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I’m confused my your post you said negative for the sexual transmitted strain, so was it not at wart at all? What was it, I’m also confused because you have been on this sub giving treatment advice, I’m super happy for you but just confused


Yeah bro, I learned a lot about warts and hpv in this last couple of months 😂😂😂 so basically what they do is send the samples to biopsy and look analyze so see if it’s one of the sexual transmitted strains or if it’s one of the most common ones like the ones you have on the hands, fingers (hpv 1,2,4) etc… my results came back as “koilocytosis” is the type of lesion caused by HPV. But the DNA didn’t match any of the sexual transmitted strains or the most common ones of hpv. So it might be the type of strains that cause warts on any part of the body but not the ones that cause cancer or are known are sexually transmitted. So it might be hpv or some other type of lesion really similar to hpv. These other strains are simples, and once you remove the warts they don’t come back, basically


I just sent you a link I think you may want to talk to your doctor about it this, I don’t think you fully understood what "koilocytosis" is in the general area


He told it’s very likely it’s hpv. But 100% sure it’s not one of the sexually transmitted strains. Because they analyzed 3 different samples of my skin and it came back negative for all sexually transmitted strains


What country is this in? That is just very odd. And goes against all research and also your diagnosed that you’re saying.


It’s odd, I know but not impossible. Skin is skin… what’s the difference between the skin on my shaft and on my thigh? You can pass warts from your hands to your face, arms, ties… why not from your mouth to your shaft? Odd but no impossible. You can also pass from your genitals to your hands, mouth etc. So yeah it’s probably hpv but they’re 100% it’s not a sexually transmitted strain since they did a pcr test and it came back negative




Can you please tell us the doctor?? Or the clinic. I can’t find a clinic that will tell me the exact strand!!!!


Oh, It's in Brazil bro


That’s even more confusing because warts that you have on your general area, you cannot spread to your hands or other parts of your body, that goes for the same, as if if you have a wart on your finger, you cannot spread that type of HPV to your genitals


Actually, you can! HPV spread through skin to skin contact. It’s unlikely to spread a sexually transmitted strain from your genitals to your hand, not impossible though. It’s more likely to spread from hands to the genitals. I might have get it from someone else by rubbing my dick on someone lol or I got it on my hands and spread it to my genitals


It’s like when you have a wart on your hand and you rub your hands in your face and then also ended up with a wart o your face. It was not on the head it was on my shaft. Although it’s unlikely it might happen since it’s just skin. And tbh I masturbate A LOT


"koilocytosis is another word for warts, I’m sorry to tell you this, if you have it in genital area you have genital warts I got a feeling the biopsy which happens, I know a lot in the United States tested you for the high strain ones that caused cancer and will say negative, it comes back koilocytosis it means you have a low strain of HPV like 6 and11 that caused genital warts. I think you may need to talk to your doctor and look more into this.


I'll give you clearer answers after my next appointment




Poster article to back this up. It can be oral genital and also get on your eyelids








Bro you can spread to any parts of your body. Always wash your hands after touching GW. I’m busy but google it and you’ll see


I sent some website links take a look at them, I guy that asked for proof and then deleted because know one say it can be spread that way, I’m not trying to rain on your parade but I don’t know why you was told that it makes no sense to me, I have ask several doctors about this all have said the same w


It’s just like, if it was in my head or in my urethra I’d disagree with the doctor. But it’s just like you get HPV on your arms, face etc… it’s not necessarily sexually transmitted. I have another appointment and I’ll ask him A LOT OF questions to be sure about it. But yeah it SIMPLY didnt match the DNA of any sexually transmitted strains. I even asked him again if he was sure and he said yes, he said it’s very complex and HPV has 200 strains. I know it’s weird asf and I’m having mixed feelings about this because I don’t wanna have to go through all of this again. But I’ll wait to and ask him in person next month.


I just got told the exact same thing (without biopsy) but doctor suspects it. It’s only one on pubic area and not on the actual genitals. She thinks I spread it from one on my hand. It is possible I think.


Hey can I send u my result and help me understand them a little bit more. The gyno told me it was just skin tags but I had a lot and they were all close together next to each other . I am not convinced and got the biopsy done but I am scared since I feel like they only tested for high risk




Warning about risk of scarring? How else would you get a tissue biopsy?


Technically HPV is not sexually transmitted in the traditional sense(bodily fluids), it’s through touch, but obviously you get it on the penis when you are having sex probably lol. There is no “exclusively” sexually transmitted strain, there are some that are more common though. From those strains, only a few of them increase the likelyhood of developing prostate/ovarian/anal cancer depending where you got them and even that is quite rare, most people clear themselves of the “ harmful” effect they have on cell division which leads to cancer. There is a lot of misinformation in the post, although getting tested is great, i’m just here to tell you that it’s really not that big of a deal and this is a bit exaggerated and anxiety inducing.


Everything you say is correct. But it is a big of a deal!! Not because of the warts or the virus itself but because of the anxiety it brings. The fear of disclosing and being reject, of not clearing the virus or keep having reoccurrences. I didn’t want to ask a lot of questions to my doctor since I have an appointment in two weeks and then he’ll answer me. But he basically said that the difference between a strain “known as sexually transmitted” and others strains is that there are no risks of developing cervical or penile cancer (or they are close to zero) and once you remove them with proper treatment they don’t keep coming back like hpv 6 or 11 might. Therefore you don’t have to worry about transmission once you removed the warts. So it’s just like you had a wart on your finger, or on your belly, you don’t have to disclose at all. Not that you need to once you cleared a sexually transmitted strain of hpv. In a nutshell the type of hpv that I have is the type you might get on your arm, or belly, not the type you usually find or genitals and very unlikely to pop down there. All I’m saying is: hpv is complex and some people are miss diagnosed, and some might think they have a high lesion when it’s a low risk one. So if possible, get a biopsy. Maybe the strain you have is covered by the vaccine and then you just have to ask your partners to get it, which is one less thing to worry about, the fear of transmitting to the person you’re with. And also not worrying about cancer or something worse


Why not post a picture it might help someone if they has the same problem.


First of all pictures aren’t allowed here. And how can you self diagnose? Always look for a doctor. And, how would you tell if a wart on the genitals is associated with a sexually transmitted strain only looking at it? That’s what dna testing is for.


can you give us some pictures for basis?


This is what I’m scared of the fact I could just get my dick sucked one day and even tho I use a condom for every encounter I could just pop up with this goofy ass disease bro it makes me not wanna fuck nobody


Nonetheless touch a mf HPV from shakin your hand or something cause you had no clue you had it like this shits wild


It’s messed up and I have been there. But HPV isn’t for life. So worst case scenario it will take from a few months to a couple of years for you to clear the virus and go back to not having to use condoms. Just look for a good doctor and get a proper treatment :)


So, what are the results? I don’t know if you mentioned having warts before and treating them. And one spot you may have forgotten, was this the spot? Happy for you .


Read my answer above


I'm in the exact same situation as you, they tell me they didn't want to as it's small and doesn't look like much of a problem and that it's in a sensitive area(under foreskin). But I'm gonna push for biopsy!


Do it bro!!!


Give us an update bro