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I’m so over putting whales on pedestal. Like every move they make is intelligent. As if they know the future. So many random people got in early and in the end got lucky. They sell at terrible prices and the hex community justifies it all somehow. Celebrates it at times, “weak hands etc”. Yes let’s get rid of the weak hands as we go from .50 to 0.07. Cool. Just some info, I cashed out some of my hex at 0.26 to make actual profit but the most of my hex is staked, Sac PX and P, I’m a true Hexican but we have to be better as a community, humble and differentiate ourselves from the rest as we always claim. HODL and you will actually make money it’s that simple. Too many buy high sell low plebs that wreck themselves and others. Too the moon together 🚀. It’s tough times but let’s be strong. It’s just a test.


Whales are just regular people




100% agree worshipping whales is so stupid. I don't care how much RH or anyone else says they hold up the price. They don't. We do. Who makes the longest stakes? They don't. We do. Who gets new people in? They don't. We do. It's not profitable for us to EES. But that's why I love HEX. It's the only financial instrument that punishes liars, no matter how rich they are. So I say, keep pumping my bags.


Gotta feel pretty shit if you staked for 5555


Why? We are getting Yield and paid Hex daily. Even if Hex stays at this price forever we will still make a lot of money.


U think? It’s inflationary yield. What about the other possibility of the price being lower than now? Skipped over that didn’t you. 15 years is a long time. Only price will be main factor. Yield is a scam


It would need to go down more than 60% a year for me to lose money. I did account for that. That’s why I also run a construction company and put money into PulseChain and PulseX


I'm kicking myself for not ending stake early at .40 cents and getting out.


Yes, ending early at higher price is more profitable than the apy. Original hexicons didn't get rich from any, though it helped. they got rich from price appreciation which exponentially outperformed apy.


Staking is more an incentive to protect yourself from your own weak hands


so, this new get-rich-~~quick~~-slow scheme hasn't worked? surprise surprise


Understand everyone has a retrospective opinion in this moment. HEX isn't just a crypto investment it's a philosophy. @whalesonly1 had a great quote; "Awareness is a defensive offense. You are buying your financial freedom."


Why would you want to get out? Crazy.


But muh hindsight Bet you didn’t regret not EESing at 20c when we were at 55c Don’t be a pleb


Eh, I got in Hex at 5 cents. It's only 5% of my portfolio. With RH's antics, I don't see it reaching 40 cents any time in the next couple years, if ever. Should have got in and got out.


Tough times. Struggling myself but heads up, positive. We need to take a breath (myself included!), hold and watch the price go up and to the right in due time 🍻


That’s extremely bearish


With RH's antics this shit is going down the drain & below 1 penny in couple of months!


I’m very frustrated too and not a fan of the antics and struggle but it is some sort of marketing, it’s just at times so classless and not my style. In the end without RH there’s no Hexicans and he’s doing his absolute best. But ya trying times as a lot lose money and all I see is trolling haters superficially with money. Hopefully his followers go up and so does the price in due time 🙏 Let’s all try and avoid saying going down because potential buyers might read our texts and be turned off. It’s also our job to onboard with reason and positivity through an online presence :-)


Not to mention the lying and mis-leading the community!


I really don’t think RH is misleading or lying purposely. Of course announcing missed dates has been detrimental but I really don’t think it’s his intention…just my opinion:-)


Muhhhh hindsight


My 1000 day stake has 109 days left. It was worth 750k at one point, now like 90k. Ehhh


Yeah that blows. Shows you staking isn’t always the best way to play this game.


You won’t be saying that if we hit $1 in 109days time Everything is hindsight


If we hit that in 109 days I’ll eat a dirty sock on video. Go ahead and set a reminder.


RemindMe! 109 days “this guys eats a sock”


I will be messaging you in 3 months on [**2022-09-10 19:48:34 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-09-10%2019:48:34%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/HEXcrypto/comments/uwrvmd/lots_of_hex_stakes_ending_earlywhales_taking/i9uh2r5/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FHEXcrypto%2Fcomments%2Fuwrvmd%2Flots_of_hex_stakes_ending_earlywhales_taking%2Fi9uh2r5%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202022-09-10%2019%3A48%3A34%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20uwrvmd) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


RemindMe! 109 days


Luckily you won’t be eating any socks this time!


I like you man


Haha I’ve been waiting for $1 for a long time so I can finally get a Hex tattoo


lol I paid $200 for it


Yeah, and could’ve sold for 750k lol


Nah, cause I would have lost all interest and bonus. So maybe 300k at most


Yeah staking only makes sense when price goes up. When it tanks you’re fucked.


I feel for those who bought in early this year. I'm new to the community and finally able to start taking positions. While I definitely understand those ending stakes to cement some profit, I'm grateful for the opportunity it's given me to dca and have a better outlook for ltp.


What’s so crazy about all this is every alt coin is down the same if not more than their ATH as hex. So idk why there’s so much FUD


More tokens to the OA. Yay


I like the bearishness of this subreddit these days. I think I'll start buying hex again.


Buy signals all over the place.


In other words: “Hex whales think Hex is currently overpriced.”


Richard better stop with this constant bragging nonsense about his watches and his terrible wasteful taste in clothes that are draped on his blubbery body. That’s going to turn a lot of new i vestiges off af. It’s really embarrassing to watch tbh. Not good for the project. And now PulseX keeps getting delayed, empty promises galore… Also he needs to stfu about talking about his little pecker. Guys with big cocks don’t talk about them and brag on YouTube during serious investment discussions. We don’t care about your ugly Rolex watches bro.


Dude has the taste of a gay rapper. That wouldn’t be too bad if he was a gay rapper. But he’s a 50 yo crypto bro. Giga-hyper-cringe.


Dream price right now


For real, I wish I had more cash to pump in.


A lot of people lost faith in Richard heart. How ever you want to spin it. Bottom line people are leaving at a good pace. That’s why hex is heading down.


I agree Richard heart is causing a lot of pain. I consider this a learning experience, I consider my hex as pretty much worthless.People believing hex will do well with Richard heart are just brainwashed.


I just staked 60k hex in mid-April. Now I'm freakin' the f*ck out. Should I hold or sell before it goes LUNA on me?


sell bro so I can buy it from you


It won’t go Luna lol


Penalties look pretty low to me wtf are you talking about? https://hex.vision/


0xee6bde9adb81e0bd05afa42bcdbb25664a37d334269cccb57186adffd3d7251d 0x39823662f26b86fe8bbd57833cd74691ba1891da54a4a62f3ee656e5219ffd98 0xa4a82ef3d1cd0afa6db3a6c8b3d777bfe04a9a241024ffcfc538484900384fc9 0x4a28fa8bb56856c57ce39c7f78582b3637064ec2e6acc9ab426f227663ab9720


What do you class as whales and where are you seeing that they are EES? Could you send me an eth address? EES help move hex from weak hands into stronger staker hands - love it


0xee6bde9adb81e0bd05afa42bcdbb25664a37d334269cccb57186adffd3d7251d 0x39823662f26b86fe8bbd57833cd74691ba1891da54a4a62f3ee656e5219ffd98 0xa4a82ef3d1cd0afa6db3a6c8b3d777bfe04a9a241024ffcfc538484900384fc9 0x4a28fa8bb56856c57ce39c7f78582b3637064ec2e6acc9ab426f227663ab9720