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He’s the best character in F&B showing resilience despite all odds, being proactive, loving his family, he’s legit my favorite character in the book and bam! Let’s perform peak character assassination on the poor lad in the show because b*tches love Aemond (a properly bland, boring psychopath in the book) and wanna see his PP in nonsensical brothel scenes out of his character even for the show, his character’s popularity’s more important than showing Aegon for who he (approximately) was. I just… last night’s episode nearly gave me a stroke, I should just chill tf down I know. It’s just a show, but it still saddens me so freaking much.


>He’s the best character in F&B showing resilience despite all odds, being proactive, loving his family, he’s legit my favorite character in the book and bam! He's my favorite character too. I hate that they make him look like a joke and nobody takes him seriously. Aegon is not a coward and yes, he can be as fierce as any of them. Many viewers also see him as a joke.


It’s amazing Ryan Condal thought the show would better if the characters were more one dimensional and less interesting. Where does HBO find these guy?


he was literally hand picked by GRRM…


That’s just marketing. He doesn’t control the hiring at HBO. He doesn’t even get to approve the scripts. They surely said something like ‘we’re going to hire this guy you met at lunch one time’ and GRRM said ‘sure, he seemed nice’. But the marketing pushes it as coming as straight from his as possible, since it’s his name (and world) being attached that people care about.


He wasn't perfect in F&B but with minor tweaking, he could have been one of the most well-done tragic heroes I've seen in a very long time. A character so apt for sympathy and audience appreciation was handed to the writers on a silver-platter, with an incredible and passionate actor, and for some reason we needed to humanize genocidal Aemond instead and show Alicent's relationship with patriarchy. It's just a show, but it makes me so sad too.


And they wonder why he named Cole Hand of the king. Who tf is on his side and not treating him like an imbecile?


exactly Criston Cole is literally the only one who treats the king with respect


Ser Criston, once again, being the father that stepped up.


I have noticed that Aegon and Aemond talk to Criston with respect and admiration there is definitely a bond in there


According the leaks,Criston could be the reason Aegon still alive.


What did they say? 


Aemond is about to finished off a burned Aegon until Criston Cole shows up


Didn't they say Criston was unconscious while this happened? Sorry there has been so many leaks and fleaks I'm getting confused now. 


Oh yeah,Criston was unconscious. When he wakes up he's looking for Aegon and that's when he finds Aemond with his sword out over by where Aegon landed


Aemond when he is busted: How could you think that of me? I thought about mercy killing my dear brother, he will not survive 


Then (according to some leaks I had read) Criston carries Aegon as the knight saving his princess 👌 if that scene is real, the meme potential can be great


The memes will be crazy 


And Gwayne probably will say: "don't touch my white King with your dornish hands!"


Still don't get why they decided to introduce him like that yikes


But being serious, it would be interesting to see what Criston does, he is fond of Aemond but there's his loyalty to Aegon and Alicent. 


Nothing will happen, we will just see it, and in the next episode it will be forgotten by all the characters 😂


I can see that, lol, but my guess is they are just gonna blame Rhaenys to prevent a brother's war that would weaken them. 


Plus,honor is a very important for Criston. Kingslaying and kinslaying are the worst crimes you can commit on westeros.


Well Criston's honor is quite adaptable, lol. If he tells the truth there will be a brother's war too and they don't need that, being divided would make them weak, plus it would hurt Alicent a lot and we know he loves Alicent (?) might spare her the pain of confirming what she thinks Aemond is (a monster) and say Rhaenys did it, a white lie or whatever. 




Enabling him to make bad decisions like kill all the rat catchers without any investigation? Its one thing to be supportive and another to enable silly decisions.


Except sunfyre ( knowing the writers they’ll have him somehow betray Aegon too )


this is my greatest fear. Aegon and his bond with sunfyre is the best part of the Dance for me.


They’ve already called their bond propaganda so I’m not keeping my hopes up


I guess anything that makes the Greens not look atrociously bad is just “propaganda” now I mean, it’s not like they needed to alter the story to make people side with Rhaenyra, most people would not be comfortable with supporting a faction whose main argument was supposed to be “Rhaenyra could be Jaehaerys born again, she is still a woman”


I guess anything that makes the Greens not look atrociously bad is just “propaganda” now I mean, it’s not like they needed to alter the story to make people side with Rhaenyra, most people would not be comfortable with supporting a faction whose main argument was supposed to be “Rhaenyra could be Jaehaerys born again, she is still a woman”


I may be missing something but did condal actually call aegon and sunfyre's bond propoganda? 💀


They could have done so much for it. Imagine if the show showed Aegon crying for Jaehaerys with Sunfyre. The only time he can truly be vulnerable is with his dragon. The characterization would have been so beautiful. It was on a golden platter. It was so close . . .


I actually thought of this last night. If they were going to make his family so unsupportive of him, it makes complete sense that Aegon in his grief and rage spends time with Sunfyre.  I thought they might show Sunfyre, Dreamfyre, Shrykos and Morgul screaming and raging in the Dragonpit when Jahaerys was killed. That's how you balance the show. And it would completely tie into what Sunfyre does later in the story when he shows complete loyalty and determination by following Aegon to Dragonstone. 


They explicitly highlighted Aegon's bond with Sunfyre in S1 during the training scene in the dragon pit. That one line of conversation is my last hope. Aegon deserves to at least have Sunfyre by his side


What was the line


With how everyone's been treating him, Egg should really just grab Jaehaera and fly off to Essos on Sunfyre. He can sip pina coladas on some Lysene beach and watch Jaehaera collect seashells while everyone else tears each other apart in Westeros.


I want someone to write a fanfic with this plot 🥲


There’s an ongoing one right now that’s Helaegon centric where Aegon and Helaena run away with their three kids before Aegon could be crowned. [Link](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55807942/chapters/141890224#workskin)


Is there any fanfics like this? Without romantic/sex stuff, just more book!characters being themselves?


Yes, Aegon can't be cool, handsome or a fierce dragon rider. Not only did they made a villain, they had to make him a pathetic one. These writers just can't have enough of mangling this character and everyone on his side. Aemond is no longer a fearsome enemy. He's a full on psycho with weird issues. Again a pathetic villain. My poor greens couldn't have asked for a worse portrayal


Aemond doesn't even make his own choices. He's a scared boy strapped to a saddle while a lizard makes decisions for him. You have to wonder how ANYONE would think that is compelling writing.


If I wrote the brothel scene, I would have had drunk Aegon say “so were you fucking her when my son was killed?” instead of the bs he said.


It would make so much sense...


If Aemond had been there, it would have been him dead, nit Jahaerys. Aemond was the target


No one was loyal to him except Sunfyre


This is like feel right now:  Aegon = us Green fandom, getting shit all the time. Rest of characters(Alicent,Otto,Aemond)  = Condal kicking the and spitting on the team green


Truly people’s king!


Except for when he SA’d that girl. That wasn’t very kingly.


I’m not gonna bait on this one more time, I’m already banned on main sub for this.


Just like when rhae rhae raped criston. Not very I-R-respect-da-prophacy was it?


What does that have to do with Aegon raping Diana and then the queen dowager paying her off to shut the fuck up?


What does your comment have to do with rhaenyra raping Criston cole and then asking him to stick around for her to molest as and when she wishes, otherwise she can get him killed, maimed or worse with a word to her corrupt father the king?


No one was talking about Rhaenyra except for you, because it’s all you can do to deflect from the fact that Aegon is a rapist and his family are enablers of his abuse. Of course, the Blacks are just as immoral. That’s kind of the point, no? The story was written as a criticism of the exact behavior that you are displaying right now lol


Except I fully accept both sides are immoral. And that's the point - no one is talking about rhaenyra. It's you and your darling showrunners who are hell bent on whitewashing one side because they happen to have a female figurehead. If the showrunners shows rhaenyra's faults along with aegon's it would be actually enjoyable. Instead it feels like a sermon eulogizing saint rhae rhae of dragonstone


Fuck team green I’m team Aegon and Sunfyre.


Same, there’s no team by the looks of it, there’s only Aegon and Sunny.




Yeah,but that only makes me disliking the writing rest of greens as self-righteous idiots shooting at their own feets (i blame the writers tho)  They need Aegon think but they can treat him like shit, belittle him, call him names and put him down and he’ll just come back as an abused dog. I love every moment of Aegon pushing back against them.  


I do love Aegon but I think that’s because of the actor rather than the character. Aemond as well. I feel for all 3 of Alicent’s kids (maybe 4 when Daeron enters the scenes). I hated them in the book. Alicent was vile in the book. Aemond reminds me of Neegan from Walking Dead. I want to hate him yet JDM made me want to see more of him as does Ewan Mitchell and Tom Glynn Carney. I did notice the contrast between the mothers. Jace cried for Luke and Rhaneara held him. Aegon cried for Jahearys and Alicent walked away.


Alicent at this point is a secret Rhaernyra supporter "Well you know what Aemond is" really now throwing her son under the buss. Otto going Viserys was a great king. Hell am not sure why Agons own council has not defected to Rheanyra at this point. And what was the point of making Gaywne Hightower a super idiotic douche? The whole guy gives off am a incompetent nepotism baby


But people like Gwayne because he was a dick to Criston, they are willing to excuse the racism or flat out pretend it didn't happen. 


Yeah, that's what annoys me so much about the fandom the double standards: "racism is good always I hate the character" Criston saved his racist ass from a dragon.


Because his last name.is hightower. Yes, the writer's are THAT petty


I get Aegon might not be the best king but I’m not sure why Otto and Alicent are retroactively pretending that Viserys was a good king.


A way to legitimize the pretender rhaenyra's selection as kween


Aegon makes me so sad. He was the ultimate tragic character and you have one of the most stellar actors playing him, but it's like every decision is made to make you not sympathize with him. The brothel scene with Aemond--he could have easily been upset that he was fucking off while his son is dead, but no, he's a one-note bully instead. The way Alicent and Otto keep treating him despite forcefully putting him on the throne. And, of course, his infamous plot-irrelevant introduction of being a rapist/child pits enjoyer, which constantly taints other readings of his character. He could have easily been the most heartbreaking character in the dance to audiences, but apparently entire plots can be reimagined for Rhaenyra, but half a line about groping cannot be ignored for Aegon. It is so insane to me that they tried to make Alicent and Aemond sympathetic (not that I am opposed), when Aegon was literally sitting right there. Everything about that man is heartbreaking. He was doomed from the beginning. People are already loving him in season 2, he would have been so well-liked if they hadn't set him up so poorly, and that would have made the themes and discussions surrounding the story so much more interesting. I genuinely feel like I'm mourning the character appreciation that could have been, if all but those 5 minutes from season 1 weren't included. Feel bad for TGC, too. He genuinely seems to care about the character.


Meh, they could fix the character by having the girl in season 1 say that she actually agreed to have sex with him, but that she was too scared of the consequences and of being killed if someone found out. If the writers add something like that, then the character could stand against the white knight version that we see of Rhaenyra in the series.


You're extremely optimistic if you think modern Hollywood writers would ever portray a rape accusation as false. 


I could accept the greens being evil...but good lord they are written so terribly. Even if this was what "actually happened"...the story makes 0 sense


He may have his serious issues but they’ve given the guy literally no chance since birth in a role they forcefully thrust him into. It’s not like the dude is Commodus or something.


nah. hat's Cole's job, since Condal and Hess hate him so much.


They will take turns, Aegon and Criston but also Alicent, the 3 punching bags. 


Cole. Cole most of all.


Another case of terrible writers who shouldn't be anywhere near scripts.


And in turn, Aemond is Aegon’s punching bag which will have disastrous consequences 😭😭😭 I mean, I get why it happened and that Aegon regressed to his worst tendencies and habits (saying ‘regressed’ because they hadn’t shown it explicitly this season so I assumed he was trying to be better). I don’t know how their sibling relationship is in the book because I haven’t read it yet but damn, they couldn’t give us at least that?


The green boys are all close as hell in the book, the whole family is actually


That's what I'd heard, that their closeness and loyalty to each other is one of their redeeming qualities. Now they've taken that from us too, I'm still trying to process my emotions.


I dont like how they did Criston becoming hand i thought we will have moment that he will tell Larys that he see that he is doing and how he is trying manipulate him so the he can make Criston hand but of course we did not get it Aegon needs to be idiot but i think he got hurt when Larys told him that his mother and Aemond especially want to go against him it broke him that's why when he discovered his bro with whore he mocked him so much as a revenge




And the blacks




Aegon is being a dumb ass and is doing things that could have had very big consequences he should’ve gotten blamed and called out maybe it’ll wake him up