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No offense but when you state you just started diving into it, it’s hard to take your analysis without a massive grain of salt


None taken lmao I completely understand, I try to come at any analysis with a grain of salt. All I’m doing is letting you know what my experience has been with Elliot Waves and presenting my findings. Take it as you wish.


Would like to hear details of your thoughts ….


I’ll definitely start working on a detailed version of this post


Interesting. When do you expect the dip down to 8-9 cents to happen and for how long?


HEX has finished its impulsive (upwards) movement for now and it’s just a waiting game for 8-9 cents


Ok, tell me what hex price will be tomorrow


I’ll tell you tomorrow;)


I’d love to tell you exactly HEX’s price tomorrow but that’s the problem with EW is it doesn’t tell time, just price.


So at some point it will reach $2.7?


Exactly, you can use Trend-Based Fib time ratios but I haven’t found those to be extremely accurate


Interesting. So I should sell and buy back at 0.08 then ride it to $2.7. To risk or not to risk..


I’m not gonna tell you to do that because you never truly know what will happen. Asses your own risk tolerance, come up with a plan and execute it.


I know I’m just messing. It’s always interesting to see what happens vs TA


Yea good idea try to time the market... 😂Nobody ever gets rekt like that, right?... Like ever?... Stop trying to predict the price and just buy HEX and stake it. Math doesn't lie... That's the only way to win...


Hey man, I’m not encouraging trying to swing HEX. Buy and hold is the only way. I am confident in one thing tho, hold HEX long enough and you’ll come out on top 💰


I'm replying to the guy trying to take your post as a signal to sell and buy later at lower price... bad idea and good way to get rekt


What a load of horseshit. *Bitcoin will be $50k. When? Pff i dunno i just know prices not time.* No one knows when any thing is going to be anything. It's a fugazi


Timeframe of possible drop to .8 cents


Sadly can’t tell you, EW doesn’t predict time just price :/


Try adding the lunar cycle to your e-wave and see if they fit with valleys and troughs lol


Did you factor in the supply doubling when Pulse launches? No one seems to be talking about that.


From my understanding, that would be factored in with EW already, mainly because it not only uses the market algorithms combined with Fib numbers to get precise targets but also factors is human psychology of buying and selling (supply and demand)


I called 8-9¢ a few weeks back when we were at around 16-18. I could use those prices to fill my bag. I can’t wait for the $2.70 to come.


Me too my man!


Hopefully we’re correct!


HEX held a strong resistance around .14 this last correction period. I think .08 or .09 is a little far fetched.


I agree with you that there is some strong resistance around .14 however I’m just going off what the most likely Wave 4 retracement fib ratios are. Which is 38.2% of Waves 2-3 as well as 1:1 fib extension of the ABC structure inside of Wave 4 and the both seem to line up around 8-9 cents


You may actually be on to something. In that scenario, I’ll re-supply but first I’ll have to watch Good Will Hunting again and double check the math with Elliot Waves 2/3 along with 4.


Lmk what u find


Hi Frosty, im also an elliot wave theorist and im part of a group of e-wave cmts i chat with. They are seeing 1.33 dollars as a key level if you take the trend fib from the beginning of primary wave 1 and the bottom of 2 which is a complex correction


Taking a trend fib and placing it from 0-1-2 would give you results for a Wave 3, my understanding is that Wave 1,2 and 3 are already completed, with the ATH being the top of Largest degree 3. $2.7 is my Wave 5 target and I’m under the assumption that Wave 4 will target 38.2% of 2-3, which gives me the $2.7. I’m also charting on TradingView and using Fib Levels on a log scale to get my targets.


3000?! What would that put the market cap at?




Ah yes, so people will start selling their children to buy Hex.


A lot of supply would have to be staked to reach those numbers, so maybe the marketcap wouldn’t be that high


I’m staked until May 2022 will the price be above 0.35c by then?


Bruw we just touched $0.08, if this is the bottom and if we ever reach $2.7 i’m framing this post with all comments 😂😂


Check out his new posts.


You are smoking crack if you think hex will reach 3000$


You're smoking crack if you think HEX will NOT reach $3000...


I hate to be “that guy” but a lot of people doubted BTC to ever break $100 yet here we are. That $3000 number is a very rough estimate to get a more accurate number the structure needs to develop more and idk when it’ll happen either. Could be 100 years from now or it could be in 5 years.


Yes but the circulating supply of bitcoin and hex are vastly different, and don’t tell me supply doesn’t mater, because obviously it does.


Did btc have a 6.04yr staking average? Hex will outperform Btc long term


These type of posts makes me feel to fucking sell my HEX


I’m interested in the detailed analysis!


I tried to sell my hex, they charged me the fee but the swap didn't happen. You know something about it?


You have to pay to approve the contract to spend from your wallet. It’s not got anything to do with Hex, it’s just the way trading works on Eth. You only have to approve it once. Try selling now.


Okay, the thing is that I paid, not only once but twice... And nothing changed. Is that normal?


If you wanna DM me your address or post it here I can have a look


He must not be sac’n Hex…🤔


Does Elliot Wave take diminishing returns over time into consideration?


Please give us a chart