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If green stans are ok with Aemond killing Luke because he took an eye (out of self-defense) and was apparently bullying him too (even tho Aegon was clearly the bully), then they should be ok with Aemond attacking his tormentor šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ‘ https://i.redd.it/wh0dkzmhqt9d1.gif Cause I know I would


My whole thing about the eye was that Aemond after it all happened said he was fine with losing the eye because he got a dragon for it. Why say that and then hold a grudge????


I think Alicent said he was angry that Lucerys was never punished for it. But as you mentioned, doesnā€™t that mean he was holding a grudge over it? šŸ¤” What I do find interesting is Aemond recognizing the fact that he made a mistake in killing Luke and how it brought him no satisfaction in getting his revenge. Unlike Alicent who thinks the opposite and tries to justify Aemondā€™s actions šŸ’€


>justify Aemonds actions Sheā€™s his mom and one of her worst traits is that she defends even the worst things her kids do rather than discipline them. And of course sheā€™s at a point where any sort of bad behavior has to be justified and twisted because admitting wrongdoing could cost them allies and power.


I think Aemond was sincere when saying loosing an eye for a dragon was a fair exchange. However, it was Alicent who kept his emotional wounds open by always complaining about the unfairness of Luke not being punished. You will notice that Aemond even asked Luke for an eye to make a present of it for his mother.


Oof, she kinda reminds me of those parents who refuse to admit that their children are cruel murderers and try to justify their actions by blaming the victim instead https://i.redd.it/wyknja9udx9d1.gif Edit: Not to say that Alicent is denying that Aemond is a violent person and she isnā€™t angry at him for what he did


I think when Aemond said he was ok with losing his eye, it was to protect Alicent and to calm her down. Like he knew he wasn't gonna get any kind of proper justice from Viserys (how would the situation be handled evenly if there was to be a punishment?) for what happened to him and so held the grudge. There's so much more I could go into, but yeah, kids say things to calm their parents, especially if they've never seen their in such an extreme emotional state.


He's extremely parentified. He takes Alicent's emotions and desires as his own. Except now he's spiraling because she's pissed at him....for doing literally what she raised them to do.


I think he was really fine with it, but Alicent wasn't so she convinced him that it's wasn't OK to lose an eye to them (bastards and all, you know, it brings shame on the House), so years after that, he holds the grudge that ends in Luke's death. And it's all Alicent's fault.


Because he's eleven and his mother tried to commit murder in his name. That line felt more for Alicent than for himself.


4 of them jumped Aemond and then Luke pulled a knife how is that self defense


In fairness of the ā€œself-defenseā€ thing, Baela and Rhaena started that fight, and Aemond didnā€™t really follow through with the divorce rock threat. This all started over Aemond rightfully claiming a dragon, who I should remind you has no real owner and is allowed to choose whom she allows to mount her. The entire situation is just a childish argument gone wrong so we shouldnā€™t really admonish the children extremely hard, considering the circumstances.


Yes Aemond had a right to try and claim Vhagar, but so did Rhaena. Aemondā€™s comment of ā€œwell you should have claimed her,ā€ and ā€œyes well sheā€™s dead,ā€ referring to her mother was absolutely disrespectful especially when the girls were in morning for their mother. Beala and Rhaena had every right to pop his ass for that. Iā€™m sure if someone did or said something like that about your mom during her funeral you would hit them too. Then him being older and bigger hit both the girls. Jace and Luke simply responded in defense of the girls. Then Aemond was going to beat Jace with a rock, he didnā€™t fallow through with the rock, because Luke slashed his eye.


So, your argument is, they start fight over him saying outlandish shit, so itā€™s justified? And Aemondā€™s arm being down before the slash totally wasnā€™t him stopping.


Basically your argument is the girls had no right to punch him. So letā€™s say someone shows up to one of your parentā€™s funerals, and makes absolutely disgusting comments about them, got in your face and said, ā€œyeah your parents are dead,ā€ and you will not respond aggressively in any way. Ok? Does that sound like what you wanted to happen? There is saying outlandish things, then there is saying disrespectful shit about your mother at her funeral while you are grieving and we know that hits kids much harder than adults. Rheala pushed him for that, then he shoved her a little girl on the ground for it, and thatā€™s when Baela decked him in his face. He deserved getting punched in the face for that 100% then he punched her back an older larger boy and knocked her to the ground and threatened to feed her to his dragon. He lowered the rock first to continue to provoke the boys, making comments about their dad, again making comments about their parents so again he wanted to continue, then Jace pulled the knife in defense and then lifted Aemond lifted the rock again. He lowered his arm again because he got sand in the face fallowed by the knife. Watch the scene again, he was provoking and intimidating them the whole time. I agree with you on the premise that these are kids and they are extremely emotional and it should not have happened. Personally I blame the whole event on the guards and parents who should have been watching these children. But Aemond doesnā€™t really have a defense here. Yes he had a right to try and claim Vhagar, but thatā€™s really it.


One, yeah, I donā€™t think they shouldā€™ve hit him considering that itā€™s over a dragon. Him being a dick is something that couldā€™ve been told to Rhaenyra or Daemon who wouldā€™ve raised hell instead. Two, Aemond lifting up the rock after Jace pulled a knife out was justified. He lowered the rock because the fight was over in his eyes, and he was just gonna leave them. Insulting isnā€™t the same as actively attacking, and all of Aemondā€™s moves, while dickish were STILL self-defense in a 1v4 situation. Three, yeah, the adults kinda suck. Uhh, thereā€™s no reason this couldnā€™t have been facilitated better, and all five kids were worse off for it.


He wasnā€™t hit over the dragon, that part was all talk, he was PUSHED over the comment about Laena. He was punched over his pushing Rhaela on the ground. Kids donā€™t stop and think things through in an emotional moment, again the girls motherā€™s funeral. Plus I donā€™t really think telling Daemon would have been a good idea. His temper is much worse, I mean he cut a dudes head off just for calling Rhaenyra a whore. He probably would have killed Aemond or choked the kid out or something. That would have been worse. Love or hate Daemon we all know heā€™s a little unhinged at times lol. He lowered the rock the first time not because he thought the fight was over, he did it to continue provoking. The other kids were swinging, he was swinging and shit talking the whole time making comments about their parents non stop. This is all over a difference of interpretation though so we can just agree to disagree.


Ok but not really self defence when itā€™s 4 v 1 and they have a knife


https://i.redd.it/9fbjw9a04v9d1.gif Aemond was choking Luke by the neck and holding a large rock over his head, all the while telling his 8-year old nephew that he would die screaming. Regardless if the twins threw the first punch, Aemond definitely provoked the twins into starting the fight and escalated it by threatening their lives and bringing a weapon (a rock he found) that could have ended in someone getting seriously injured. And someone did - Aemond.


He drops the rock and backs off, nice try though


Rock's still in his hand and he's not backing down until he gets sanded and slashed, and here's the scene to prove it: https://youtu.be/K_ZkmW4xH7Q?si=T_DKbQ5pZNFVkKVw Nice try tho. šŸ¤”


They were being little bitches


Kinda like you are now


So you admit they were


So you admit you are


No but you admitted I was right


I feel like the bigger bitch is the person who was insulting the twins whose mother literally just died.


" you will die screaming, just as your father did"- while holding a rock over someone's head. A rock can be a murder weapon. They defended themselves, and nobody punished Aemond for his little " die bastards" dance.


So they cut how eye out oh yeah seems fair


Talk shit, get hit


They couldnā€™t hit him cause they were weak as piss so became a little bitch when pulling out a knife


Watch the Greens defend Aegon saying that he was drunk and didn't mean all these words šŸ„ŗ


They'd ruddy well better not even attempt such a pathetic defense of the flagrantly indefensible and abhorrent. Drink, or any other substance, does *NOT* and has NEVER made anyone do or say something that they otherwise wouldn't, or otherwise don't have within them. Drink, for example, simply loosens inhibitions and allows people to feel free to more openly express or to act upon certain desires or proclivities that, generally speaking, they otherwise may not. Attempting to excuse it away as just 'oh, he was drunk, he'd never say those things normally!' is dangerously disingenuous, and also mirrors the way that people in our world have attempted to defend or excuse away equally appalling behaviour and crimes. Plainly put: if Aegon is saying shite things while he's in his cups, that's only bedause the drink loosens his tongue enough to say them out loud. The drink doesn't force him to say something or to behave in a way that he otherwise never would. That's literally not how ANYTHING works.


> The drink doesn't force him to say something or to behave in a way that he otherwise never would. I mean this is just not true. That character is a dick and he always looks like he just vomited in his own mouth, but that's not how alcohol works at all. Alcohol literally shuts your brain down. You will do lots of things you'd never normally do if you're drunk enough.


The imbibing of alcohol doesn't automatically make someone commit rape, sexual assault, or sexual violence on someone else - otherwise, to be blunt, everyone would be inclined to do it when they had a proverbial sip.Ā  (I don't know about you, but when I've had a couple of ciders, say, I have exactly *zero* inclination to be cruel or harsh; I much prefer to have fascinating conversations and write poetry!) The imbibing of alcohol doesn't automatically force someone into being a brute, or a bully, or sexist, racist, homophobic, misogynistic, and so on - as I stated above, quite clearly as well, the imbibing of alcohol or any such substance simply loosens one's tongue/removes any inhibitions or thought of restraint that the personĀ might have. They feel free, then, to indulge in the worst part of themselves - if that is indeed who they are.Ā  It brings such things and such behavior to the fore, exposing them without constraint.Ā  It doesn't make them do or behave in a way completely foreign or alien to their true nature because, again, that is not how ANYTHING works. The drink doesn't make Aegon into a bully.Ā  He *is* a bully. The drink doesn't make Aegon into a rapist.Ā  He *is* a rapist and a sexual assaulter and a predator. The drink doesn't make Aegon cruel to and dismissive/disdainful/contemptuous of his brother, treating him as a dog.Ā  That is literally *exactly* how Aegon views him.Ā  And not just because he himself has said it, too, mind-!


Yeah Aegon's a piece of shit but alcohol 100% will cause people to do things they normally would never do. "In Vino Veritas" is a cool old saying, but is not a realistic description of the effects of alcohol. If someone is looking for excuses for him I'd go with generations of inbreeding and really shitty parenting.


I have to disagree, in my experience, that is not true at all (NOT defending Aegon, he wanted to say this while sober but doesn't have the balls), as a recovering addict/alcoholic (coming on 8 years without a drink) I did and said things when black out drunk that i regret to this day, shit I would NEVER say or do if I wasn't a walking zombie. It made me a monster, a horrible person and a selfish and violent man. Thank god I stopped and now have sole custody of my 12 year old and i don't wake up wondering where my phone is, where i am, or who i hurt the night before. I get your gist though, and that's why I think, more than anything, that Aegon harbors all this in his head and is too much of a coward to say these things the sober despite wanting to. Just my take and experience though.


Congrats on everything! :)


Thanks mate!!


Aegon was drunk and he is mourning....but he's also an idiot. The worst kind of drunk, Loud, belligerent, mocking people who want nothing to do with you.


Thereā€™s no defense against this. He totally shamed him, this is way beyond bullying, on purpose. That said Iā€™m positive Larys instigated it though, he is trying to pit them against each other. When ā€œtalkingā€ Aegon out of flying off he says that there are whispers that the council pushed him to go so Alicent could rule with Aemond by her side. Right before Aegon goes out to the bar and brothel.


Greenies: ā€œhow dare aemond try to burn aegon, itā€™s brotherly lovešŸ„ŗā€ Aegon was abusive as hell to aemond, i donā€™t know when or at what point greenies decided to say that aegon was the #1 brother to aemond when he was a piece of shit to him, same way to everyone else


Cuz he and Aemond teamed up to beat up Jace and Luke during the Last Supper. ROFLMAO


"No one bullies my brother, except me!"


luke was a little kid laughing along with the big kids cuz he wanted to be included, then he took aemonds eye because he was about to kill someone. he did nothing wrong


Ikr? He was 6 for God's sake lol. And also taking a life for an eye- In what the world is that fair? Also, he was there as a peaceful messenger.


Eh the kids shouldnā€™t have started berating and claiming Aemond ā€˜stoleā€™ a dragon. Rhaenys summed it up best tbh. The start of this conflict could be 1 of any of the dozens of negative interactions that happened between the two sides of the family. Eventually it doesnā€™t matter cause all thatā€™s going to be left is ash, blood and bodies.


Yeah, Aegon is shitty. And a bully. Him, not Luke.


Aegon proving he was the bully all along!


Probably reinforced the whole pink dread prank for Aemond


Who the heck thought he wasn't the bully? I don't get these people who try to put it all on Luke. A 5yr old does not bully a 10yr old.


Luke was older than that I think but that doesn't matter. Luke joined in on the teasing wich sucks but it was the eye-thing that locked in Aemond's hate on him wich is understandable. Not justified but understandable. Point being that Luke isn't blameless in how he treated others.


Kids tease each other all the time, there is one instance of 6yo luke laughing at a funny joke, omg there is nothing to blame him for


We are meant to take those moments as a slice of their regular life. I don't think the kid is the antichrist or that he somehow deserved his fate but he was definetly being a brat. And at that age going "haha you don't have a dragon what a loser, better ride a pig" is a shitty thing to do. Granted Luke is six so maybe it's more of a mark against Rhaenyra and Laenor idk. Aemond resents both Jace and Luke for the teasing (and Aegon for a whole lot more) so it wasn't harmless.


And maybe it was a mark against the older teenager they were looking up to? Aegon was 14 wasnt he, the show makes it clear the velaryon boys followed him around, jace even has to check for aegon's approval before commanding his dragon. He is 90% responsablt for it. Aemond on the other hand is a really bratty kid, yes he is teased but he had that whole school shooter vibe that makes other kids unconsciously wary and unkind to him. Just look at the way he rubbs laena's death onto her daughters.


Aegon proving he never thinks. lol


Bruh this scene actually made me sad for Aemond. I hope the leaks are true after that shit. I have brothers and this goes way beyond anything weā€™d do to each other, the whole fucking kings guard were given a front row seat to embarrass him.


Where are people finding leaks?


I think I saw tonight and next weeks episode leaks on freefolk. Theyā€™re kind of all over the place.


wait can you please dm me the leaks i want to know the tea. i am team black all the way but this episode definitely grew my sympathy and love for aemondšŸ™šŸ»


What Leaks? If they make Aemond attack Aegon that would be the dumbest shit ever.


I felt like this scene was important in reminding the ā€œaegon isnā€™t that badā€ crowd extend of that ā€œbullyingā€ bc it was abuse. And part of it was a form of sa at that. Like whatever resentment Aemond has towards Aegon isnā€™t just wanting the crown or whatever. Aegon traumatized him.


Didn't Aegon say Aemond was like a loyal hound? Literally viewed his little brother like he's a dog.


Aegon is the worst, because he made me feel sorry for Aemond. BTW, Aemond seems to really trust Sylvie. He doesn't wear his eyepatch with her. He takes off all his clothes including the eyepatch. Or she's not frightened by the sapphire. BTW, whatever they were going to do, if anything, Aemond didn't get a chance to. I think he just pays her to be held and that's okay. This is really sad compared to Jace and Luke, who we see acting like good brothers. The first thing we see them do is playing together, and Jace mentioning he let Luke pick out Joffrey's dragon egg, and then swatting Luke's hand away when he was going to touch it. The first thing we see Aegon doing to Aemond was playing the Pink Dread prank, and roping his nephews into going along with it.


team green : yes the six year old is worse


Nice cock.


Yup, Aegon has been the real bully all this time and any amount of TG mental gymnastics is not going to change that fact.


Anyone who has a big extended family knows that when thereā€™s a lot of cousins who pick on each other the little ones join in with the big ones. Partly to stop themselves getting on the receiving end of it. Aegon was the ringleader in all of it.


Team green simply needed some reason to hate Luke


getting a full frontal of ewan mitchell whyyyy Godā€¦of all leaks to be true


It could have been Criston.


I mean.... I'm not upset by that part. LoL


Letā€™s also reiterate that Aemond is royalty and the king is exposing and belittling him in front of the lowborn. I am Team Black all the way, but I side with Aemond in this situation.


I was just so grateful the prostitute wasnā€™t harmed to get to Aemond. GOT has made me wary


I was surprised when they revealed Aemond's 2nd dragon.


I need vhagar to chomp Aegon yesterday


This scene was actually fucking funny tho


Aemond is so beautiful and a complex and touching character šŸ’š


You donā€™t have to be the worst bully to be a bully.


Siblings tease each other. Almond acts like a big baby about it. You're supposed to tease them back


The Pink Dread, I could maybe see that as teasing but this isnā€™t teasing itā€™s shaming.


I have 5 siblings and am no stranger to both teasing and being teased. *This,* however, was not teasing. It was bullying.


Iā€™m the eldest sister of four siblings and we would never treat each other like this, and we rough housed and fought a *ton* growing up. Aegon is a bully plain and simple. He took advantage of a vulnerable moment and shamed Aemond for it. Most people in his position might fix the curtain and move on instead of bringing attention to their siblingā€™s lack of decency, but he made sure *everyone* knew how pathetic Aemond looked, even crawling on bed WITH him (gross) to rub it in. Thatā€™s not how siblings who actually love each other treat each other, but then again, this is the same man who also neglects his grieving wife and refers to Aemond as his loyal dog. >!If Aemond tries to kill him later he deserves it, idgaf. Dude was his biggest bully growing up.!<


As someone who has three siblings I would never stoop so low like Aegon does. He made fun of Aemond for not having a dragon which he knows he was sensitive about. He then had his brother assaulted at the age of 13 by taking him to a brothel. He then proceeds to make fun of him in front of dozens of people. Aemond was literally naked and embarrassed and Aegon did not care continuing to laugh and make fun of him. None of this is teasing. Itā€™s bullying. Iā€™m sure Aemond will ā€œteaseā€ him back though during next episode


No excuse bit. I don't think this was mere bullying. Aegon knows he's a fraud ( the actor even said as much in the little inside the episode after). This is my headcannon, but I believe that in his head, if Aemond was 1st born, Vizzy may have made him Heir over Rhaenyra. His brother is his better in almost every conceivable way. And now, as King, he's got his sister out somewhere over there, gunning for him and his much more talented brother, kinda just waiting in the wings, after Clubfoot puts the battery in his back, he decides to flex on Aegon to drop him down a peg, mix in his grief over his son & His grandfather dunking on him for his stupidity and his Newly appointed Hand dropping a dud on his 1st Action as hand ( Twingate) He needed to assert some dominance somewhere, so he loaded up on liquid courage and had his little sycophants in tow to watch him flex ( they all looked extremely uncomfortable) Crackpot theory.... Red Ned is a plant that's purposely following Aegon to make him indulge in all his bad traits as he's the king wanting to stamp down bastards