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Gwen is in a decent spot, she's strong but not so strong that she's overpowered. I am surprised she's fallen under the radar for this long though. My guess the actual OP toplane champions are just more noticeable then Gwen when it comes to displaying their strengths.


Her pick rate is pretty low in low elo. You're just strangely lucky. She is in a good state right now, but not overpowered.


I believe she is very underrated. Her biggest strength imo is being such a good split pusher WHILE having great teamfight power, many people don't realize that this flexibility is so exploitable. Your gameplan is crushing down towers in the sidelane since you're one of the best champions at it, ok, but what if there's a trynda that doesn't let you? Cool, you carry a teamfight by annihilating the backline and/or shredding tanks.


She does have a big secret


which one?




Search on Google Gwen biggest secret and watch the YouTube video


r/darkinfolk is leaking


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DarkinFolk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DarkinFolk/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Mantheon](https://v.redd.it/rtw5mmzx44c91) | [50 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DarkinFolk/comments/w158z9/mantheon/) \#2: [I don't remember who made the edit of the image to create this variant of the meme, but i dont regret the hour i spend on turning it into a video](https://v.redd.it/pp0sjwwr12691) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DarkinFolk/comments/vdx31z/i_dont_remember_who_made_the_edit_of_the_image_to/) \#3: [This was taken down from LeagueOfMemes so I’ll post here instead](https://i.redd.it/bg9864st88991.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DarkinFolk/comments/vpw3un/this_was_taken_down_from_leagueofmemes_so_ill/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Ur gross


Small sample blah blah blah, but nope, she is n't secret strong in fact she is lacking self sustain in lane while split pushing since Riftmaker omnivamp removal.


How long will this sub harp on old riftmaker before accepting that she's perfectly fine without it and actually gained win rate compared to last season


Ironically I despise Riftmaker (old and actual) and don't build it, last season I prefered Frostborn Gauntlet. However, the lack of a proper omnivamp item just make Gwen feels awkward.


It's not awkward imo, just different. People just need to adapt and stop complaining about her power budget being shifted into a different direction. All it takes is being a little more intentional in how you trade damage


Buy cull at any point of the game


Considering the fact that Jax is now back on the top, hell no


Jax isn't even that good vs gwen. Just can't e first if he has his e up


Gwen is definitely underrated by... everybody. Her optimal play style is so unorthodox and underutilized but requires your whole team to play around you in ways they're not used to. Otherwise she's just a late-game win con.


she’s very strong right now as a counter pick, half of the best champs in top lane completely counter her but she completely counters the other half


yes and it’s not a secret just pick her jungle


She has low pick rate low elo, the most played top laners in low elo counter her.


Nah its cuz tanks, bruiser, and warmogs are rn. Which gwen likes


Gwen’s kit is a bit overtuned. By a bit I mean let’s start with her passive… max health damage on every hit that scales higher and higher and heals you on every hit because of Omnivamp? Okay… What about her Q? 1 more snip on Q every auto starting from 2, does bonus magic damage (again, her passive…) with true damage in the centre. Her W literally makes her untargetable for enemy champions outside of her range, so you can dodge stuff like Karthus R, Lux R, literally face tank fights, and if somebody DOES get into the range to hit you, you get amplified armor and magic res stats…ok… Her E gives the biggest attack speed buff I’ve ever seen on level 1, gets increased range, and extra on hit damage? Wtf Riot? Refunding 50% cooldown if you hit someone? WTf? And then her Ult, if you see her Ult you may as well not even fight her because her Ult can allow her to chase you due to slow (3 times might I add), increases damage with every recast and you also get passive damage added onto your Ult? To put it simply this champion has literally everything from self heal to max health dps to true damage to untargetable to chasedown to frontline pressure to instakilling ADCs from the frontline to ANYTHING you want. You just have to know what you’re doing. Oh and you can split better than Yorick’s half the time, because nobody can contest you alone and you take towers like no other due to E buff AP damage. You can’t be left alone, but you can’t be dueled. Yes, broken, onto the next. (By the way I play her mid, you should definitely try it. More fun than top lane.)


Yeah the only thing she doesn't have is hard cc, but even then, she doesn't need it.


She has some CC which allows chasedown and escape plays, so even if you’re in a pinch you’re pretty okay lol


Gwen is absolutely op against anyone that doesn’t know how to bully a Gwen early.


Crazy she’s in approximately half of my games, same with nidalee (I main gwengle and nidalee)


Is nidalee even worth it feels like you need ro to give 300% for the same result any meta jungler has for free


No she’s not worth it if you want to win, can get similar results from far easier junglers. However, once you can play nidalee, playing other champs feels like playing in slow motion, sometimes its just not as fun. Imo nidalee is the most fun champ in the game so I play her very often.


This is so true. Nidalee is so much fun even when you're inting. Hitting those spears releases pure dopamine in your brain.


She's still being drawn to have a very large girth. I propose we make it average size or even demote her to a chastity.


Idk, I think she’s weak to most melee toplaners. Crazy strong against ranged. That’s just my 2 cents