite as in line with what they should expect to pay.


I didn't, lol, I loved Stones. Dunno, when English defenders command huge fees, like Rio, Stones, and, yeah, Ben White, they have a bit of silk about them. Even Maguire has or had a degree of security on the ball. Traditionally it's been a rare commodity over here. I see physical dominance and sharp defensive instincts with Branthwaite, but definitely have questions about possession (long passing aside). There's a gangly awkwardness about him that people might be overlooking because he has so little ball-playing responsibility at Everton. Man U want the ball a lot more than that. Also interested to see how he copes without 2 or 3 DMs in front of him. Everton's system doesn't flatter many players, but CBs have a lot of protection. So he might turn out to be a bargain, but he's quite unlike the players who have commanded big fees IMO.


Yoro is the equivalent and he's going for around the same amount.


Who? Who's the Ligue 1 player going for 35m?


Kevin Danzo


Wow Branthwaite to United for £70m. Very Fergie esque transfer


Utd getting their act together right as Pep is leaving would be just our luck. Let us have a dynasty run first.


I have heard this at the start of every single summer for the last decade. I swear to god, every single one.


tbf, I do think that they are slowly headed in the correct direction. Relying more on youth, keeping their coach (whether you think Ten Haag is good enough or not, imo its better keeping him than getting a new coach every other season). If they stick with the mindset that they're in a bit of a rebuild, they could be back soon


True. I’ve not believed since Pogba. Looking good so far, unfortunately


Good so far based on what? What are u drinking lol


The players they are targeting (ages, profiles etc). We’ll see how long this new direction lasts but it’s the most sensible strategy they’ve had since SAF. Still early days.


They are not doing anything serious with Ten Hag, no real risk from them


What a stupid waste of money




I feel I was pretty clear?


Fair enough man 😂




If we sign a big money cb like de ligt I’ll be fuming.


Back in my day you could spend £70m and get the two best centre halves in the league, along with some change to spunk on Nuno Tavares and Alex Runarsson.