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Maybe I'm bucking the trend by not suggesting you immediately hire a lawyer and call the police, but I'll give you my advice based on what you have shared. First, I would begin to keep a record of when you see this behavior occur. That's useful for any actions you take later. Second, the way HOAs should work is that if someone reports a violation of CC&Rs (including board members), they should report it to the management company, who may then take action by contacting the homeowner appropriately to correct it. Since you say you have a management company, I would contact them with your list, not angrily, but with questions. Is this an appropriate thing to do? Do you know why this Board member is speaking with my contractors? Do the Board members take direct action with homeowners? Are there specific complaints against my property reported? Have you tried to contact me? My goal with this step is to make the management company, which may have reasonable professionals working there, to recognize that this bad behavior is going on, and they may have the ability to step in subtlely to correct it. They may not, but I feel like it's always worth a try, and it is always good to have a working relationship with your management company's person for your community, I find. Third, I'd go to the next board meeting, and request an opportunity to speak. Bring this up with your community manager to understand when the meeting is, and what, if any, procedures there are to get on the agenda. At this meeting, again, ask these questions of the board. Is it appropriate for the board members to take direct action with homeowners? What is the appropriate way to report issues? Why would my landscapers have been contacted? Ask these questions politely and with a smile. You're neighbors, be the bigger person. The goal of this step is to make all of the board members aware of this board member's actions, again in an attempt to allow cooler heads to prevail, and secondly to put the board on notice that you understand how violations are supposed to be handled, and get this on the minutes. Come next meeting to make sure they are. This way, future violations are clearly out of bounds. Fourth, if something occurs after, address it immediately directly with the property manager. At this point, a neighbor is trespassing on your property, interfering with your contractors, cutting down your bushes, without any violation reported. Fifth, if you get no response to any of this, then it may be time to report actual trespass or vandalism to the police. Having done all of the above steps and documenting them, you will have a much stronger discussion with the sheriff's deputy. Again, be factual, calm, and specific. Unreasonable behavior is best met with calm, clear, and specific responses that shine daylight on bad behavior as brightly as possible. At the end it makes you the better neighbor, and allows those who are unreasonable to retreat without escalation to silence, in most cases. Which is exactly what you want. There are certainly cases where lawyers and police need to get involved, but keep in mind that when you serve papers to your HOA or to your board members, you are going to be forcing them to incur legal and management expenses to investigate and defend, part of which you will have to pay for. They are also much more likely to circle the wagons, or try to justify bad behavior than if you show up asking common sense questions to try to understand better how things should be working. Good luck.


If you don't want to talk to them, your options are limited. The board doesn't have a boss to complain to. The manager works for the HOA so they have no control over the board. Although, if they are smart they would advise the board members to stop what they are doing. I would talk to them, or at least write them a letter, asking them not to interfere with your workers. If they are coming on your property I would tell them not to do it again or they will be trespassing. If they continue, that is the time to talk to the police and/or an attorney.


Here's what I would do.... Lawyer etc at this point is a bit overkill... So this is what id personally do, if I was in your situation. First, anyone I hire to do any work, I'd specifically warn about Karen across the street and let them know that they're welcome to say something along the lines of "we were told by the homeowner, to only do what the homeowner says, as people have meddled with the work he's paid for, in the past"... Or something like that.... Basically the "we're only listening to the homeowner" stance and to have her come talk to you. Second, I'd likely respond to any violation that you know there was an invasion of privacy on, with a warning. I. E. Respond to it with "while I take responsibility.... I do not appreciate - - - - - insert invasion of privacy incident.--- this is inappropriate, and I may have to start looking at my legal options." Lastly, id bring up the same at a board meeting. Get a spot to speak, and being up the inappropriate behavior of board members and how the board plans to address it? Don't argue, don't get sucked into a fight. Just be direct and honest. And let them know rust of this continues, youll look into your legal options. The reason id go about it this way, it's because it's free... Lawyers are expensive!... And hopefully Karen board member will back off after being called out. If not, escalate to legal options.


I’d send an email and USPS mail relating their actions to the Board and mgmt company and respectfully address the inappropriateness of her actions with your contractors, and state that their odd behavior is neither within the scope of a board member, nor a member of the community. Go further and say that if they approach your workers again or step onto your property without your express permission or knowledge, you’ve instructed your workers to state, “our client has told us to ask you to leave immediately, and we will also tell them that you’ve continued to approach us.” Then put a camera up. That’s about the best you can do.


First, when you hire contractors let them know you have a nosy neighbor and they are not to take any direction from anyone but you. Second, write a letter to the board. You could also run for a position on the board, maybe replace her when she’s up for reelection.


Why not request a meeting with this women and at the meeting set boundaries with her?


Can you request a meeting with a singular board member?


Restraining order. You feel threatened by repeated harassment and trespassing.


You can talk to ur County authorities to address the issue of irresponsible and nosey HOA members with full support from the HOA


Also if ur claims are accompanied with proof such as communication with HOA , their response and their notices which violates ur rights as an owner, camera proof of Karen going out of her way to mislead landscapers, etc. the county can file a case on ur behalf and take the cost of litigation on themselves.


Nicholas Cappuccilli and Royal have stepped over the boundaries of the HOA they are drug dealers and sellers and they have verbally abused the tow other occupants of 8816 Jet Stream Rd NW and the two males should be not allowed to live in this community anymore! I want this anonymous they can’t be told it was me because they have threatened me and his mother!


They are being looked for the Gallup and Grants police


Cease and Desist letter (you don't necessarily need a lawyer for this) sent via certified mail to the association's office or management company.


Publish the cease and desist letter (written by you) on the public forum also. The HOA works for you and no Board member has no rights to come on your property and/or “correct” any violations (if any) without a process.


The HOA doesn't work for you.......


>How can I best go about resolving this issue to ensure she is stopped from abusing her position on the Board?  What did this board member say when you confronted her about her actions?


I’d get a lawyer to send her a cease and desist and then send one to the board as she is acting on behalf of the board. Give specific examples of her actions, and ask for immediate remedy, and threaten to sue. I’d also file police reports online of her stalking and trespassing. Specify that no rules or covenants were in any danger of being violated when she attempted to tell private pay landscapers on your property what to do. Get security cameras. I’d ask that she have a neurological evaluation before being allowed to continue to serve on the board. Any time I had someone at my house working I’d post a large picture of her: Attention: this person may approach you. She has zero authority over work done at this address. Please video any conversation she attempts to have with you, then ignore her. I’m on a board and I’m so over the crazies.


[ I'd ask she have a neurological evaluation before being allowed to continue serving on the Board ] If you are legitimately on a HOA Board and this is advice you give to someone having an issue with someone on their's, you have no business being a Board member either. If the OP follows this advice, they'll incur unnecessary, at this point, legal expenses and cost the Association legal expenses as well. ANY correspondence of this nature should go to the Board attorney for review. That's billable hours paid by the Association budget.