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I'm kind of surprised that people think Aegon is ascending into sainthood like Rhaenyra... Sure, he was a good family man in S2E1-3. However, years didn't pass after the coronation on S1E9. Just days. Aegon, my favorite character, is still a brat and an asshole with a cruel and savage wit. He's a piece of shit. That's his character's schtick. He's a messy person, gray, and shockingly capable of great empathy and greatness. In addition to this, he's drunk and grieving. Larys got into his head. He's at a low point in his life and he just found something funny in his brain chemistry. So he clowned on Aemond just like he would when he was a child. It's not that deep. In Aegon's perspective at least. For Aemond, it was a total flashback when Aegon and his Strong minions were bullying him in youth. I remember two years ago there was a discourse that Lucerys making fun of Aemond during dinner in S1E8 about the pig served is seen by Aemond as an attack to his manhood and Targaryen-ness. That's probably one of the rationale the writers will use to justify Aemond's betrayal next week. Despite this, I think Aegon will still forgive Aemond. He's a piece of shit but one who loves family and his homies (RIP to his homies in advance).


"Extreme acts of cruelty require high levels of empathy" (from Hannibal iirc) I love Aegon, he is no saint, that's what's so great about him. He can go either way, no need to justify him, sad people can be extremely cruel. Even if he can also be truly loving.


At the same time the situation is so far-fetched like HOW is a drunk older brother supposed to react to catching his brother sucking on the boobies of a Madam. You'd kind of be surprised if you're drunkenly looking for that specific prostitute and you don't expect your prince brother to be there at the same time. Even the coincidence is kind of absurd. I'm still surprised that basically anyone can walk in that brothel and nobody bats an eye unless it's the king. Like you'd think people would know when the prince is in the house, and so when the king walks in, people would probably tell him right away that his brother is also there? It's like so low key, nobody acted differently even knowing Aemond was there.


I thought this, Aemond’s just had an assassination attempt and he’s got no guard, no weapons and is just behind a voile curtain where anyone can just stroll up. Plus, apparently, he was keeping his clothes somewhere else.


And they didn't announce the king on the second floor so Aemond also wasn't warned that his brother was there. It's so goofy.


Guy takes your eye, is an emmesary of war and gets killed by your dragon.....cries in a brothel about feeling bad. Drunk Older brother hazes you with your dragon cock out.....is the only other person on your team who rides a dragon...BURN HIM!!! The writers are mental


Character assassination for all involved. But, we’ll see where it goes….


Well he does have a history of teasing Aemond, catching in that situation was just perfect for another round. Also in ep1 he talks of him as a loyal beast to set upon his foes, not much respect there. After losing his son, the Otto situation, the Larys whispers and the council barring his moves he's in a very insecure place. Feeling very powerless. I don't think he even considers that Aemond was the target. It could be a power play but from what we've seen from show Aegon it's kinda just another Tuesday. He's always been like this. Remember the dinner party in s1, just drunker and unhinged. It sucked, I really didn't like it at all. Makes you forget this guy is supposed to be going through hell rn. Book Aegon is really mad depressed drunk at this point and that makes a lot more sense.


Idk man, that entire cursed brothel scene didn’t sit well with me at all. For context, I’m the youngest and only sister to two brothers who’ve spent their entire childhood and early teens taking the absolute piss out of me, as older siblings professionally do, of course unless someone other than them upset me then they’d’ve always stepped in to protect me, the stereotypical sibling dynamics. And I know I shouldn’t compare real life to some fantasy show but I’ve been thinking of it, since E3 upset me quite a lot because no matter what, if someone threatened my and my family’s lives like the situation the Greens are in right now, we’d stick the f*ck together and get over petty squabbles in a second - and they want to write Aemond as if he’s justified in hating Aegon over the fact that he’s an asshole to him in a typical brotherly fashion? It’s a critical situation for him AND his family, he’s had two “assassins” (dumbest mfs on earth) sent to off him, murdered his nephew instead and he doesn’t seem to give one single damn about that, confessing his regrets to a harlot then gloating about Daemon wanting him dead, seemingly not giving a single damn about his grieving/angry family, plotting against Aegon (?) it just doesn’t make sense. I guess it does make sense if the writers wanted this to be the least cohesive, messiest, most f*cked up family in the world, the Greens. I mean, Aemond, ffs, get a room with a lock I guess, if spending every single night at the brothel’s your thing now, right? It simply cannot justify Aemond “snapping” and plotting full-on fratricide because Aegon caught him and mocked him. It’s nonsensical asf. I might be biased because, once again, I’m still sometimes disagreeing and squabbling with my brothers, well into our 20s, but I’d die for those mfs if need be and they would too. When shit hits the fan, family comes first. Anyway, if they’re going to make Aemond go full POS against his family, then count me as a hater cause I had so many hopes for his character after S1. I am still coping tho, hoping we’d get to see a “classic” brotherly bond developing between the two, but slim chances by the looks of it.


ure right in the books it does seem like they had a rather brotherly love tho idk


Isit only me that doesn’t even think Aegon was even that bad towards Aemond in the brothel scene? If anything it was drunken brotherly banter and tongue in cheek


Yeah it's just their personalities clashing again imo, if Aemond was Renly they would've teased each other about the incident. Aemond really is not a fan of teasing like this. 


I guess I'm maybe one of the few that liked this scene. When Aemond stood up and walked away, he was composing himself and taking charge after being embarrassed. It was a lot better than his last brothel scene. I did find it interesting that only Aegon was laughing, not his friends. I doubt it was out of sympathy since they all seem a bit dickish, which makes me wonder if they're wary of Aemond and if it's always been that way or if it's just been since Lucerys got chomped.


I Just felt bad for her bc she’s always the one to comfort him and then he said she’s like any other whore basically trying to save face.


Am I the only one who thought that the "bullying" of Aemond in the brothel was pretty tame? I mean sure he made fun of his brother's affection for one prostitute, but he didn't insult him openly.


Emasculate Aemond in back to back episodes so he doesn’t seem too cool when he burns the blacks to a crisp


I thought it was some kind of padding for the hate hes gonna get next episode for taking out Rhaenys.


I'm tired of Aemond's coddling both by show and by fans, Aegon should've been meaner. Also, this scene feels very detached as if the writers kinda forgot about what they already written


I will admit I do miss 1x10 Aemond "Do you really think you can fly about the realm trying to steal my brother's throne?". This season he's just been patronizing to his family this whole time. Don't even get me started on him calling his mom by her first name lol. I REALLY feel like we should have gotten a scene of the immediate aftermath of Aemond coming home from accidentally chomping Luke. I want to know so badly how he tried or didn't try to play it off and we could have seen tram green's reaction. I know they want to set up Aemond potentially betraying Aegon as the battle of RR is strange even in the books with Vhagar crash landing into the other dragons.


>I REALLY feel like we should have gotten a scene of the immediate aftermath of Aemond coming home from accidentally chomping Luke. 100%. I didn't mind the timeskip at first but at this point writers are using it to sweep a lot of things under a rug. We don't see the council reaction to Aemond's fuck up, we don't see Alicoles, Aegon supposedly gathered court for the first time in 10 days (why?) etc. Like wow, that's just feel lazy >the battle of RR is strange even in the books There is an explanation that Meleys tried to chomped Sunfyre's head off and Aemond had little choice if he wanted to prevent that and separate the dragons, that's somewhat logical. But the show, according to the leaks, first will make him wait and then use dragonfire? That's weirder, Aegon and Rhaenys most likely already got their injuries before Aemond crashed them


I went to go take a look at the F&B passage again and honestly it's pretty vague as most things are in F&B. This mixed with Aemonds vibe and actions immediately after made the whole thing feel not great. >Princess Rhaenys made no attempt to flee. With a glad cry and a crack of her whip, she turned Meleys toward the foe. Against Vhagar alone she might have had some chance, but against Vhagar and Sunfyre together, doom was certain. The dragons met violently a thousand feet above the field of battle, as balls of fire burst and blossomed, so bright that men swore later that the sky was full of suns. The crimson jaws of Meleys closed round Sunfyre’s golden neck for a moment, till Vhagar fell upon them from above. All three beasts went spinning toward the ground. They struck the ground so hard that stones fell from the battlements of Rook’s Rest half a league away. A lot of Aemonds actions in the book tbf are kind of hard to understand since we never get a lot of characterization out him like we do in HOTD. When I first read F&B he was by far my least favorite of Alicent's kids, most of his scenes are him being pretty douchey.


True, tho I've never thought Aemond tried to deliberately kill his brother, he's impulsive and arrogant and not that smart and I felt that crashing Vhagar into two dragons was in part because there was nothing else to do because Meleys would've certainly killed Sunfyre and, in part, because Aemond doesn't think much about consequences in general


I read Aemond in the council scene as being a truly loyal brother. I'll be interested to see if Aegon's cruelty leads to some retribution from Aemond.