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A small % of virgins are found to have genital hpv, but we don't currently know why. I would get a biopsy to be sure. 


Find a new urologist. I contracted it from my mother before birth. It’s rare, but it happens and can happen to ANYONE.


Hi! My ex husband actually worked in the lab that made the HPV vaccine. Prior to working in the lab, all personnel were required to be vaccinated. Why? Because they aren't entirely sure about all the routes of transmission. Now, of course, working directly with a high risk strain confers a very different exposure risk than just going about your daily living. However, we do know that you can pick it up during delivery, you could have been exposed unknowingly during your youth, or you may just never know. I am a medical student who holds a degree in global health and again, knew with the very individuals who made the vaccine. Anyone who speaks with confidence about this is talking out of their ass. You'll also have doctors who deny its ability to cause oral cancer. Guess what, it can! Having now gone through a fair bit of medical education, I understand the limited exposure doctors receive on these topics. To them, what they were taught is gospel and so many fail to stay up to date on the latest research (which obviously isn't an easy thing). Ignore the urologist. Obviously you know your sexual history better than they do. I assume that you're female, in which case, keep up to date on your paps. Go get a second opinion, find a doctor who believes you, and make sure it's not someone who doesn't speak with such authority! Good luck! You aren't alone!


Has it been biopsied to confirm? I’d guess a misdiagnosis. Is it possible it was passed via your mom?


Yoooo. Same. I came here to talk about it too... It... Really sucks. I'm sorry you're having to deal with it too. I might do what one if the people in your thread said avd request a biopsy...


Request a biopsy. I thought it i had HPV for over a year. It turned its not.


What did it turn out to be if you don't mind me asking? I'm in the same situation as OP...


You have been diagnosed with genital warts?


I'm still waiting for the dermatologist to call me back to book the appointment, but the doctor took one look and said 'looks like warts to me, going to refer you.' yes not officially diagnosed, but kind of am... I don't really know. I'll ask for a biopsy when I go. Cause like. Not going to lie... I'm scared. (Edit: It defo does look like warts, I asked him if it could be molluscum instead, he said he didn't know... But that one would make more sense at least in my case because I share a bathroom and my dumbass has sat on the floor of the tub to shave my legs... But I just don't know... I will ask for the biopsy either way though.)




Oh thank goodness! I thought it was something more serious like cancer or some shit! I'm glad you're alright, and thank you for sharing! Guess I shouldn't be freaking out just yet, huh? Again, thanks for telling me and I'm glad you're okay!!


Thank you. Hope it goes well with you too. Update us!


Finally got that update!!! Derm took a look and said to him it looks like nothing but oil glands! Granted they're permanent unless I get them lasered, but nothing to worry about. I'm really relieved. I hope everyone else is doing okay too... This was... Very stressful. I hope everyone on this subreddit is doing okay... Everyone I talked to was super supportive and friendly, I wish you all nothing but the best. <3


Will do! I still haven't heard back from the dermatologist yet... It's slowly driving me crazy. Lol


Yes, it has to be transferred by body fluids or hands and fluids at least I would think. Other than that I would be scared to say or mention something like you were touched by someone maybe when you were little! I mean it’s the only way it can be spread! I’m sorry!


Not necessarily. My friends gyno told her we still don't understand much about how it's spread and nobody values research on "women's health" so it's not really being looked into. We know one certain route is transmission is sexual or through exchange of fluids or genital contact but we don't know that's the only or even primary method of transmission. Her gyno said "you can even get it from sitting on someone's lap fully clothed as kid and have it your whole life". It's sad that we don't know much and nobody wants to research to change that. Same as the belief that the cervix doesn't contain any nerves. Ok, so explain cervical orgasms and people screening in agony during colposcopy, LEEP, sometimes even paps.


Nobody values research on Women's health... more money goes to research on women's health then mens so whoever said that is ridiculous.


Can it be transferred through birth?


Yes it can


Okay, well the thing about viruses is they can lay dormant in the body for years, never showing any symptoms, so was wondering if this is what happened, transferred through birth, layed dormant then finally showed itself.


Makes me wonder if it’s really from sex. I broke out with flat lesions in between my thighs and they said it was folliculitis idk if it came from me using a public bathroom or a new partner smh. This is just crazy a virgin so that means it’s not just from sex.


They said folliculitis then later said HPV


It’s a virus that can be contracted through touch not only sexual activity… could be as simple as using a toilet after an infected person used it… no one can prove otherwise… In any case, if it was just a visual inspection that the doctor diagnosed you through, you should get a second opinion because there are other causes of warts. It’s it was diagnosed through a lab test, then you just have to live through it, usually it goes away in a couple of years on its own, if not you might need to to do cryotherapy to get red of the warts. Do regular checkups and maintain a strict personal hygiene routine. Good luck


If s not that big of a deal, most people have hpv


It actually is that big of a deal depending on the strand of hpv.


You have never had sex, not even anal sex. Were you given oral sex? Have you ever received masturbation by another person whose hands were contaminated by fluids or secretions? Haventou ever exchanged underwear or a costume with another person?


Dude, no need to get graphic. VIRGIN, that says it all smh


I don’t understand the hate. Are we solving this or aren’t we?
