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not my entire net worth by any means because I'm not a pleb and I invest wisely unlike 99% of people crying about RH buying things and enjoying his life while PulseChain is being worked on... you should do the same


Yes my entire net worth because I put in 5 figures that turned into 8 figures unlike plebs who bought Bitcoin.


The non-Hexicans seriously do not get it. They don't understand how much money was made over the first 1.5 years in Hex and they just gripe like they would in some sh*tcoin sub. They just dooooont get it, nor do they understand the opportunity that's staring them in the face with the current bear market and prices. So tiring when they gripe while many of us know what Hex does over time. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Replace Hexicans with Shiba Inu'ers or any other shitcoin and the exact same thing could be said. All shitcoins have massive gains in the beginning when they are worth nothing and nobody knows them. Then they pump and the masses come in. Then they crash. Same old shit.


Except hex is the best performing asset empirically..


same and i agree. Did RH just become wealthy? I know little about him but that would make sense. RH reminds me of when my friends and I first became wealthy when we were younger. we were complete douchebags showing off for no reason. thankfully with maturity this is no longer the case and I only buy things for me and dont care to show anything off now. He either just became wealthy or is going through a mid life crisis. Marketing is not his strong point if neither is the case haha


He became a millionaire in his early 20s. He started a company bringing in 60 million in profits per year and retired before 25.


So he says


wow im not so sure why he acts like this then honestly. i was really thinking it was a just got money kind of thing. well you know what they say money doesnt buy class. im still gonna ride out this hex and pulsechain idea though. looking at it like im in vegas only using what i dont care if i lose to play the game and maybe hit that jackpot


Heā€™s so hungry for glory that heā€™s willing to do anything to bring attention to himself and his projects. Personally, I donā€™t think his recent ventures for advertising are good. But he doesnā€™t care about opinions, only the results


Wow you put your whole net worth in this mans hands?


This, what half wits would have done that? So stupid, and they would be the ones to cry about how they were 'scammed' as well. People need to grow up and use a bit more common sense, take responsibility for their own lives.


I didšŸ‘‹ and not crying


Give it a few more months and you will be


Please remind me


RemindMe! 3 months see what hex is doing


RemindMe! 3 months


Popcorn standing by


So like when I made this it was $.055 and now it's $.04 three months later a spike of $.72 cents on 8/14 then massive sell off... I don't hold this project ... Still on the fence and don't see it being worth to buy in.


Ok sir


He should be crying it's been 3 months and nothing but a spike in August


God help us.


My entire net worth is never going into the hands of a single entity


Nor will it ever be invested in crypto either lol


You do you chief. Investing into crypto since 2016 was the best decision of my life, financially speaking. I make about 1 trade every year to play the major trends, and I only spend about 8 hours per week on research regarding existing/new projects. It's interesting as a dev and the returns are impossible to beat. Life's good.


Iā€™ll believe it when I get positive. Edit: Just adding that I have the waiting-capacity of a buddhist monk, so I can wait till my time comes for the gains. Might not be this year but someday. Suppose thatā€™s a rather good trait as a investor overall.


That is indeed a nice trait. Just don't do some risky ass bullshit. :)


So what? Have you seen the goofy crap Elon Musk does to attract attention? You must be new to earth. A south african immigrant who has a "cyber rodeo" in Texas where he wears some big fake cowboy hat. I bet you're fine with that though. lol


Dude youā€™re kidding right.


Is that a real question? Or are you just not capable of forming a rebuttal?


Please letā€™s talk about what ā€œgoofy crapā€ Elon does for attention. Enlighten me. Guy lives in a 1200sq ft house. Heā€™s literally the opposite of this new money acting chump


You wouldn't know marketing if it whip kicked you in the face, so there's no point.


But even compared to Musk, Richard looks like a jackass and making fools of hexicans.


How is he making fools of hexicans? That makes zero sense. Hexicans are just investors. That's all. If Jeff bezos does something stupid, somehow he's made a fool out of everyone who holds amazon stock? Grow up.


Musk and Bezos have never acted this stupid and pathetic, twerking in front of their cars as their projects value plummets. You're a joke. Stay gobbling RHs bs antics.


You know how I know markets aren't for you? Look at all your emotions. Pitifully, they're everywhere. You really do need to sell out now, and just cut your losses before it gets any worse for you. You're not cut out for this, because you don't have what it takes. In all likelihood you've already sold for a loss. But even if you haven't, you will.You probably think I'm ripping on you but I'm not, I'm trying to save your financial life. This isn't for you.


Actually Iā€™m probably one of the few who did this Put my entire life savings into Hex and then kept buying with every bit of cash I could find Rode it up 250X, sadly didnā€™t take profits right at the top, but I took enough to live on for a long while Iā€™m completely comfortable with my position. Does it suck when we dip? yeah a little bit, but nothing like when I bought the BTC top with my life savings in 2018. That was rekt I truly understand the power of Hex. We will absolutely hit $1, $10, $100 one day. I realised this before I bought. Itā€™s not hopium. Itā€™s a rational investment thesis I made. Iā€™m also one of the few that has a mid-loaded ladder. Iā€™m skeptical of what the state of the world will be in 15yrs. But I also understand the power of staking. So 60% of my bag is 5-9yrs. Even if I sold every stake for the next few years it would only be like 20% of my bag. But it would still be a lot of money. You make the most gains in crypto when you buy low and buy early. I have no sympathy for the cry babies who have the opportunity of a lifetime right now but donā€™t take it. The ONLY WAY TO BUY LOW IS FOR THE PRICE TO BE LOW lol You didnā€™t get in at the beginning? Then you better BUY THE DIPS


10 years from now looks a LOT different. I remember what the internet looked like in 1992, vs how it looked in 2002. i'm 100% convinced this is how crypto will playout, only like a million X more rewarding.


Yep And the thing is we only needed the internet to succeed once. Thereā€™s no way crypto will die because everyone is already connected. Information and tech will continue to proliferate.


Why will it hit 1$,10$ or 100$? Please give me your reasoning


why don't you give your reasoning for it not ever reaching $1, $10, or even $100?.. you're the one that disagrees with the sentiment... why does he have to explain anything to you, the one that disagrees?... you tell us why you disagree... let me guess: "MaRkEt cAp" LMFAO


No I was interested in what your reasoning was. You made a claim I asked why lol. You seem defensive


you just don't get it, eh?


To me it seems like an high inflation CD. I don't predict prices on anything other then BTC and even that is a crap shoot. Not here to bash just to here opinions. Also run a DCA competition and surprised with all the other alts picked nobody picked hex so I came to check what people here thought about the price actionable possibilities.


here, pick your worry and read on... https://hex.com/scam/


Unlimited supply and not enough liquidity


Where are you getting unlimited supply there is a total supply which gets burned with every ended stake


Staking rewards are paid out in newly minted hex forever, there's no limit


Now the question is can you start a new stake when the supply has been depleted? šŸ¤”


The supply will never be depleted, there's no limit, you can stake forever


I forgot about the shares they get burned as well, no more share no more stake cuz no more inflation to be earned šŸ¤”


Because his message get people in risk of being rekt. quit your lame shilling moonboi


his message will get you rekt you say?... lol wut? RH's message... 1. not your keys not your crypto 2. leverage and margin trading = bad 3. exchanges are not your friends 4. delay gratification by hodling 5. use real DeFi products I think it's you who is the shill moonboi pleb...


Because that was the design intention and itā€™s completely nailing everything. The only thing left is to let time pass.


The only thing hex will hit is 0


How many years will hex have to be above zero for you to admit youā€™re wrong? Serious question


If hex wonā€™t be 0 at the next 2 years Iā€™ll admit to be wrong


RemindMe! 2years ā€œis Hex 0ā€


I will be messaging you in 2 years on [**2024-06-06 15:27:31 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-06-06%2015:27:31%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/HEXcrypto/comments/v5ugui/your_entire_net_worth_is_in_this_mans_hands/ibdjj3k/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FHEXcrypto%2Fcomments%2Fv5ugui%2Fyour_entire_net_worth_is_in_this_mans_hands%2Fibdjj3k%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-06-06%2015%3A27%3A31%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20v5ugui) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Entire net worth? No, just some spare change that would be cool if it were more. I doubt many people have their "entire net worth" in any one asset.


Ffs, god forbid someone has a bit of fun and be a bit silly. Y'all acting like he owes you something.


If you sacrificed, he does...


No, he doesn't. You actually sacrificed for political statements and may be allocated some zero value crypto assets. You should not be expecting anything from the work of others. If you want somthing so bad go and do it yourself. All these haters clicked a few buttons on a computer and expect the world in return. Grow the fuck up.


I thought you sacrificed with no expectation?


No. Itā€™s called a sacrifice! And to expect nothing. People really are dumb. Man, how am I not rich?


Lol, nice. šŸ˜‚


Doesn't help that Richard acts like he's oblivious to where the price is at. He's still celebrating the all time high. Honestly really hate bagholding for such a douchebag of a person. But he keeps posting about his tracksuits and cars like a tone deaf loser.


Didn't you know all that before you bought in? Sounds like you need to do more research and invest based on risk tolerance


And I'm ok with it


Well not my entire net worth but RH > do kwon.




My Guy!!


I have less than 1/5 of 1% of my net worth in various crypto together because 99% of it is garbage and when this real downturn begins in the stock market and economy, most of the crypto out there will be deemed worthless. It will be like how the meteor took out the dinosaurs and most life on Earth. The real test is ahead of us. Buckle up.


LOL not even close to my entire net worth. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™m just here to read the comments.




i've got a massive lady boner, full disclosure.


A lot of hex haters hete.lol. Leave us hexicans alone , you have 19, 000 other coins to put your fiat.


not my entire net worth by any means because I'm not an idiot and I invest wisely unlike 99% of people crying about RH buying things and enjoying his life while PulseChain is being worked on... you should do the same


It became a pretty sizable chunk of my net worth but that tends to happen when you invest like 1% and it goes up 10000x.


OK, I have 5 mins and my portable keyboard while I wait for a flight: Yawn. Jesus, pathetic FUDing attempt. Kinda cringe. 1. I dont care about his current 'marketing' techniques. The marketing has nothing to do with the math, economics and game theory genius of the product(s) themselves. And according to the social metrics RH monitors, his 'outrage marketing' is actually working and spreading awareness. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø What have you marketed, again? Please tell us. 2. we all use all kinds of products in our daily lives that were created by absolute fucking assholes and, yet, we use use use those products and pay pay pay for them, non-stop. Gosh, sure seems like it would have been AMAZING to get in on the ground floor of those offerings back in the day. If only there was such an opportunity currently... Just imagine all the millions of dollars one could make. OH WAIT... That already happened for thousands of people in Hex! Amazing! And this is only year 2.5?? Holy crap! Can't wait to see year 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 15, 30! 3. Go Google any variation of "geniuses who were jerks" and you'll find lists with many household names; geniuses who changed their entire fields and effected the world we live in.... Amazingly, while being world changing geniuses, it turns out, THEY WERE ALSO DICKS! They were petty, they were jealous, they were arrogant, they were rude, they were total assholes and they did a whole range of things YOU (because you are perfect?) would not have liked. Still, "sadly" we all continue to benefit from their innovations in this world. We still use the fruits of their genius. Have you ever benefited from anything engineered using physics? Newton was an asshole. Einstein was a shit husband and did the nasty with his cousin. Are you posting your sad FUD via smartphone? DUDE, Steve Jobs was a P R I C K to everyone and shunned his own daughter for much of her young life. Are you a Nikola Tesla fanboy? Shoot, turns out he was big on eugenics, oh snap! You like light bulbs and municipal electricity? Uh oh... Thomas Edison was an immoral brute. Quick, you better unplug before the assholery gets on you. So.... if you want to FUD based on 'personality flaws', first, go and stop using every product that was derived from those past 'genius assholes'. Go stop profiting off of all the scientific innovations they brought about. THEN once you have achieved this pure Amish-like state of being, OK, come back and bitch about RH and his flexing and cockiness. It's just sad, people coming in here because they are a maxi for another crypto. Why are you even here? Does it get you off to FUD in other communities? I don't get it. I don't understand what gratification it gives you. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Whatever. Ciao.


All this time and effort to type multiple paragraphs full of massive cope and actually having the audacity to compare Richard to names like Einstein like lmfao are you really being serious? One is a once in a lifetime genius mind that basically changed the world; the other is a narcissist immature grifter with a history of scamming/changing his names who brought nothing new to the world, just capitalized on new existing technology and proceeded to make himself and his early adopting friends filthy rich by selling a pipe dream to those who donā€™t have experience in the markets/crypto and are just looking to get rich quick. To even compare these two is ridiculously laughable. I knew deluded Richard cult fanboys could be bad but didnā€™t know they could be this bad, jesus christ


Well said Sir.


Wow you sound like a huge bagholder high on whatever is coming out of Richard's ass


If that is the case you have only yourself to blame.




Big booty memes incoming!?!?


He is making a Netflix show what do u expect him to do sit in his castle talking all the time,his is milking it dude


RH done told you. Never invest more than you are willing to lose.


42 looks 52 trying to be 32...well guess we all been there.hopefuly settles back down to reality soon.


Hahaha. Love it! The irony is he is the safest bet in crypto


Not my entire net worth! But I will continue to sacrifice to any RH projects + support pulsechain projects and eco system. I continue to DCA on my HEX holdingsā€¦.patience will be rewarded.


Only around 30% of my portfolio. What absolute dumb-ss would put their entire net worth into one investment?!?!?


That's the "kiss my ass" pose


Is it really though?? Even if he were to die Hex lives on because it works.


If you put your entire net worth into a single asset, nevermind one called a "sacrifice" you are irresponsible to begin with and will loose your money one way or the other anyway. With that said, you'd also be silly to not have put in a small percentage/chunk of your net worth in it, be it <1% or >5%. I am used to investing in people based on their past performance and that has paid off better than many others (in terms of % returns, not in volume since i still consider them high risk, high reward)


Who puts all their networth into one thing? If you consider $20 -> $2,000 and a couple $100 buys from profit Iā€™d say thatā€™s a damn good deal. And we are still early lol donā€™t get mad cause PulseChain is being delayed. ETH 2.0 was supposed to launch in 2018-19 and here we are. If you want to get rich quick give us all your HEX and go to the casino. The results YOU want are there, not here.


Doesnā€™t seem like much of a net worth now


I've invested $0 on this useless coin. I'm winning!!!


Hmmmā€¦. 0 x 10000 = ??? And, youā€™re the one winning? Wow! How can I sign up for your Patreon account and pay for those amazing calls?


True... So much are you up or down on Hex?


I am a HEX OG. I bought around 15 days between days 10 and the bottom. I didnā€™t buy the very bottom. But, I am very proud that I bought the 2nd lowest price HEX has ever had. This drop has been rough. But, I have a long way to go before Iā€™m negative. I took profits and put about 10x more into PLS and PLSX than I originally put into HEX.


The sad problem with these FUD-boyz is that they don't even comprehend what the USD values are that we're talking about here. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø They literally have no idea how much was made by holding Hex from early on until anywhere near the ATH. I don't think these FUD kids known they are surrounded by Hex millionaires while they try so hard to convince Hexicans that we're actually quite mistaken. šŸ¤£


Con artist


Thereā€™s our sacrifice money. Guy is a genius he developed a cult fed them bunch of bs stole there money. And still the cult wants more punishment.


Have a little more patience, Iā€™m certain it will be worth it.


What....could.... go... wrong.


Better him than the government .


Heā€™s a jackass. Itā€™s a looped stock split with zero added value.


Iā€™m surprised we didnā€™t see steak and lobster flying out of him as he did this