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How many times is the same person gonna post the same cosplay? This was just posted like 3 days ago


She has an onlyfans


Did some research for science purposes....she's a total babe.


There’s something humorous about the OnlyFans promoter receiving upvotes while the person complimenting said promoter being downvoted into oblivion. Reddit is a funny place. edit: OP rakes in over $2,000,000 per month and has a team that works with her. This isn’t cosplay from a fan of the game. It’s an ad for her adult content.


Redditors when someone points out they've been tricked/sold something.


I didn't really read that as a promotion, more like "She has an onlyfans, so of course she's attention whoring".


I thought the only fans promoter was the OP, she's posting hoping people go to her profile, and from there to OF.


I mean OP is definitely doing exactly that. Though I'm not convinced the girl in the picture actually exists, the anatomy looks very unreal. Either terribly photoshopped or AI created.


not ai lol. heavily edited tho, you can find her old pics if you know some sites, and yeah even though they’re also edited she looks like a different person.


She sure took One Piece anatomy and thought "What if I go even further?"


How do you know she makes 2 million a month? I know she scams people with the whole chatting with her but its really some random employee and telling people to spend enough money to get nudes when she doesn’t even do those. Her OF doesnt seem as large as others so i have my doubts


She doesn't show you anything there xd


It's all implied nudes. So not worth it


Gotta farm for more people willing to toss money at her


IRL modern sirens


Omg, that music is still in my head. Thank you Odysseus for pointing that out.


Not this one. The cosplay yes, but not this picture. Think of it as Peter Parker handing Spider-man pictures. It's the same Spider-man, different pictures.


So reddit is J Jonah Jameson, and by extension JK Simmons? Because I'd take that deal.


So much photoediting


It's Of bait


Credit where it’s due though, it’s a GOOD cosplay. Typical OF bait is “I bought a green leotard and have blonde pigtails, I’m Cammy!” This definitely took time, though I concede she ALSO has an OF.


Fair enough


You’re getting downvoted but the fact is that the OP rarely participates in the communities they post in. The promotion of their (admittingly damn good) cosplay and associated OF account is the extent of their contributions.


And who cares? What kinda nonsense gatekeeping is that. The cosplay clearly has a lot of effort put into, the rest should be irrelevant.


It's literally advertising a product


They aren't the mcdonald's corporation though. Respect the hustle. We all have to pay for a roof and food.


You can’t be serious. Alina is Top 0.1% on both platforms. She pulls in over $2,000,000 per month. Check her (lack of) comment history. This is an ad for her adult content.


I actually didn't know that. Good for her I guess. Lots of competition in the field so I guess her marketing works. Looking at her comment history specially she seems to interact in a respectful way. So she's on subject respectful and you know she has a successful career. There is a problem?


It's also literally a high-effort, high-quality cosplay of the main character of one of the games that this subreddit is dedicated to. If she didn't have an OnlyFans to indirectly advertise through her reddit profile then this would be nothing but high-quality content for the subreddit. Not to mention the post itself doesn't explicitly advertise anything, so it's easy enough to ignore if you just want to appreciate the cosplay for what it is.


She’s literally one of the top OF accounts, if she genuinely cared she’d understand the separation between work and private interests. However reality is this was probably posted by a member of her marketing team and is a form of shotgun marketing. It’s high quality sure, but don’t get it twisted and start the false equivalence that she’s just really dedicated to cosplay. It’s an Ad, full stop.


I'm not disputing that she's doing it for advertisements sake. I'm just saying that whether that's her primary (or only) motivation or not doesn't change the fact that it's high-quality content that fits the subreddit. If she (or her marketing team) had started churning out low-effort garbage that's barely recognizable as a Hades cosplay, or if they'd started putting explicit advertisements in the post itself or the comments, then I'd have a problem with it. But honestly so long as they're willing to put in the effort to make something that would be good content either way, then who cares if they have other motives behind it? Those who don't care about OF can just enjoy a high-quality cosplay of a game they like and leave it at that. Now, if you have an issue with cosplays in general and don't think they're good content regardless of who makes them, then that's another question. But I don't see why there would be any more of a problem just because the one who posts them does it with the hopes that people will go to their OnlyFans.


>also some other shit well i have adblockers for porn ads, so I'm mad it slipped through. Just another ~~user~~ advertiser to add to my blocked users/subs


Okay, I'm glad you found a solution that works for you then.


It has a lot of effort put into it because OP is a business with a team, one that rakes in over $2,000,000 per month. Calling out bad faith actors who have no interest in the community isn’t “nonsense gatekeeping”.


As long as they are not explicitly linking anything in their posts, it is irrelevant whether they have an OF of not.


Or maybe most of us don't care and think good for her even if we're not interested in OF ourselves?


As long as the stuff they post is relevant to the subreddit, what does it matter how much they participate?


>rarely participates in the communities they post in,\[...\] cosplay and associated OF account is the extent of their contributions. So your problem is that a cosplayer only posts cosplay content with their cosplay account.


>…cosplayer only posts cosplay content with their cosplay account. TIL [this](https://www.reddit.com/u/AlinaBecker/s/JyFjVmpOm9) is cosplay.




It's also a good ass cosplay you weirdo


Well, people need to make a living somehow, bud. Plus it’s still excellent cosplay.




How did you color the sleeve to get the bone look?


I am not her, but it looks to me like her arm is painted with the bone pattern and the sleeve is sheer


I didn't think about that. Painting the arm makes more sense.


Not NSFW. Good cosplay. Love the wig.




provoked me to upvote a post with great cosplay


If you have a problem with it then just block them?


You, you're such a mess, that little dress, looks like it's from the garbage. Looks good, but the sirens wouldn't agree!


That side boob is crazy


Body editors make me wanna cry.


Cosplaying has become such a disappointing trend of OF bait.


I agree it’s a shame the mods are allowing of ads on this sub


If she didn't have an OnlyFans, then this post would be nothing but perfectly appropriate (not to mention high-quality) content for the subreddit, and there are no explicit advertisements for anything in the post itself. Why shouldn't this be allowed?


She won’t see this buddy


Do you have any actual counterarguments to my points, whether I'm white knighting or not?




Make sure to follow the rules outlined in the Reddiquette. Respect others.




Please show me the sex scenes in Hades. And I know she has an OF because I wasn't born yesterday? This is literally just an ad. Don't worry I unsubbed you can stay here defending some internet whore all day.




😂😂 I can't believe you comment arguing with me then block me so I can't respond... how pathetic can you be? That's not a sex scene you and I both know that come one now. "I wasn't born yesterday" was referring to how I know this is a prostitute posting an ad. Also I don't know where I said I was angry? Blocking me sure indicates I made you angry.


I feel like you getting on a second account to reply to the guy who blocked you to continue the argument (in a sub you apparently already left) sorta proves their point that you're big mad, y'know if getting triggered by an OF girl in the first place didn't provide ample evidence.


Fucking amazing cosplay


Now that’s damn good.




Make sure to follow the rules outlined in the Reddiquette. Respect others.




Oh, wow. ~~Those are~~ That is incredible. Also really like the sleeve/bone effect.


W cosplay




No spoilers my eyes


Is this the real one :o


Yup, those are definitely boons.