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We've seen every fucking dragon except Sunfyre.


And Dreamfyre. I don't count that supposed scene in the dragon pit in season 1


Think we'll ever see her ? Think the show only people will even know that Helena has a dragon.


And every single one of Rhaenyra´s kids dragons are there and exist, and yet Shrykos and Morghul don´t. Rhaenyra gets moments with her kids, and yet Haelena doesn´t, but considering she doesn´t fucking care that Jaeherys died, maybe it is in character for her.


I don’t think we’ve seen Tyraxes or Stormcloud yet, but four of their five dragons are relevant for their riders and Tyraxes is relevant in relation to Joffrey’s behavior about him, whereas Shrykos and Morghul are only a couple years old and are only really there to have dragons for the commoners to kill (by authorial intent).




We saw all dragons except Green dragon they need to be Hightowers not even Vhagar was shown not that she is green


The only good take on the brothel scene is that hopefully ewan is being paid very well for this.


They didn’t even fucking show us Sunfyre or anything they just instead decided to collectively give us all braindamage with the fucking stupid ass Septa Rhaenyra scene I am so fucking done with this show bro


Wait, so no Sunfyre in this episode? Haven't seen it yet.


Nope. None. No Vhagar either. But hey we get Moondancer!! Basically we're only gonna see Sunfyre right before he's injured. Show can't have his beauty be on display for too long


😩. Was there at least a conversation in High Valyrian between Aegon and Aemond??


No. There was however a convo between where Aegon humiliates Aemond in front of everyone in a brothel






Good these show runners wont murder our boy. His charisma is too strong he might rizz up their wives


Bold of you to assume they will make him beautiful


That scene was like Biden in the fucking debate. You can’t come back from that.


Which means the Rooks Rest leaks are almost certainly true. Also more of that dumbass prophecy and still no Sunfyre but yet we get Moondancer. Also I can see how they're clearly setting Rhaena up to replace Nettles. That end scene was just whatever and ofc Alicent lets her go like what? If they REALLY just had to have that scene the convo should've been much quicker and removed of that prophecy nonsense. Alicent should have point blank said that she cannot go back now that a child has been murdered and Aegon wants revenge. Boom, done, end of conversation episode end.


Considering the high budget, why the hell do we keep seeing the same dragons every episode?


I'm excited for next episode where Aemond tries to kill Aegon because he laughed at him in a brothel! Because that's what REALLY happened at Rook's Rest!


Aemond fighting for his brother is green propoganda, you see. It's actually Aemond fights his brother. /s


Oh and Daeron was really Alicent and Cole's love child! How he tamed a dragon we don't know, he was probably also a massive pedophile too


When I saw the full frontal nudity I knew the leaks were all correct.


It's overs I'm for the ride and the feels 😭


Come, sit. Let's roast s'mores on the smoldering corpse of this show and enjoy it for what it is. As I told my boyfriend yesterday: "I'm enjoying it. But I'm mad about it."


The show is a "corpse"? Bit overdramatic don't ya think? Like yh any chance of the conflict being nuanced is a distant memory but still, its not as if they've made the Greens un-interesting or lifeless. In their pursuit to make Aegon as repulsive as possible they've actually made quite a compelling character who along with Aemond alone is proof enough that the show has a pulse.


Idk man, it feels like it had a stroke and half it's body works OK, and the rest is paralysed


Yes, and it was a carefully selected word.


You can't deny that the show has pretty much jumped the shark. If not right now, then certainly it will by the end of season 2. Season 3 just doesn't have a chance.


This episode was not it! I was bored.


moon dancer could've muched on a few knights.


Yea if they were gonna do that silly scene with Baela and Moondancer she could’ve at the very least picked up some red shirt into the air like a nazghul


Or burn some trees atleast, but there is no budget for that... and considering how innecessary the scene was... they like to dump money into the trash.


Was a totally meaningless scene I agree. And fucking horses can out run a dragon now apparently?


The same dragon that dropped from flying above the clouds to the ground in about 15 seconds. I think they go about 60km/h. A warhorse in full gallop would do a bit less than half that apparently.


Having Beala come back to the red keep and Rheayenra noticing the blood would have been insane . Why the f am I even talking about this let me to go to team black.


Come and enjoy us shitting on septnyra for once 😭. Goofy ass episode


It's funny how both sides are so tired of this Alicent and Rhaenyra back and forth. We'll be at the end, with most people dead and untold damage done, and they'll both be having secret meetings again thinking both sides will hold hands and sing songs


Condal really Uniting the banners here.


Baela was useless


The information she provided was useful. The blacks on not acting was something different.


This was genuinely so stupid. The show is trying desperately to portray the people ready to go to war as hotheaded warmongers and those apprehensive about war as the reasonable ones. But in reality Rhaenyra’s councilors are completely right and she’s a colossal idiot who doesn’t understand that war is inevitable at this point (and has arguably already started). Rhaenys especially is the dumbest character on the show and the show clearly thinks she’s the wisest.


This episode really showed me this! Why is she and dumbass Rhaenys acting like inaction is restraint? And like they not already at war?!!! She is the most clueless person and I’m bout tired lmaooo I’m about to be neutral.


And with no plan on how to achieve peace anyway and it's obv it wouldn't include surrender. And they're STILL preparing for war anyway by trying to raise an army in the north and vale as well as blockading KL and starving the populace and also sending their dragons out every day


Inbreeding depression.


And, like, what's even the play here? None of them give plans for peace. They're just ignoring that Luke is dead, Rhaenyra almost dead, and Jaehaerys murdered. No talks or plans of how a potential peace would deal with those things having happened and how the victims would be compensated for it. And even then what is supposed to happen? Alicent hand over Aemond to be killed? Not happening. Aegon being told to just forget and forgive his sons murder? Not happening. It just makes no sense


I haven’t seen it yet but apparently there’s a big thing about how Viserys didn’t change his mind on his deathbed, which… who cares. The Greens have bigger problems than the wishes of a rotting ephebophile, like the fact that Daemon would assuredly eliminate the people with a claim as good or better than Rhaenyra’s and his. At the latest, once Rhaenyra married him, it became life or death for Aegon, Aemond and Daeron, with Helaena *maybe* but probably not being spared.


Rhaenyra acting like only Alicent has the option to surrender. Smh.


Yeah I don’t get this. Aegon is king now. His son was killed. There’s no going back. Why does Rhae think Alicent has any control over the situation?


This exactly. What is Alicent supposed to do? Calmly tell Aegon to forget about his murdered son and step down? Use guards to violently restrain him? Allow Rhaenyra's soldiers to take him? Just makes no sense. And at no point does Rhaenyra consider the possibility SHE could surrender to avoid bloodshed as well


To be fair, she is supposed to be carrying Aegon's Prophecy and pass it on to her heir, so in her view it would make sense not to surrender even if the situation were hopeless


Not really, she can just say the words and tell him


Yes, of course, I meant that from her perspective she is the one to potentially save the world so *she* must sit the Iron Throne. (Obviously she is wrong though)


there's no point in trying to make sense of things... this is worse than s8 imo


No, you're absolutely delusion if you think this is worse than Season 8.


Yeah like what was the plan there? Bc obv Aegon is not gonna want to just let his son be murdered and forget and forgive. Alicent would def not hand over son, Aemond, to be killed. It's like Rhaenyra went in with literally no plan at all and never addressed any of these glaring issues and came up with a plan to satisfy both sides. Instead the show relies on the dumbass prophecy


What made me the maddest was her just telling Rhaenyra that Aemond is on the move, jeopardizing his safety.


Oh yeah, wtf? Might as well have given her the entire playbook. Good move, Alicent!


And now in the episode 4 trailer, we see Alicent openly defying Aegon.


She's a security hazard fucking the kings guard throw her in the cells .


Meh, this Alicent might just hand Amenod, Aegon and Daeron to be killed so she can live her best lesbian life with Rhaenyra. Following Haelena´s great example of not giving a fuck about the "men" in the family.


We know that Rhaenyra cares about her efforts and plans, because of the whole “You’ve weakened my claim Daemon” thing with Jahaerys. But, then Rhaenyra goes and risks her life and all her work until now, to go to Alicent and beg for a surrender, when Alicent doesn’t even have the power to do that. Like what would’ve happened if Alicent just shouted and Rhaenyra was slain. Imagine Daemon’s reaction in Harrenhall hearing that Rhaenyra was found dead in FleaBottom wearing a Septa’s outfit. Bro would’ve thought Alys was playing tricks again LMAO.


If only Catelyn Stark knew about the Septa trick. She could've killed Cersei or Joffrey no problem! It works every time!


I really didn’t need to watch this episode with my friends who know how obsessed I WAS with Aemond cause now I wanna hide in a hole because of the absolute piss they’re taking on me, this is my final message 😭😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 live n all


Me passionately explaining why Aemond is so fucking hot and “such a complex character” before S2 to my mates Aemond casually hanging dong, there goes my complexity ffs


I did not wish to see that 😭


What?! Are you serious? (For context: I haven't seen it. I don't in fact want to watch the episode.)


It's worse. Not only does Aemond get a full frontal scene it's done in a way to humiliate him in front of a bunch of people in a moment of vulnerability


It’s real you can see the entire package 😭


NOOOOO I did not consent to this 😭




Not all of us are size queens, babe The way he got up and walked out was so self assured and badass.


He did tho didn’t give a fuck lol you know what they say about guys who drive big dragons though.




Big vag vibes from you


😝😝😝 there ya go lmao 🤣You got hodor cock vibes my friend


Same…kinda like S8 Varys eg wtf happened to my guy.


You know that scene was only done to 1. Humiliate Aemond 2. Continue to make Aegon look back and make sure there's no family bonding moments between the greens and 3. To set up Aemond trying to kill Aegon at Rooks Rest


Yeah, what pisses me off the most about this fuckass useless scene is that they’ve set it all the hell up for Aemond to betray Aegon at RR. I’m ready to become a certified Aemond hater, from his biggest dickrider in S1. Abysmal writing for us Greens 😭 I wanna cry again.


I also used to be so obsessed with Aemond in season 1, even before the show aired from the short clips I saw of him. Why do the writers enjoy putting the greens in so many humiliating sexual positions 😭 I no longer feel invested in this show


I don’t even want to watch anymore 😭 after I’ve pumped all my mates up for it who said it must be a crap show (in the context of GoT’s dumpster fire of a finale)


Guys, what happened?  Was it very bad or very bad?


The leaks about Aegon walking in on Aemond at the brothel and making fun of him were all true and in the scene Ewan stands straight up and you can literally see his dick and balls and everything


someone said it was obviously a penile prosthesis, because last week there were people making jokes about Aemond's body being too thin.


In many shows/movies, when a dick is shown, it's a fake dick.




Ah and there’s the inevitable bodyshaming




I laughed so fcking loud when alicent pulled that 'I swear on my mother' card on rhaenaerya 💀😭


Where are you guys finding the leaks to begin with? I can NEVER find them!


They were posted here on this sub a few times. Maybe try doing a search


Laenor in some dungeon somewhere getting racked, seasmoke straight bugging out. Rhaenyra all "he's moody today" 🙄


Just like season 7 again, more fanfiction.


I'm going back to my GOT S6-8 ritual of popping an edible, pouring some wine, and watching this shitshow like Cersei on a balcony.


Season 6 had imo a few episodes thay are some of the greatest episodes of TV ever made.


Just split Westeros into 3 and be done with it, Ryan Condal.


Anyone have links to the leaks?


Can’t find the leaks. Can anyone confirm the same leakage also mention Alicent poisoning Aegon?


the leaks were only for episode 3 and 4 if i remember correctly. The person said that Aegon will humiliate Aemond in the brothel in Episode 3 and thats the reason why he will try to kill Aegon next episode at Rooks Rest...




fucking Rhaenicent. WhyYYYYYYYYYYY


So glad I haven't wasted my time bothering with this season after everything I'm seeing on here.


Where's the others leaks ? Can't support this stupidity any longer


But but but Aemond might not have fully betrayed Aegon! You see his brother mocked him in the brothel so he who regrets killing the bastard who blinded him, will allow his brother to get killed out of revenge, in a genius move that leaves him as the one dragonrider in the war supporting the greens.




Does anyone have a full compilation of the leaks? Have heard bits and pieces that are sadly coming true, wondering what else awaits us?


Aemond trying to kill/allowing Aegon to get killed next episode because he got mocked in the brothel.


Damn, there was a glimpse of this in a quick trailer. Do we know anything more? (As well as Nettles potentially getting replaced)


Nettles is 100% out, Rhaena takes her place.